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File: 125 KB, 720x720, delusional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8843653 No.8843653 [Reply] [Original]

Will there be another bull run in 2018?
Pic related; I think crypto has become delusional.

>> No.8843695

A bunch of chinks in the woods managed to hold off the US for 20 years, using technology from the 50s. There are more guns than people in the US. There is 0 chance the government could police the entire county if the people turned against them

>> No.8843705

>Government is going to bomb its own cities

top kek

>> No.8843732

So what you're saying is, no bull run?

>> No.8843745

The opposite. Bitcoin will hit 40k this year, and we may see the largest altcoin run yet.

>> No.8843770

That seems really far fetched considering the situation we've been in for about four months now. Do you have any rationale to back that up?

>> No.8843916

Not him, but the same reason it went from $1k to $20k.

>> No.8843934

You'll have to make a pretty compelling argument for me to agree that it'll do this again for no reason this year

>> No.8843970

No chance. There will be small uptrends like we have seen. We may very well even see 15k this year. But no normie fueled bull run or ATH. Basically not possible after this correction. However, in 2019 and 2020 it is possible for a big snapback. Or even worse days. Who knows. But 2018 is for the day traders. Holders should forget about their money until 2020 at earliest unless they hear massive fud.

>> No.8843990
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That's exactly what they want you to think.

>> No.8843993

How many humans can that raptor kill in one day?

Answer: not enough to make any fucking difference whatsoever in a civil war

>> No.8843995

I hope it goes back below 1000$, or to zero preferably. Not invested, I just hate bitcoins for totally irrational reasons.

>> No.8843997

le epic bog meme

>> No.8844009

>That pic

Good job murdering all your citizens. Now you're king of the wasteland. It's like some people never think things through

>> No.8844034

Only a small minority can become rich from bitcoin. That's how shorting workx except you are delusional enough to believe any market will adopt bitcoin as standard. Im still baffled how you retards don't understand this.

>> No.8844107

>We may very well even see 15k this year
Seems really doubtful to me at this point

>> No.8844453
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>> No.8844466

Cute. What is this, the 8k-20k chart?

>> No.8844555

BTC shorts-order

>> No.8844563

Oh, how do you interpret this then? Does ever-increasing shorters mean an eventual ridiculous squeeze, or is it simply so obvious that we're tanking that everyone is shorting?

>> No.8844565

please please please this guy be right

>> No.8844590

I make the afterburners for the f22
Being killed by one would be the ultimate ironic statement

>> No.8844601

Wouldn't you get killed by a missile, not the engine?

>> No.8844647

Maybe, but maybe not until early 2019.

>> No.8844670

were there drones piloted by AI back then?
Internet connected devices?
satellites that could see their slanted eyes through the trees?

>> No.8844703
File: 52 KB, 640x360, 1523288511020_1523380154484_5312587_ver1.0_640_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fries your satellites
Nothing personal Military Industrial Complex

>> No.8844715

If you get in at the peak, the person who short make the most money. If you short at the bottom, the person who buys makes the most money.

>> No.8844751

sweet jesus all these newfags need to go

>m-muh 4 months! it's over!!!

>> No.8844807

lol i'm not a newfag and it hit literally 20k
take a step back for a moment

>> No.8844810

This year’s bull run will be the largest is history.

>> No.8844818

I have to believe that people who say this have barely any skin in the game and/or are just hoping if they say it enough, it will become true

>> No.8844836 [DELETED] 

>Good job murdering all your citizens.

You don't need to kill ALL the citizens, r-tard. What you do is you label your enemies as terrorists/communists/homosexuals/Chinese/Russian/Muslims/Democrats/Republicans (depending on your choice) and the majority will hunt down the persecuted minority with the help of the government, for free, out of feeling of "civic, patriotic duty". Rinse, repeat.

Did the Federal government killed all the citizens during the Civil War? During the McCarthy era? During Vietnam War protests?
Of course not. Just tell the majority that the enemies of the government are "domestic terrorists", with the help of the MSM, and that's it.

>> No.8844886

>Good job murdering all your citizens.

You don't need to kill ALL the citizens, r-tard. What you do is you label your enemies as terrorists/communists/homosexuals/Chinese/Russians/Muslims/Democrats/Republicans/Bernie supporters (depending on your choice) and the majority will hunt down the persecuted minority with the help of the government, for free, out of feeling of "civic, patriotic duty". Rinse, repeat.

Did the Federal government kill all the citizens during the Civil War? During the McCarthy era? During Vietnam War protests?
Of course not. Just tell the majority that the enemies of the government are "domestic terrorists", with the help of the MSM, and that's it. The people will do it.

>> No.8844914


Mt. Gox's ghost stands in your way.

>> No.8844968

I also make the burner cans for their missiles.

>> No.8845388


I don't think that the government could control the people with the military. There's just too much technology and weaponry already in possession of civilians

>> No.8845539

>I don't think that the government could control the people with the military.

You don't control people withe the military. That's the method of the 20th century and even then it didn't work properly.

Now you control then with the MSM and with the fear of losing their job/status/trinkets etc if they will dare to 'swim against the current'. Works so much better.

>> No.8845581

Nah. The "people", if they really want to revolt, are unstoppable unless we're talking about serious skynet scenario. Military consists of people too, and for any sizable-enough revolt will involve defectors/"true patriots" too. Also, controlling a populace in the middle of guerrilla warfare isn't that easy, just ask those supposedly victorious American troops right after Saddam was overthrown. "Mission accomplished" my ass.

>> No.8845620

You do realize terrorists have done essentially the same thing since the 90s?

You can't bomb an insurgency, nimrods.

Eth $1k Q3 2018.

>> No.8845659

ITT retards that think the government would use jets and bombs against its own cities and citizens.

Liberals are really fucking retarded gosh..

>> No.8845683

>OP thinks wars are won with guns. No "morale" in any of his thinking. His logic can't explain things like Vietnam or Korea.

>> No.8845730

yeah no guns in vietnam

>> No.8845948

Can drones enforce a curfew or go door to door looking for weapons?

>> No.8846064

So over 100% gains on btc this year with no bull run right now. I’m ok with that

>> No.8846353

are you fucking stupid.
the market goes up and down.
kill yourself faggot.

Have a Haiku you faggot. you are saying that since the market is going down
its going to keep going down. It sounds
like you don't have any rational

I would recommend selling and never coming back here if that is how you actually think.

>> No.8846485

>when you have only ben in crypto since 2017

>> No.8846627

>Also, controlling a populace in the middle of guerrilla warfare isn't that easy, just ask those supposedly victorious American troops right after Saddam was overthrown
did the average iraqi support saddam?

>> No.8846667

>desperately hanging onto the hope that we're not headed right back to $800 BTC

>> No.8847042

You gay cunts have been listening to too much Alex Jones

>> No.8847047

oh fug pls mr irs man don't shoot off some flares over my house

>> No.8847571


>> No.8847608
File: 220 KB, 872x886, 1520144792905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your 2nd grade understanding of human conflict

>> No.8847625

Americans willing to fight for muh freedom are fat lard arses and basement dwelling virgins who day dream about fighting but in reality would just shit themselves and surrender or suicide

>> No.8847631

remember when we won in afghanistan and everyone got to come home? OH RIGHT WE'RE STILL FUCKING THERE BECAUSE SAME PROBLEM

>> No.8847657

>I need screencaps from pol because I'm too stupid to formulate my own thoughts

>> No.8847667

The deep state created crypto currency

>these guys don't really fail and have a track record of a couple thousand years.

>> No.8847688

>Will there be another bull run in 2018?

He hasn't noticed it already began.

>> No.8847705

Or maybe because we can save a fuck load of time this way instead having to explain to you retards a million times by taking two seconds to post a screen cap only. I noticed you deflected super hard with that low IQ comment that failed to address the finer points of that screen cap. Got any counter-arguments or screencaps of your own? No? Awesome, no run along and finish your homework like a good little 13 year old.

>> No.8847725

It will only go up if there's a new capital influx of coin buyers. Everyone in the techie 20 something crowd already maxed out, so it'd have to be big business.

>> No.8847742

Its 2018 and social engineering/psyological warfare is beyond what most can imagine
Theres no need for police to kick down doors at 3am in the morning

Next argument

>> No.8847743


>> No.8847746

we're still there for the opium and rare earth minerals

>> No.8847748

Not to mention everyone in ourmilitary is pro-guns and mostly conservative. What fucking military do they feel will help subdue their own families? You need a corrupt, politicized police force to do this. A fucking military would be USELESS when the military is full of people who would jump at the chance to defend the constitution from low IQ commie retards.

>> No.8847753
File: 40 KB, 620x827, i887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah what a crazy idea that would never happen

>> No.8847754
File: 69 KB, 1071x561, 1522479692007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is original anyway, why waste the time to type it all out again if a macro suffices with much less effort wasted you retard.

oh my bad, i'm sure everything you've ever posted on the internet is oc right? how "intelligent" of you

>> No.8847780

2016 election proved otherwise. The social engineering dam has been cracked. It is not as indestructible as previously thought to be. EU is fragmenting over commies and mudslimes. Everyone has come to terms with the kikes false flagging gas attacks every time we suggest we pull out. Scurry along, JIDF.

>> No.8847786
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking hate people like you. Normally I don't really mean it when I tell people to kys, but I really genuinely hope you kys.

>> No.8847806

>Its 2018 and social engineering/psyological warfare is beyond what most can imagine
>Theres no need for police to kick down doors at 3am in the morning

OK PACK IT UP BOYS, YOU HEARD HIM. No more search warrants needed, no more raids. He figured out social engineering/psychological warfare/other misc bullshit buzzwords, so I guess that makes all police forces irrelevant and obsolete. good jab guys!!!!

>> No.8848011

Military are brain washed and drugged into doing whatever they are ordered

>> No.8848152

The value lies in the
Power and costly equipment, that
Is dedicated in the name of
Mining and security.

Across the objects of the night sky, soon,
We will see the ascent of
The shadow of The King, and
Thereafter, the form from which the
Shadow is projected—and many will
Remark, the disparity of form
And shadow.
Hanging over Earth, as the sun
To his back, he shall demand greater
Devotion—though, his shadow
Shall cover all.

>> No.8848206

What is Tulsa?

>> No.8848249

a bunch of farmers with ak47's beat the amerimutts...

>> No.8848255

No. First all major exchanges need block trades and fiat on ramps. Then the few hold outs need to get blacklisted or raided by the SEC. Then a month or two before the ETFs are allowed in, it can run. This will take time and, no, DEXes will not have enough liquidity to control the market.

>> No.8848388

Honestly, /pol/ shouldn't be allowed on this board

>> No.8848530

>assad bombing his own people
big brained news watcher here, folks

>> No.8848550

Why would he bomb his own people?
Oh and friendly reminder America knew pearl Harbor would be attacked 12 hours before it happened

>> No.8848581

my point was that he *didn't* bomb his own people. Look what I was replying to

>> No.8848615

Why do shitlibs fantasize about the US military firebombing its own populous and large tracts of its own beautiful land? Do they just love burning and mayhem?

>> No.8848641


>> No.8848678

>I really think you should KYS because you disagree with me about something

>> No.8848692

>Oh and friendly reminder America knew pearl Harbor would be attacked 12 hours before it happened
nice alex jones tier nonsense bro

>> No.8848777

i see you on /k/ all the time

you bought crypto?

>> No.8848790
File: 625 KB, 2400x2414, 1523409035570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k BTC by july, if it ever reaches a new low it won't be till after that
BCH pump in may

>> No.8848796

what us iraq, afghanistan, syria

fucking retard

>> No.8848800
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot drug addicts Mao..

>> No.8848833

jee wiz a whole 10k?

>> No.8848877

>Implying people won't buy up bitcoin if it were to get that low
>implying there wouldn't be so many buyers that they would have to bid a higher price to compete
>implying people will actually sell that low when they could sell for higher
>implying you know what a market is

>> No.8848896

Except that the US gov wouldnt be waging a conventional war against its own people who are also the people in the military, also good luck policing the streets with F22's

>> No.8848945

kek stay delusional

>> No.8848952



>> No.8849037

Based off 2014 where it went from 400 to 600, similar % gain would be around 10k.

>> No.8849052

Wow, lambos are in our future heh heh heh

>> No.8849090

Australia radioed through to american bases after Darwin was hit

>> No.8849101

thus, ...

>> No.8849204

(10 months later)

>> No.8849229
File: 3.46 MB, 1922x1098, RipmoonCreditNebula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in this maybe

>> No.8849323

hey r-tard, this line of argumentation has nothing to do with fighter jets

>> No.8849798

pretty ebin, just bought 100k!

>> No.8849909

Because Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria... were full blown successes

>> No.8850195

How about them GPU prices?

>> No.8850249

Ragtag 50 IQ Muslim defense with guns: Afghanistan
10 year old chink girl defense with guns: Vietnam

Defense without guns: Auschwitz, Angkor Wat
A base minimum of 25% of the armed forces would defect in case of a civil war

Gun confiscation leads to cucked countries like UK where it is illegal to speak out against Islam on Twitter.
It's also illegal to make crude jokes. But it IS legal to mass rape 12 year old girls if your skin is brown.

>> No.8851248

Private guns are banned in Vietnam

>> No.8851287

trust me, bull run, req and link go parabolic.

>> No.8851305

Not only that, but the whole world would suddenly send volunteers and support groups they like.
Using the US as playground, everything going down the shitter for the government.

>> No.8851438

The only place we would bomb is California. From Frisco on down to the wall.