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8829242 No.8829242 [Reply] [Original]

After seeing the degree of vitriol and righteous indignation, I’m seeing parallels between the 2016 election virtue signaling (everyone I disagree with is a racist/homophobe/bigot) and core supporters today with ad hominem attacks on people like Roger and CSW.

Take this tweet for example: https://twitter.com/crypto_bitlord/status/983393523935227904?s=21

It’s kind of creepy to watch someone try so hard to receive a pat on the back with this kind of virtue signaling. In a way, Roger’s twitter has become just like Trumps— a race to see who can deliver the quickest jab and rack up attention for the valiant work they’re doing. Just bizarre behavior by beats seeking affirmation.

Have personal attacks on Roger become a sort of virtue signaling for core supporters? Have you see any other form of virtue signaling going on here?

Obviously there are incredibly strong parallels between the censorship by the left and censorship by core supporters, but I’m starting to see a lot of virtue signaling now too.

There is also a strong parallel between the way Core cucks attack BCH for just being ever so “misleading” for the hoards of poor innocent souls who intended to buy BTC but instead bought BCH. They’ve completely ignored the substance of the argument and settled on red herrings, just like the left kicks and screams “muh Russia” and “muh Racism” instead of debating substance.

And oh boy does that righteous outage feel GOOD

>> No.8829388

I hate Bcash but Roger did way more for Bitcoin than any of those corecucks.

Roger was investing in Bitcoin companies in 2011 meanwhile CoreCucks were playing call of duty in 2011.

>> No.8829412

no they were censoring wikipedia in 2011

>> No.8829425

This desu

>> No.8829426

It's like a battle of shit versus piss.

>> No.8829584

Noticed the parallel long ago. Bch pls

>> No.8829598

There is a reason libertarians and AnCaps are nearly universally pro-BCH

>> No.8829651

Babies are dying because of bitcoin core

>> No.8829652

I showed up in December and I still genuinely don't understand why people hate this guy so much.

So he thinks that Bitcoin was designed to be like peer to peer cash (like Nano is trying to be) but there were developers working on Bitcoin that kept that from being a reality? And then he forked Bitcoin and called it Bitcoin Cash? What am I missing, why is he so hated?

>> No.8829745
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Soyfags like you are the worst of all.
You're too stupid to understand the argument so you pretend like figuring it out is beneath you.

>> No.8829761
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He along with Jihan Wu was r/bitcoin's Goldstein.
During the time before the 2x agreement every day on r/bitcoin was a day of hating Roger (especially) and Jihan Wu. It was insane. Literally everything bad with bitcoin was dumped on these two. Every period of congestion was interpreted as an intentional spam attack by Roger Ver. Everyone who disagreed with the insanity you got censored and banned.
Screenshot is a one year old (16 April 2017) r/bitcoin frontpage. Anti-Roger posts are circled.

>> No.8829791

Yeah, Ive always skimmed some crypto subreddits as they existed before biz, but last year was retardedly anti-ver. Like its fine if you hate him, but /bitcoin was like mostly anti-ver posts, like thats all they had to talk about and would jerk each other off if theyd agree.

>> No.8829846

I feel bad for him. I think he's genuine in his beliefs, but just a useful pawn in a power game.
It is unfortunate that someone with such a public presence wastes his time supporting frauds (eg mt gox, craig wright)

>> No.8829880

agree with everything you said. Core is toxic

>> No.8829948

Is this guy bitcoin core for real? Lmao I'm on roger Ver side now.

>> No.8830064

How about figuring out the argument and concluding they're shit and piss?
Core is morally bankrupt
Cash is technically bankrupt
The Bitcoin experiment failed when bitcoinXT was DDoSed out of existence in 2015
This evidenced the need for a stronger governance model than "anonymous dude disappears", decentralization or not
Incidentally, Ethereum popped up just in time to capitalize on that, doing just the right things
The project has made its own share of mistakes, but none as catastrophical as a Blockstream style takeover, so unless a crypto 3.0 pops up, ETH is where crypto innovation will be

>> No.8830081

He seems a bit autistic and lonely. Both Mark Carpeles and Craig Wright are master level con artists. I think he genuinely got fooled by them.
Afaik he considered Charlie Shrem as his genuine friend, but after Charlie borrowed money from him, he (CS) started to slander him publicly while refusing to give the money back. It's hard to get genuine friends when you're so rich.

>> No.8830096

Roger is one of the most OG crypto guys in the space. He’s coming at this from a genuine philisophical desire to see the world be freed from the evils of government and is sad that Bitcoin has been corrupted by arbitrary block size limitations.

The LN will eventually turn into central hubs and become the banks we wanted to escape

>> No.8830102

Bitcoin cash is getting a protocol upgrade, opcodes, anonymity via coinjoin and eventually ETH-like features

Meanwhile bitcoin is stagnating under its own shit

>> No.8830281

How can I long Roger Ver?
I feel like he's going to win this fight.

>> No.8830330

>BCH misleading
>Bitcoin (((Core)))

>> No.8830340

but it's why i'm even more worried about his attitude
how does someone so smart say something so retarded?
am i the one who's wrong?

>> No.8830373
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he will

>> No.8830393
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>How can I long Roger Ver?

buy Bitcoin (BCH), duh

>> No.8830516

btc is definitely a kike coin while BCH is the true bitcoin. Having said that, I sold my BCH and have been trading with ETH. IMO the bitcoin blockchain is outdated and unnecessary.

>> No.8830623
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Seriously Roger Ver?

The guy is a first class douche bag. He fucking doxxed someone over $50

He fucking launched an attack on Bitcoin over his meglomania and butt-hurt feelings.

I though he dumped all his bitcoin, he should focus on make his shitcoin the best he can be and just leave Bitcoin the fuck alone.

Oh he cant because Jihan Wu has bought his ass.


>> No.8830657

>same old ad hominems

>> No.8830703

Nobody read your autistic rant, retarded cashie.

>> No.8830762

As much as inhaye Libtards and their never ending virtue signalling, i have to admit im starting to grow a hatred for my own race.

White people are fucking nuts. Boomers, gen x and millennials are all batshit insane. I feel like im living in a world where common sense has vanished and its mostly with white folk. Also dont get me started on their lasiness and greed and sociopathy. Just working around whites has driven me to despise them.

Maybe its just the city dwellers, but we are in the end cycle of our civilization. The parrallels with the fall of Rome are hard to ignore. Degeneracy and the fall of birth rates says it all.

>> No.8830781

I keep only as much bitcoin as I really need to trade with. I do wish I had more BCH though for when the Bitcoin whales get serious about flipping BTC/BCH.

And yes, bitcoin whales could probably flip BTC/BCH on a whim if they wanted to. Ver himself might have tried back in October/November but you're naive if you think that's all the ammo those guys have. They're just waiting for the right moment.

>> No.8830865

because he's fun to hate, he responds very poorly to incitement and that encourages more of it

>> No.8830894

Stop trying to force identity politics into crypto you fucking loser

>> No.8830927

And there's none in the op?

>> No.8831022

>white people are the problem because they won't let me steal all their money,food, land and fuck their wives

>> No.8831029

Thanks for stopping by. Rent free.

Way to miss the point

>> No.8831045
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Hold BCH till may >>8830102

>> No.8831046

Come back when you can make an argument without attempting to force the other side into your left vs right narrative

>> No.8831092

May is 1 month from now. No way it hits 10k.

>> No.8831121

Bcash bag holders have been saying "flippening in a month!" For over half a year now

>> No.8831125

Next month

>> No.8831269

lmao, you're an autistic retard

>> No.8831362

>Calvin Ayre
lmao trashed

>> No.8831396
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You don't have a very good understanding of the situation.

Essentially it comes down to this: control of bitcoin was being usurped by a private business called Blockstream (backed by mastercard) instead of remaining decentralized it would be warped into a centralized payment network.

Bitcoin Cash forked off and upgraded the blockchain by increasing the blocksize to prevent these filthy kikes from gaining control.

Bitcoin Cash is the true Bitcoin from 2008 all the way to today.

on reddit /r/bitcoin is completely censored so if you actually want information about bitcoin you need to browse /r/btc

>> No.8831403

Want to see a real asshole who needs to be fired? You won't believe what this guy is doing. I'm a ex client that made him a blog. This guy is America's most hated scum.


>> No.8831416
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>Friendly reminder that Blockstream was infiltrating BitcoinTalk in 2010

I hope this Hal guy dies of some incurable disease.

>> No.8831495

>Bitcoin Banks

LMAO, this is the most Boomer thing I've ever seen.
>Yeah! Let's use Bitcoin......... to make more banks!

>> No.8831619

Lightning network is a second layer
It comprises nothing
Bitcoin remains decentralized unlike the chink centralized bcash shit

>> No.8831868

Oy vey

>> No.8832046
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Lightning network is designed to turn Bitcoin into a banking layer you stupid nigger

>bcash bcash bcash
Literally not an argument

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.8832075

This is wrong because when blocks are full you don’t have the choice to go one chain.

>> No.8832104

LN is independent to the main chain
The bitcoin blockchain still remains
Who cares about a second layer for micro payments
Its irrelevant

>huur don't call it bcash! That's not an argument!
Not an argument

And pls, tell me which coin is in my bitcoin-qt wallet? BTC or BCH?

>> No.8832114

Personally I'm in favor of people advocating for other people to have sex with me.

>> No.8832148

Cash shills trying to pivot into appealing to 4chan pol tendencies is a bizarre move. You guys need to go back to the drawing board.

>> No.8832192

i mean how fucking stupid is lightning netowrk?https://twitter.com/beijingbitcoins/status/983161737900736512

>> No.8832196

They've been running this angle for a while now
Started with typical blockstream conspiracy shit
Then "corecucks" and "soyboys" and "commies" being spat every post rather than actually making arguments
Now they've made full jump to left v right identity politics

Pathetic pathetic shills

>> No.8832461

I noticed this shit too

I'm starting to think there's some sort of shill discord behind it desu, the posts are very similar in tone.

>> No.8832901

bitcoin core like occupy annonymouse was always an abandoned mosow lea sjw fuckfest. The right became moscows star child so they have abandoned child syndrome, I am of course white. I'm glad my existence angers him. I feed on his hate and it makes me stronger

>> No.8833147
File: 40 KB, 500x282, dr-craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Bitcore))) is going to die. Everything jews co-opt they end up killing.

>> No.8833155

Bitcoin cash is the true "bloody" bitcoin.

>> No.8833164

at the end of the day buying bitcoin cash is too much of opportunity to pass up. Whoever is paying these anti bch shills are doing so to accumulate bch

>> No.8833175

Which side resorts to censorship? Fucking Moron

>> No.8833194

hal even looked like a jew

>> No.8833206

Both sides? Try make shit posts on either subreddit and you get banned
Who the fuck cares what happens on reddit anyway it's irrelevant

>> No.8833432


>> No.8833452

moar liek AnCRaps lmao

>> No.8833488

roger is cool actually. 50 bucks is 50 bucks you let someone steal a dollar from you once you are fucked forever. it is called having principles.

>> No.8834131

r/BTC doesn’t ban you fucknut

>> No.8834164

Whatever you say
Keep drinking the bcash kool-aid


>> No.8834688

Could not have said it better myself