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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8836020 No.8836020 [Reply] [Original]

If we all would eat healthy food, fresh fruits and vegetables and mostly fresh chicken, we wouldnt need to work as much and still have the ability to profit from the technologies.

Eating healthy means we dont need to produce all the processed foods. Just look at supermarkets, their are thousands of processed foods. Their are literally billions of people who work in the production of these foods. The transport, the factory workers, managers, graphic designers,...

Also healthy eating leads to being healthier which means we would need less doctors, less dentists, less pharmacies, less drugs, etc
Also heathy eating has a positive effect on your psychology.

Now we use these billions of people who work to produce some garbage food and distribute them in producing useful things, like technology. Result is that we need to work less hours.

Working less hours has a positive effect on your physical and psychological health because of less stress.

Also people will look healthier and wont need as much cosmectic. So also the cosmetic industry will plummet.

Now thats just with eating healthy food. If we would erase all the useless jobs we would also need to work less.

Seriously, are most of you people retarded? You are all chasing the money and destroying yourselves while we could all live healthier and work less.

What is it about working yourselves to death, eating garbage that makes you physical and mentally sick and live a miserable life that makes people want to live that way? I know most people are fucking retarded but seriously most of you should kill themselves for being absolutely retarded.

>> No.8836033
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post score fags


>> No.8836040

I got 141 on this one but I took it a few months ago faggot

>> No.8836044

Unfortunately, it is cost prohibitive at this time to have everyone in the world eat healthy. Plus our palates are hopelessly fucked from all of the sheer manipulation found in our foods. Healthy food doesn’t taste good to a lot of people because they are used to a chemical product instead of the real thing.

>> No.8836063

This is what I mean when I say retarted.

Just start eating healthy and in one month you will feel better and it will taste better.

Ohh we are used to garbage food and destroying ourselves so just continue doing it. I hate every single one of you. Every mass shooting is justified

>> No.8836100

We can't even contain the number of heroin junkies, good luck getting people off oreos.

>> No.8836119

the funny thing is if people would get propper heroin they would be healthier than people eating oreos. You oreo eating motherfuckers are reason I have to live such a shitty life, you are subhumans.

>> No.8836124

Tell me what to eat then.

>> No.8836136

Not everyone can afford to work less hours.

>> No.8836138

In the morning I eat fruits. for lunch I eat potatoes, fries, rice and chicken or shit like that, in the evening I eat a whole bowl of salad with paprika, tomatoes, cucumber, two different oils, two eggs and more depending what I have.

I am completely heathly and look younger than most people.

>> No.8836148

you see thats another example of being retarded. You didnt get what I wrote didnt you?

every day I watch documentaries about mass murderers and serial killers because I couldnt endure the pain of this world without them doing good deeds

>> No.8836205
File: 22 KB, 861x500, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were there any instructions, i just clicked start and starting just picking the pictures i thought looked like they fit. is that all?

>> No.8836234

The only iq test you need is my thread.

If you understand what I have written in my first post and think I am right your iq is above 120.
If you understand what I have written but dont agree, your iq is between 115 and 90.
If you dont even understand what I have written, your iq is below 90.

Two of the groups should kill themselves, guess which?

>> No.8836241


Keep in mind that this test in particular measure visual intelligence and pattern recognition, and that there are many different types of intelligence not measured by this test.

This is the test they give to non-verbal superautists that are also genius.

>> No.8836274
File: 13 KB, 590x351, USD-1787-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central banks reduce the value of fiat currency 3% faster than the rate consumer goods are getting cheaper so that you can never stop working until you are allowed to access superannuation or a pension

Central banks control the supply of money to maintain full employment i.e we print money so you cant stop working

>> No.8836275
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1523140542507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh less peepul working less shitty food jobs means more in tech durrrrrr
Or it means more people out of a job, you fucking poor grammar dickhead. We have more tech jobs than ever and too many idiots to fill the positions. Ironically, do you know what the only job hard to fill positions for is? Nurses and doctors. Guess what happens with less sick people? Low IQ retard alert, OP. Wee woo wee woo.

>> No.8836281

If the demand for healthy food was greater than junk food then we would need to produce more healthy food so those billions of people would just move into healthy food production and processing to keep up with demand. nothing would change and we wont see less working hours until ai and robotics become more advanced

>> No.8836320

You dont understand it. If we all would drink water and tea. Then we dont need to produce more water. To make one liter cola you need 2 liter water.

And no. Instead of taking the meat and delivering it immeadiately to you it gets delivered in factories where it all gets processed.
Instead of delivering the fruits just to you they get to factories where they get processed etc

Of course we would need to produce more healthy food but it wouldnt be difficult to to it and we definitely would need less than 20 % of the people currently working in this industry.

English is my fourth language and I write very fast without checking what I have written. I dont give a fuck kill yourself you fucking worthless low iq subhuman.

But they can only do it because people are retarded

>> No.8836346

>I write without checking what I have written
I would too if I had nothing to say.

>> No.8836366

Let me guess you are fat fucking degenerate that eats garbage food all day. Just take a look in the mirror. Eating garbage food is equal to being a drug junkie. You know the feeling when you see a drugged up junkie who looks like human garbage. Thats the same feeling I get when I see you. You are a subhuman next to me.

>> No.8836426

exactly I have never been able to explain it to anyone. It is unironically as big an implication as realizing you're in the matrix

>> No.8836433

I remember when I was 15 and needed an outlet. You do know the entire world knows about healthy food, water costs, labor costs and the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise, right? This isn't some new and brilliant revelation, moron. This has been common knowledge for centuries now. People aren't going to change because some Estonian pissant just finally discovered it for himself and decided to tell people on 4chan that are like, "Yeah, no shit, retard." The effects getting rid of mass food would eventually level itself out, but you're deluded if you think it would mean less work overall and some magical happier world.

>> No.8836458

It definitely would mean less work and a healthier happier world. But I have sacrifize my life so degenerate people like you that hate themselves can destroy their body with billions of different candybars and soda while getting diabetes and then living on my pay. kys

I really cant understand how people wouldnt prefer living a healthier balanced life more time for your family etc.

>> No.8836523

what central banks are doing is the equivalent of asking you to throw away 80% of your wealth every decade so that we can maintain the production capacity of the economy

>> No.8836538
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>> No.8837031

Wages have been nearly frozen since the previous recession and cost of living keeps increasing so lower wage jobs are becoming a terrible position to be in. You can't go on a vacation, eat out, save money or god forbid start a family. My employer expects me to work 55 to 70 hours a week with zero security and It's killing me. Fairly young and working myself to death in pharma logisitics where most of the customers are people who have lived through the second world war.

>> No.8837148

I scored an iq score of 125 and I just woke up.

Am I gunna make it?

>> No.8837161

---> there
---> fewer

OP, you are the one who is retarded. Now fuck off.

>> No.8837222

Understand the system we are born into. People being healthy is not part of the plan. The plan is to depopulate earth and not to increase longevity of humans. Those who truly understand the system can make it in life.

>> No.8837250

we are gonna make it. i got 132

>> No.8837259

>I'm inteligent
>Every day I sit in front of a screen and watch moving images

>> No.8838065

jesus christ... no wonder most people still have to work for a living... and most of you will have to 'til the day you die.
you're supposed to be the generation to get us into a brighter future...
yet, all you do, is wage intellectual war on each other on a vietnamese rug-knitting...
ah, nevermind... you're all not worth it...