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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8822134 No.8822134 [Reply] [Original]

Coca Cola kid posted. What does it mean?

>> No.8822156
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>> No.8822163

$10 EOM
$25 EOQ
$75 EOY

>> No.8822164

Who is this and why should i care since hes too stupid to know about LINK?

>> No.8822171

nigga who?

>> No.8822198

>picks mostly top 20 coins

>people act like some fag on twitter is a god when they go up

the real twitter guys know when to call something at $.06 and it goes to over a dollar. oh wait, thats me.

>> No.8822336

thats really impressive dude, good job anon kek

>> No.8822360

nty cck

>> No.8822372

when is this faggot getting arrested by the SEC

>> No.8822433

he only posts about vechain

>> No.8822543



>> No.8822610

The tweet implies that disciples and unbelievers will both get burned. Makes it sound like Vechain will hurt followers and the crypto market in general. CCK also mispelled “disciples” and forgot to capitalize “bringing” when starting a new sentence. The chabuduo is strong with him and Vechain.

>> No.8822869

newfags everywhere

>> No.8822921

volume jsut picked up buy up boys moon coming

>> No.8823877


Buy Ethphoenix.io I guess....

>> No.8823903

Everyone get ready to be dumped on by VEN insiders who are behind CCK

>> No.8823917

I used to like VeChain but then all the redditor sjws jumped on board and now I just hope it burns to ashes just because they don't deserve to be rich.

>> No.8824472

exactly this

>> No.8824506

if you jump off then they deserve it more than you.

>> No.8824525

He spells it like that every time, it’s on purpose.

>> No.8824569

If you guys can’t see the writing on the wall you straight up never will. LVMH partnership. Stay poor anons.

>> No.8824827

Alright that’s it. Confirmation that this board is 95% moronic newfags who literally weren’t here before January. I have no reason to be here, last post, you guys know nothing and have nothing to offer. Fucking depressing

>> No.8824866

I'm surprised as well, where all these newfags came from

>> No.8824881

Seems to be referencing VeChain.

>> No.8824897
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>LVMH partnership
it has been known already

>> No.8825450

>No, I was here the whole time and didn't read your shit threads.

>> No.8825477

Newfags who think pre-January is a badge of honor.

>> No.8825506

Been on /biz/ since february '17 and I have literally no fucking idea who that is.

>> No.8825509

Good, you’re too autistic even for 4chan

>> No.8825518

I've been here since 2014, owned Bitcoin since 2013 and I have no idea who the Coca Cola faggot is.

>> No.8825570


Literally who

>> No.8825614

COLX right now

>> No.8825618

I've been here since the creation of the Universe and I have never heard of him

>> No.8825647

I have an infinite number of quantum immortalities, only some of which have heard of Coca Cola Kid

>> No.8825669

that chink coin gonna be 100$eoy , not holding

>> No.8825739

I was never racist until I came to 4chan a few years back and now I fucking hate chinks of all kinds. The state of biz where people think this chink coin will make them rich

>> No.8826122

They want to make themselves rich, so it's in their best interest to pump this shitcoin into top 5 any way possible

>> No.8826177

pre-January means money already made
did you buy the top kiddo? :(

>> No.8826945

literally nobody cares anymore, VEN is chink trash

>> No.8827826

Fucking chinks couldn't even spell their fake partner correctly

>> No.8827880
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