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File: 78 KB, 1138x891, japan-government-debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8817103 No.8817103 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if Japan's debt explodes? Would our generation live to see Japan turn into a third world country?

>> No.8817119

Why don't they just hit the reset switch and declare bankruptcy?

>> No.8817123

No because public debt is a political points meme. Most of Japan's PD is owned to Japanese banks. What are they gonna do? Invade themselves?

>> No.8817233

Theyll be okay. They can unironically print money to get out of this where countrys like Greece were stuck because they cant print Euros.

>> No.8817253

That's such a fucking normie "solution" if you think about it though. The WordPress of finance.

>> No.8817291

this, Japan actually on track to become reserve currency if they keep it up
it not coincidence america started copying japans policies recently

>> No.8817374

Their tourism has grown a ton for the last couple decades, as the yen falls more people will come and spend and hopefully more exports even though korea/chinese has gained so much on manufacturing/selling crap globally and Japan struggles to figure out how to change products for the global market.

The 80s really messed their economy up. I hope they get some sort of renaissance going at some point cause it does seem like long term stagnation will just continue.

>> No.8817496

Japan's most unique products have stayed in the automobile business. They failed to keep up with communications and IT as South Korea, India, and most of SEA countries are racing to be the top in these technologies.

>> No.8817517
File: 206 KB, 1455x1184, usury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the country owns the printer nothing can go wrong

>> No.8817698
File: 48 KB, 960x533, Debt-to-GDP-ratio-Seven-Worst-Countries1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is already in deep shit.

>> No.8817737

A Japanese economist actually talked about this in relation to immigration and stuff before and laid out his points very well. Japan will be fine, it's every other country that is in debt and thinks that importing turd-worlders to "improve the economy" will work, that is going to get fucked in the end.

>> No.8817757
File: 142 KB, 564x839, 1522011134889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If japan ever got to that point I feel like the other generated would willing commit mass sudoku for the sake of the younger generation

>> No.8817781

Its like a last ditch threat that they carry. So if you bought up all their debt and then demanded to be paid back, they could hit print and blow everything up in a very japanese esque way of going out or more realistically do it over a long span of time before it go to that point. Growth would be better but isnt happening yet.

Their startup culture is supposedly growing a bit. They have a few large international sites/apps. They need like a couple very successful ones then the founders would start VC funds and invest in Japanese startups to get a japanese silicon valley culture going.

They should just embrace crypto and invite all the wealthy neets in.

>> No.8817817

They have embraced crypto, do some research into the backers and investors of Quoine..

>> No.8817852

Because that debt is owed to someone. Imagine a Bitconnect exit scam 100,000x larger.

>> No.8817869

Friend, we are gonna live to see the U.S. become a third world country.

>> No.8817874 [DELETED] 

Mass Sudoku?

Yeah that would take a long time to straighten out! All those numbers and squares, putting them in order would be more than my old Auntie could handle! Might even drive the poor think to seppuku!

>> No.8817884


Mass Sudoku?

Yeah that would take a long time to straighten out! All those numbers and squares, putting them in order would be more than my old Auntie could handle!

Might even drive the poor thing to seppuku!

>> No.8817885


No modern generation would do anything remotely resembling that, caring about things and the future especially is for suckers.

>> No.8817949

Yes, Japan will turn into a shithole country.

>> No.8817972
File: 134 KB, 736x919, 3ff0897123b65af5e9857388b95a91fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world has been counting on "the American experiment" to fail even before it was a country. America finds a way.

>> No.8817990
File: 94 KB, 640x658, a1a85c241811b728e62cd9bf0ec8db48d4eaa4b294279218a842be913518c703_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your meme game is weak:

>> No.8818017

population will be 1000000 in 2025 but they will all be billionaires thanks to forward thinking crypto adoption

>> No.8818048

>what are robotics

>> No.8818178

Bro their fine it's japan. They have a massive current account surplus so they're Gucci. Also they own alot of us debt. They're Gucci tho this ratio is mint for nips. If this was Greece then ok

>> No.8818303

same will happen to america

europe will be lucky to escape relatively unharmed

>> No.8818966

a country in charge of its own currency really cant go bankrupt

>> No.8819117


Good news for Venezuela! Whew

>> No.8819170


Except when nobody want your fake "money".

>> No.8819198

>2 5's in the same line
Even in death he failed

>> No.8819206

Japan will never go third world because it is not run by niggers