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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 1280x720, bobrgey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8809975 No.8809975 [Reply] [Original]

tell us your story , whal will you be doing? what dreams you want to achieve?
show us marines

>> No.8809991

I’ll still be holding LINK. Not selling until 2020.

>> No.8810018
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I will retire at age 25 and spend the rest of my life creating films, painting, writing, traveling, projects, investing and having different girlfriends. Never getting married and never being a corporate slave again.

>> No.8810049
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like pic related. see some one posted reasonable facts here >>8809676

>> No.8810054

*pajeet spawn point identified*

>> No.8810170

bunch of FUD, btw we moonin right now on binance WTF

>> No.8810173
File: 226 KB, 1418x1160, 48C3D9F3-5CB0-4B56-9135-D296DB2752C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to buy a house on the beach and use my gains to force my music career. People will think I’m cool and I’ll avenge autists everywhere.

>> No.8810452

due lol can you at least sing or play? or u'll be like a cringy youtube singer?

>> No.8810702

me too, I'll become a Jazz pianist

>> No.8810721

Will share the word of how I became rich off some Ethiopian Knitting Image Board

>> No.8810751

>forcing a career
same plan but in a different field/skillset. would be cool to have a daily thread in the future where we can update each other on our progress. Investing in yourself will earn real respect from people who won't view you just as a "rich guy", and with the time freed from wagecucking linkies can achieve proficiency in any skill in a much shorter period of time than normies

>> No.8810771

kek, why? you know it's usually bad to reveal your power lvl

>> No.8810779

> going to buy a place.
> Build container villa on it high class.
> Create jobs

>> No.8810860
File: 396 KB, 700x975, oracle linkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some property in Patagonia with my friends and family, (all of them are 'all in' on link), big chunk, like 1k+ acres with water/timber/mineral rights conveying, someplace epic, close to whitewater and heli skiing. Start building out the ranch while building out a sister ranch in Appalachia. All off grid w solar/wind/hydro power, 4 season greenhouses, critical infrastructure and security, etc. Build out a lodge, several family sized homes, and a bevy of high end yurts, tents, treehouses, etc. Off all inclusive eco tourism packages, with high end lodging, farm to fork cuisine prepared by highly trained chefs, small batch whiskey and wine, and options at climbing, fishing, rafting, kayaking, skiing, etc. Make it supper exlcusive, charge 7.5-15K per person per package. have this fund both ranches and give me a good dry run at running vertically integrated international business with a heavy focus on quality and logistics. Once I have this completed and running itself I will move on to my greater ambitions.

>> No.8810905

keked at your picture, although the typo makes the meme fail so normies will see through the bs

>> No.8810924

Not having to wageslave. Actually doing something I like with computers or music.

Having my parents retire and enjoying their lives as they deserve.

Finding a girl to settle an arragement in order to make her a tubal ligation, so I can creampie her with no worries.

>> No.8810932

Imagine actually unironically not wanting kids. Imagine living life and not fulfilling your sole purpose.


>> No.8810961

Say that to her. I know girls who'll do it. Feminism has ruined biology.

>> No.8810990

>Knowing what they want
>Thinking long term

>> No.8811121

These girls kill themselves once they hit 35 and dream of a table surrounded by kids every night while they sleep alone in some bed where they used to fuck one different guy every day when they were ten years younger.

>> No.8811231
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I see myself finally being able to afford woodworking for fun in my free time, and to be able to afford all the tools I'd like for it. My son will be 13 EOY so if it moons I'll be able to help him either get into a great school or invest in whatever hopefully fantastic plan he comes up with. The kid's seriously into quantum physics and number crunching, and he's been using whatever knowledge he has online to make money for a more expensive bike and eventually his own car. I'd like to think this money might be better in his hands than mine honestly.

>> No.8811252

Exactly the same only I will have passive income.

>> No.8811353

I will go see the cherry blossoms in japan

>> No.8811427

Honestly pretty fucking gay but good luck

>> No.8811489

Same depressing shit as I am now. Except then I'll maybe have a couple grand sitting in savings which is better than zero I suppose

>> No.8811621

Tbh it would just accelerate my plan which is to first create like a startup company from a quite good idea which basically makes a thing a lot simpler. Then if it will be successful I'll have the experience and work ethic to start another company which in theory could make me a billionaire or a powerful/influential person if I execute it well. I actually got these ideas from others who were too brainlets to think bigger.

>> No.8811729

Enjoy losing all of your gains, normie inventors haven't been able to make themselves wealthy using a good innovative idea since the technological revolution began in the early 1900s. Most of them end up getting fucked by their investors.

>> No.8811759

bang sloots and do drugs, while living rather simple and aesthetic.

>> No.8811804

The great thing about the first idea is it's so simple and basically would have a monthly database cost which would only grow with more clients. So yea nothing to lose for me with the first idea. The second one is a bit more complicated, but still something that has been overlooked imo.

>> No.8811811

Unless $100 then most likely nothing but pure determination to make it.

>> No.8811882
File: 3.25 MB, 1372x1372, LastShareCollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jag F type 400 Sport Black also a girl who looks similar to pic related. The jag can't be more than 5% total net worth though and even that's pushing it. I truly believe in Link though so I'll never sell it all and would like to run a node in the meantime.

>> No.8812832
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>> No.8812878

>friends and family, (all of them are 'all in' on link)
how did you get them to buy link?

>> No.8812921

I explained it to them and shoot them the basis for my understanding of it. White paper, potential use case/partnerships, etc. tokenomics. I had to water bits down and go through certain things repetitively but they all got it.

>> No.8812949

music's my dream too bro, we gon make it

>> No.8813008
File: 223 KB, 600x338, LTC Aleron Helix v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting the Good Fight, Honor and Memes intact.

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>> No.8814120

Hiding my variable amount of wealth from everyone. Enjoying early retirement, perhaps

>> No.8814439

nothing will change. I will afford myself more space/time, and fill it with the things in my life I already enjoy. But I am looking forward to that grand piano though.

>> No.8814523

Kek now there’s a dream worth living for

>> No.8814624

Actually yes, I’ve made my living off music for years. There are tons of great acts out there, but superstardom seems to have to be bought.
I feel it

>> No.8814891

I'll tun into a content vegetable

>> No.8814901

I'll row for this glorious motherfucker

>> No.8814941

I unironically think someone might assassinate Sergey if Link fails, Shia labeuf trolling will seem like child play compared to this.

>> No.8815060

I want to run electronic arts out of business. Currently at 42k link.

>> No.8815192

I want to make a company that makes airlocks that can cycle in 3 minutes or so. Current ones are hours. I have another one that I'll keep a secret

>> No.8815251
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, 03A93B42-043E-4932-94FB-2681B2F19D84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you bro, I have 90K LINK, married with 2 little boys. I want to go off grid and start a self sustaining farm, my wife agrees fully.

>> No.8815294

I don't see too many LINKies with kids, all the best to you and your family, brother. I have a niece and I'd like to be able to fund her post-secondary education, etc.

>> No.8815305

Learn how to make more money, travel around the world and fuck 10s for the rest of my life!

>> No.8815318

>paying for your niece to be a normie slut and suck dick and binge drink

C u c k e d

>> No.8815324
File: 77 KB, 720x707, 1521906913568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when you start having AOE flashbacks. wololo

>> No.8815327

and also lambo

>> No.8815376

I said I'd like to be able to, not do it outright. But thanks for your two pointless replies in this thread

>> No.8815498

Haha nolinker confirmed stay poor virgin. You’ll be sucking cock for money and wheeze crying yourself to sleep at night soon enough.

>> No.8815520
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 53456345842384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want enough to ensure that my children will never have to suffer. I just want to live an honest, godly, life free of usury and reliance on the modern world. A few hundred acres and a modest off-grid home would make me immeasurably happy. Of course, I would also love LINK to be priced well enough so, by tithing 30% of my gains, I could provide the financial backing for a monastery to be opened. I am not godly enough to devote myself to a monastic life, but I have unending respect for the ascetics who do.

I am praying for all of you bros, and I hope we all make it.

>> No.8815533

Come on, anons, group hug. We family here

>> No.8815552

You too. Get in here on this hug sesh


>> No.8815598

>buy some req to flip for more link
>link and req follow the same pump
I don’t think I’ll make the 10k retirement plan so I’ll still have to finish college but now with drugs and sloots

>> No.8815704

This shit is over the top! It’s even too mutch for me to handle. I’m getting a bigger picture of what kind of people hang around here. Maybe link will succeed,maybe not but don’t put your dreams there. I don’t want soros investing in rope factories

>> No.8815731

I wanna gove my parents a good retirement.
I want to ask them to go altogether to Spain for a vacation, make em pay. When we're at the place, I drive them to be their new villa. They can stay there for as long as they want, spend a few weeks with them exploring the life there.

Tell my dad he can retire now and Id like to see him travel round the world with mom and hear about new places from him.

I wanna give my sis and her family a big ass flat in our city. She has 3 children and their flat is way too small.
Maybe I can help her set up a bakery, once kids grow up a bit.

Then I wanna be really sweet with my gf. Rn, I am completely broke and I don't want her to learn that. I am starting a new job in June, but until then, I am a worthless NEET. At this point I can't even buy the dip.
I wanna go camping with her in some national park or smt like that.

I also wanna get fit.
I used to go to gym just not to degrade completely, but I have never grown any muscle or gotten into "strong men" category.
If I make it, I am getting a perdonal trainer who gonna control my diet and tell me how to exercise. I am not picky about food and that is part of the problem: I can eat once or twice a day, cos I just don't feel like eating.

Once all that is done, I am not sure, what I want.
I can just take timr to find a job I like and leave whenever I feel like it. Work as much and at thr things I want to. I would always have the chance to say "Well, fuck you, what you're doin is bs, and I hope you fail" without the risk of hungry death.

Could this be real?

t. 7k linklet

>> No.8815782

Not gonna lie. I'm considering suicide right now.

I'm a disappointment to all my family, all of them. I had a bright future but I was stupid and now I'm 26, no job, no savings and nothing to make my family proud. They are all mad and frustrated at me, which is understandable.

I wanted to help my mom, buy her a house. Crypto for me was sort of like my last chance. I bought 100 links back when it was like a dollar, it was all I had.

I don't know if I'll ever make it. Living is so fucking hard and painful. If reincarnation is real then all I ask is not be born in a shit hole country like in this life.

If link ever makes it, then I hope the 100 links I have is enough to at least help my family someway.

>> No.8815821
File: 143 KB, 300x420, E089C85A-D891-4375-BDA5-E2CAF8B11BA2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck friend. Don’t kys yourself, at least stick it out to see what happens. This could be the jumpstart to your life recovery.

>> No.8815842
File: 310 KB, 580x282, D96C19EF-12BF-4BF9-99D0-9390855AB021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you believe in reincarnation, live this life as well as you can so you can send your energy into a higher plane next time around. I have a feeling people who suicide are destined to suffer more next time.

>> No.8815865

think about it like this you wont make it even if link moons if you only have 100 faggot

>> No.8815909

Yep, I'm well aware of that...

>> No.8815935

Once my friends and I had this drunk talk about being reach fucks.
Two of us agreed that it'd be dope to buy one of those Greek islands, set up a mansion and create a modern Colosseum.
Watch gladiators fight in the most ridicule settings.
Then we were so ashamed, whe the third guy said he'd set up a hospital, cos that idea has not even remotely crossed our mind. We were too busy thinking whether three-leg paired death matches is a viable gladiator fight genre

>> No.8816078

Careful what you give your family financially. Dads are often hard headed about wanting to support the family and could resent the gesture. Also you don't want family to get greedy and expect you to pay for their frivolous bullshit. It's one thing to provide for your family's needs but another to let them leech indiscriminately.

>> No.8816247
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Oh look another mc donal worker in the furture.

>> No.8816263


>> No.8816280

How much LINK to actully make that happen in your opinion?

>> No.8816323

too many variables to account for so I’d say probably around 80-120k if you hold for a few years

>> No.8816383

Probably talk to an accountant to see how I can make this money legal.

>> No.8816626

> thinks he needs to be rich to be fit

>> No.8816742

5.5k here
I want to study abroad without taking my mum's retirement money.

Also don't want to cash out completely, crypto will be the future of finance.

>> No.8816795

dude we all agreed to sell at 1k we all know we have made it but that will be the first sell off. if you’re happy with where that puts you you don’t have to buy back or you can but the dip will allow those of us who had less to increase our stack. then we will moon again. link will pass bitcoin kek

>> No.8816820

demands it

>> No.8816847
File: 540 KB, 1600x1600, FE28E1D2-7950-4708-97D3-7769FED4DBA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm makes u think

>> No.8816893
File: 346 KB, 512x512, 1523195895905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airlocks strong enough to hold a complete vacuum while being light enough do not add weight to a space habitat?
It's all a matter of pumping and dumping air out efficiently isn't it? then just build the structure with the least amount of weight possible using whatever lightweight strong material that doesn't flex is out there. I wonder how composites faire under a vacuum in space?

>> No.8817540

Good luck fren
No need to an hero when you can pick up a few more LINK and become a hero
Hopefully, you can get some bullshit part-time gig to throw a few more LINKies together and make it through however long we've got until The Singularity.
Without meaning to sound trite - you're only 26. As a man, you're coming into your prime. Just put one foot in front of the other for a few more years and then decide if you still hate it all.
Best of luck either way anon

>> No.8817650

if LINK does even 1% of the gainz people are talking about, I'll be reinvesting all my LINK into whatever the next moon mission is while living /comfyasfuk/

>> No.8817717

aion didn't pump you larping pos

>> No.8817862

You goofs best stop making these fucking threads. I use to laugh at linkies because it's chart was shit. Recently it has a nice uptrend. I sold the top ...but it won't dip enough to buy


>> No.8817921
File: 1.37 MB, 750x959, paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is a true globetrotter

>> No.8817989

still poor and wagecucking for $3 per hour without any gf

>> No.8818045

Bless you brother. May the truth that Christ told enlighten your journey

>> No.8818189

I'm in the same position as you in life. But I'm 30 and still living with parents... depending on them and taking my medicine to schizophrenia. I had many relationships that failed. I don't believe in love between a dating. I plan to be alone and stop taking my medicine to avoid the collateral effects I have after stop being a paper weight to my parents. I don't believe I have this dam sickness. I just wanna be stable without drugs and exercise my brain to recover itself. You have no idea about how it hurts me to see my family worried about my health.

>> No.8818224

This. 30% to tithing, 30% to save Western society (might need other linkies to pitch in), rest to myself and family to live a good life away from the city. Maybe try to start a community.

>> No.8818248

dead probably

>> No.8818344

Dude what happened with AION