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File: 68 KB, 482x547, 690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8807233 No.8807233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much for a beautiful, pure, virginal white girl like these who will be a loving, faithful wife and a good example for my own daughters?

>> No.8807252
File: 42 KB, 680x383, 152148696851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8807259

kek, you can't marry 12 year olds

>> No.8807287

2 choices. Either travel 300 years back in time or marry a Muslim girl.

>> No.8807291

0,000001 btc in 3 years

>> No.8807315

nigger those are porn stars

>> No.8807327

They look like pornstars, all have taken bbc. Your fantasy is exactly that, a fantasy. Open your eyes cleetus

>> No.8807331

i want to marry elsa so we can have a happy family. just me, elsa, and her black friends

>> No.8807342

>Muslim girl
do they come in white, and not muslim?

>> No.8807344


>> No.8807359

2 XRP soon

>> No.8807365

Fuck off with your disgusting interracial fetishes your cuck swine. Those girls are beautiful and innocent. They would NEVER touch a black man's penis.

>> No.8807394

nice bite but the girl on the right was on one of those stacy photos and one anon posted a porn video with her

>> No.8807428

At best a Turkish or slavic Muslim if you aim for whiteness

>> No.8807433

Doesn't matter. I've banged girls like that and even had them as girlfriends. Unless you're a complete beta, you will always eventually get bored and seek fresh pussy. It's inevitable.

>> No.8807453


>> No.8807459
File: 83 KB, 482x547, 1523192178396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't be too expensive nowadays.

>> No.8807469
File: 52 KB, 720x540, Daniel é melhor que mulher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for a virgin very cute girl (male) who will love and and be loyal?

>> No.8807474

Why do cucks always want to photoshop the BLACKED.com logo onto everything?

Fuck off degenerate.

>> No.8807478

> Implying they don't take it up the ass and into the throat and keep their "virginity" for a beta husband.

>> No.8807502
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x3000, 1470386485644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try stupid cunt. The picture you posted is literally from blacked.com

>> No.8807514

Yeah okay buddy. Keep your disgusting fetishes to yourself. Cuck.

>> No.8807522


>> No.8807552

kys cuck

>> No.8807571

She will gag with my monster cock in her face hole

>> No.8807824

Da fuq off my board

>> No.8807836

about 1k LINK

>> No.8807846

is the girl in the middle the alpha?

>> No.8807858

Adopt a girl with good genes and slowly show her incest porn.

>> No.8807910
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180408-160249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean by this op

>> No.8807929

Woman here. Why are you guys so obsessed with virginity? Is it because you feel intimidated, being vrigins yourself? An average girl your age has had ~20-50 sexual partners in her life and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8807966

Muslims are already de-virgined on 12 year

>> No.8807972
File: 113 KB, 300x300, 3b932f15-7a8d-44ca-bd50-e1645d7c8257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you don't wanna throw up when she takes off her pants also tuya or gtfo whore

>> No.8807981

An average white girl yes. White girls are nothing more but street trash for men to occasionally ejaculate in.

>> No.8807986

They don't like the idea that another man's cock has been there before them.

>> No.8807993

I can't imagine human beings making posts like this. It has to be bots. No self respecting human would make a random, pointless post like this in the hopes that some other organism out there in the world would notice it and give them a moment of their time in exchange for an empty refutation like this that provides no information and adds no value to the discussion. It's unreal to me. It doesn't make sense. Do you not value yourself and your time? What drives someone to make pointless posts like this repeatedly ad nauseum like a drone until your brain turns to sludge from a drought of critical thought and mindless regurgitation of warped input?

>> No.8808014


>> No.8808015


>> No.8808024

they're basement dwelling pedophiles. some idiot on pol probably told them virgins are great

>> No.8808026

Whats the name of the girl on the left?

>> No.8808030

But an average 4chan male's cock has never been anywhere, so he should be happy with what he can get.

>> No.8808035
File: 2.35 MB, 640x360, you're waifu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the roastie meme gone too far?

>> No.8808046

There's not a whole lot of rational thought going into it. You've already thought too much into it.

>> No.8808049

if you actually think the female labia grows longer with sex you're an absolute fucking moron

>> No.8808051

Or i alpha up and take what i want instead of taking the crap i could get

Man up or be a faggot

>> No.8808055
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x640, ej.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8808058

Says the roastie with a desperate need for the attention of anime posters in a cambodian preteen jailbait forum kys

>> No.8808066

>woman here
try harder pajeet

>> No.8808068
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet forums is mostly coping virgin betas mad at Chad.

>mmuh roasties


>> No.8808071

It stretches however thus gets looser

>> No.8808072

>12 year olds
White girls start the dick carousel at age 8-9 nowadays

>> No.8808082

Too low for you?

>> No.8808094

>20-50 sexual partners in your late twenties early thirties.
>this is ok, totally normal
the absolute state of society
this is not normal, it's the exception. i don't think there are that many women who have sex filled adventures with different men everywhere they go.
and if it is normal, it shouldn't be.

>> No.8808104

don't tell /r9k/

>> No.8808107

Mark can totally buy that chad life and family and make them all line up to try a real life "the human centipede movie"

>> No.8808114

>only have sex with 5 guys a year
>start having sex at 12~15
>what do you get by the age of ~25

>> No.8808120

A filthy whore

>> No.8808123

GTFO with projecting your own degeneracy onto the entire white race. Not all have been brainwashed into giving their bodies away to Baucchus and Hedone.

>> No.8808135

Probably infected with antibiotic resistance gonorrea

>> No.8808137
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, 55c96e0549dd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't you fucking virgin. This pornstar for instance, has taken endless cocks, including giantic ones like Mandingo's on several occasions, she still has a cute jailbait pussy.

Pussy aesthetics = genetics. Your delusional "virgin wife" could have a turkey tier labia. Deal with it.

>> No.8808145
File: 86 KB, 620x398, VenezuelaBeautifulGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone here so obsessed with virginity?

Fun fact about women without sexual experience; if they're not clingy and obsessive to the point of being unhealthy and smothering you, they're significantly more likely to cheat on you or dump you out of the blue. Most people who have fucked just one or two people naturally want to see what others are like and tend to get bored easily. The most loyal and appreciative girlfriends I've had (including my fiance of 3 years) were ex-sluts because, unlike girls without experience, they know what other men are like and aren't curious about what they're missing. Sluts know your lack or experience can simply just be fucked out of you and often get a thrill from being your personal sex trainer. Your idea of pure virginal waifu is an extreme romanticization far from the reality you would most likely end up in.

Also, I will never understand why your type thinks all women are whores. They're not, plus men are way bigger whores as a whole, this is just a biological fact. Then again, I guess when you're a beta virgin getting your info on women from other beta virgins, you're not really going to have an accurate picture in the slightest.

So yeah, have fun dying alone due to your misguided pure girl requirements, while I enjoy having amazing sex with a girlfriend who treats me like I'm the second coming of Christ.

>> No.8808147
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he can't. Just as how he can't buy trigger actual attraction, that's why he is stuck with that gook, alternative being coping with goldiggers.

>> No.8808154

>what do you get?
again, if it is normal, it shouldn't be.
I wouldn't know, I've only buried my dick in asian, for this very reason.

>> No.8808155

This. Thank you :)

>> No.8808167
File: 16 KB, 480x318, 5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think there are that many women who have sex filled adventures with different men everywhere they go.
Get a load of this virgin.

Those numbers are typical whether you'd like to admit it or not. Not that you would know from your limited and awkward social interactions with the opposite sex.

People fuck all the time these days. Not everyone is a sex starved loser like you anon.

>only have sex with 5 guys a year
I know girls who fuck more guys than that over the summer holidays.

If only you virgins knew just how much you're missing out on.

They're angry, but not for the reasons you think.

If they're honest, they're not actually mad that women are having sex. They're mad that women are NOT having sex with THEM.

>> No.8808171

Tfw i have a pure white petite hot shy GF but shes emotionally unstable at times and demands alot of attention

>> No.8808175

Id like to see how a pussy remains after birth. Im not talking about the average dick because its small. You can literally level up your pussy with bigger stuff.

Also post source on mandigo sexing before i report you you fuckig faggot

>> No.8808198

Implying she doesn't constantly get vaginoplasty done

>> No.8808203


Find a Boer (White South African) girl from a small town. They're basically White girls from 400 years ago - disgusted by niggers, work hard, not degenerates, want families. No bullshit OP. That's what I did - fucking lucky. Together 10 years now. She's actually fairly miserable though - she doesn't understand Western white women at all, thinks they're just insane.

Alternatively, try Church. Stfu about if you're a fedora wearing athiest - like it or not, everything we see now is a result of the loss of religion. The New Athiest movement was so fucking BTFO by seeing that without God (even in a vague, abstract sense) and the accompanying morality humans really do just self destruct. So you want a decent woman, that's where they can still be found.

Kys degenerate.

>> No.8808204

The absolute state of biz

>> No.8808213
File: 58 KB, 679x769, pffftfffss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks we shouldn't have sex with that many people
>thinks sex should be more meaningful
>thinks we should be more conservative
>buries dick in loyal asian qt gf
>virgin sex starved loser
ok anon

>> No.8808216

It's fine that you want to measure your net worth with the amount of sex you have.

Don't come crying when you realise there's a better end goal in life and you squandered your energy on random pussy.

>> No.8808230

>Missing out short time pleasure
Spoken like a true nigger

>> No.8808234


>> No.8808244

Only beta cucks spend money on women. My lay count is over 150 and I haven't spend a dime on a woman. Most of the time they're the ones buy ME gifts.

I can't imagine how much of a beta loser you'd have to be to try to impress women with money.

>> No.8808249


Yes. And both you and them are degenerate trash that are everything wrong with the world. The one hilarious element to all this, is that you degenerates tend to be Muslim lovers - who utterly despise you, kill you when they can and if they ever did take over would have you all decapitated.

>> No.8808254

Don't pretend like you don't want pussy you stupid faggot. You're just too much of a beta to get any so you've developed this coping mechanism.

>> No.8808255


How do you meet a boer without being macheted by the locals?

>> No.8808266

t. virgin

Oh and btw I have muslim friends and they fuck like rabbits before marriage (the men that is). Those dudes are some of the horniest fuckers I've seen. You're just living in another world faggot.

>> No.8808298

>i am a nigger therefore everyone is a nigger with nigger ideals

>> No.8808304

That's not at all what I said or meant.

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.8808310

A lot of 10/10 women are legit attracted to guys because they are intelligent/kind/generous. You don't have to look like a Chad to fuck them.
T. average looking guy who has dated 10/10s.

>> No.8808330

also this is not business or finance related you fucking pieces of shit

>> No.8808343

>I dated what i believe are possible 10/10 for me

>> No.8808357

What makes this blond perfect girl immaculated by nature take BBC in her asshole?
What kind of society is this?
Why don't she find a white husband and make some beautiful children?
Why /biz/tards? Why?

>> No.8808358

Are you retarded? She got surgery done

>> No.8808364

>coping this hard
you're wifing up the college cum bucket anon. no need to sugarcoat it. you're a loser who can't get a quality woman and is forced to rationalize away the fact that the best he can do is Chad's sloppy seconds

>> No.8808374

please take this to /r9k/

>> No.8808382

Biology. During mans early time a baby was a huge liability*. An “easy” womam who fucked any caveman around could be pregnant with anyone’s baby. An alpha isn’t going to risk spending his time, risking his life, and sharing his spoils on a baby who probably isn’t his. So a “good” girl... one who in today’s language we would say has self esteem and respect.. would be safer to mate with because there would be a higher chance that the baby the male supports is actually his own.

The pill, the feminist movement, Hollywood.. all can’t change the fact that Men are programmed to want to marry respectable women and use easy women.

*as it still is today

>> No.8808419

The face of regret

>> No.8808432

Good advice. How did you meet your girl?

>> No.8808457

Cuz bix nood wyboi