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File: 94 KB, 800x530, 1496254100898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8806188 No.8806188 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here gotten over one million dollars off this? What does it feel like?

>> No.8806229

Are you holding atleast 10k stinkies? If yes then you're already a millionaire

>> No.8806249

yes, significantly more, it's nothing special, you just readjust your numbers and now you goal is 10x, 100x higher, etc.

>> No.8806413

haha so true

>> No.8806455


>thanks to inflation $1mil isn’t even a significant amount of money anymore


>> No.8806474
File: 111 KB, 738x960, _____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one million dollars is not enought

>> No.8806737

"The ability to make money doesn't impress anybody around here"

>> No.8806791

>rich nerd vs crafty so-called poor person
nice comparison

>> No.8806819

Not millionaire or lambo rich more like beats by dre rich.

>> No.8806881
File: 168 KB, 414x433, 1465091682450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao when I was a late teen / early 20's I used to follow meme advice like this image you posted.

Unless you are married, or arranged marriage,good luck getting anyone, especially women to take you seriously if you're wearing cheap shitty $1 polo shirts and $3 used sneakers.

>> No.8806914

You must be very unattractive.

>> No.8806960

>good luck getting anyone, especially women to take you seriously if you're wearing cheap shitty $1 polo shirts and $3 used sneakers.

Imagine being past your early 20s and still having delusions like this.

Your girlfriend is drooling over chad in his $2 t-shirt.

>> No.8806980
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1523120310133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 99.9% it is, most of the people will never be worth 1 million.

>> No.8806994

What you wear doesn't make a difference and never will unless you have holes or you are dirty and stinky.

>> No.8807036

This, people who buy cheap clothes are stupid just like that another guy in the pic buying expensive stuff. I buy quality stuff that lasts for years and feels good to wear not some nigger brands like gucci or versace.

>> No.8807057
File: 456 KB, 720x1410, 1518957137375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made around 10 million on the stockmarket (never bought anything related to crypo currency)

It feels very much like when I was poor. Lonely hollow, empty, bored etc.. the only difference is that I got a big chunk on my bank that I don't know what to do with.

All I ever wanted was a sweet normal girlfriend.

>> No.8807479

Pretty heavy bags desu, they keep losing value and there is no bottom

>> No.8807742

dude, host parties, find a sport that interests you like golf or hunting, go out to eat with friends more often. Travel, meet new people. I know money isn't everything, but it frees you from worries, stress and duties and lets you focus on finding the good things in life. Enjoy life my dude.

>> No.8807765

Buy used quality brands from swap. Com for a fraction of the price

>> No.8807877

gucci and versace both last for decades, compared to whatever ur going to get,

as to the rich people wearing broke stuff its a trend in sillicon valley were the rich techies wear cheap stuff to keep show ur humble and more focused on work, stevejobs started it and everyone else followed,

in wallstreet the trend is expensive suits and saying u wear cheap stuff (be humble about it), see warren buffet who wears a 120k suit with a 40k watch and 30k shoes

>> No.8807945

The one guy's outfit is worth like 17k and the other ones not even 20 bucks.

~17000 - 20 he could have invested.
Most hypebeastfags are fugly anyways.

>> No.8807956

I can't imagine human beings making posts like this. It has to be bots. No self respecting human would make a random, pointless post like this in the hopes that some other organism out there in the world would notice it and give them a moment of their time in exchange for an empty refutation like this that provides no information and adds no value to the discussion. It's unreal to me. It doesn't make sense. Do you not value yourself and your time? What drives someone to make pointless posts like this repeatedly ad nauseum like a drone until your brain turns to sludge from a drought of critical thought and mindless regurgitation of warped input?

>> No.8807977

>as to the rich people wearing broke stuff its a trend in sillicon valley were the rich techies wear cheap stuff to keep show ur humble and more focused on work, stevejobs started it and everyone else followed,

It's actually a a part of an INTP'S pdrsonality to dress cheap and shitty.

I used to wear ones weatjacket and Jeans from H&M like 24/7 and ended up buying the same pieces two more times because of hygiene.

>> No.8808010

I got $200k before the crash. Maybe next bull run Ill get to $1MM. Im not cashing out a penny until I have $2MM thought.

>> No.8808101

Damn did you use leverage or penny stocks or what?

>> No.8808129

Also I got close in January, kind of sucks because I could have bought a house in cash right now if I had took some of that out.
My ideal scenario is cashing out at least 2M and keeping 500k-1M or so in crypto. And I'm willing to patiently wait for it.

>> No.8808242

Poor people are the only ones that spend large amounts of money on Meme identity clothing.

>> No.8808302

Chill bro... chill

>> No.8808348
File: 304 KB, 646x595, 1A789728-B8E2-476D-A3AF-C913B8E0FEE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky with Linky?
> your ID says you’re a lush