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8818030 No.8818030 [Reply] [Original]

ask a crypto millionaire who doesn't work and is semi-depressed and drinks craft beer all night anything.

>> No.8818036

jesus, source?

>> No.8818038

Proof or gtfo

>> No.8818043

>drinks craft beer
money cant buy taste i suppose

>> No.8818052 [DELETED] 

how many properties do you own?

>> No.8818068

What's your favourite beer?

>> No.8818084

why are you depressed?

I would suggest doing some mushrooms to reset your brain.

>> No.8818085

Her name is Natali Nemtchinova. She does pornography according to reverse image search. There are benefits to using Google services. Be sure to sing up for a Google account. If you already have one, be sure to use it regularly and do not delete it.

>> No.8818105

Why are the ends of shoe laces called aglets?

>> No.8818122

do this OP >>8818030

then get some hobbies. Classic cars are cool. surfing is cool. other action sports and regular sports are cool. If youre a hipster douchebag (Im guessing based on the craft beer, buffet drinks bud light platinums by the way) you can join an adult kickball league

>> No.8818123


>> No.8818129

Will I ever find true love?

>> No.8818139

Also, should I tether up before I go to sleep tonight?

>> No.8818147

What keeps you from offing yourself?

>> No.8818146

my coins are spread over 8 exchanges for safety, and im sort of tipsy so I don't feel like logging in with 2fa to everyone, screen capping, uploading to imgur to erase meta data, then compiling, then uploading here. Sorry

I drink a lot of expensive tequila too

Sam Smith's strawberry ale

Eh, more of a melancholy/malaise due to no purpose for existence, due to indoctrination from the american education system which designs you to feel like you have to work 9-5 jobs or you're useless. I'm getting over it, learning to live.

>> No.8818154

whores. whenever I feel shitty I get a thot to come suck me off. I don't have sex with hookers, just get BJs.

>> No.8818170

you must find a purpose my friend. a man needs something in his life otherwise you will always feel empty

>> No.8818173

When did you start in crypto and with how much money?
What are your holds?
Name at least two very promising coins that are on only on your radar.
Leave a good joke about ChainLink.

>> No.8818197

How many stds have you gotten?

>> No.8818210

How much have you cashed out?

>> No.8818227
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1522035465488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you day trade or hodl?

i just started becoming profitable at trading.. a little late but it seems sustainable... the two things i am worried about now are bitfinex/tether and government suppression of traders and exchanges.

How do you think traders would fair if there was a crisis?? Would we stay profitable?? Could it become easier as less really sophisticated bots and institutional traders are involved?? Would we just be forced to relocate to crypto havens or be forced to cash out illicitly??

>> No.8818228

what do you do while drinking the beer? just shitpost?

>> No.8818246
File: 313 KB, 600x899, 1522895388326456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see yourself going down a bad path in life without structure? What are you doing to improve your mental, physical and social states?

>> No.8818253

I played mtg with my buddy in that kitchen

>> No.8818276
File: 75 KB, 500x372, sihctt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and also be sure to send them your DNA at 23 and me, and never do anything without your android smartphone in your pocket.

>> No.8818280

Did you join crypto early for the love of the tech or profits?

>> No.8818282

15k Feb 2017
my biggest holds are BTC, ETH, NEO, TRX, AE, XBY, XLM, STRAT
None, I don't do much research anymore, just holding
Chainlink is for idiots.

None, because I only get BJs

About 300k


I'll watch movies sometimes

>> No.8818287

How'd you make it?

>> No.8818288

since that i'm a millionaire i always buy amaretto on the rocks when i go out

>> No.8818301

why would you work if you are a millionaire

>> No.8818311

How long do you think it will take for you to get fat from your inactive lifestyle?

>> No.8818345

You don't need to show your accounts dummy

>> No.8818355

crypto millionaire with coins only on exchanges, yeah, ok.

>> No.8818431
File: 359 KB, 1600x1067, 1512009208659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should invest in HelloGold Token to lift your depression. It may be a scam sharia compliant pajeet coin but it seems like a good way to hedge against the Dow Jones when it tanks and Gold moons.

For more information watch this video:


>> No.8818478

I work out quite often, sometimes twice a day. But I’m still not in great shape because I eat really nice food often, not fat though, but it could happen if I keep this shit up.

>> No.8818703

This. You have to set goals and develop them.

>> No.8819320

thank fuck i'm musical. i'm in a similar pseudo-depressed state right now because i'm having to wagecuck until i become a millionaire, whereupon i can just work on music for the rest of my life.

i feel for these rich fags who have nothing to focus on daily, no craft beyond the growler in the fridge. bet it unironically sucks

>> No.8819331
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>> No.8819342

Why are you posting nudity on a blue board?

>> No.8819377

What country are you from OP?

>> No.8819404

Dat ain't no brap hog son.

Dat ass is made for penis.

>> No.8819438

How old are you and what are you planning on doing with your time now that you don't have to work for survival or sustenance?

Also, do you have any friends or hobbies that you're fond of?

>Beer Recommendations:
Cat Spit Stout
Triple Cross IPA

Try those, and good luck with the money and depression. At least you aren't mucking it on Monday like the rest of us. I hope to be where you are in 2020.

God Speed.

>> No.8819575
File: 173 KB, 852x520, 1517656966288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so sad, sudo?

>> No.8819596

OP, When did you buy? How much did you put in?

>> No.8819601

How much did you lose on this crash?

>> No.8819615

My fucking NIGGA. Who here cult?

>> No.8819698

Been on the shroomery forum since 07. Grew a ton until I have pounds vac sealed with nothing to do with them. They don't sell well like molly, usually people have a really powerful life changing trip and then don't want anything to do with it again.

>> No.8819745

You should like get on the board of directors of something.

>> No.8819814

I've run into the same problem. Small amounts move pretty okay. APE is a huge hit.