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880948 No.880948 [Reply] [Original]

Why are subhumans in pseudoscience fields so smug?

They think they are on par with chemists and engineers, but really soft science is giving them way too much. Any person in STEM could do the job of any soft "scientist" without any education at all. Any non-autistic person in STEM (granted there aren't many) could solve any of the deepity deepdeep problems that the most famous "sociologists" (crybaby liberals) and "psychologists" (failed wannabe philosophers) have struggled with. When I was an edgy 15 year old libertarian I was already a master of Austrian economics. Macroeconomics is just 100% tards who think that the economy going slightly up or down actually matter LOL and then try to guess whether it will go up or down, failing exactly half of the time.

I have more respect for people who studies useless fields (career-wise) in college like painting and literature because at least they learned something. At best children learning pseudosciences come out of higher education learning nothing at all; at worst they come out transformed into a raving retarded pretentious lunatic.

And let's not even get into X studies...

>pic only somewhat related. your average hot psychology slut.

>> No.880954

And now you're an edge *what* year old?

>> No.880966
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ITT: OP analyzes the mental process of psych majors while simultaneously claiming such analysis is stupid and unfounded in science

OP also makes claims as to his economic prowess while posting about troubled women on a business board

>> No.880976

I was actually just listening to a psych professor (ex-physicist) talk about how psychology research is no less serious than studying of the hard sciences in many ways, and in some ways more difficult. It was a defense of psychological studies, not a "im betr dan sumthin else lol" like you're doing though.

This isn't me trying to refute your claim that the majority of psych majors are dumb retards who had nothing better to choose, but your outright disrespect of psychology is full on ignorant. Researching in a field like chemistry is fundamentally more simple because you can isolate variables and do what you like with your tests. You can just measure one thing at a time on its own. Psychology tries to study stuff going on in human minds, which is not at all a simple task.
This doesn't make anything "better" than anything else, but it sure makes you dumb as fuck for assuming that the true professional psychologists are something of lesser beings

>> No.881002

I never said psychology was stupid. I said "psychology" was stupid.

>> No.881003

OP got BTFO by a psychology hot "slut".

>> No.881025
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>Makes post about students in "pseudoscience" fields coming out transformed into raving, retarded, pretentious lunatics.
>Possesses the critical lack of self-awareness to realise that he is a raving, retarded, pretentious lunatic.

Also: >>880976

You seem to have a shitty understanding of applied statistics and research methodology, aka, the foundation of actual science, OP. I hope you aren't actually studying a science.

>> No.881049

I'm a pseudo-science major because I intend to go into therapy and counseling.

I'm certainly aware that my undergraduate coursework has been an absolute joke so far compared to my STEM friends, and I'll end up making less than them over my lifetime.

I blame humanistic hug-box approaches to psychology for a lot of what you're talking about, myself.

>> No.881052

Most psych research is bullshit tbh, but it led to me getting an internship as a data analyst, which I parlayed into a financial analyst job. It's not a terrible major

>> No.881054

jesus gtfo and go back to b/ this board is for real buisness

>> No.881056
File: 5 KB, 262x292, CS majors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are subhumans in pseudoscience fields so smug

Same reason why CS majors are so smug, they fail to comprehend just how profoundly stupid they are.

>> No.881088

>implying engineering and mathematics is not on the same level as CS majors and womens studies majors

>> No.881099


> colleges must laugh all the way to the bank when people actually pay for masters degrees in this shit

>> No.881998

explain plz

>> No.882001


They're all shit tier bro

>> No.882007
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I've got a masters in creative writing.

Economically it pays for itself because it's so versatile, but there is a stigma attached to Masters of the arts.

>> No.882483

More like masters of the farts

>> No.882507

I don't know man. I took Psyc and kept studying human behavior after I dropped out. Also after I dropped out I took up studying advertising and stock investing and a drop of business. Now I can "read people's thoughts" when they are off their guard and not scrambling their minds to avoid being out predicted (out guessed.)

I use it to predict buying trends in the stock market as well as the political landscape.

I'm also a fucking weirdo male who was/is damaged and sought to understand my self and others using Psyc. If what you are reading about Psyc is not at least a little bit scary, you are reading "Pop Psyc" and will have a feel good understanding of people at best.

Start with a book by Robert Chaldini called Influence. Next, do a field study on your own about the difference between what someone says and what someone does. You're mind will be opened wider than you though possible.

>> No.882560


Just cite everyone in the last hundred years who said the decline of the arts in education would lead to a society vulnerable to mass suggestion, and that things would suck as a result.

>> No.882909


>book by Robert Chaldini called Influence

I'm going to read this cuz you said it was cool