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File: 370 KB, 1242x884, 1523286692452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8824202 No.8824202 [Reply] [Original]

Assblaster back marking his imprint on Chainlink history.

>> No.8824223

Assblaster, I summon thee. Any sick updates? Anything were not seeing?

>> No.8824260
File: 382 KB, 875x1010, 1523199229694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a small error in the readme file. Although the fix was not significant here, this matters because he is obviously still keeping tabs on the project which ultimately means things are on track and that he likely was not a larp.

>> No.8824291

can anyone tl:dr me on how he got doxxed?

>> No.8824299

larp or not he didn't know what he was talking about. He claimed the Go port was a big setback, yet this had verifiably been planned since at least February 2017. Assblaster thought it was new when rory said it.

Regardless of what else he knows about the market or crypto, he has no inside information about chainlink, get this through your tiny little intellects.

>> No.8824317
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ASSBLASTER I know you're reading this

>> No.8824322
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>> No.8824350

how's that monero on your trezor faggot?

>> No.8824359

he never claimed that

>> No.8824372

Assblaster is a larp and a half.

>> No.8824392

This is verifiably incorrect. I don't care but if anyone does, this is easily found in the archives in one of his first threads.

Not to mention his binance listing link without permission shit was also a confirmed lie.

>> No.8824397
File: 265 KB, 460x259, 1522869846827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you numbskulls arent even prepared as to what will happen the next two months. better have enough rope.

>> No.8824411

I hold 50k link. As much as I wish he wasn't a larp, I'm not retarded.

>> No.8824427

>the absolute state of prophet fudders

>> No.8824457

do you ever wonder to think maybe he said the trezor/monero line to throw people off? he possibly lost his job because he was doxxed, so what in the back of his mind he was paranoid the doxxing could have gotten more severe.

>> No.8824490

I saw him with his tripcode post here on Easter last weekend. believe me or not, he said the next two months will be unreal in terms of development for the project. the reply his thread was in obviously didnt get steam because of the fucking 4chan april fools poll contest and the thread was slid.

>> No.8824496

What was the trezor/monero line? Can't remember

>> No.8824498
File: 74 KB, 325x661, F8AF63D4-A5F8-4F67-8457-5A80D729B5E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google.be his new job?

>> No.8824522

people were asking him what other coins he held. and he said that only privacy coin he held and believed in long term was xmr. this was in february. he just casually mentioned that he needed to get some off an exchange and onto a trezor.

>> No.8824539
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>> No.8824565

Soooo what's the significance of that?

That tripcode has been cracked, use the archive to see the other posts from it.

>> No.8824581

>Soooo what's the significance of that?
Trezor doesn't support XMR, but like you said, his tripcode was cracked though

>> No.8824598

Oh lmao forgot that, that's hilarious. The N0bs one is cracked, the other one I don't think is, which is the one that he posted about the Trezor.

He's a larp. Doesn't mean chainlink isn't still fucking great.

>> No.8824658

He definitely was a larp, but he was one of the best ones I've ever seen on this whole site. Makes me wonder how he can make such an obvious fuck up like that

>> No.8824679
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>PR is submitted to the dev branch
>merging into master

>> No.8824706

Maybe he's a larp, maybe not, but not realizing that the Trezor didn't support XMR doesn't make him a larper. He probably just assumed it was supported without checking.

>> No.8824724

He said that he has been putting XMR into a trezor every month though. See >>8824539

>> No.8824774
File: 344 KB, 586x676, ED319445-23E7-4D41-B608-D27F9BC41E94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have meant he puts in in a separate address that is meant for a Trezor. I don’t care either way desu, even if it was a larp it was pretty impressive. ChainLink is going to be big with or without him

>> No.8824793

he knew about PSD2 also and seemed to have a comprehensive background in global finance. I know for a fact those gems werent larps because I also have a similar background, though not as well connected as he seemed to.

>> No.8824801

Except that isn’t him retard.

>> No.8824821

so who is it then. did we not confirm cwrisec and AB was the same person

>> No.8824915


>> No.8825129

he's never going to just say it's him. In the period after he was outed he posted some shit from 4chan, specifically the post on his birthday. It's about as clear as he can make it.

>> No.8825322

AssBlaster is TheBitAdvisor on twitter lol.

>> No.8825365

Armbruster as well, ChainLink Crypto Fund is so weird

>> No.8825501

no the bitadvisor is a fag and is an admin in linkmarines. prob one of the most annoying guys and is not intelligent at all. Sad to see people like him find link at all

>> No.8825610

That dude is a complete faggot

>> No.8825632

Hi there. Updates soon. LINK 1000 EOY.

>> No.8825793

He shills both XMR and LINK

Also AB didn’t really say anything that amazing

Maybe I just have a good head on my shoulders

>> No.8825825

you do.
There is one retard on here that like to larp and fuck with people using different trips. Sherlock like is one if the ones he goes by

>> No.8825845

He said he doesn't care about beeing doxxed
He also gave alot of specific detail enough that i believe he doesn't really care including a cropped facepic
(maybe he just wanted to play with the fire though)
As far as the larping goes i dont see a single thing yet that would either give a clear yes or no to the question

>> No.8826105

he never claimed to be the insider himself, he was getting info from other people, of course they could be wrong.

>> No.8826149
File: 91 KB, 597x656, assblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which one is AB?
unless you wanna tell me it's the same person on those pictures

>> No.8826419

its literally the same person. same hair line, same facial hair. come the fuck on.

>> No.8826435

its pretty clear to anyone without an intellectual disability its the same person in the picture

no shit faggot, considering theres like 4 official team members there's no insiders like that leaking. If his source is wrong about one thing it's all called into question because that was such a major error and it's clear whoever told him that got it from Rory in slack in november.

>> No.8826453

>what is plausible deniability

>> No.8826662
File: 76 KB, 479x627, ABd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wrong, pic rel +AB has more straight and clearly darker hair

you're a faggot becaue you're getting butthurt. I'm not talking about the team as insiders, but companies that were/are in contact with Sergey, those people must know more than the average neet on biz

> If his source is wrong about one thing it's all called into question because that was such a major error and it's clear whoever told him that got it from Rory in slack in november.
no one is forcing you to believe anything, but you're one of those going on a crusade everytime someone mentions AB

>guys it was a larp, don't believe anthing he said!!!!1111111oneone

>> No.8826893

You know what a perspective is right?
In the left his head is tilted down so the hairline will look different
Same for the sideburns

>> No.8826991

the perspective is very smilar, sure as hell it wouldn't justify a completely diferent type of hairline
left - masculine slightly receeding at the corners with straight sides
right- feminine rounding down with round sides

I don't care if they look similar, they could be brothers, but it's not the same person
also facial hair on the chin is different, person on the left has a thinning patch on the center
I'm not gonna get into more details because they hairline is completely different in both cases