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8811099 No.8811099 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't there supposed to be an announcement soon? Should I buy some?

>> No.8811402

Apparently, but you also might be buying the top

>> No.8811409
File: 132 KB, 700x921, 11202602_10153833348918678_8339987874763845699_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Supposedly but typically when these things happen it dumps.

Good news? Dump

Bad news? Dump

Raining? Dump

Thursday? Dump

>> No.8811445

Announcement isn't until the 13th, I thought

>> No.8811547

no it should be tomorow 9th april, some big announcement to be made..rumors heard from apple..prolly not true just buy the rumor put a stop-limit ya never know if its actually true oh and bithumb or some other korean exchange is listing iost since its the second most searched crypto in korea for a few days now

>> No.8811619

I don’t think it’ll dump much they emphasized its a big announcement, I think floor can’t get any lower than it is now also with ongoing competition, one of the only times I’m actually waiting post announcement

>> No.8812323


Price has doubled since they announced the contest/big announcement. It can certainly go lower if this announcement isn't as big as hyped.

>> No.8812962

I'm waiting for that shill that's been around lately claiming it would double or even triple after reaching 500 sat.
Hell yesterday he said "I'll be here tomorrow laughing at you" but this is the first thread I've seen about this trash coin in the entire day.

>> No.8813049

That just is a legit retards, I took my 20% gains and got the fuck out of this shitcoin. There is no announcement possible that will stop people from selling the news, and guess who will get the news first with this coin? That's right: the Chinks.

>> No.8813055

*that guy is a legit retard. Holy fucking autocorrect!

>> No.8814289


I'm in. If its Apple i'll shit my pants

>> No.8815449

announcement had tim cook on it, apple is possibility

>> No.8815642


When do u think they will drop the news

>> No.8815830

Should be sometime soon. Cause its already morning in asia

>> No.8815931

Jimmy Zhong lives in San Francisco.

>> No.8815941

what did they mean by this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/8aofd7/erc20_scamcoin_uses_a_picture_of_tim_cook_to_hype/

>> No.8816001

On the announcement page for the Binance contest, at the bottom of the page they posted an image with Tim Cook from Apple and the famous "One more thing" tagline that Apple would use at conferences before dropping a big bomb of good news.

Some people are taking it as implication that Apple is related to the news. It could be, but it's much more likely that they were just using the "One more thing" tagline as a reference, and did not mean to imply any sort of partnerships with Apple. People are most likely reading too far into it. But, crazier things have happened.

>> No.8816096


got a link for that?

>> No.8816160


>> No.8816189

Sorry thought you were asking for the Tim Cook photo. His LinkedIn page states he resides in San Francisco. Just Google his name and it's the first thing that comes up.

>> No.8816190

i dumped my bags. zymmy looks pump and dumper. we can buy below 300 sat after competition ends.

>> No.8816234
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dont comps always pump shit though?

>> No.8816340

Yeah, then it usually dumps after, just like before and after a fork snapshot.

>> No.8816358

People typically sell the news too. So unless this is a massive announcement tomorrow, there's a 90% chance of a dump immediately following the news.

>> No.8816501

Agreed, this grenade is cooked off, time to throw it if you haven't already.

>> No.8816721

"ios" in iost means "internet of services"... they aren't ripping off IOS which means "iphone operating system". people on reddit are fucking retarded. also pretty sure using a picture of a public figure isn't illegal

>> No.8816852

Great so that means i can sleep inatead of staying up waiting

>> No.8816866

I've got like 1k of this shitcoin from an airdrop, is it worth anything yet?

>> No.8817017


So I should sell now? I just bought it

>> No.8817150

There was a massive sell wall set very close to the trading point earlier, looked to me to be some price suppression, so there's definitely still a chance of one more big run before the dump.

I don't see it exceeding the same high it hit yesterday unless the news turns out to be actually big news. There's always the chance though, and where this is a very low cost token right now, if the news is big, there's always the chance of it going 10x-1000x in a short period of time. The odds of that happening are VERY slim, so it's a big risk/reward situation. If you can afford to lose half of what you put in, maybe the risk of holding on until the news drops is worth it. If you can't, or you aren't up for the risky odds, cut your losses.

>> No.8817234


IOST can go up 1000x? to $30

>> No.8817340

Extremely unlikely, like a one to a million shot. But, it's a lot more likely to 1000x because of its small pricetag than any of the larger coins. Ethers chance of going from 400-40000 is much less likely than IOST going from .02 to $20. Again, the only way I'd see this happening before the next overall crypto bullrun would be a massive announcement, like a pairing with Apple (which is highly unlikely).

>> No.8817444

the accouncement was 7 billion of 23 billion tokens were lokced up look at comments on twitter they confirmed. dump incoming lol trash annoucnement.

>> No.8817552

RIP your money, if you didn't sell.

>> No.8817635

Is that bad news?

>> No.8817659

News=dump time, always. ALWAYS! Pricing in happens the day before, at the latest.

>> No.8817662

good news but not good enough for a pump

>> No.8817663

Don't matter, the prev pump was based on rumor, now this shitty news will dump hard

>> No.8817678

lol. shit news. thank god i dropped 6 hours back. I know zymmy is pump and dumper.

>> No.8817681

Well, Link actually pumped after the bitcoin supercon, cuz they annouced alpha net

>> No.8817738

retard, 99% you loose in this announcement. only 1% pump. as far as IOST announcement, you , your mom, your grand faa, all know the news/announcement.

where as for link, the oppisite, we dont know what they do, so even small news from sergy is pump.

>> No.8817754

Yes, but they didn't "announce the announcement" before hand, so there were no expectations to fall short of. Thats one of the things i like so much about Chainlink: no hype, all delivery.
IOST just did the typical Chink coin scheme of building hype, and then underdelivering, causing a dump. They all do this, and you can ride the pumps, but just know that they are trying to defraud westerners of their money so sell the fucking news!

>> No.8817777

Are you me? 80% in link, 20% just trying to ride the waves to get more link.... looking at link atm, the fomo train about to take off

>> No.8817795

retards, this is shit news. but trying to see, what they mean by locking ? so the current circ supply goes below 35% ? or they just locking rest of the supply.

>> No.8817870
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Holy shit, that was my ratio until I sold all my IOST for Link last night! Really glad I did, it makes me nervous cheating on my Link stack these days, even though it will probably happen again.

>> No.8817970

Good call, fuck my luck, should have sold last night

>> No.8817995


So this is bad?

>> No.8818002

ofcourse shit news. it will go below 400 sat or more soon. IOST become pump and dump lately by announcing announcements.

>> No.8818019

Massive buy wall for this dip right now.... Wait and see how the market reacts, but this might actually increase demand, since essentially the supply is dropping by 1/3.

>> No.8818073

Is the news out yet?
When will they publish the source code?

>> No.8818107

not really since its locking of total supply that wont be released anytime soon anyway. if it was locking up circulating supply it would pump.

>> No.8818117

>Massive buy wall for this dip right now.... Wait and see how the market reacts, but this might actually increase demand, since essentially the supply is dropping by 1/3.

brainlet, they did not lock circ supply. they locked team reserve. which they supposed to do at very beginning

>> No.8818140


>> No.8818247

>So this is bad?
Only if you held through the announcement!

>> No.8818275


Should I sell?

>> No.8818623

That would be buying the top, and selling what looks to be the bottom. I would just keep an eye on it to see if it breaks this floor or set a stop loss. There might be some more pumping during the competition, but after that the roadmap has things pretty far out so there's no telling how the price will act after the post competition dump. Sorry man.

>> No.8818643

Just checked again, it is looking pretty bearish for the time being, could go back to the 300s for all anybody knows.

>> No.8818668


Thanks. I sold :(

>> No.8818713

Sorry you got Chinked anon, but take that 10% loss as a lesson to sell before the announcement, especially if it was announced before hand. Everybody does it because everybody thinks everybody else is going to do it. There's usually no good price action right before an announcement anyway, usually that is the two or three days leading up to it, so get in and get back out around then.

>> No.8819779

>immediately sold as my alarm was actually set to around .036 cents, caught it at .037 on binance
Feels so fucking good lads, just made my other stacks much larger.

>> No.8820013
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Is the dump over?

>> No.8820033

feels like it, I'm back in at 440 since it seems stable here