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8839799 No.8839799 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>24 years old
>Did an apprenticeship in agriculture
>Worked a few years in this field
>Hated it, also shit money
>Started studying computer science half a year ago
>okay in coding, but fuck up math

I honestly feel devastated. Drove home from uni today and even cried because it seems like I am a fucking dumb piece of shit and will never get that degree and always live like a subhuman.
I honestly already thought about killing myself, but that's not the right way out neither I guess. At least not yet.

>> No.8839817

Drop it and take something that you are accually good at. Trust me. You will make more money

>> No.8839819

Keep trying, fuck the world. Get strong.

>> No.8839823

grow weed.

>> No.8839829

do webdev, angular or react. There's no math, you'll become a literal codemonkey that earns good money

>> No.8839846

if you are stupid, the stupidest thing you could do it try to be smart. Does that make sense? Of course not you're stupid.

But lets work with what we have. You're not fucked yet.

1. smoke jumper - chicks dig it and you get to do something interesting but its hard
2. cell tower repairman - tons of travel, decent pay
3. welder - people can't seem to get enough of these guys. If the global economy breaks down further then demand will skyrocket further

Basically, stop fighting uphill. Pick your battles.

>> No.8839862
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>Did an apprenticeship in agriculture
>Worked a few years in this field

>> No.8839949

op if you're reading this, going the web dev route is good for those who hate math. learn design shit instead.

>> No.8840083

Thanks anons for the good words.
I guess I'll try to finish the semester then, and if it doesn't get better, I'll become a codemonkey.
First time that I really struggle at something so far. Guess I have to get used to it a bit more

>> No.8840108

look man, you have to find your passion or you're just going to be miserable in a job you don't enjoy for the rest of your life. it took me 5 years of trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone as much as possible to find my passion in life.

>> No.8840236

Yeah anon, that's a good point.
I have to admit, that the pay I would get afterwards, was a big factor for choosing it. But what I'd rather do is finding my real passion and go fucking all in on it.
But I don't really know how, or when it will happen. I've travelled to more than a dozen countries so far, met locals and many other travellers, lived in Australia for 8 month, away from everybody I know, but nothing really helped me to find out, what my real passion is.

>> No.8840289
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>> No.8840788

Just put in work and you'll get there unless you're truly stupid. Which I doubt. You don't speak like a moron, anyways. You can outwork people, especially today with 10,000 things you can do at once and low attention spans. Get off 4chan and get going, you are wasting time here.

>> No.8840833
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>>okay in coding, but fuck up math
Don't worry 80% of software devs code up CRUDs for their entire careers. BUT if you want to get better - identify the holes in your math knowledge and fill them in. They might go as far back as algebra or trigonometry which will destroy any chance of learning calculus. Learn discrete math and linear algebra on your own. That will allow you to understand how things like 3D graphics work for example. the world is too much of a wonderful place to be experiencing it as a brainlet

>> No.8841734

You simply need to overcome masturbation.
Until you overcome this, you're destined to fail at everything in life.

>> No.8841763

In high school I was kicking my head on my desk and crying because I couldn't understand matrices. I hated math. Then at uni, by studying computer science and taking it SLOW, taking care to learn every abstraction before attacking to larger and more abstract problems, everything became easy, I just had to learn patience.

>> No.8841783

welding is high demand, the money is in big fabrications like buildings or automotive

sure you can demand a shit ton of money but also be expected to work long hours away for upto 6 months and/or in dangerous sites

not to bad for a kid, no good for an old timer like me.

>> No.8841805

And also, passion is something you build. Travelling will never make you discover a passion, it will never help you sort your life out. Passion is not written in your dna. Yes we have things like men are more attracted to system and women to people, but you have to build your passion. Become good at something and proud of what you build with your new knowledge