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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8830297 No.8830297 [Reply] [Original]

Pull up a stool /biz/. I'm all ears.

>> No.8830318

im tired like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.8830337

I'm getting really annoyed by people denying that crypto is dead. I know you have a lot of money in this shit, but you're the only one to blame for not selling in December/January. No amount of coping will get your money back.

>> No.8830344
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>> No.8830349

She didn't come home again.

>> No.8830351
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Gurochan down all day me not know what do

>> No.8830354

I coulda been something. Ya know? I bought two goddamn pizzas for god knows how back god knows when and did it all four a couple thou of the good stuff. That's right, bitcoin back when it didn't have these parasitic forks hanging off it's heels. Still, at least the shits I had the following morning passed.

Anyway, love to your dad. -- Mum

>> No.8830363
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I fapped to fursuit porn.

>> No.8830364

Why the FUCk did these damn whales sell???????????????????????

>> No.8830380

I´ve lost 65% of my student fee and i cant pay for my masters degree final year

>> No.8830386


Oh yea I'll have an arnold palmer thx

>> No.8830404
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>I fapped to fursuit porn.

>> No.8830429

Jesus, gonna need more stools.

Here you go fren. That'll be 0.002BTC

>> No.8830431
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I know that only a small percentage of people will ever be rich and I know that I will never be one of them. Society doesn't allow everyone to be wealthy.

I'm alone, ugly, and poor.

>> No.8830441
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Please gib the usual anontender.
*long dad sigh*
So I've been reading this book called Sapiens.

>> No.8830448
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>> No.8830460
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Yeah? Talk to me.

Here you go fren. On the house

>> No.8830466
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It never get better
Just collect Screenshots and prepare to rub in face for years
Atleast you success at failing
Lol XD hopefully no one rape murder her hehe
You can go w/o fapping to dead anime for few days retard

>> No.8830496

I just pissed away 67K(eur) revenue from 3 months

>> No.8830514
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Are you actually replying to yourself?

>> No.8830521
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>Reluctant kneepad girl
greentext pl0x

>> No.8830525

Come to the realization that I'll probably have to wageslave for the rest of my life since what >>8830337 says is true, I've at least made a tidy little profit. Thank god I love my job and didn't end up a total degenerate like >>8830363. I'm sorry friend there's no coming back from fursuit. I'll take a negroni like >>8830460 if you don't mind

>> No.8830535

It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because… All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.

>> No.8830544


>> No.8830555
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Here you go sir

>> No.8830582

i'll take the same, that makes three

>> No.8830607


I spend every day trying to get black and Mexican kids to read

Political correctness in the system has rendered them inept and helpless

>> No.8830661

Exactly that is also how i look at it. Only thing i hate about it is the fact i lost it while gambling. I will double the money working harder and increase my hour rate lol

>> No.8830674
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I never bought crypto at any point in the last 10 years
all I feel is a crushing sensation every day, all day

>> No.8830714

Why don't you buy now? Next 2/3 years you can be happy you did

>> No.8830744

damned if I do, damned if I don't
the only crypto going places are just thinly veiled MLM schemes, and I don't really have the talent to shill crypto to thousands of people

>> No.8830787

Shut yer smug mouth Nico when gurochan comes back your corpse first one me lookin for
Last time me post me erotic adventures i banned :(

>> No.8830859
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blue label
on the rocks
one cube

>> No.8830884
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He'll anon, you do know my poison.
So yeah, the book, humanity is fucked man. We are forced to live with nuclear family structures in high rise Apts with over stuffed refrigerators while our dna still thinks we're in the savanna

>> No.8830906

Read about (and watch youtube) how to make 1M with an investment of 1K by day trading and gain 1% per day (which is manageable). It's what i do and went from 1ETH to 2,3 ETH in just 1,5month and from 1BTC to 1.5BTC in one month. The goal is to trade a shit load of BTC/ETH and then fiat

>> No.8830911

Here you go. What's new fren?

>> No.8830944
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24yrs old 35k link some other boring shit. I really am having a hard time convincing myself I'll make it. Thing is I really do believe in link and it seems that if link is successful we'd actually have something that is worth serious value. It would definitely make ETH more valueable/usable. It's just really hard to imagine right now feel like I'm tricking myself because I'm so convinced

>> No.8830963

i just went flew across the country to a wedding and my old friends didn't want to hang out. Initially I was bummed but afterwards remembered there's a reason I don't hang out with those faggots anymore. I need to let go of this piece of me that's hanging on to the young 20 year old still inside of me. I need to let it go and just focus on my job, starting my own business, and getting fit as fuck. I need to stop drinking

>> No.8831013

I don't like being in school. But I only have like 6 months left. I don't know if I am enjoying my 20's enough. I have really big ambitions. It's hard to balance it all out.

>> No.8831065
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20k BAT. if these fuckers really do change the internet I’m a rich man. With them all the way.

>> No.8831097
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I want to learn how to trade penny stocks and crypto but have no clue where to start.

I want to have financial stability and freedom, to have nice things, to have money, to have options. To me trading is the way to do that. I just have no clue where to start.

>> No.8831099

I work for a jew and he makes us employ underhanded marketing tactics. I want to quit but I have no money to live on

>> No.8831141

>To me trading is the way to do that

>> No.8831150

good advice, anon
do you have anything to suggest? any videos?

I'm reading babypips.com right now, I'm studying and doing some trades along the way

>> No.8831232

Plenty of online training anon. Babypips ain't too bad. Also, watch Anton Kreil's videos from the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management. But in my experience, penny stocks are all shit. There's a reason they're OTC, they can't meet the heavy regulations of the SEC and the various exchanges to get listed on them.

>> No.8831267

I'm stuck in the frugal lifestyle for at least another 10 years while my decently paying job fills my portfolio balance.

Why is getting rich so hard

>> No.8831298

Because that's the way they want it. You try, get frustrated, and just accept the salaried position because it's "safe." You gotta know who you're up against and why they do things the way they do. It's all for a reason how brokerages trade. There are no coincidences in retail brokerages

>> No.8831312

same, how much have you saved so far

>> No.8831313

become a NEET. Overcome your capitalist desires. Enjoy life.

>> No.8831323

right now only about ~61k

>> No.8831342

I started my journey here: https://chainoperator.com/making-a-living-day-trading-cryptocurrency/ (don't buy any programs..) on youtube i followed Tony Ivanov..great kid and explains things in a cool way. Also familiarize yourself with everything you see on an crypto exchange such as binance. So understand what candlesticks are, understand which indicators to use for daytrading (boll and stochrsi and macd), understand how the orderbook works, stop loss...it is worth the investment in time and the info is free :)

>> No.8831433
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I am starting a local equipment rental company. What equipment should I start with in my fleet? I'm thinking of getting a small wood chipper, a commercial steam cleaner, a pressure washer, and an industrial vaccuum. Pic related is a vac truck I bought and flipped for 3k profit, so I'm not scared of making bigger purchases. I just want to be a service provider to customers

>> No.8831457

>create a fake rental company
>put an ad in the local newspaper with a phone number saying you have all equipment that anyone could ever think of
>answer the phone and see what equipment people are looking for, tell them its all sold out and to scram
>compile the majority of what people wanted
>buy those and start over with a new ad for the real company listing the actual equipment you have

>> No.8831502
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what would you suggest as opposed to trading? i want to learn all i can

>> No.8831524

Just turned 21
Dishwasher and Business degree @ community college
Alone and buying this dip
what should i do with my life?

>> No.8831565

I was thinking more of creating an ad telling people to pressure wash their driveways and homes and to do it by renting a pressure washer from me

>> No.8831603
File: 66 KB, 643x617, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f574735716c3063436c4c716d69773d3d2d3437363834303736322e313465393935623039353562353939613934373634353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your guys help.
Im a freshman at college, and i went the whole year without even kissing an asian girl.
I want an asian girlfriend sooo bad! Im being unironic too. I love their slanted eyes. Their dark hair. And the way their petite small boobies press against their designer clothing. hnnng
And. For good or worse, ive already asked out like 6 different asian girls, and i cant even make it pass the first date. Ivve been working so hard on not sounding boring, but i still fuck it all up.
And, my one asian female friend told me i dress nice and fuckable, so i dont doubt my looks..
JUST. Im a blonde white male, so asian girls are like the #1 thing im attracted to. And if i make it to age 21 without sticking my dick in asian girl vagina, im going to literally kill myself.
Do i have to join a frat next year?
How the hell do i get in asian social circles?
I hate whites.

Oh. And i have 350 k LINK.

>> No.8831686

getting a job

>> No.8832460
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>feeling all fine and dandy after shorting the recent market pump
>come in here and instantly get cortisol flush

>> No.8832506
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I fell for the LINK meme

>> No.8832521
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>> No.8833208

How much you got anon? I'm thinking of going all in.

>> No.8833296

>penny stocks are otc

>> No.8833314

fly to gookistan

>> No.8834028

How the FUCK do you have 350k LINK?

Try not to come off as too desperate. If they knew you’re only dating them because they’re asian she’ll never know if you like her for her and not just cause she’s asian. Just lie to her and say she’s beautiful or whatever and act like you would date any race. Hope this helps.

>> No.8834888

Hendrick's and Tonic, please

I'm not cut out to work the next 40 years until I can retire, even if I'm only doing 9-5

>> No.8834924

Give me a Johnny Walker Black OP. Double Black if you have it. Neat.

>> No.8834927

I have diarrhea

>> No.8834964

low IQ and absentee father also major contributors

>> No.8835000

Crown with splash of 7, please. I used to always complain about how fast time goes by after 25. I'm old. I bought chainlink around September. 2020 feels like a long time from now. I'll be a millionaire then, anon. Hit me again.

>> No.8835016

Join a fraternity and learn from the Chads with regards to social aggressiveness

I was in your exact same position at your age, but joined a fraternity immediately and became socially adept. Got my Asian gf at 20, still dating, still very happy at 22

>> No.8835020

I feel bad for those who throw everything into crypto. they stand to lose so much. I don't understand why they dont first get a job and put a portion of that money into crypto another portion into a 401k or other investments. Lastly it takes money to make money generally getting a good job first and making enough to make some investments can set you up to retire early and if worse comes to worse and you lose all your investments well hey you still got a paycheck coming in.

>> No.8835022

do join a fraternity. can confirm it gets you tons of pussy if you get in the good one. will also train you on how to be a chad since you obviously aren't now. just prepare to have the shit beaten out of you (again, assuming you rush the good one)

>> No.8835047

Early 30s will be the peak of your life meng. Plenty of mid 20s chicks will be jumping all over you if you maintain your frugal lifestyle now and keep moving up in your job

>> No.8835149

Bought bch during the January dip. Waiting for it to go back up. You?

>> No.8835154

Vodka and tonic, no ice please.
I've thrown $70k USD into crypto since February 2018 and am prepared to put in hundreds of thousands more even if this bear market lasts years. I'm determined not to wagecuck by the time I'm 40.
I'm mostly buying eth for now.

>> No.8835178 [DELETED] 

Sick of my annoying coworkers.

1. Annoying tatted negro fag who tries to make conversation when I've made it obvious I don't want to talk to him. Also tries to ditch his work on me and others. Supervisor seems to let him get away with it. Has done worse stuff and supervisor only gave him a slap on the wrist.

2. Tatted office supervisor who asks for MANY favors and talks for long periods of time and complains about a few people to me (I don't care shes not someone I deeply care about so why would I care to hear her vent!?). Tries getting me to do her work for her.

3. Annoying fat tatted ugly white woman. Recently got me to bring her something from her cubicle when she could've done it herself. Feels like a powerplay. Has thrown stuff at me (probably since I'm too friendly so she thinks she can do that). Did throw something back at her at one point.

4. General office vibe where it seems others expect me to greet them first even if they can clearly see me but I'm not making eye contact. I'd be fine not saying hi if it wasnt for the weird vibe when I dont say it. Well I didn't initiate too many times today.

Hate my job and its pays poorly for an office.

>> No.8835634

Anon 21 is young, I spent most of this year thinking I'll die a kiss less virgin, then somehow slept with a beautiful smart pole dancing asian girl. Liqour and going outside is the key. As for girl friends the key is not being autstic, I can't help you there

>> No.8835785
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I'll take captain and coke please.

I just feel like I'm wasting time in college. I've failed/ dropped a few classes and I just feel like I will never graduate. I'm already behind, so it make me feel even worse. I'm a part time bartender and I fucking hate it. I want to gtfo of this shit job. I don't know what I would do if I leave though. I have thought about getting an office job, and also thought about getting an IT cert. A part of me thinks that I'm only doing this because I just want to leave my current shit job. I'm not tech savvy and I've never worked in an office setting before, so idk if I'll even enjoy it. I'm 26 and I'm always tired of doing the same shit. I'm getting too old to be working at my current job.

Everyone I know is starting their new careers, getting married, having kids, buying homes and going on vacation and I'm just here depressed and lost in life.

>> No.8835895
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Don't ever think about the others (garuanteed they live their own hell) simply buckle down and rape that coursework. If you keep failing and dropping classes something is wrong. You either don't want the degree or don5t really want work in whatever field that is. Self sabatoge is real, I should know, I'm a perpetual fuck up. BUT I NEVER FAILED OR DROPPED ANY CLASSES SO WAKE THE FUCK UP DUDE. t.livesathomeunderemployed

>> No.8835940
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Yeah my issue is even though I have a loving girlfriend of 3 years who I will probably wife up, I can't stop the insane urge to put my dick in pale brunettes.

I feel bad for meeting other women but I am nearly 28 and something clicked around this age where libido is literally uncontrollable. Even worse is most of the girls I use to satisfy this urge are obviously looking for something more than sex.

I have to live a double life biz and I can't stop.

>> No.8836014

Move on. You know it's over

>> No.8836139

You're scum

>> No.8836299

Everyone is depressed because they are down 80% i am down 98% from 60k to 3k

>> No.8836393
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I'll have some jagger off the freezer, no rocks

Can't even finish my meme degree because too depressed/anxious.
Also dropped 30k on mining rigs and I can barely pay electricity right now.

>> No.8836418

>>Recommending Anton FUCKING Kreil

You're setting him up to fail.

Buddy it's time to hit the books. Look for posts that give you the rundown on /biz/ lit if not I´ll look for the MEGA link and post it here. Biz lit doesn't have many books on technical analysis but it is essential.

Fundamental and Technical are good when used individually and amazing when used together, set up a twitter and follow everyone you can on fintwit. A lot of guys post charts and interpret them. You will need to dedicate time and set up some goals, one of my since the start of the year is to read one book a week. I've failed to do so only reading about 12 so far because of extracurricular activities.

Start an account on Robinhood if you are a poor fag, if you have money go to an actual investment bank, not Wells Fargo or any of these run of the mill banks that offer structured plans based on the degree of risk.

Find a mentor, doesn't have to be a guy that has traded stocks his whole life, just someone to guide you. If you are about to start college don't study crap. It's either STEM or Economics/Finance, if not then kill yourself immediately.

Don't fall for the Peter Schiff meme but do be skeptical of the environment. Avoid cryptos, too easily manipulated in my opinion.

Figure out a trading strategy, it can be value, growth, cyclical, macro, technical volume, fibs, bollingers, DMA, dojis, options futures cds, etc.

>> No.8836442

Do shrooms or dmt famalam. I was you once.

>> No.8836485


let me tell you about when I was a cryptomillionaire....

>> No.8836550

I stayed up all night submitting the techstars app for LA location. I’m tired af and I need to get drunk fast

>> No.8837357

>became a rent boy to get investment capital
>did some nasty shit
>have a nice amount of money now

>> No.8837380

Flatmate stole my credit card and maxed it out on an online casino

thought we were tight


>> No.8837408

what the actual fuck.
what kind of person does this

>> No.8837420

report it stolen (not even a lie) you should be able to get all the money back

>> No.8837439
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I have so many fucking things to do as this semester is coming to an end holy fucking christ if I think about it for more than a second I stave off compulsions to jump out the nearest window

>> No.8837456

this. Contact your credit card company and say it was stolen and used online. Which is completely true.

>> No.8837673
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I've lost my job.
It's not really bad, I've got money, don't wanna work again, but there's nobody to talk to, it feels dreadfully lonely. It's been a couple months and I'm starting to get bad thoughts.

>> No.8837721

I swore i would never come back to this shit job but here i am a wagecucking for shekelshomostein again

>> No.8837856

Where you live anon? Ever tried googling you town's informantion and looked at festivals, clubs, meetups?

>> No.8837947

I'm 33, a wagecuck, my long term girlfriend left me about 3 months ago and I feel like I'm drifting through life on autopolite.

I had £40,000 in savings, I put half into cryto in december last year. That £20k investment went to £10k. I felt pretty gutted.

I have been researching ultra low cap coins, like sub $500k market cap, and found one (one that has been around for 4 years but went dormant). Telegram is growing massively on this coin as of last 2 months as the devs have revitalised the project and are hiring in a lot more people. They're about to announce some partnerships with medium sized e-shops for the coin and have recently updated a roadmap.

I have been slowly converting all my holdings to go all in on this coin, including the rest of my savings. Either this thing goes 100x and I quit my job to live in Thailand or I an hero. I'm kind of apprehensive. None of my family or work knows or suspects a thing.

I guess the next months are crucial. No point to my story, just wanted to vent.

>> No.8837995

Nothing goes up forever.

>> No.8837996

Holding and trading here
This market is unironically dead
That last huge red candle the other day was the nail in the coffin

We finally looked like we were breaking out, every sell wall slowly but surely broke down

The couple normies left opened longs and helped pump, out of no where

Kike candle comes and drops us 1k
It's over (at least for years)

>> No.8838022

Do you guys know how I join one? I dont just mean hazing. I mean, i found a frat i want to join, but not sure how to do it. Do they hold frat recruitment events at college? It doesnt look like i can directly join on their site.

>> No.8838039

I'm sorry they gave you so much hope bro
It's a meme
Still potential for gains, I'm holding too
1 dollar eoy if market recovers
If not 20 cents eoy

>> No.8838066

So I've made something like $50000 in crypto so far (even after this crash).

Currently I have sold all. Once I have paid my taxes I will have something like $60000 in stocks and $60000 in dollars.

I earn $70000 a year, and expenses are low (no wife / kids / mortgage).

So I was thinking about going 50K back into crypto in about 1-2 years time when everyone has forgot about it. Everyone is telling me this is fucking risky as shit, but I don't think it matters to me as I will have like $70K soon to be $100K in stocks and be earning more and more every year.

So in short, people say I am nuts for going another 50K back into crypto. But I think it makes sense given my financial circumstances. What do you think?

>> No.8838752
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Its the jews man, they manipulate the markets, the world, and even my vidya.