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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 399x399, Y-e2Ypph_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8810686 No.8810686 [Reply] [Original]

Philakone has been hacked an amount of 490,000$

He's the live stream

Remember that he's /ourguy/

>> No.8810712


>> No.8810810

this is worse than the youtube drama

i'd sage you if i hadn't stars

>> No.8810822

who would've thought?

>> No.8810825

LamboLeon is psycho

>> No.8810845


>> No.8810874

What happened in the stream, I missed it. I always enjoy another episode of the adventures of Elliot waves asians.

>> No.8810890

yeah he's being threatened


>> No.8810899

Prob cried and made another 500k in 5 min

>> No.8810910

I like those phishing links
Dat dot under yp letters, no thanks pajeet

>> No.8810929

yea go to his fucking twitter account your fucking idiot
I don't know what phishing mean

>> No.8810957

are you drugs?

>> No.8810964

I'm not understanding this shit about paying 100k to hack 490k. Entertaining tho.

Phishing is when someone sends you to a fake site to steal your password. Like myethervvalet.com, shit like that.

>> No.8810991

you are actually retarded.

>> No.8811022

So https://twitter.com/AltOne_Crypto
is saying that he's on drugs and that Philakone blames him on his hack shit

>> No.8811034
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What the fuck? This seems almost too surreal to be believable. Who would give a fuck about some crypto nerd this much.

>> No.8811045


So he's trolling us or twitter hack?

>> No.8811098

exit scam

>> No.8811151

what was the scam tho?

>> No.8811156

Eventually we'll know but the drugs story is what makes more sense to me.

>> No.8811218

Yeah really hope he'll be okay though

>> No.8811254

the $490k that was stolen

>> No.8811284

>falling for chink rp

>> No.8811454

>hacked before tax date
its a good larp...

>> No.8811705


>> No.8811772

>implying the irs gives a fuck if you have the money you owe them or not.

>> No.8811798

which one is faker: this or mcgregor drama ?

>> No.8811818

Retard. Loss doesn't eliminate/lessen the taxes that he has to pay.

>> No.8811841

WTF, ico journal made sense now

>> No.8811860

should i sell or hodl?

>> No.8811873
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>> No.8811874

>price fixing retard who literally has no financial experience but bought a fuck ton of btc because trust fund babbie
>loses half a mill in a retarded way
>is openly looking for hackers to calm his sperg rage
Sounds about right, idiots who make money fast lose alot of it. Kinda like you HODL retards.

>> No.8811890

unless he declares personal bankruptcy

but he can't because then his little scam would be exposed

>> No.8811917

Does this have anything to do with the friend he has who keeps a safe full of drugs?

>> No.8811920

lol his twitter is gone

>> No.8811925

His twitter acc got taken down. What did the tweets say?

>> No.8811942
File: 75 KB, 553x475, fakehac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's faking the hack

>> No.8811982

yeah this is most likely, seems totally unbelievable.

>> No.8812035
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>It's another episode of I GOT ATTACKED BY THE RUSSIAN HACKER the moment you have to pay taxes
What a twist of events! no one saw this coming EVER!

>> No.8812054

Apparently he's a drug lord

>> No.8812076
File: 51 KB, 378x346, 1521148272849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had my doubts when he blurted out in one of his old livestreams he uses elliot waves because it looks fancy/complicated (in a nutshell)

also had seen him retweet that Korean serial scammer (literally a professional scammer)
he unfriended him when that cancer guy called the Korean one out ...

else? first time he got hacked i would've bet he's playing it to avoid taxes ... appearntly it was the decoy for the real hack with "big losses" this time lol

also he goes to "hire" some rando people ... utterly unbelievable from A - Z


my best guess is he's looking to avoid a saucy tax on his gains also he's realizing these markets can't be played with as he used to lol

>> No.8812078

Thats not a check book number, thats an access card number. Even more reason to think this is fake, he didnt get fucking mugged at gun point.

>> No.8812124

I was a fag that followed him but then I realized I lost money following his advice and now I do my own dumbass TA

>> No.8812190

lol money ain't a problem for him
his TA are still golden
he's just mentally challenged because of drugs

>> No.8812214
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had followed him as well, was fun to watch the faggot go ... also not all was misinformation (obviously) but yeah, noticed that his "calls" would've cost me money if i had followed any of his advice


>> No.8812237

being emotionally unstable has to be the worst trait for a trader. I also hate how he brags about how much he was making like he needed validation

>> No.8812292

Wow, that account seems pretty obsessed with him in an unhealthy way.

>> No.8812331

Mcgregor was OD

>> No.8812335
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yeah ... guys got mental issues probably or is just fucked up doing too many drugs - hell knows, i don't really care - Crypto's gotten more crazy than ever now that these big wigs (Goldman Sachs > Poloniex/Circle / Rockefeller ... Venture something / Soros > Overstock)

^ no idea what their aim is but i highly doubt it doesn't involve issuing down the road their own "legit shitcoin" with all kinds of approvals - while phasing out the mess current cryptos are ... or more likely simply ruining them

almost forgot stock market (overdue anyway), trade wars are on the table ...

>> No.8812349


might be - you can't trust any of these nutters

>> No.8812356
File: 72 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember that he's /ourguy/

>> No.8812442
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No sympathy for this asshole. He acts like a dick to everyone else

>> No.8812738

most tweaked out pinoy 2017

>> No.8812992

Fuck this guy, no sympathy for the motherfucker. And he's lying most likely.

>> No.8813032


>> No.8813059

so he was under investigation for money laundering. I'd also say I got hacked if the taxman ever comes after me

>> No.8813218

wipe your screen you nerd

>> No.8813314
File: 9 KB, 259x194, shitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the 3rd time he's supposedly been hacked in the past month or two?

>> No.8813523


They got deleted what I miss here? No screen shot or achieve?

>> No.8814088
File: 230 KB, 443x654, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's faking the hack

What the actual fuck is going on with this guy?


>> No.8814098

Bullshit, this is all about hiding money form the IRS and the FBI.

This piece of shit is not our guy.

>> No.8814116
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>> No.8814142

You can just hack a random win xp computer on that network and install a proxy you know

>> No.8814179

REMINDER that Philakone livestreamed himself spoofing sell walls on Bitfinex and this was caught by Bitfinex'd, who then reported him to the authorities.

>> No.8814211
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Why wouldn't that make him one of us?

>> No.8814212

What a fag.
Maybe he'll become a ladyboy.

>> No.8814349
File: 90 KB, 320x320, 1522519156900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His supporters are fucking shills spamming this board with irrelevant misleading information that infringes on our freedom. This never ends well and normally backfires. Like 98% of the time.....

>> No.8814376

this guy is the biggest faggot of all time

>> No.8814385

Reminder that Philakon works with Chink whales to manipulate price. He uses his followers to dump on or to push the price the way he wants which is why he wins. He even says in the leaked convos that daytrading doesn't work.


I'm Dr Steve Brule

Come join /biz's server where we give all the paid materials for free. Neets & autists only: discord dot gg/kcqHZD4

>> No.8814460

>daytrading doesn't work.

*idiot waves don't work.

He is just bad there are some traders that make a buck I am sure and those are not the ones using fucking waves that are retarded.

>> No.8814465

>Nice guy Steve
Who's the faggot now lmao
dr nice guy

>> No.8814537
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Well, someone took down his twitter was it the Canadian gov, a hacker or he deleted it?

>> No.8814836
File: 3.96 MB, 287x240, 1521253654544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, His friend is using this to shill some shitty alt coin.

These fucking people.

>> No.8814923

He deleted it. If too many people are onto your scam it's harder to influence the market. He wasn't the market makers, but he got a glimpse behind the curtain and got greedy.

>> No.8814979

the only stream that matters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ5QfSc4SSA

>> No.8815004
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his other "friend" is going into hiding.

This is pretty interesting. Its almost like they were a team trying to manipulate the market

>> No.8815157

Interpol are on to them

>> No.8815233
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and the lambo guys twitter is deleted.

What the fuck is going on here?


>> No.8815400
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Lol, this is some drama.

>> No.8815503

lmao wtf is going on

>> No.8815564
File: 54 KB, 662x712, 26611e364b3c0f44c0e5f792e6ad75a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of shady shit.

I don't know who the good guys are or the bad guys are. Just shady people and it will end badly...... probably.

>> No.8815583

My guess is they are all bad

>> No.8815601

Crypto drama is lame as fuck. Didn't this shit happen last week!?

>> No.8815653
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>My guess is they are all bad

Who knows Phil is a piece of shit who pretends to be a decent person and is like the most "hacked" fucking trader on the planet. Like you never see any other trader claim to be hacked like DATADASH or fuck anyone..... really.

Also, he is banned from the main trading site for all these TA faggots. So it is hard to believe Phil is just like some innocent victim.

>> No.8815695
File: 77 KB, 726x800, 1522980104069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said this before and I'll say it again. Any TAfag on twitter or biz prioritizes fame and attention more than profits and security. These people will simply not make it. Hackers are keeping track of everyone who doxxed themselves as early btc and eth buyers and will clean all their shit out. How much do I have? You will never know and you will never get a satoshi of it.

>> No.8815710

I have no issue with the guy, lots of butthurts followed his calls. Trade your own fucking book. But for real he was ripping adderall 100%, if not, meth or coke. It's pretty obvious he isn't high on gods fucking light.

Watched a vid of him drawing TA and giggling like a psycho path because it came out white while he rambled about how he used to be a ricer.

Meth not even once

>> No.8815762
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Yeah, implying they won't be sitting in jail soon also.

>> No.8815833

Is that double /reddit/ spacing?

>> No.8815978

CDL is back online

>> No.8816139

Why are all these traders traitors?

is Phil sitting in jail right now? What the hell is going on?

>> No.8816291
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>implying they will get caught for jewing some lucky NEETs who were originally using crypto for cp and drugs and evading taxes
ok there frogbuddy

>> No.8816380

>thinks fib is some magic universal ratio
>charging 50k for discord membership
>shilling his friend's trading bots
deserves it desu

>> No.8816433
File: 524 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_2417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really fuckin nano lawsuit , CTR founders arrest , certain law forces are cracking down I wouldnt doubt it to see TBIS and Verge next

>> No.8816494
File: 142 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commit a Cyber crimes
>Don't think you will get caught

Anon, I have some bad news for you.. Eventually anything left on the web will probably incriminate you if you do shady shit.

>> No.8816782

>T-they will get c-caught one day... I'm s-sure..
Keep dreaming of your lambos kid