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8818535 No.8818535 [Reply] [Original]

>all this discussion at what price to sell your chainlink at

You fools. You are missing the point. If/when chainlink reaches 1000 dollars (and it will), you still shouldn’t sell.

Oracles will be the most valuable resource in a few years, replacing oil and gold. And owning chainlink will be like owning an oil field or a gold mine.

Do you think oil companies sell their oil fields? Do you think gold mining companies sell their mines? Hell no, they mine for oil and gold and make themselves money

Similarly, I will not be selling my Link. I will run a node or stake it and take part in the gold rush of the 21st century. My 20k link will be worth $20 million but will bring me millions in passive income every year.

>> No.8818603

Delusional Stinky Linky

>> No.8818683

do you even know how to code?

>> No.8818694


>> No.8818717

Does the CEO of BP personally know how to run an oil rig? Probably not. I can hire people to do that for me. For I will own the capital, the assets and that is where the real money is.

>> No.8818732

buy low sell high
rinse repeat

>> No.8818733

My thoughts exactly.
We’re gonna make it.

>> No.8818739

God damn op is based

>> No.8818743

>owning chainlink is like owning a shovel store before cars were invented

>> No.8818784

Holy fuck. Great fucking metaphors. Well done

>> No.8818805

> Replacing Oil and Gold

The absolute state

>> No.8818837

Holding chainlink is like owning a rocket ship before space was invented.

>> No.8818892

Wait until the main net comes out first before pulling out $1000 figures you stupid cucks.

>> No.8818915

>tfw own a watch before time gets invented

>> No.8818946

No you fools. Holding ChainLink is like having an egg before the chicken

>> No.8818964

Top kek

>> No.8818972

I'm glad to see the vast majority of link holders are this deluded. It'll give me that much more time to dump my bags when this shit actually starts to move

>> No.8818990
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>> No.8819000

Telll you what friend. You give me your email and whenever you want to dump your “bags” I will happily take them at market price.

>> No.8819017

Damn. He’s calling you a bitch.

>> No.8819095

Did you read my fucking post? Chainlink is gonna moon. But you idiots who genuinely think the entire economy is going to be built upon it are hilarious

>> No.8819114

its not the same... crypto requires a decent amount of infrastructure to simply exist... whereas oil is directly usable and tangible

>> No.8819121
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this. people are valuing this as a currency when its not. if you want to have generational wealth and not just become "hood rich", your best bet is to hold for a year or two. otherwise enjoy your minimal gains.

>> No.8819150
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they will ask you how you had the vision to invest so early in such a spectacular, industry changing technology. all you will have to say is, I trusted Sergey.

>> No.8819192

ODJ makes points, but the link holder got the trips.

Believe in meme magic.

>> No.8819205
File: 190 KB, 1080x1176, Screenshot_20171121-120328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding ChainLink is like owning Toilets before Indians were invented

>> No.8819228

In Sergey we trust to deliver us to the land where we no longer have to trust.

>> No.8819238

They will call us lucky. They will say that we are like lottery ticket holders, that our wealth wasn’t earned but won. They will say buying chainlink was like gambling.

But at the end of the day, we all know that is not true. We are investing in the biggest technological revolution since the internet.

We will have opposition too, no doubt. Old entrenched industries will see their jobs being uproot d by cryptocurrency and try to ban us. But at the end of the day this cannot last and we will prevail.

>> No.8819363

So... pointless?

>> No.8819381

This. I have the majority of my stack set aside for staking and will only sell of very limited amounts when I need the money

>> No.8819388

I am a linklet and I would like to help you in your project as a small partner.

>> No.8819392

save your energy and just buy more link