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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8820351 No.8820351 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question towards the miners (if there are any) here.
I work for a computer hardware retailer in Eastern-Europe and we've sold ~2m € worth of GPU's to miners in the last 6 months.

Right now, I was checking a local "graigslist" for used hardware and spotted one of our clients selling pic related USED for 220€ a piece. they bought it from us for 178€ pre-tax (since they bough it as a business, hence they don't pay VAT). How is this greed acceptable? You bought something, whored it out for crypto monies and then have the nerve to resell it for MORE THAN YOU PAID initially? What goes on in the miners' heads?

The worst part is. They sell it whilst advertising "remaining warranty from X" where X is my workplace. So the next user will come to us and demand free warranty repair and services when the card fails eventually...

Are miner scum literal Jews? At least most of /biz/ are wannabe daytraders, so I don't hate you that much.

>> No.8820368

Buying something cheap and selling it for more wow never heard of that one before kys retard

>> No.8820381

Not greed, just simple demand. Though I wouldn't expect a Eastern European communist to understand basic economics anyway

>> No.8820385

I don't see why they wouldn't try to sell it for higher? Do you hate money, OP?

>> No.8820387

This is why you'll always be a pawn.

>> No.8820389

you must be a master salesman :^)
My issue isn't with the demand, my issue is with the fact that they essentially have 0 loss in the matter and any and all loss that may happen, will be covered by the initial merchant (me)

>> No.8820393

It is his property and he can do what he chooses with it. What is the problem? If you work there why don’t you just buy up supply before it hits the shelves, then resell? All capitalism dude.

>> No.8820406

>It is his property
not quite. It's the property of his business, since he bought it for his company. Him reselling company property as a private person is TAX fraud.
So they are literally breaking the law for their greed.

>> No.8820408

It’s like pussy behind a glass door,is it? You can look at it but can’t touch. All those sweet coins those gpu’s could mine,just imagine. I can sell my rx’s for 20% for what i bough,but won’t bcz all the sweet,sweet shitcoins i mine with them and sending them to an exchange feels like icecream in summer heat, not to mention when i cash out.

>> No.8820436

It’s writeoff,now just switch the word gpu with car and maybe you understand it.

>> No.8820458
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OP mad cuz he sold them instead of mining himself lmao

>> No.8820493

writeoff doesn't work like that in our country. You have to declare every thing like that and pay the government a fee.

also when speaking of buying a car on behalf of the company, the car is then the company vehicle. It MAY NOT BE USED for personal reason/activities outside of work related things. Whereas this is a gpu. Please explain what a "sewing company" needs thousands of gpu's for? They don't even declare the gpus as gpus to the Govt, but rather some ambiguous "electronics" to pass the tax weave...

It is just pure greed, not business, that I see here.

>> No.8820505

yes lol, I mad and hope your house burns down, along with your hardwallet.

>> No.8820527

What country? I'm also from EE, and I have to say you sound just like the old remaining communists "muh capitalism!!! How canuh they make money like that???" fucking kys, honestly. It's moral, it's beaufitul and it benefits society. Also, you must be one of the pussiest people I've seen by not banking on the fact that you work there in order to make more money. How does it feel to know that shitskins in India are more business-minded than you?

>> No.8820551

Baltics. Seems like we really differ a lot, anon. I cannot fathom the idea of ruining a company (heck, even brand at this point) just to make more pure profit short-term. My taxes are paid and accounting done properly and legitimately.

"Business-minded" just makes it sound like those indian techsupport scammers...
>it's just business, anon
it's not. it's short term profit on behalf of others.

>> No.8820559

Why don't you just increase your prices up to the point where they can't do this anymore?

>> No.8820570

yes, this is why skycoin exists

>> No.8820571

they are right, the same way you sell cryptos at market price not at the price you bought them

>> No.8820577

You think we haven't tried? we just sold 20 RX 580 8GB-s for 960€ a pop. That's a 350% markup for me. These fuckers buy at ANY price...

>> No.8820583

Now serious,VAT catches up with you at the end of a fiscal year,it’s not “cheaper prices” it’s a tax delay. And the whole point of business is to make profit (buy for 170,sell for 220)not equal distribution of goods(buy for 170,sell for 170)I hate marx so goddamn mutch,his ghost is still lurking above all of eatern europe.

>> No.8820600

What the fuck is wrong with taking advantage of an opportunity in the market? If that business is stupid enough to let that happen, or just scared that it will lose customers by changing their warranty policies/prices ofc the market is going to adjust (in this case with the help of speculators) in order to reach a new equilibrium so that the distribution of scarce resources becomes efficient again and the people who value said resources most are able to obtain them.

>> No.8820621

Guess I'm a bit old-fascioned in that sense. It really urks me how these "businesses" are willing to do anything (even ruin other legitimate companies) just to get profits.

Ok. I get the general point of the answers provided here. Thanks a lot for your input, /biz/ anons.

>> No.8820636

That's how business works you fucking retard. Ever merchant back in Runescape? Lots of people myself included read the posts of every Jmod religiously for any hint of future updates, then prepared months in advance

Vague hint at a prayer update in the works? Buy dragon bones and hold them then wait to sell them for 10x their usual price on the day of the update. It's how markets work

Kill yourself you anti-free market socialist scumbag

>> No.8820652
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holt shut thats why eastern europe is a shit hole, nigger mentality that dont undeerstand offer and demand. you made a margin already thats why you offer warranty nigger. why would you get jelly of smarter pple than you

>> No.8820661

At least I could afford a new one you raging poorfag nigger

>> No.8820681
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>That's a 350% markup for me
>complains about the exploitative behaviour of others

>> No.8820685

Very few of us here understand basic economics, nevermind business or finance. It is, however, slightly better in the Balkans. But most people here over the age of 30 still hate the rich. My hope lies in the younger generations.

>> No.8820727

Report them to your authorities for tax evasion.

>> No.8820739

aslong as they dont force you to buy it, they can offer you any price they want.

>> No.8820740

Did anyone tell you that you’re a sad pathetic faggot before, OP? It’s funny that you slap some stupid arbitrary defined moral righteousness on the petty act of giving away your money to a bunch of bureaucrats busy exploiting the system to get well off themselves while pretending that they care about people who vote for them. In reality VAT is just robbery. Any sane person would exploit a legal loophole to not pay extra for the same thing, but I guess this concept is too alien to for socialist brainless like you who would also like to pay taxes on every crypto to crypto market order.

>> No.8820751

I've done so on multiple clients. The problem with that is, nothing is done about them. And as soon as they get a hint of the govt being interested in them, they sell the firm to specialized people that "bankrupt" it, thus the original owner is safe and the govt is just wasting resources on nothing and not getting anything either.
It's not "business", I once again reiterate. It's pure criminal action fueled by greed.

>> No.8820754

Did you buy it for less than what you sold it for? Fuck you. You're a fucking numbskull.

>> No.8820758

>we've sold ~2m € worth of GPU's to miners in the last 6 months
That truly is Uncomprehensible greed. Shame on you.

>> No.8820766

>At least most of /biz/ are wannabe daytraders, so I don't hate you that much.
lol eat shit you fucking aids ridden slavnigger commie. like someone here needs your faggot’s approval or anything how to live their life

>> No.8820768

Where did I state that I'm not doing it for the money? :^)

The main difference is, I'm staying within legal boundaries. But these greedy fucks care naught about the country or the law they are fucking.

>> No.8820774
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>But these greedy fucks care naught about the country or the law they are fucking

>> No.8820776

>0% loss
sounds like a quality investment. i bet they steal their neighbors electricity too

>> No.8820789

Are you Lithuanian or Latvian?

>> No.8820793 [DELETED] 

I don't understand how crypto-mining doesn't void the warranty in the first place. In all fairness, videocards don't have much commercial use in the first place. Cryptomining often involves overclocking which could brick it anytime. Remove the write-off and implement the rule that crypto-mining with your hardware voids any warranty...

>> No.8820795

I don't understand how crypto-mining doesn't void the warranty in the first place. In all fairness, videocards don't actually have much commercial use. Cryptomining often involves overclocking which could brick it anytime. Remove the write-off and implement the rule that crypto-mining with your hardware voids any warranty...

>> No.8820810

Why don’t you give a blowjob every tax officer where you live and ask them politely to check on your clients while you’re at it? You should also notify your clients that you reported them.

>> No.8820816

top kek he made it sound like HE cares.fkin slavs srsly, a bunch of niggers itell you

>> No.8820817

Which one do you think is more soviet.
To be fair, all of the baltics gpu supply comes from 2 places: Poland and Russia. Main distributers are ABCData and ELKO. It really doesn't matter who or how much you buy from, because you can always go to the next store and they are 100% guaranteed to get the cards from the same source...
That means that if I start fucking with my "clients" they will go to the next store.

>> No.8820826
File: 47 KB, 645x729, F55F9E4F-020D-406C-B953-1D35226898C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand how calculating numbers on a device designed to do so and having API for doesn't void the warranty in the first place

>> No.8820832

>no commercial use
Wtf is autoCAD

>> No.8820839

This. Fucking brainlets

>> No.8820841

Everything at the retailer you work for is sold at more than it cost them. How is the greed by the retailer acceptable?

>> No.8820843

So you’re just a useless faggot middleman reseller? Why didn’t you kill yourself already?

>> No.8820850

>he buys a gaymen card for video-editing/autocad

>> No.8820853

Because it pays for the taxes and livelyhood of many people.
The miners on the other hand run 1 person "companies" to maximise profits.

Read the OP again please. I never said basic business is "greed" I said that miner specific greed in this case, to me, is uncomprehensible.

>> No.8820860

>not understanding what overclocking is
the brainlet is you

>> No.8820871

Like I said. I got the picture. Most of you think this is completely normal and should be abused even more. Ok. I'd like to see your govt repairing roads or paying your pension out of thin air in 40 years.

I'm done. Sorry I wasted your time. I'd be thankful if a mod coudl prune this.

>> No.8820876
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>gaymen cards are limited to one specific use case
Get a load of this fucking brainlet

>> No.8820888
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Hey faggot.

I do the same and what can you do to stop be you little bitch? Bought shitloads of GPUs from stores like Alza and other east EU places and then sold them on ebay for more than I bought them from you.

Simply put, I jewed the jews and I'm super smug about it. You fucked up by selling the GPUs too cheap, now deal with it. Also you should have limited the amount of GPUs per person, but you were too greedy. Now cry.

>> No.8820891

>I should have same the benefits as gaymer even tho I literally fry the hardware
Ok there Keisha, more money for dem programs.

>> No.8820892

1. I was talking about mining on a card, not overclocking, retard.
2. Some manufacturers actually do void your warranty if they somehow find out you overclocked their products. And if they don't: fuck them, make sure you overclock the shit out of your card and then demand a refund.

>> No.8820923

>muh roads
>muh pensions
>muh fighting ass cancer in mtf transgenders
>muh welfare for jamal
It’s not like there are 99% of other people would pay taxes to fund all kinds of shit, isn’t it? Idiot. Your shithole was literally running on planned economy not so long ago and you cuck is paying for pensions for old communists who didn’t produce anything of value when you are expected to pay for your own retirement.

>> No.8820948

Companies exist for the sole reason of maximising profit for their shareholders, including the retailer where you work so get off your high horse and quit your job if you hate capitalism that much. Also, how do you know the miners are not paying taxes? Have you seen their accounts?

>> No.8820964

I had no doubt that a brainlet like you would actually think that miners overclock video cards and stress hardware by running the rigs at 80C when in reality miners set more tight memory timings and downclock their cards so they would run cooler and consume less power.

>> No.8820966

Oh look, slave mentality manifested. What is it with you slavs and your obsession for poverty?

>> No.8820973

>24/7 mining doesn't stress hardware
>intended use
Just stop, for god sake you guys will do anything to defend crypto.

>> No.8820978

Fucking retard. Good luck having Ahmed pay your pension. If you live anywhere western of Syria, you should have a private pension or invest money on your own in stocks/bonds in order to have x5 more than with any other private pension fund. But I guess this is asking too much from a commie who obviously doesn't understand economics or has basic common sense.

>> No.8820995
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>servers running 24/7
>wut? dey nid time to rest d-d-don’t you know dat you can’t view web sites at n-night?

>> No.8821016
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>he thinks constant temperture oscilation between 0-80C is less stressfull than constant 50C operation.
>He thinks mining overclocks core like gayman instead of memory timings and undervolting
>Not knowing about elemental circuitry properties

>> No.8821051

I know because some tax records are public domain. You can query their tax quota for a small fee to the govt. These 1 person companies pay ltierally 200€ of taxes per year. that just barely above the employment taxes. They have almost 0 profit taxes and sales margins declared.

It doesn't take a scientist to understand what's going on.

>> No.8821068

Supply and demand nigger.

>> No.8821072
File: 44 KB, 720x468, 77C4F2F3-AB58-400B-94C4-A5E93481E91A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only government is allowed to rob you, not the other way around

>> No.8821085

Classic example of "I'm mad that he's exploiting this and I'm not"

>> No.8821110

Also if you werent such a retard, your shop would increase the price of gpus.

My retailer has increased the price of 1080tis by 200$ in less then 6 months because they know eventually miners will buy them.

I wish gamers would stop whinging and get with the times.

>> No.8821144

>some tax records
Have you seen their full accounts? They may be using legal ways of paying less tax - it's not illegal to avoid paying taxes. Everyone (not just businesses) will try to legally pay as litle taxes as possible. For example, normal people might use a tax free allowance to avoid taxes - is that wrong too?

>> No.8821149

Welcome to Romania.Png

>> No.8821157

Sugi pula?

>> No.8821159


>> No.8821341

think of the idiots that actually buy them, why feel sorry for them

>> No.8821405

you could have wait and sold those cards for double price yourself you stupid nigger.

supply and demand.

now go and repair the shit quality card you sold you ultra jewish fucker.

>> No.8821584


If you hate Money. Why are u not sending all you money to me. Also give me all your possessions because otherwise you are greedy. Go OP

>> No.8821618


>> No.8821664

No matter how rich someone gets there will always will be at least one salty person about how they earned their wealth.
Typical proletariat behaviour instead of working your way to the top you would rather whinge and moan about how others are better off than you.

>> No.8821729
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it makes no sense to begin with ... gpu's should have some kind of chip that tracks how many hours on record the card has been utilized at what %age to figure for how long it might be good > and how much its worth still

like used cars ... except with gpu's its theoretically harder to tell when their cleaned and repasted ...

not that i give a fuck though - selling gpu's or and other hw component is like selling anything

nobody gives a fuck - supply/demand in between lots of reselling roaches like you and scums like e-stealing miners

>> No.8822315

>gpu's should have some kind of chip that tracks how many hours on record the card has been utilized at what %age to figure for how long it might be good > and how much its worth still
you fuckface we already live in an orwellian future. chinese implementing a citizen ranking system. government already wants to put chips in your dick, gpu tracking is another step in to 1984.

>> No.8822463

Capitalism bitch

Years of soviet pussification still needs to get purged from your head

>> No.8823401


hello, miner scum how do you do?

>> No.8823491

what kind of retarded communist are you OP? why would you ever waste time worrying about this? just don't buy it from him

>> No.8823619

>I work for a computer hardware retailer in Eastern-Europe
>Are miner scum literal Jews?

no but eastern europe are :^)

>> No.8823644

op is angry about the human greed you wank stains. all of you monkeys pretending to know something but all you do is watch CNN and think you are smart. kek

>> No.8823672

Why are you so greedy? 350% mark up is unnecessary and is beyond greed. Please sell at 0 loss.

>> No.8823747

t. gaymen

>> No.8823971

u mad faggot? gpu vendors don't give a flying fuck about you subhuman poorfags buying used goods on craigslist because you are not their clients.

>> No.8824171

I track Temps and hours via logs from the mining software I use. And I include the logs with sale of my used cards. Not one person has had an issue with my used cards. Plus the cards stay at a steady 65 degrees and never go over.

>> No.8824189

Also I sell the cards for about 25% less than current prices.

>> No.8824220

I am not very familiar with GPUs handling permanent temperatures at these degrees - does it somehow influence their future performance or has an impact on their actual lifetime?

>> No.8824394

Jesus christ will this mining fud ever end? I am sick of the whole "le mining burns out cards"

I mined with 24 vegas in 4 rigs since last November, 24/7, I just finished selling them all on ebay recently. Guess what? Before I shipped them out I put them through a number of stress tests, every fucking card not only passed every stress test glitch free, but they all overclocked like champs.

I got a ton of feedback from buyers telling me how they must of won the silicon lottery and were getting great overclocking performance out of the cards.

Only retard noobz fuck up their cards mining, by placing them too close together, overclocking them, and running them with shitty PSUs, not setting it up properly so its constantly being turned on and off, not keeping the room it is in cool and ventilated, shit like that.

Literally the most stressful thing you can to do a GPU is turning it on and off and having temperature swings. This is why gamers fuck up their GPUs so fast. Going from room temp to 70C over and over again will fuck the shit out of any GPU.

Now, lets take mining. GPUs are normally undervolted and underclocked by 50% in some cases like the RX VEGA gpus, so they run cool as fuck. Running 24/7 at a consistent pace ensures there are not voltage surges or huge temperature swings. This idea that mining fucks up the cards is retarded.

>> No.8824439
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I'm getting 2100h/s on -10% core, 1100mem and -21% power at 900mv

Shouldn't have sold them, look up xmr diff chart

>> No.8824460

>Only retard noobz fuck up their cards mining, by placing them too close together, overclocking them, and running them with shitty PSUs, not setting it up properly so its constantly being turned on and off, not keeping the room it is in cool and ventilated, shit like that.

But that is the whole problem - you cannot know which was the case, no?

>> No.8824466

Temp fluctuations are bad for cards high Temps are also bad, but as long the cards stay below 75 degrees you won't wear out the capacitors. The only thing I worry about is fan bearings I try to keep the fans off or spinning as little as possible. But for performance I haven't noticed any changes in benchmarks.

>> No.8824487

Thansk for the answer, thats intriguing.

>> No.8824537

75C is what I call a bad setup.
50C for cryptonight, 60C for ethhash and 67C max for equihash/neo

>> No.8824641
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My local "craigslist" is full of used high-end GPUs.
In December there was no video card listings at all, literally zero.

>> No.8824649

you fucking idiot did you make a loss when you sold it to them????
if you did, you're a bad person, cunt.

did the guy show you his taxes too?
how the fuck do you know if they're paying or not?
why don't you worry about your own fucking ass?

>cries about the greed of others
>literally the most greedy cunt in the room
just kys you fucking nigger

>> No.8824684

Well, I sold as soon as I saw the new cryptonight ASICS come out. At that time Monero was at 1.1 GIGA hashes. All the alternatives like Sumokoin and even fucking turtle coin were at insane network speeds. The only reason difficulty went down is Monero, Sumo, and Turtle all did hard forks and now you don't have to compete with nicehashers and botnets.

>> No.8824725

Its called rent seeking and is the private sector equivalent of taxes. It punishes productivity and rewards laziness, its a severe flaw in capitalism.

>> No.8824907

>server grade : racecar start to finish
>consumer grade: stock version of racecar souped up with a turbocharger

>> No.8824916
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I'm amazed that somebody actually read everything and understood OP correctly.
Have one internet, dear sir.

>> No.8824921
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>> No.8824984
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OP you outdid yourself

>> No.8825017

its time to increase quiality my friendo. manufacturers sell shit for too long

>> No.8825036

It hurts to use this word... but,
I'd love to know your definition of "prosumer"

>> No.8825107 [DELETED] 

>Are miner scum literal Jews?

I've actually saw these cocksuckers on /g/ several times, bragging about selling faulty burned GPUs to kids. They fucking brag about it as if that was a real achievement.
>"Hehe i made my money back (it was like $200, wow such money) and i scammed that retard! >I'm soooo smart! Sooooo proud of myself! xD"

It's like a heroine junkie would brag that he scammed or robbed $20 off a guy for a dose of shit.
How low-life piece of shit do you have to be to brag about something like that?

>> No.8825589

that's me, thank god I didn't sell my vegas

>> No.8825607

Full retard,

You sold the card once with a warranty and it's still that same card. They are only bringing you what you sold and are liable for

Go die brainlet.