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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 665x563, p233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
882588 No.882588 [Reply] [Original]

Rate Resume's Here! Any tips on mine to start out with?

>> No.882598


>> No.882614


>> No.882624


wanna see my resumee?

>CS BSC at X university


r8 plz.

>> No.882633


>> No.882643

stop bumping
also i hope this is no bait
what exactly ? this says nothing
>caring for grandma
this isnt a "job" per se, its a social accomplishment, try to get it in otherwise
comes of quite odd, maybe add all your hobbies in a new box under your info

also general structure is shit

try to get it in some slight design, dont overdo it

>> No.882644

I didnt have a good idea what kind of design to use

>> No.882645

check creative market.

>> No.882646

Wow this is so shit. You literally have nothing on there to offer an employer,.

>> No.882647

Can you give me an idea how it should be?

>> No.882654

god are you stupid or what.

Just google CV examples and copy the structure.

Are you aspiring to work as a cashier or what?

>> No.882656

No i am trying to get a good resume structure down for a job anywhere

>> No.882661
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1396655409926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.882668

Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.882675

It isnt a joke, I have NO experience with this thats why I needed help

>> No.882679

I'll bite.

You should tailor your resume to each different job you are applying. Since you have no experience do a skills based resume.

Your cover letter is going to be more important that your resume here. In about a half a page explain to your potential employer how you can solve their problem and why your lack of experience shouldn't stop them from hiring you.

>> No.882680
File: 42 KB, 500x501, 1441123414065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.882711

Right now im applying to random shit so I can get a job for 30 hours a week to make money for me to go back to college

>> No.882719

Shit jobs don't need a resume. Go into the places and talk to the person in charge and ask for a job.

>> No.882736

They tell me to apply online

>> No.882739

Then apply online when they say that and follow up with the person. Tell them you applied and ask what you can do to get the job. Being peasant gets you hobs.

>> No.882740


Cared for grandmother? That might be a nice thing to talk about at your interview to show you're a caring person but otherwise keep it off the resume.

>> No.882926

Can anyone give me an example of one then?

>> No.882932

HAHA, into the thrash
7/10 if bait

>> No.882939

nigger I hope you're trolling

you need to look at some examples of professional resumes

>> No.882942

I always hastily respond to these threads then realize 2 seconds later that I totally just took the bait

oh well

>> No.882963

eVERYONE THINKS uits bait when it isnt

>> No.882985

I've been doing resume help for friends for a while, anyone know what a good hourly rate would be? I feel I could turn it into a small business.

>> No.883002


>> No.883035

bump for advice on how to reword the reusme

>> No.883041

That resume does not say "your company will want what I have". Tailor it to 'sell' yourself to the prospect. Say if you're good with people and know how to interact/convince/manage/oversee others. What are your strong points: sales, tech, organizing, etc?

>> No.883051

No Idea...

>> No.883054
File: 154 KB, 902x1040, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't people supposed to be posting resumes or something?

Yes, I know there are several typos.

>> No.883058
File: 98 KB, 1430x863, Resumehelp - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique is welcome, just started looking for a new job. Sometimes I tailor the objectives to the company I am applying to, and I add or delete some jobs depending on the job i am applying to.

>> No.883059

>2 pages
Resumes should only be one.

>> No.883063

Well yes resumes should be generally be kept to one page, unless you have experience to back it up.

As far as your resume is your objective is to general, your computer skills can be summed up with Microsoft programs, you have no accomplishments in computer technology unless you state them (which you havent), your volunteering experience is your best bet but you somehow skipped over the whole part by summarizing all the activities you did with i "worked" at market day and you "worked" at library science, 1# seller in market challenge wtf is that?, bowled on bowling team so lie that you set up leagues or became a captain of one shouldn't be to hard if you have experience.

>> No.883068

Oh damn good point, so it can be 2 pages if its good material?

>> No.883069

No, only if you have job history to back it up. You dont have a job history so there is no way you can go beyond 1 page.

>> No.883070
File: 19 KB, 341x487, aaa1310560518561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowledge of Software
>Knowledge of Hardware

>> No.883073

I have a job history on there, look

>> No.883091
File: 51 KB, 500x501, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a job history on there

>Responsible for caring for elderly grandmother since 2009
Not job experience, also oddly phrased.
>Memorial Hospital as a Safety Attendant from May of 2012 - May of 2013
It looks odd. Can I suggest something like
>Employer/Location & Position
>Work tasks

>Elite Marketing from September 2013 - February 2015
Where? What did you do? How did you do your job?

>> No.883132
File: 67 KB, 750x367, tm-pilbox.global.ssl.fastly.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two pages
Are you applying to be a professor?

>> No.883134

That doesnt go in a resume dude, a resume is what you have done. In the interview is where you elaborate

>> No.883137

unless you are writing a CV (which you are not), keep your resume at 1 page

>> No.883149

How would you know? i thought you needed help?

>> No.883185
File: 15 KB, 492x558, Resume png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.883198

For a resume, two pages can work, if you print them on the front and back of a single sheet.

The front should be able to stand on its own, the back has additional detail.

>> No.883338

>tfw you post your resume but everyone is too busy responding to OP's bait to look at it

>> No.883363

That makes a bit more sense, thank you.

>> No.883376
File: 124 KB, 610x1598, rezumay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not enough information

Knowledge of hardware doesn't mean shit. Which hardware, which brands, what kind of knowledge.

What were your responsibilities on market day. A resume isn't a shopping list, it's a story about you. As an employer I want to find the relevant skills I need for the position and a little information about you in about 60 seconds. This resume wouldn't even warrant a second look.


This is good.

Most recent experience well explained. Only thing I would say is including at least a 5 year work history.

Skills and knowledge are specific. Certs and education are short and sweet.

For a one page resume it is excellent. If it was a two page resume I would add things like hobbies, a blurb about you and some other information to make you stand above other applicants.


2 pages is fine. As I said before, 5 year work history at least and maybe a little bit more information about yourself.

People want to work with other people, not robots. If I had two resume in front of me with equivalent skills, I would pick the resume that was the most personal.

Attached is my most recent resume which needs to be updated. I've been using this resume since 2012 and the format is from a government template. It gets me interviews every time.

Page 1 is area specific. Page 2 is education and personal and page 3 I add references. I usually send it off without page 3 as I don't want my references to get bombarded with stupid shit from HR companies.

I've been told not to put pictures on my resume, but I think it makes it stand out. As long as you keep your file size down it's not a issue and even adds to the resume.

>> No.883397

But the thing is, idk how i could put more without going over 1 page, should i reformat it

>> No.883415
File: 141 KB, 403x443, 1410034359576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use your white space efficiently. Often changing font can make a difference.

Generally you want to stay with 12 font, but most people won't notice going down to 11. There are many things you can do to a single page to squeeze in more words.

Often the most important thing is to use your words efficiently. Less words, more meaning.

Omitting certain things can also lead your reader to assume something about you that may or may not be true. This can be useful when you don't have experience, but want to appear that you do.

>> No.883458

Is there a certain format that is more attractive than mine? I tried doing better ill upload in a few

>> No.883465
File: 18 KB, 656x547, hf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is, any better? took the grandmother thing off. I did have an internship at a physical therapy office before though, idk if i should put that on though

>> No.883571


>> No.883639


You don't want to put pictures on your resume generally because it can lead to discrimination without being an issue for the employer, but with being a vet it's going to be a positive for you most of the time

Though you could get hired just about anywhere, even with a shitty resume done in Comic Sans

>> No.883657


>> No.883674


>> No.883683


>> No.883717


>> No.883738

still terrible tbh
yes, put the physical therapy internship on there

going down through your resume I see nothing specific, makes you look like a faker

merge computer skills and accomplished in computer technology into one section, keep it as computer skills

elaborate on what your knowledge of hardware and software is. your current general descriptions are utter shit and mean nothing

jobs - don't just list the employer and the title. list what you did and use action verbs eg 'Ensured the safety of patients' or 'Escorted patients from ambulance to processing'. you are correct in that the interview is the place to elaborate but if you don't put atleast something about what you did on your resume it's going in the trash

elite marketing description: use bullet points and action verbs like:
Greeted and directed customers entering the building
Sold personal training seshes
Cleaned toilets

for format put your name and stuff at the top and get rid of that blank space on the right. use the entire width of the page

>> No.883739

only advice i have is to be more specific in your responsbilites (what did you tutor? what age students?) but your resume is pretty gud

>> No.883740

use action verbs like 'Removed dead from houses' instead of repeating 'duties included' for every bullet

>> No.883798

I must be retarded because I didnt understand much of what you said?

>> No.883861
File: 317 KB, 1654x2339, biz_resume_template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /biz/,

I am tired of receiving resumes that belong in the garbage... please, use this as a starting point

>> No.883864

Wow thank you very much!!!

>> No.884057

What format is that?

>> No.884072

Similar to the formatting suggested by Harvard Business School with slight variations

>> No.884083

Can you find that in microsoft word?

>> No.884088

Very small differences, but nearly identical:


>> No.884102


>> No.884193

Do you guys think that an employer would validate my membership within a student club?

>> No.884280
File: 957 KB, 2550x3300, Resume Critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm meeting with a headhunter friend of my dad on Tuesday. I want to make sure that my resume is acceptable for my level so I don't seem completely out of it. I appreciate any advice and thoughts. Before you say it, I know, communications, laughinggirls.jpg

>> No.884281

This is not good. For your jobs, you need to provide specific examples, not general behavior. Give them an example of when you improved processes.

Also, I'm not sure what kind of position your latest job was, but try to make it sound like it wasn't a support job. Try to make it sound like a "managed services" job, whatever that is. If you can, leave out the support part of your job title.

The rest is good.

>> No.884291


That's not something you should put on your resume. Seriously, who gives a shit? Unless it's something like FBLA or FFA and you've won awards, it doesn't matter.

Granted I did place in an FBLA national many many years ago and I have that on a resume. You know why? Because I actually won at State and placed at nationals and a lot of businesses love FBLA shit.

But just a regular student club? Lolno

>> No.884355

It is basically a support job, unfortunately. Although I support other companys' IT departments instead of end-users.

Should I just fudge it to make it sound like more of a consultant role?

>> No.884453

chairman ceo will you be in the thread tomorrow? Im gonna redue the resume with the format and could use your crique, thanks much.

>> No.884480
File: 12 KB, 285x278, 1423104091867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does a 24 year old that has never worked for anything outside of an odd job put on his resume, ive been applying for summer jobs since i was 16 and ive never been called back ever

>> No.884689

in addition to awards if you were in a leadership position (basically president and VP, treasurer doesn't count unless it was a huge club) and it wasn't too long ago you should put it on your resume if you are trying to get anything managerial

also +1 for FBLA, I won my event and nationals and having that on my resume gets me to the interview stage everytime up to about 3 years later

>> No.884707
File: 23 KB, 602x612, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really ain't that hard to google a cv, copy it and replace with own info

>> No.884732


Only worthwile CVs so far. /biz/cucks are low rank in their resume skills.

>> No.884743

That isnt as good as >>883861

>> No.884747

Average cost for professional help on a resume is $50-100 if i remember right, go a little less and you might make some money

>> No.884750

sure it isn't, i just googled it, copied it and edited the info, needs some editing and tweaking some info to look nicer

>> No.884764


Don't pay for resume making, it's a scam industry. For once go on reddit /r/resumes, they give out a good help for free and do (for once) not a bad job.

Don't waste your money on a scam.

>> No.884768

Why reddit and not here?

>> No.884769

more active, more specialized and more willing to help i would guess

>> No.884776


4chan has a pretty basic formatting and doesn't allow links, etc.

Reddit has a better interface for this kind of demand and, compared to this board, is more active. They also post CV models you can download straightforward.

>> No.884779
File: 115 KB, 485x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One poster said my resume is worthwhile - any detractors? I'm looking to polish this turd ASAP as my contract ends in late October.

>> No.884780

maybe just line up your education so it is in line with other paragraphs, nothing more from my pov

>> No.884792
File: 136 KB, 663x899, aboveAeverageExample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same poster anon.

Your thing is worthwile compared to the general 4chan level.

> Font is too small, too boxed in
> Too much white spaces you could use
> The skill section could be completed with more things that are less bullshit than "research"
> Put education first, then Work Experience and then Volunteer experience
> Summary section is useless

Make that CV cleaner, shorter, more readable, appealing to the eyes. The content is good. Put the form to the matter now.

> Add more numbers, they catch recruiters' eyes

>> No.884827

In this it says "University school name" or "business school name" What if I went to community college to get a certificate?

>> No.884832

op ur fucked

>> No.884833

This is really difficult to fill out for a noob. I dont know any other languages besides english. "List any programming languages" like c++? I'm not great at any of that shit. Bottom of screen it asks for finance certificates? OR just certificates in general?

>> No.884836

And is this the last 3 jobs? Because on the 1 you had me download from>>884088
there is a student club and stuff, unless i was supposed to delete that

>> No.884839

Also when it says to list the jobs in order, well it doesnt say that, but should I put my last 3 jobs in order? Or the most relevant ones, I worked at a marketing place, a gym and a hospital. the marketing place for over a year, gym for 5 months hospital for 5. But i worked in order, hospital, marketing place, then gym

>> No.884842


>> No.884861


>> No.884910


>> No.884936
File: 109 KB, 607x1158, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the resume that landed me a paid internship as a manager's assistant. The only reason I let it get to two pages was because I had to send it as an email- if I send in a hard copy it's always just one page.

I have a master resume that has all of my experience on it, and I just cut it down and edit it to fit the position I'm applying to.

>Google buzzwords for resumes, put it in skills
>it works

>> No.884958

>physical address
does that include town, state and zip code? Or just something like 5421 north olcott lane. Or something like that?

>> No.884970


>> No.884973

On a resume, do you put the peoples headquarters? For example, I worked for a company that is based form michigan but they worked inside stores across various states like illinois and so. Wha twould i put??

>> No.884980

>Activities: [Student Clubs, Volunteer Work, Independent Activities]

Is this where I'd put a resume?

>> No.884988

If I was in a club once or twice, like I went to 2 meetings of a drama club and 1 meeting of a "down to earth" club where you save the planet or some shit. I was wondering can i put that on a resume? Idk if theyd call because if they called the people probably wouldnt know who I am. But I have proof i went to a meeting because they still email me about their bullshit student club. Just wondering

>> No.884992

of course you can there's no way for them to check. just know something about those clubs

>> No.885001

question kinda related, tomorrow I have a panel discussion with industry representatives for mechanical engineering regarding summer internships. what should I do to stand out, and what how should I network with them? thanks!

>> No.885022

do i list what i did in them on the resume? I'm using that great one from up top

>> No.885026


> Show them you're more than a brain that can crush numbers.
> Proove them you can lead a team of people like you
> Proove them you can deal with people that aren't like you and be polite

>> No.885063

Bump for my recent questions

>> No.885123


>> No.885192

bump please guys

>> No.885209

can't bump your own thread, but i can and will

>> No.885216

Really you cant bump your own? i didnt know that thanks much

>> No.885218
File: 82 KB, 1700x2200, resume redacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my shit resume; currently applying for some part-time book-keeper position

>> No.885232

What needs work- there's some typos throughout, make sure to fix those. Also make sure all your statements are past tense unless you're still working there .I say this because your third bullet in your office clerk experience is phrased awkwardly, and using past tense would fix it- "Took part in creation off" or "Lead creation of..."
I really just like that the format is clean and readable

>> No.885241
File: 210 KB, 762x994, Resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under relevant coursework, should i specify whether or not a course was taken at the graduate level? seems like it would take up too much space/be too gaudy, but i've got a few grad courses on there and it might be helpful if employers new that

>> No.885250

Thanks man. Should I also add a career objective like what I see in most resumes?

>> No.885256

Honestly I don't know if it makes a difference, but I do have one on mine. It wouldn't hurt to add one

>> No.885274

CEO guy you here?

>> No.885379

ceo guyyy

>> No.885413

It lists two schools because the resume is set up for individuals who have gone to undergrad school and then grad school. In this instance, you will have two schools listed. In your situation, since you have only gone to community college, you list the name of your community college and the certificate you are working on or the certificate you received.

It is not difficult. You aren't supposed to replace things line by line, you're supposed to use what I gave you as a REFERENCE of what a satisfactory resume looks like, and get ideas from it. Tweak it. If you don't know any additional spoken languages or any programming languages at all, then don't add it. List any relevant certificates to the job(s) you're applying for or field you're applying in.

When you gain more and more work experience, your college section should shrink on your resume because it begins to have less and less relevance. For example, any college clubs listed on your resume 20 years from now will look a bit ridiculous to have on your resume and will be taking up useful room that can be used to expand on real-world job experiences you've had.

Everything on your resume should be in order of something. Jobs should be sorted by date. Sections should be sorted by priority, in combination with appearance/aesthetics (for example, you would not list "interests" at the top of your resume).

Physical address should include your full address as if you were to mail yourself a letter from another country.

Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be


No, don't put it on your resume...

Don't put it...


>> No.885425

jesus christ just ban this faggot already

>> No.885429

C&C will this resume get binned? >>885218

Any other tips for improvement?

>> No.885465

Thanks so much for the continued responses. I feel if I delete things on the sample resume like languages and stuff I will only have a half a page less for a resume or something

>> No.885467

Also technical skills such as what "knowledge of microsoft word/exel" or what? Also interests, do people read those? What are good interests to put down? My interests are video games and lifting

>> No.885494

no, it is good

put down computer skills that you have (including MS Office applications). Interests just serve as a talking point where the interviewer may or may not decide to ask or speak with you about it. If it's too much of a distraction from the rest of the resume, then don't put it.

>> No.885500

What if the resume isnt a whole page yet? I'm still filling it out I will post and hope to get your advice sir

>> No.885588

In the resume where it says
" Selected [Client / Project / Transaction] Experience:"

What does that mean? And what does it mean to list projects? I didnt have a project I just went to work

>> No.885591

Also what would be a fancy way of putting this, "Front Desk, Responsible for Selling Personal Training Sessions, Cleaner"

>> No.885595

Also "group name" for someone who worked at a gym?

>> No.885614

CEO man you here?

>> No.885616
File: 74 KB, 885x1037, resume 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.885637

Your technical skills are legit as fuck wish I had some lol

>> No.885887 [DELETED] 


>> No.885946


>> No.885953

If you made the presdients list 1 semester how would you label that on a resume? Would you put that you got it for 1 semester?

>> No.885986


>> No.886022

OP here, where do I upload my resume so you can see the whole thing and rate how I did?

>> No.886165
File: 86 KB, 1256x658, For Biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, here is my updated resume. Take a look!

>> No.886173


Stop fucking bumping, /biz/ is a slow board and this thread is shit any ways. And take all of the [ ] out of your resume, makes it messy looking as hell.

>> No.886200

Sorry, just want ceo man to see it, he was a big help to me

>> No.886303

Ceo guyy

>> No.886324

>get email from department secretary at my uni about an internship opportunity
>posting only asks for resume
>send resume to company
>send another one about a week later
>get another email from department secretary about the same company still looking for interns

>> No.886427

[] needs to go.

Work on the descriptions. Met tons of great people doesn't describe your job.

>> No.886449

can you elaborate

>> No.886473
File: 150 KB, 524x768, ResuTest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite...
>Yes, I am embarrassed by it, but the Job Centre lady wouldn't let me print/apply them until they met "Their [her] standards..."

>> No.886481
File: 84 KB, 1267x688, fixed res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better?

>> No.886518

You can use slashes instead of the [] it makes it super cluttered.

Again, they don't care if you met people, they want to know you sold them something.
-Was responsible for all managerial duties, but was forced to resign due to school schedule conflicts.-

>> No.886576

Can you post where I met people and what I should change it to? I changed my gym thing to what you posted about the managerial duties, great advice thanks

>> No.886581

Also an example of where slashes need to be compared to brackets? I changed a lot of brackets on there

>> No.886598


Those people are pretty useless. I've deal with my share of those before.

>apply for a job through staffing agency
>exact job I want
>go there
>she starts asking me about what kind of jobs and money I want
>I'm like "the job I applied for"

Just drives me up a wall.

>> No.886665


>> No.886716

The time spent waiting for me to respond could have been better used.

The tons of people is in the description for meijer stores. Also, its a fucking retarded point to make. "worked inside of their stores?" No fucking shit.

Front desk / Cleaner / Personal training seller Is the other example.

Fucking read it holy shit.

>> No.886734

Why do people include hobbies on their resume? Do you really think the employer gives a shit that you took judo or watch hentai? Jesus Christ no wonder this board is unemployed and can only get work as a car detailer

>> No.886744

Well the thing was, we did work inside meijer stores, it was a separate company. How would I better use it? Also thanks for the advice on the dashes

>> No.886749

could I put "Sold unqiue items every time so I had a large understanding of different product sales" on there too? Or should I never use "I"?

>> No.886751

How about this for interests, i fixed it

"Interests: In my spare time I participate in sports such as Bowling, Baseball, and Tennis. I also love to learn and research. I am passionate about exercise and becoming a stronger /better version of myself."

>> No.886757


>> No.886779

That's stupid. The employer doesn't care that you lift unless you're applying to a gym or gnc.

>> No.886786

But it asks for hobbies/interests

>> No.886788

Here's a tip, don't put hobbies and interests on a resume. During the interview the wmouer might ask your hobbies. Otherwise, leave it out of a resume if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.886848
File: 392 KB, 1440x1488, Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 11.51.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ever real resume. will be applying for internships with this.

r8 or h8

>> No.886856
File: 81 KB, 1260x653, res again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, here is my updated resume now. I took advice, does it look any more appealing?

>> No.886876

No. How do you claim to be an 'expert' in advertisement when you just graduated? Even if you are good at communication and advertisement, by no metric are you an expert. And why do you lost your interests in bowling or baseball or whatever? In what way does that make you more attractive to any employer?

>> No.886879

Not only that but at the end of page one you capitalized 3 words in a bullet point for the gym or whatever, change that capitalization.

>> No.886881
File: 129 KB, 1272x828, resumes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which resume is better and how would you fix it?
I've been using the one on the left but I've had absolutely no luck with it. I feel like it doesn't explicitly show what I'm capable of and it's just a list of projects since that's really all I have to offer.
On the other hand, the one on the right shows those skills but seems too condensed.

>> No.886883

Get rid of the retarded relevant coursework dude, it's not real world experience, and an employer won't care. Also, dos I read it wrong or have you literally never had a job before?

>> No.886888

I know breh...

>> No.886889

never had one. >focus on school, they said.
should i get one even if it's a part time job? i just don't want one in case i somehow land a real one within a month of working there. does it hurt me that much if i'm just looking for an internship?

>> No.886912

I would, within reason. Emphasize on the things that are not as support engineer ish.

>> No.886917

Can't hurt. I'd recommend either leaving out your objective or changing it more into a personal statement and calling it a "Profile" or something. E.g. "<Adjective> engineering student with experience in x and y excited to join your team/seeking z opportunities." That way it's a summary of both what you're looking for and what and how you will contribute.

>> No.886921

Left one by leaps. Don't leave out your projects.

>> No.886925

This is the resume I would expect a 10th grader to write, if he had the experience of a 22-year-old. Don't use first person everywhere. Also some stuff is just stupid like
>4 or 5 stores
Pick one. A resume isn't an interview where you just ramble on about your experience, it should be clear and concise, the reader should be able to know you as a candidate within 10 seconds of skimming over it. You can't do that with yours. When I skim over it all my eyes see is bullshit.

>> No.887058


> cocky, egotistic, know it all douchbag

you're hired

>> No.887064
File: 163 KB, 600x400, topkekm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> took care of grandma

topkek 1/10 would print and pass around the office for a laugh

>> No.887083

Is caring for an ill and elderly parent a legit reason for having a gap of a few years (post-university) on your resume? How would you pass it off?

>> No.887152

Well what kind of interests should I have? And what word would be better to use than expert?

>> No.887154

>General Manager, Full Time Manager, and Part Time Manager combined

Here? Are those not suppose to be capitalized? I thought they were because they were titles

>> No.887156

Appreciate the advice, changing the 4 or 5 to something more specific. And I should take out all the "i's? So just talk in third person like "COmpleted this or worked here? not "i worked here"?

>> No.887159

>Met tons of great people and learned how to market myself with prestige.]
About this, i thought it was good but it is sorta in first person because I said "myself" thoughts on how i could change this into a more appealing statement?

>> No.887265
File: 79 KB, 1256x645, updated 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated, lemme know.

>> No.887304

OP to start off use a summary not an objective. State what you have to offer, objectives in resumes tend to undersell you. Secondly, avoid using single word bullet points when possible. Show that you are educated and have a developed vocabulary. Every time you write something down think of a better way of stating it, number one rule of resumes don't undersell yourself.

>> No.887394
File: 252 KB, 1700x2200, Black_Resume-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls rate. Comment. Like. Share. Get me out of my current job.

>> No.887401
File: 252 KB, 1700x2200, Black_Resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls rate. Like. Upvote. Or share with your employer.

>> No.887763


- Flesh out your objective more. Include a bit on what YOU bring to the company... "seeking a job doing CISCO network administration at AT&T" or something like that. This shows that you bring something to the table rather than just being some bum.

- The whole section titled "accomplished in computer technology" needs to be re-written. "Knowledge of hardware," "knowledge of software"? Really? You're not telling your prospective employer anything about your specific skills. You want to include stuff like "certified Ruby developer" or "CISCO CCNA certified," stuff that shows your employer you're legit.

- The school volunteering section is a bit better but still not great. What is "market day," what is "marketing challenge"? You need to specify which organizations host these events, for example, "Ogilvy marketing day."

- "Bowled on bowling league 10 years." This isn't really relevant, you want your resume to be laser-focused on the job you're applying for. Sports can be helpful if it's relevant to the job; for example, if you're applying for work in the oil industry, saying that you did 5 years of college football might help, cause it will show that you're "one of the guys" (i.e. compatible with the culture).

Overall this is a pretty bad resume but it's possible to improve it. Send me an email @ misterbuttunz@gmail.com and I'll give you some pointers.

>> No.887800

here is my updated one man, the first one is shit I know. Lemme know what u think

>> No.887823


Took a quick look. Here's a list of some of the things that jump out at me.

(1) Get rid of all of the brackets.

(2) You're missing commas with most of the place names. Be consistent.

(3) Get rid of sub-bullets. Stick to regular bullets for everything.

(4) Don't start bullets with "Was." Find an action verb. Instead of "Was the lead seller in various . . . ." Use "Lead sales team . . ." or whatever is appropriate.

(5) Avoid colloquialisms like "put my own spin on the company sales pitch." Use "created" or "redesigned company sales pitch" or something else.

(6) Don't end sentences with prepositions. E.g. ". . . I would work at" is bad.

(7) Generally write shorter sentences. Aim to be clear and concise. Shorter is always better.

(8) Don't include "was forced to resign due to school schedule conflicts." Just don't.

(9) Avoid cheese. "Learned how to deal with others in a manner that has been incredibly beneficial in my life." Nah. Save it for the interview.

(10) Only bold the headings.

(11) Avoid adjectives. You don't need "tremendous amount." I learned about X is fine.

(12) Capitalization of Bowling, Baseball, and Tennis is weird. Get rid of love to learn and research and exercise to relieve stretch. Make it shorter -- "Playing recreational sports like bowling, baseball, and tennis and working out" would be sufficient.

>> No.887988
File: 39 KB, 821x973, biz resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out /biz/

I know i'm a fucking pleb but I need a job

been applying for 3 days and only scheduled interviews for 2 sales positions so far

Also, any suggestions as to what job I should apply for?

>> No.888001
File: 215 KB, 1596x1207, Resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is mine, any critiques?

You should include your name and contact info.

Other anons already picked on the contents, but maybe you should space things out a bit more, and try avoiding long sentences/paragraphs

>all those courses listed.
Remove them ,and make space for other content. Maybe put your hobbies in.

looks good to me anon. Just remove that hotmail account and use a professional one.

For your objective just add "Obtain a" in front of the sentence. Remove/narrow down all those courseworks. Lastly try to clean up the education section.

Good so far, but maybe post some of your skills you have to offer.

>> No.888010

I was told to take out the brackets in mine >>887265

>> No.888011


Post that shit on DICE and make it clear in your profile that you're looking for an entry level gig in IT.

If you live in a city, a recruiter will find you and get you a foot-in-the-door gig at, like, $40k.

That's how I finally became a developer. 3 years and 5 months later, I'm making $100k base.

>> No.888013


Jokes on them, I don't have any skills
unless IT stuff counts so maybe ill put that in

For yours:

-one page
-remove hobbies
-remove "references upon request", they'll ask if they want them

These are 3 major things listed on "things not to put on your resume"

>> No.888021


Will do, because the worst they can do is say no

However, I am not incredibly confident in my IT skills. I am pretty shaky with SQL and my programming isn't good. I'm totally comfortable with faking it til I make it though. Do you think i'll be found out? I could probably pass a simulated test provided it wasn't advanced shit

I live in New Jersey about 20 mins from NYC so there's probably a lot of IT stuff around

Either way thanks man

>> No.888023

>You're missing commas with most of the place names. Be consistent.
Can you explain this a bit more
> Don't start bullets with "Was." Find an action verb. Instead of "Was the lead seller in various . . . ." Use "Lead sales team . . ." or whatever is appropriate.

Confused on this a bit too.

>> No.888026
File: 55 KB, 755x927, r8pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told it's good. Anything I can do to improve it?

>> No.888030

Yea so I didn't repeat what that anon said, but the hotmail account needs to go.

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=skills+employers+are+looking+for just follow that link and pick out the ones you think you have, and thanks for the critique anon.

>> No.888034


Note Front Desk / Cleaner / Personal Training Salesman. You have [Place name], [Illinois]. But in your education section, your marketing representative job, and your safety attendant job you don't include a comma for the place name.

E.g., for your marketing representative job, you need [Place name]COMMA [Michigan] not [Place name] [Michigan].

Also take out the brackets.

Regarding "was." Never start a bullet point with "was." It is not an action verb. Use a verb like "led" or "coordinated."

>> No.888035
File: 72 KB, 1246x662, Updated again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is updated again thoughts?

>> No.888042

The hotmail account is my email account, I dont have any others. I have 2 email accounts, 1 is a shit posting one and the other is the good one i put on the resume

>> No.888045

Yeah when i was blacking things out it was blacked out but I had it there all along, appreciate it

How would you re phrase "Was responsible for managerial duties"? or
" Was responsible for keeping patients with likely mental instabilities safe from harm. Worked with many different kinds of patients in numerous demographics. Was also responsible for transporting patients to various locations inside the Hospital."

>> No.888047
File: 85 KB, 885x1037, resume 4cha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.888049


Gmail is free and much more professional


Don't use the same words over and over

>was responsible for managerial duties
Managed up to 20 employees while leading business operations blah blah blah

>Was responsible for keeping retards blah blah
Enforced proactive safety measures to keep patients safe while providing quality healthcare and following procedural guidelines blah blah

Just don't make all the words the same. Nobody wants to read that. Fluff it up too

>> No.888052
File: 74 KB, 960x960, 15661095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help pls

>> No.888054

This is better. Besides what I already mentioned...

(1) take out "store" in "store shoppers." Redundant.

(2) replace "5" with five.

(3) Change Chicago land area to Chicago area.

(4) Change this to -- "Developed a unique company sales pitch to increase rapport with customers and colleagues." More concise.

(5) I'm not sure Personal Training Sessions should be capitalized.

(6) I'd change the second bullet point for the training salesman thing to "Led efforts in selling training bundles by creating xxx thereby increasing overall sales..." or something like that.

(7) For the last bullet point, I probably wouldn't mention that you sold more training sessions than your managers. Prospective employers may take that the wrong way. Just say something to the effect of -- "Received recognition for most training sessions sold" or whatever.

(8) I'd take out the demographics stuff. In the first bullet point for the hospital job. See if you make combine everything into one sentence.

(9) Under certifications, get rid of "Also CPR and AED" and write "Certified in CPR and AED from the American Heart Association." Start with action verbs.

(10) Also, don't say you interned for just a month. If it comes up, tell them the truth but don't mention how long you interned -- especially because this is in the activities section. Probably don't need the other stuff that comes after that, but it's your call. (Interning is pretty self-explanatory.)

(11) You just need to cut stuff down. Highlight real achievements or things prospective employers wouldn't realize you do. E.g., being a safety attendant is pretty self-explanatory. You don't need to state the obvious (for the most part).

(12) Also, as another anon said, you can vary up the action verbs by looking in a thesaurus. You use the word developed a lot. Highlight the collaborative process if you can -- coordinated, consulted, etc.

That's all for now. I'll send you the bill later.

>> No.888058

You arent really gonna charge me are you..? I thank you for the advice, but you think it is better? I will post what i come up with

>> No.888060


I'll try to point out some obvious stuff anon:

-Bold education, work experience, and skills. Also make the font for those larger

-Why is GPA under the line after education? Should be in the same block. Probably aligned to the right on the same line as "education" or in a bullet point

-get rid of that empty bullet point too

-Cut some of that job description down. You write a lot but don't say much. Some pretty good buzzwords thrown in there though

-"Skills/abilities" should possibly be rephrased. Maybe "relevant skills" would be better. Idk, I just don't like the way it is but its not that bade

And idk about the picture man

>> No.888063


Beside what the other anon said, the formatting needs some work. Google search "Harvard Law Resumes" and look under the samples. Some of them are better than others but they're aesthetically on point for the most part.

Also, unless you are a 10/10 no picture.

>> No.888069

Get rid of all italics, if you don't know how to use them, don't.
Move your GPA to the institution you received it, within the education category. Get rid of the stray bullet point under GPA. Is that your high school listed beneath your college? If so cut it, if you're in college then they already know you got a high school diploma/equivalent.
I personally wouldn't put on there a separate bullet for your major and year- include major with the degree you're getting, and they can see what year you are by looking at the years you've attended.
Move education date to align with the career dates.
"Brand Ambassador" is out of format, fix that.
Make sure you only use past tense words if you No longer work at that job. I say this because your last experience log is past tense but you say you're still working there.
I would change "proficient" to "fluent" in your last bullet point.
The picture is weird. Unless you're eye candy, drop it.

Good luck

>> No.888126

I am 9/10 and blonde blue eyes. Usually gets me work lol

>> No.888142

Different anon

I graduated from a well known competitive public high school and plan on working in the same relative area.

I included high school so I could put SAT/PSAT score. do you think this is a good idea

>> No.888149

If its Stuyvesant or someplace prestigious, you could probably get away with including the high school. But I really don't see any need to include a raw SAT/PSAT score. If you received a merit scholarship tied to that score, then you can include that.

>> No.888151

top 1% of public highschools in the nation? or something like that

yeah, just the "national merit commended" or what have you under highschool

>> No.888152

Go ahead and include the high school's name. It'll speak for itself.

National merit could go under college if you received a scholarship through your SAT, but I guess its fine to include it under your high school. I'd just be wary of making the high school section too long. Employers only really care about college and grad school, so the more you can fill out those sections the better.

>> No.888153

For number 6, isnt that what I already have? Just in maybe a few more words? I thought it was pretty good

>> No.888154

>use the word developed a lot
What about individualized for the first part in the marketing work experience? I cannot think of a better word than developed tbh. In the thesaurus there are only 3 words similar and they are all shit

>> No.888155

It is just a little wordy. I think it reads that way because you include "personal training sessions" twice in that sentence. Maybe -- "Led team's efforts in selling training bundles by creating blah blah resulting in increased sales."

Remember, employers will spend about 60 seconds looking over your resume. You don't really want to waste any time. Hit the key points and move on.

Also, make sure its all one page.

>> No.888156

should i type out "thirteen" in there or leave as 13?

>> No.888158
File: 78 KB, 1269x570, updated again2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay let me know what you think guys!

>> No.888160

Just be consistent. I prefer to type out numbers unless they are over 100 or dates/etc.

Then you can keep it. Your call ultimately.

>> No.888162

Also wondering, instead of
"Was responsible for all managerial duties"
Would this be better
"Undertook responsibility for all managerial duties"?
trying to find something to replace that last was... I think this resume is getting pretty good compared to what it was in the OP

>> No.888165
File: 199 KB, 600x450, Ron-Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont put periods at the end of your bullets, first glaring one

>> No.888167


Put your college major on there
And put the italicized "certified in fitness instructor training" under that
Putting the major is important

Other than that, i'm liking it a lot more. A little too cluttered but the info is all relevant.

Liking the wording a lot more too

Maybe get rid of "interests" and "activities" on the bottom; have one skills sections, and create a separate "internships" section where you talk about that

>> No.888177

Thank you anons, Yeah i fixed that nonsense, forgot to take a screenshot.

>> No.888221

>... lost, like tears in the rain...

>> No.888300

.....and wear a codpiece to the interview

>> No.888459

Getting better .

- Don't start bullets with "Was". Use action verbs.
- SAR = Situation Action Result. You are missing "Result" on most bullets. Read out loud, ask yourself "So What?" The answer is typically the Result, and ideally is monetary or at least numeric.
- In general, use less bullets but make each bullet more detailed. If you need space, compact education into less space.

>> No.888477

I cannot think of anything for my resume instead of was, especially for managerial duties

>> No.888612
File: 76 KB, 702x908, 09092015 resume anonymized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the middle of recruiting season right now. I've applied to almost 100 positions (lol fuck job hunting). I still plan on submitting this thing to a lot more, any tips would be greatly appreciated

>> No.889006


>> No.889993

well the structure isnt your main problem, its education and skills. if u want to get a job anywhere

>> No.890040

You wrote "Excell" at the bottom

>> No.890045

take out your photograph

>> No.890053

what font is this?

>> No.890059


need to land a job by graduation next year. started applying in august. any tips/critiques?

>> No.890212
File: 40 KB, 346x750, 1417757709121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great attention to detail

>> No.890245
File: 88 KB, 544x746, screenshot-docs.google.com 2015-09-11 12-54-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me

>> No.890247

this is not official, im aware of the typos. it prints one page idk why google was doin that

>> No.890281



>> No.890297

>resumes with pictures are the standard
when will this bad meme end?

>> No.890299

>Contact taking up that much space
>that pointless objective
>Putting high school accomplishments when you're in college
>Work experience not being first
>All of those awful descriptions of generic shit you did


>> No.890303
File: 91 KB, 930x1311, Hollande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you guys filling your resumes with generic nonsense instead of listing specific things you've done? also why are any of these more than a page

>> No.890423

And promoted to managment

>> No.890453

It's a Serif font, which is not optimal because it's slightly harder to read than a Sans Serif font.

>> No.890456
File: 100 KB, 848x971, cv4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot. I removed the header which only includes contact information.

>> No.890471

>tfw resume so good still getting interview offers on the regular a year after graduation

Honestly these recruiters are annoying as fuck. I always link them though, just in case I get into a bind later on.

>> No.890473

definitely take out the word "prestigious" in your opening sentence. Great way to get thrown in the trash off the bat

>> No.890474

And don't use the word
"I" ever in a resume. You'll look self-centered

>> No.890503

Done and done