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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 220x336, End_the_Fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8819356 No.8819356 [Reply] [Original]

It's time /biz/ returns to the question of whether America should abolish the Federal Reserve. I'm tired and disgusted at this globalist institution that has a monopoly on the financial sovereignty of individuals in our nation. The central bankers and their Wall Street masters have ruined far enough of Western civilization. Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies in general, is a first step towards the destruction of this evil status quo.

End the Fed.

>> No.8819371

The fed will end itself, just chill out and accumulate bitcoin before the ball really gets rolling.

>> No.8819485
File: 939 KB, 3840x2160, 1507715626114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For things to change there would have to be a revolution which will never happen again. What is the primary driver behind every revolution? It is the insecurity of the livelihood of the people. The powers that be finally realised this simple truth: keeping the people secure and comfortable is the way to retaining control. As long as people have their snapchat and netflix and television, enough money to sustain themselves and keep a hobby on the side to distract themselves from the fucked up state of the world nothing will change. Nobody cares. There are videos on youtube with millions of views exposing the blatant scam that the central banks are committing. People watch it and it goes in through one ear and out the other. Everyone knows that there is something sinister going on behind the scenes, but wait, the next season of X shitty netflix series is out, better watch that instead.

You can gather all the people in the world and tell them the truth about our monetary system, the reason behind all the wars in the middle east and they won't do much more than complain about it on twitter, attend a march or two and then go back to their electronics and distractions. Nobody wants a revolution. Nobody truly wants change. So nothing will change.

>> No.8819568

This meme is fucking dumb. It's always the same tired old talking points that arent even remotely based in reality.

>> No.8819574

I've just resorted to trusting in myself for ending it all

>> No.8819605

Time to false flag a fire under their arse

>> No.8819641

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.8819675

There's literally nothing wrong with central banks.

>> No.8819703

You need the fed more than you think.
T. Anon who lived in a shithole with hyperinflation as a child.

>> No.8819764
File: 118 KB, 956x501, 20170601_CBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you understand the picture ive posted then you understand the only way out is global debt deleveraging.......some time in the next 5-10 years, probably sooner...

>> No.8819801
File: 1.16 MB, 2815x1639, 1522525677462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8819962

End income tax too. Go to purely consumption tax. Much fairer.

>> No.8819998
File: 99 KB, 946x798, 1511101367477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never do it, you won't be allowed.

>> No.8820183

>It's time /biz/ returns to the question of whether America should abolish the Federal Reserve.
/biz/ hates the fed there's no question

>> No.8820299

This. Most people who want to end the Fed don't remotely understand it

>> No.8820764
File: 562 KB, 683x642, 1517612937776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this is depressing
all the more reason for me like ourselves to fix this mess. we owe it to future generations.

>> No.8820781

Oh I understand fiat currency alright. The first to spend printed money has an advantage over everyone who spends it afterwards post-inflation. That's unfair and favors the banks and the government, both of which are completely horrendous organizations.

>> No.8820786

21 trillion in debt with no way to pay back a borrowed single dollar?

>> No.8820819

That's a pretty good quick summarization of the situation. Mind if I save this as pasta?

>> No.8821214

Correct. However, by doing this, the fed stabilizes the economy (making it go up faster when it's down, and making it go down when it's too high). Does this infringe on individual liberties? Quite so. But most people aren't willing to wait for the economy to stabilize all by itself, because it can take a very long time. And so, a small amount of discretionary policy isn't all that bad, if done properly, in order to not lose our current standards of living.

>> No.8821228

>not realising crypto is literally what the central bankers have been striving for.
>a cashless society where nations economies are replaced by internet money.

Just ride the wave and become the new NEET superclass.