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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 181 KB, 852x744, rejoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8819472 No.8819472 [Reply] [Original]

We are all going to make it.


>> No.8819481

High test=more impulsive. Makes sense. But why are there literally no good female traders then?

>> No.8819491

>thinking long term

>> No.8819492

women aren't very analytical anon

>> No.8819501

The testoesrone is just 1 part of the equation. High testoerone is a disadvantage but guys might have other traits that are advantageous that women dont have. So it is possible that the ideal trader is a lower testoerone guy.

>> No.8819670

Finally an interesting thread.

>> No.8819678

I always feel like women should rule at this shit, they can smell bullshit etc and pick safe holds. But they are almost nonexistent for some reason.

>> No.8819686

>tfw no low test trap trader millionaire gf

>> No.8819700

what the fuck is fWHR

>> No.8819709

So much this. They literally will change their mind about what they "want" every day depending on their emotions. One day they're happy with you, the next day they're angry and calling you names. You think they'd be any different with their trading strategies? Women would fail so hard at hodling

>> No.8819717


>> No.8819728

It's a cultural thing, women still think Wall Street is a male only thing and won't be able to handle the emotions.

>> No.8819749


You need more than just the ability to trade to get in those positons to begin with. They are highly desirable for obvious reasons. There might be women out there that could potentially out-trade some of the best male traders but instead for fightng for those positons they just fuck off.

It's also possible that there are somes societal factors at play. Why would you put in a shit ton of effort to try and trade when you can get a freee ride with very little effort required as long as you look decent.

>> No.8819796

They were not during the peak. Got some free BTC from low test betas. There are findoms on twitter getting thousands of dollars sent to their coinbase account.

Does anyone have the compilation of bizthots, most of whom posted within a month of the peak?
Some here were proud when they posted about their coin like "le ark gurl XD". Someone suggested that they were paid to shill those coins. Left a bad taste in my stomach. Remember to cash out when this shit happens again, I wish I did.

>> No.8819818

That's definently a plausible reason as why they dont often trade crypto specifically. If guys had similar opportunities they would take advantage. If you are a dude on 4chan who suspects he could be decent at trading but at the same time knows he can get free money on twitter for no effort, what would you do.

People will take the path of least resistance.

>> No.8819838

neuroticism (the tendency to perceive risk) is negatively correlated wih testosterone

>> No.8819917
File: 158 KB, 1222x310, crypto thot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the female trading meme is BS but the smarter ones have made a lot. BTC has been accepted on camwhore sites for years.


The image I'm looking for is females holding up a paper on /biz/ usually with a coin name. In one of those threads I saw someone "update" a compilation image.

>> No.8819955
File: 165 KB, 1002x1170, 1520357078976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting closer to finding it.

>> No.8819985


>> No.8819995

wtf who does this shit.

>> No.8819996
File: 124 KB, 882x731, 1519272530492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically what responsibilities does a findomme have? do you have to post a lot of selfies, or make vocaroos? is it possible to do this with just images of girls? a-asking for a friend

>> No.8820072
File: 115 KB, 1200x1108, DQuWUv-XUAAn9lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing really, I don't think they ever have to get naked or touch anything unless they're stepping on his balls, locking a cockcage, shit like that. You could probably pay some ho on fivver to get timestamp images and vocaroos. There have been threads of anons bragging about doing stuff like this. Probably way more efficient than the simple "send eth" scams.

>> No.8820221

holy shit, why does anyone ever bother going to uni anymore when autistically screaming twitch streamers, boob streamers, prank youtubers, fucking crypto mining findommes, dropshitters and pajeet pyramid scammers who are 100% open and transparent about scamming you into a ponzi make more than you ever will with your degree? Even tradies make way more than the average paper pusher office worker.
Why didn't my boomer parents know about this shit? I never wanted to be a fucking accountant, I wanted to be an electrician or a mechanic, but nooo they had to make me go get a fucking finance degree, and now two years later I still can't find a job in a relevant field and work at a supermarket. Meanwhile Chad went to tafe and is charging $50 an hour to fix pipes and he doesn't have to deal with customer shit.

>> No.8820266

It's literally explained in the image you fucking dingus

It's not too late to become Chad Tradeworker

>> No.8820482

1. You must have done pretty badly in your degree and/or went to a complete shithole university like ACU to not have an office job after graduating
2. Just get a fucking apprenticeship, tradies love mature-age apprentices because they usually know how to work hard and focus, and they have at least a tiny sliver of common sense unlike the average 17 year old who goes into a trade

>> No.8820547


Women aren't interested by systems/abstraction on average, they prefer relationship based work, the ratio of autists is a good example of that and the stats show women are better at sales.

>> No.8820579

chad the plumber deals with customer shit by fucking definition

>> No.8820731


old wise guys make more than young inexperienced retards

>> No.8821073

I'm seriously considering it. I just don't want more loans on my back
I live in Perth and this place is fucking dead. I could get a job in Sydney, but the cost of living is so high there I'd be back at square one.
I'm pretty sure you need a loicense for any kind of tradie work here, but I might just go to a 2 year tafe course and try to get an apprenticeship after one year. There's plenty of work for plumbers, electricians, welders, mechanics etc. in WA

>> No.8821998

Soyboy masterrace reporting in

>> No.8822028

This desu.

>> No.8822827

>doesn't have to deal with customer shit.
Pretty sure that's exclusively what plumbers do.

>> No.8823031

"investing" is just the amount of time your money is in a bull run.
chads pull out quick thats why they made less in the biggest bullrun in history

>> No.8823069

aren't there different types of testosterone?

>> No.8823194

Holy shit you got memed on hard by your parents
Your job will be extinct within 10 years