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File: 158 KB, 1910x1000, TeslaStock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8826305 No.8826305 [Reply] [Original]

Who is buying Tesla stock ?
Will we see Tesla stock look like Google or Amazon stock ?
Or will it end up like GE stock ?

>> No.8826357

tesla has been hated stock for years, it will survive easily. what you want to avoid is fb and such, stocks that have not been hated before

>> No.8826360

More like GE, definitely.
The main problem is, that their competitors are working on similar software like self-driving cars for almost the same time as them and they have literally no advantage over them.

>> No.8826374

I unironically believe in the power of Elon Musk. He can really make anything happen. Proof? Look at what he's already done.

>> No.8826395

tesla is trying to sell a "green" luxury car. problem is, the people who obsess over green stuff are largely poor hippies. it's not a good business model.

>> No.8826409

Which in turn makes their debt not handable. Tesla was promoted way too much by people driving the whole "e-car" and "self-driving"-narrative, not considering the fact that we are about a decade away from it being applicable in the european market, as the infrastructure is still lacking.

Even worse in the US. If we speak about small, self-driving city-cars, we are indeed in a better position. But not with expensive cars like the ones Tesla is offering.

>> No.8826433

They spend more than they make

Personally won't buy until they have multiple years in the green

>> No.8826468

market share by meme magic though

>> No.8826469

Everything you said is the complete opposite of the reality, except that Tesla is a shit tier company promoted by hardcore leftists

>> No.8826513
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what infra? just park it an plug in at your carage

>> No.8826527

their final form is the model 3 which should put them in a good spot by selling cars to poorfags. I guess it ultimately depends on the competition but unless electric cars become significantly cheaper than other cars, it may actually not gain any traction.

It would be pretty funny watching Tesla burn to the ground though

>> No.8826565

>hardcore leftists
>promoting any company
More like DNC consultant lanyard wearing cucks

>> No.8826614

you just know these are the same people who are plagued by white guilt and Nintendo switch

>> No.8826638

you ever been to europe? people here aren't compensating for small dicks by buying huge cars
>inb4 SUVs. fair point, they do. especially the porsche SUV. there is no bigger coping-fag-tier car

>> No.8826648

>just park it an plug in at your carage
My garage is not what is called "infrastructure" in this regard.
When I run out of gas with my car, I pull up at a gas station and get gas in less than five minutes. When I run out of gas with a Tesla, I need to look out for a powercharger or drive back home. In both cases, I cannot move the car for an hour.

Even setting aside the problem with the wait, I could use a Tesla to get to work and back. Not for long-distances, as I need to look for the next powercharger, plan time to get there, wait and get back etc.

>> No.8826670

Yeah but they're not the same filth showing up to rallies and punching other filth. Sentencing G20 journalists to 60+ years is the best thing Germany can do for the global economy, we should be throwing the entire lot in there.

One's useless, the other actually has money and can be sold memes with the right marketing

>> No.8826734

It's not like GE, it's a lot like Enron. Enron was supported for a while too, even though the issues were known. When market got wobbly, it failed. The same dynamics in play here. If the market is strong, it will stay in place. If market weakens, you will have rapid sell offs followed by massive short squeezes. You really can't play this stock, it's going to bury both shorts and longs.

>> No.8826755

many e-cars have a "reserve" gasolin tank for running out of battery too. as do bmw i series fore example.

but your situation maybe out of question e-car then. that is minority of car daily users. even taxis prefer teslas now

>> No.8826763

Were you around when Enron did implode?

>> No.8826785

What fucking language do you speak and why do you think you have a professional opinion on anything pajeet?

>> No.8826797

I've lost money shorting it. It had ramp ups like TSLA. You would have bad news, and the stock would go. It was one insane stock.

>> No.8826839
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weid butthurt there seems like my opinion was the correct one once again

>> No.8826924

>many e-cars have a "reserve" gasolin tank for running out of battery too. as do bmw i series fore example.

Point is, that I dont need to do this with a normal car, which runs on gas. Here, I see "I need to refuel" and pull up at the next station. With a tesla, I am still stuck with the question "where is the next powercharger?", as there is not one every twenty or so kilometers on the speedway.

I would love to drive an e-car, as I would like to care for the world. But reality is, that a tesla is hillariously expensive and demands a higher level of awareness and planning in everyday life, which costs time as well as money. If you have money, you usually have not so much time and vice versa. Which is why e-cars are best used for short distances, where these considerations are not relevant and they can serve as a pestige object. But then, you are left with a luxury car with a different motor, not a breathtaking new innovation.

>> No.8826949

People were buying it too. The accounting issue is overblown. The problem was they used to fix energy markets. Like you remember when Cali had rolling black outs? That was Enron. And one day other energy traders stopped trading them. That was the end. They were missing $100M on something, so it was a minor catalyst. Lots of people were buying it, and it was impossible to time.

I have options on TSLA after things like Enron. Either you clean up or not, but it's not worth it to hodl through those squeezes. There will be many of those too. There will be strategic buyers rumors. It's a lot of people invested in TSLA's success like Enron's.

>> No.8826954

You did nothing to address his comments and the poor state of consumer infrastructure concerning Tesla other than "lol works for me", considering the majority of the US highway and interstate system is built for medium to long range drives which Tesla's are not suited for

>> No.8826961

Ty for sharing the experience, will keep it in mind.

>> No.8827015

china is the largest market for e-cars by far. they are banning/have banned gasolin cars from cities. netherlands tesla is most popular taxi. hong kong tesla is common daily driver. things are changing.

>> No.8827024

how does your hypothetical poorfag charge a tesla after managing to get the 35k loan approved

>> No.8827047

35k e-car is super cheap everybody will want that. after 2 years that will be priced at 25k range, which will beat all gasolin cars in every way. german automakers are panickin for this

>> No.8827068

Those places are nothing like the United States, again, where there are hilariously long stretches of highway and some places where there are no services for hundreds of miles, let alone electric speed chargers which require you to sit in a hot desert or chimp town for up to an hour to recharge. Tesla's business is 80% domestic.

>> No.8827085

There is no $35K model 3. There is definitely not going to be $25K model 3. Tesla doesn't make money on $50K model 3. Its a stock company. They sell stock.

>> No.8827145
File: 42 KB, 498x668, 14068829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german automakers are panickin for this

Was working for a german car manufacturer.
You gravely overestimate the dangers Tesla pose to BMW, Daimler & co.

>> No.8827149

most people in united states do not commute hundreds of miles. yes for you desert monkey they might be out of question now and forever

35k model 3 is far cheaper than any german car starting prices.

>Its a stock company. They sell stock.
? =D

>> No.8827228

And you want to sell EV cars to the poor monkeys in flyover states for growth right? Some with a commute of up to 40 minutes on highways, others who are already passing your car up because they work in industry or ranches that require something more rugged? Even more without speed chargers?

You sound like normal Chinese businessman, already suckered into an investment and only willing to look at the convenient facts. Here's an inconvenient one: Tesla isn't growing any bigger

>> No.8827271

Currently Tesla only makes expensive model 3s. I think $45-55K, maybe just $55K. There is no model 3 at $35K out there now. They would lose too much selling $35K model 3s. $25K is never happening with Tesla unless they decide to lose a lot of money on it. They barely make any money with expensive model 3.

It's a stock company in that the product is stock. Their business is selling stock at inflated prices to fund negative operations. They have negative operating cashflow. The only money they make is when stock appreciates. Musk is paid in stock that he pledges as collateral for loans. It's a pink sheet company for $50B.

>> No.8827290
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I dont own tsla, once did for short period of time and sodl for a good profit. Volatile stock better suited for speculation than holding, which is speculation too but with more negative expectation

>Here's an inconvenient one: Tesla isn't growing any bigger

I think their sales will grow much bigger in next 10 years, but that doesnt necessary mean stock price will grow. But it could. Fundamentals have very little to do with tech stock pricings.

>> No.8827315


$1,000 by 2020

>> No.8827325

Except like >>8827271 is trying to tell you, Tesla isn't a business, it's Musk's little pet project for his other ventures. Any middle class liberal cuck in the urban centers already have their Tesla and there's no way they can go below $35k without selling them at even more of a loss or having to fund even further EV infastructure

>> No.8827389

I don't think they can sell at $35K without losing $10K per car. $45-$55K is the range now. I haven't noticed them selling below cost. They do misrepresent pricing, though.

>> No.8827397
File: 566 KB, 1572x1210, ShareOfElectricCars2040_Mar2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any middle class liberal cuck in the urban centers already have their Tesla

I should not probably bother responding anymore. It seems like most anti-tesla anti-e-car people hate them simply as they view them some kind of "green" liberal cuck cars. So it's not very rational more like some kind of emotional response. Also humans tend to resist change and new technology by nature.

>> No.8827436

>These places are not like the United States
why, become some of them have white people living there?

>> No.8827492

I'm not anti tesla, I'm anti utopian giving you the facts straight. Just because it hurt your feelings I correctly labeled his target consumer doesn't make me less wrong.

Unironically a long legacy of car culture, development and western infrastructure built when gas was cheap and the average family could afford a family wagon. Long drives, suburban development and a highway system to support it all. All contrary to the dreams of a pure EV world

>> No.8827499

I don't hate the car. I don't think car is an issue with people who short Tesla. This is a business that loses money from operations. It's not a tech stock. It's not even on par with a grocery store that makes money from operations. It's a failed business model. I think the car is a promotion of their stock sales efforts, and it reels in investors who buy based on product, except in Tesla's case the product is the stock. Lots more people can afford the stock and not the car. He should sell t-shirts, it's an honest business.

>> No.8827517

He already sells hats and flame throwers, but I suppose he needs to sell futurist dreams to high ball investors to fund his escape to Mars.

>> No.8827536

You forget, that Daimler, BMW etc. do not sleep and still posess a stronger brand, can rely on the standard infrastructure with selling standard cars (and trucks and busses and financial services and and and...), have considerable lobbying power...

It is not that Teslas competitors resist technology. But they see that we are still far away from Tesla having the corresponding circumstances to be part of this.

>> No.8827541

Mars is a different scam. There he milks the government.

>> No.8827906

He sells a stock through the tech story and charisma. He is a charlatan. Sometimes it works out, but Musk showed zero ability to do anything useful with the money he attracts. He just burns them by maintaining the front of a successful stock. The company is not successful. It's a disaster that saw all the financial people abandon ship. Will the guy find creative ways to pump the failing stock? Sure. The end result is he wants to sell more stock to fund another few quarters of burning investors cash. It's all about delaying the inevitable.

>> No.8828627
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