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880629 No.880629 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys stay focused on working, whether it be learning or earning money? Do you rail lines of addy and coke? Modafinil?

I cannot work for more than 45 mins at a time at home. I ALWAYS get distracted and go do something else. And if i push through it i feel like I didn't learn much of anything either. When I can stay focused I get lots of work done and everything goes smoothly. The issue is that I need to be able to do this for many hours everyday.

I'm trying to read books and learn more but I really just have trouble doing anything consciously. I mean I could do physical labor or repetitive things, but I can't read books and remember what they say for hours a day. Is there any tricks to this shit?

I considered taking adderal and shit but I'm pretty sure that can't be very good for your health, and if not that you'd at least get more or less addicted to it where you can't focus whatsoever without it, so that's seems like a poor idea.

>> No.880632

if you were really interested in it you wouldnt have this problem.

>> No.880643

Same here. Meant to work from home today, ended up sleeping in til 10am and then lounging around in my underwear til 2pm, then went out for lunch. Now I'm watching Top Gear. I had all these plans to be productive.


>> No.880644

>if you were really interested in it you wouldnt have this problem.

I do man. I enjoy it and gets lots done in the small amount of time I can sit down and focus. But the issue is that I burn out too quickly.

It's as if I use all my strength on (at most) 1-2 hours of work then my brain has run out of juice. If i could just somehow extend that to a few more hours... I would get tons done even in half a year.

>> No.880646

>45 mins at a time

spolit your work into chunks that are no longer than 45 minutes.

itemize these chunks and try to switch between two or more different tasks and keep working on the list. every time you complete a chunk you get a small dopamine burst that keeps you working.

that way 9 hours can go by in a breeze. keep a water bottle and snacks nearby. raw baby carrots or baby tomatos are great. when you feel low on energy eat some peanuts or a cookie.

>> No.880649


other tips:

it helps to have a partner that depends on your work. otherwise you don't have any genuine obligations looming over you.

another tip: don't work alone/at home. if you have a computer task, look into local coworking spaces. they are not very expensive and keep you away from distractions.

>> No.880655

>split your work into chunks that are no longer than 45 minutes.

I drink 3-6 liters of water every day, eat quite well as well.

The issue isn't that I can't force myself to work, I can physically sit there and read or whatever for days if i have to. but the problem is that I just "power" through it.

Often times having to re-read the same paragraph over and over to understand it, get confused, or just forget all I've read/done. At that point I usually just call it quits and go do something else, since it clearly isn't working.

How can I do things for longer periods of time, *consciously*? Actually absorbing information and learning from what I am doing? Rather than just doing what I already know how to do and doing repetitive tasks.

>> No.880656
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I ordered modafinil from some guy that posted a few days ago and a link

>> No.880657


What you need is structure, not chemicals. There are people who are self-disciplined enough to get shit done when left to their own devices, but you probably aren't one of them.
Probably shouldn't be working from home.

>> No.880664

I take sulbutiamine, choline, aniracetam and some other supplements when I need to focus. Honestly it really does help.
Aniracetam reduces cravings and addictions (so you work instead of jerk off) and sulbutiamine increases dopamine sensitivity which helps with motivation somehow.
I ran out and had to buy some more. Im much more productive when taking these pills.

>> No.880666


as I said, switch it up. don't power through anything unless it's absolutely necessary.

45 minutes task A, 45 minutes task B, 45 minutes task A.

also, slow down. you're not the fucking flash. stopping to refill your mouth and chewing something will help you restructure your thoughts without getting you off track like a small pause would.

>> No.880667

>I take sulbutiamine, choline, aniracetam and some other supplements when I need to focus. Honestly it really does help.

Seems like placebo shit. Probably some cocoa powder sold at high markup.

Most of this "nootropics" shit only has a wikipedia article with 30 [citation needed]'s and maybe 1-3 studies showing it *might* have an effect on a couple of rodents in a flawed study.

>> No.880668

Stop smoking, it really helps.

>> No.880671

>Stop smoking, it really helps.

I don't smoke or drink alcohol even(except for a couple beers once a year or so).

>also, slow down. you're not the fucking flash

but surely reading half a chapter a day won't get me very far...

I seem to get much more information gained from reading 5-10 pages than reading 50 pages. I can re-tell what the book is about in those 5 pages but the next few dozen pages i'm just reading through it but can hardly remember any of it.

>> No.880674

There is a lot of research on sulbutiamine and aniracetam.

I don't know why people think it's so impossible for a chemical to have a positive effect on cognitive performance. You think caffeine is a placebo too?

>> No.880675

Then start smoking, it really helps.

>> No.880702

or go for adrafinil if you don't want to bother your doctor/buy 100 pills from from some indian company

>> No.880703

I don't. I make the same amount whether I do the bare minimum or the work of 3 men. And I mean this literally, I used to make up for 2 backfill positions that took 8 months to fill, they gave me a "thanks" as compensation.

>> No.880704

>but surely reading half a chapter a day won't get me very far...

I'm sorry but you seem to be utterly fucking retarded. I absolutely cannot help you

>> No.880774

>I don't know why people think it's so impossible for a chemical to have a positive effect on cognitive performance

It absolutely can, and I was interested in nootropics for a while too. but after a while I concluded that most of the shit people have in their "stacks" in these communities is likely placebo.

> You think caffeine is a placebo too?
Caffeine has been researched to heck and back.

>> No.880799


pussy & masturbation

>> No.880803

I'm not concerned about them being placebos. I'm concerned about health effects or addiction or dependence that wouldn't be known without proper trials.

>> No.880820

>I'm concerned about health effects or addiction or dependence that wouldn't be known without proper trials.

Yeah that as well.

Especially when it's not made by a legit lab. Kinda don't want to buy sketchy powders from Bangladesh or India or wherever it is.

It's not something well known like steroids either, it's some sketchy shit created in a sketchy place, on a borderline illegal website.

>> No.880944

do you still have the link?

>> No.880952


Coffee, cigarettes, singing, humming, whistling, shaking my lags, tapping my fingers, walking around, spinning in my chair, cigarettes, reading news online when I need a mental break, checking out cars online when I need a break, coffee, smoking, etc etc etc

Also, get them damn 7-8 hours of sleep, really helps a lot

>> No.880964

Try increasing your testosterone.

I have really low testosterone (can't even grow a beard and I have the genetics for it), and it sounds like you have some low T symptoms:

I have a really low T lifestyle though (sedentary, no sex, junk food, NEET) so I want to increase mine naturally.

>> No.880965

Honestly i just think about the money. Anytime i'm feeling unmotivated or lazy i think about how much money i can be making.

>> No.880983

>I have really low testosterone (can't even grow a beard and I have the genetics for it)

I do as well fam.

I am ordering test-e amps soon.

Gonna try 500mg test-e for 16 weeks, 40mg dbol for 4 weeks.

And for next time probably add on deca for joint health

>> No.880986

Wait, is that why I don't grow any facial hair?

>> No.880987

Not that I really want to.
Not having to worry about shaving or buying stuff to shave with is quite alright in my book.

>> No.881035


I am scared to try racetams. There are no long term studies to even suggest its safe

>> No.881055

fam just inject test tbh

>> No.881071
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Guys we need to focus on the main issue at hand.

Lots of people have trouble focusing and don't know why, it's not adhd, and the human brain wasn't BUILT for things like modafinil and it wasn't build for brain fog. It could just be genetics, it could just be shit like aspartame and flouride, but i'm not sure, it seems to me like nobody is. I've cleared my brain fog, these were my habits that made my cognition change for the better.

>drinking lots of (distilled) water
>decent aerobic excersize
>Lots of socializing
>Adequate rest
> being in the present moment
>less stress, especially anxiety

>> No.881093

>>drinking lots of (distilled) water
I drink 1-2 gallons of (tap)water ;-;

>>decent aerobic excersize
Used to lift and swim for cardio but completely fucked my shoulder. Awaiting a meme so i can get surgery, but it will take forever in fucking shit socialist Canada

>>Lots of socializing
i'm better at this nowadays tbh fam

>>Adequate rest
i have sleep problems, sometimes insomnia and not rested at all and sometimes sleep like 10 hours a day and still kinda tired. sometimes perfect sleep tho

>> No.881146


>> No.881149


I buy from the same supplier every time, and have a local lab run an analysis for me. It costs a bit more, but I know what I'm getting.

I've talked to my doctor about what I've been taking, and he thinks there might be some potential benefits.

>> No.881153

Get armodafinil and definitely don't get adrafinil because that will fuck up your liver. Only get it from your doctor if you want to pay 10 times more for the same thing you'll get from India.

>> No.881154


U tryna squab fam?

>> No.881158


>> No.881280

Well for a start you could do something more productive in these few hours than sit here pressing refresh waiting on someone like me to come along and shit on your insane lack of willpower...

>> No.881302

>drinking distilled water
Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of distilled water is a bad idea. Water filtered through reverse osmosis tends to be neutral and is acceptable for regular use provided minerals are supplemented.

shut the fuck up

>> No.881342

Make small goals and then achieve them. Realize that success is a never ending staircase. Just keep going one step at a time. Remember to reflect back on how far you have come.

>> No.881347

You're just pathetic.

>> No.881361


There's your problem

Fix your sleep issues and your concentration will improve 200%

There are several articles on wikihow, but they all come down to the same things:
Consistency: go to bed at the same time. wake up at the same time
No food the last couple of hours before bedtime
No sugar! in the last couple of hours.
No coffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime, that is both coffee, tea, energy drinks, coca cola and more.
Get a better bed. If you have issues because your bed is shitty, then improve it. You are spending 1/3 of your life in it, so it has to be of good quality
No computer or TV the last half hour before bed, no exciting books.
Dim the lights, or shut off a few in the last timespan before bed, to make you naturally sleepy
Good curtains: outside lights from both artificial sources and the moon can fuck your shit up. You should not be able to see anything once you turn off your bedroom lights

>> No.881445

Thanks breh.

I already do most of these but ill focus on them now.

What do you think about taking melatonin for sleep gains?

>> No.881668

No drug can fix sleep apnea. You need medical hardware. You have to go see a doctor and get a sleep study done. Look it up.

>> No.881749

Work in chunks of 20-30 minutes of solid work with 5-10 minute breaks in between. Let's call this one "round". For every 3-4 rounds take a half hour break.

>> No.881787

Stop masturbating. Seriously, the ol nofappers have it right.

At least, if you really like fapping then make sure you don't work at home because your'll just fap. Work at a library or a university or something

If reading is your crux, try printing things out before you read em. I find it really helps to be able to make notes.

1st skim read. No notes, no stopping, no googling. Just quickly read it.

Now write down 20 key words that came up in it. From memory.

Now read it again, thoroughly. Write down things you have to Google, so that you can Google them all at once after you've read it.

Write down 20 things from memory.

Do your googling

The next day, write a paragraph on it, putting as many facts in as you can.

The trick is to constantly USE your memory - treat each subject like a muscle. The memories only get stronger if you constantly use them

>> No.881789

Oh and I like melatonin.

But it means I have to go to bed on time, and don't look at your phone or any screen after taking it, it will only keep you awake for the whole night if you push past the sleepiness. Personally, I've given up on all pills and potions (I still like a multivitamin the odd time because it makes my pee and awesome colour

>> No.881802

>Stop masturbating. Seriously, the ol nofappers have it right.
>Work at a library or a university or something

I've done this man after a shortwhile I'd just always walk around with a boner and imagine banging even the 5-6/10's... It was fucked man

But all the other tips are good shit, thanks man ill keep in mind

>> No.881877

Maybe i should just stop coming to 4chan tbh fam.

it really is a waste of time, any useful information you gain could much more easily be gained using any other resource, or dedicated website

>> No.881880

So you can't even stay focused on this place? Goddamn, what a faggot. Just gonna quit and give up on this place like a bitch? No wonder you can't get shit done or do anything in life

>> No.881881

all i do is spend all my time on memechan ;-;

>> No.882648


>> No.883147

Nobody does anything for long anyway. I do a pretty technical job and at most I do about 3 hours of work per day. I spend 30 minutes doing work, 20 minutes walking around talking to people or making myself tea, 30 minutes of more pork, another bit of walking around, etc, etc. I spend a lot of time browsing the internet. No one in an office actually does work the whole time they're there.

>> No.884540


>> No.884544

>3 to 6 litres
Try cutting back on the water, I got bloated just reading that

>> No.884803
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The keys to long term focus, for me, have been a few things, but primarily regular exercise, regular getting outside of the house, varied projects and never expecting too much of myself.

To go a bit more in depth, regular exercise is known to be the leading cure/treatment for depression, anxiety and plenty of other problems, it makes sense that keeping your energy levels and mental focus up benefits you, and for me it definitely has made the biggest difference. I discovered it while reviewing video games, that I could literally play better, write better and play more video games just by working out. I've carried it forward since.

Next, getting outside is similarly continuously proven to benefit all the same things, and adds vitamin D to the mix. Combine the two and kill two birds.

Varied projects and I'd include hobbies, are important because you always have something to look forward to and never get stuck on any one thing for very long. It keeps you moving.

Never expecting too much of yourself because sometimes you'll just get bored and want to move on, and that may very well be the best choice if you can't be bothered completing a thing. Unless you can pay someone else or find an alternative route, pacing yourself is usually the best choice, but sometimes giving up or moving on is equally valid.

>> No.884813

I seriously don't know how people don't find exercise to be sketchy as fuck.
Sounds way more fucking placebo than actually taking a chemical tbh.
It's a thousand times less quantifiable than X grams of Y.

>> No.884829

Except all that data and evidence, and common sense?

>> No.884895

I used to have this problem then one day something snapped in my head and I can now work hours on end.

It literally happened from one tiny realisation. I just looked at my work and thought 'huh, you know what, people out there put a lot of time and effort to produce what's in front of me'. Since then I've had no problem.

You need to generate interest. If you're reading a book remind yourself that the writer chose each line for a specific reason. If you're studying science, remind yourself that these are natural laws the world obeys and that's really sik. Doing this makes you naturally focused.

Brb gonna work

>> No.885492
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>people out there put a lot of time and effort to produce what's in front of me'. Since then I've had no problem.

What the fuck kind of reasoning is this? If I'm a slave in ancient Egypt and my little brother was just whipped to death i should look at the fucking pyramids and say "huh, you know what, people out there put a lot of time and effort to produce what's in front of me" and keep working until I die of exhaustion? What kind of normie wageslave pleb are you man? Jesus, this is disturbing.

>> No.885510

Cool bro science faggot.

>> No.885514

>Not being an Egyptian king forcing goyim to work for you

step ur royalty game up fam

>> No.885633

What he's explaining is appreciation of things around you. You appreciate that you're fortunate enough to have access to information to study and thus you want to utilise it. I swear to god the number one reason why people can't focus is because they're spoilt. In essence: look up the African kid that taught himself Calculus out of an old textbook. We have access to the sum of all human knowledge, yet most of us are more concerned about the recent movements of popular celebrity.

>> No.885641

>I swear to god the number one reason why people can't focus is because they're spoilt. In essence: look up the African kid that taught himself Calculus out of an old textbook

Or niggers that got taken out of Africa, given loads of opportunities with affirmative action and social benefits instead of being stuck in Africa getting malaria, hiv and having a life expectancy of ~30 while making $5 a day at best.

>look up the African kid that taught himself Calculus out of an old textbook

I highly doubt this as well, considering Africans are so retarded that even in 2015 they're still living in houses made of mud and sticks. Literally every single other civilization has had better architecture many thousands of years ago.

Also the average IQ of Subsaharan Africa is ~80 if im not mistaking, borderline retarded and certainly not capable of making use of textbooks to self-teach.

>> No.885667
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>> No.885670


>> No.885675

nice b8 bro

>> No.885677

which part isn't tru tho fam

>> No.885689

Keep forcing yourself to focus for as long as you can.The ability to concentrate for long periods of time is trained, not innate.

>> No.885714

>distilled water tends to be acidic

>> No.885793

>how do you stay focused on working

You sit your ass and start working. It doesn't matter that at first you'll fuck up and get distracted. Repeat, retry. You'll do better with every attempt. Think about working when you're in bed falling asleep or when you're commuting, that helps your brain rewire itself too.

>> No.885941


this is where i buy mine.It's legit stuff

>> No.885955

I find it hard to work in the evening after spending all day working at work.

The solution to this is to get up early, and do a couple hours before work while everyone else is asleep and you are most alert.

If you are giving your side project your 2 best working hours each day, frankly that's about as much as you owe it.

>> No.886322

not a legit link tho

>> No.886367

I ordered modafinil last week, ill tell you guys how it goes later on. But Adderall is the shit tbh, I feel like god, I got 2 diamond accounts from high gold just for taking that shit, from league of legends ranking.

>> No.886387

The fix for this could be a simple change of environment. For a while I tried studying and working from home, but could just not concentrate for more than 2 min. at time every several hours. I find my place of residence to be depressing though, so that may be more to do my lack of productivity. Regardless, today I decided to go to the public library next to a park and experienced an immediate and drastic improvement in my mood and productivity. I suppose the presence of other people helps too.