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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8805194 No.8805194 [Reply] [Original]

In a bit of a conundrum /biz/

I was leaving a football game in my car and was hit by another driver.
They've admitted fault, however also informed me they were uninsured.
After exchanging details the male occupant informed me he and his wife were struggling financially as the man had recently been laid off work due to a shoulder injury, which he showed me (recently operated on shoulder)

They have offered to pay excess and premiums if I tell my insurer that my car was damaged while it was parked (and imply I didn't see who hit it) and I told them I would get back to them.
The car will probably end up being written off and replaced with a new one as it's part of my insurance policy (and incidentally the other side is awaiting repair as the same thing happened 3 weeks ago. yes, great luck here) however the couple, being unemployed and struggling at the moment will more than likely be fucked up big time.

What do /biz/?
>hit by uninsured driver and will ruin them if I claim on it, theyve offered to pay excess and premiums if I lie to insurer
I'm a fairly generous person anons and I really dont want to fuck up these peoples lives, in saying that they were at fault.

also posted on adv

>> No.8805242

you are opening yourself to fraud
the cars sensors could pick up the crash (potentially), did the airbags go off?
if you say it was parked up make sure their is no cameras around

If you get caught for insurance fraud you will not be able to get insurance...sadly not worth it

>> No.8805245

be honest with the insurance company

>> No.8805263

Airbags didnt go off however the whole side of my car is trashed.
I was thinking this bros, thank you. Guess they'll learn a very harsh lesson

>> No.8805293

Tell the truth. Insurance fraud comes with jail. Your insurance will pay for your car regardless of what you tell them. They will attempt to recover the funds from the other party.

>> No.8805314

I'm guessing you're probably in America (I'm not) and I don't know how the laws work over there... but pretty sure that there's no way to legally make them pay for your excess and premiums if they just decide they don't want to anymore. Sure they SAY they're going to pay it, but they're struggling financially aren't they? Don't trust them. I know you're generous, but it's not worth it. People lie all the time. Plus they're driving without insurance in the first place, so they're probably kinda dodgy in anyway.

>> No.8805346

Sounds like you are unlikely to get any money out of them.

maybe you can come to some other arrangement, see this debt and their lack of employment as an opportunity...

That is to say: create website, buy the couple a pair of kneepads each, advertise for big black bubbas, and get filming.

>> No.8805347

This. Be honest with the insurance company but then tell them you want no further communication with the couple that hit you. They will handle it for you and that's the end of it. Sorry if you're guilty but that's the end of it.

Be a man, tell the insurance company what I said above, and go get drunk at a bar to forget about it.

>> No.8805349

Australia bro. was watching a mates son play his first footy game and youre right

>> No.8805360

The wife was Serbian and spoke with a heavy accent.
The husband was about 20 years older than her with tatts all over his arms.
Im pretty sure he bought her.

>> No.8805372

lol I'm Australian too. Good luck with it m8, don't trust dodgy people who say they have no money and drive around with no insurance to pay excess and premiums.

>> No.8805375

tell the insurance company the truth and cut all contact with the guy who hit you

>> No.8805379

thank you m8

>> No.8805384

(Another aussie)

>> No.8805397

Yeah they're probably trying to guilt you into committing a crime and then blackmail you forever. Classic scam.

>> No.8805409

It is one extra problem to the 99 they already have, they can deal with it. Do not lie to the insurance company.

>> No.8805419

between an injured kidney from sparring, the flu, a leg injury training and now 2 accidents that weren't my fault in the last month Ive had really bad luck lately
Have a beer for me please lads and thanks everyone for your advice.
Can't go wrong when you tell the truth

>> No.8805435

This sucks for the other party involved but don’t lie. So many awful things come from lying it’s not worth it. Even if you think you may be helping them lying always has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass one way or another. Whether that’s you opening yourself up to insurance fraud or some other unintended consequence you haven’t thought of. In my experience, lying has never worked for me in situations like yours.

>> No.8805473

>the couple, being unemployed and struggling at the moment will more than likely be fucked up big time.
>They have offered to pay excess and premiums

Help a brainlet understand - how do they have the money for one scenario and not the other?

Also, here is a general advice as someone who has to deal with alcoholics and in general shitty people - they are always "down on their luck", it is never "their fault" and they never have any money and they always just need a little bit of your help. Then they pull you into their world of fuckups and pathology. They are like black holes consuming everyone they get close to.

Firstly, take the account of their circumstances with a grain of salt. People like this will have you believing that their life will end if you don't help them in some way.

Secondly, do not do anything that goes against your interests.

>> No.8805484

You're doing the right thing by telling the truth. Hope your luck improves, buy some link bro.

>> No.8805579

If it were me I'd show mercy and give them a chance but if they fucked about they would pay for it. All you pricks that'll save yourselves before anyone, fuck you. Sometimes all someone needs is a break. Maybe they are deadshits idk

>> No.8805607

You can go wrong if you tell the truth, just depends who the bacon believes. Anyone can claim what they want really, as in if you hit from rear even if the cunt pulls up handbrake I front of you. Your done,

>> No.8805617

You would seriously commit a felony just to save some assholes you never met before? So they can blackmail you forever afterwards if you don't want jailtime?

Look up gullible in the dictionary, it has your name there.

>> No.8805630
File: 41 KB, 800x800, ThisFucking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secondly, do not do anything that goes against your interests.

>> No.8805636

Fuck you man, you are an americuck that lives I. Amerifucktard land. Mercy on your shit self. If they were dero's I'd maybe think harder but if they were reasonable people I'd do it. Fuck the government and the cops. And u too

>> No.8805669

So you'd be happy to say sorry bud, an accident is an accident but instead of sorting it out between us, your completely fucked and I couldn't care less. Hope your life gets tested and fails

>> No.8805675

Essentially you're asking if you should commit fraud in order to save a stranger's ass. Don't do it.

>> No.8805695

Why are you so triggered over this?

No, I would not commit a crime to save some nobody. That would be beyond retarded.

>> No.8805717

He is triggered because he is most likely the same sort of pathological trash that OP bumped into. Just look at the way he expresses himself.

>> No.8805719

>be honest with the insurance company
You should never lie to (((them))), goyim.

>> No.8805759

>Between us

Wrong, idiot. If OP lies, and the insurance pays out, it means that other policy holders are paying. Society doesn't need to pick up the pieces for every fuck up in the world. Driving uninsured is retarded. Rego is $800 a year, third party property damage costs about $300 most of the time. If these assholes can't afford insurance, they can't afford a car. Asking OP to commit fraud and make society pay for their stupidity demonstrates the stranger's sense of entitlement.

I'm an ausfag too. As a society we have a pretty good safety net for people down on their luck. Taxpayer funded schools, rent assistance, unemployment benefits, government housing, disability pension, age pension, healthcare, etc etc.

OP is already playing his part, it's a bit rich to ask him to commit a crime for these people.

Would you cook the books for a business owner 'down on his luck'? Write fake checks? Commit welfare fraud and hand them the cash?

>> No.8805791

No . (((Insurance company))) has got nothing to lose. Help your poor fellow out

>> No.8805798

But they may not be just a nobody, they may be in the wrong place at wrong but otherwise good citizens, if they can fix this without being bankrupted then I'd probably help.
insurance companies are scum and will happily cheat a bit and not payout for what ever reason, so bugger them the same.
You do whatever you will but I'd do it to help a poorfag. **unless they were not believable and you actually thought your car would not be fixed

>> No.8805848

would he do the same to you

>> No.8805849

why don't you shut the fuck up and go drink a beer on the porch you fucking cunt

>> No.8805872

Mate suck a dick I have my car insured so btfo. I'd help a fool out if I thought it wasn't gonna fuck myself.
I'm triggered because good people should not be punished for being poor.

>> No.8805885

Mate suck a dick I have my car insured so btfo. I'd help a fool out if I thought it wasn't gonna fuck myself.
I'm triggered because good people should not be punished for being poor.
It's a problem well off people can't imagine.

>> No.8805904

He is not your friend or family. Do not trust anyone or you will get taken the fuck out

>> No.8805918

Lol I've heard of worse shit. A beer on the porch is great. Your missing out chav

>> No.8805981

Basically true but if everyone thinks like this then there is no hope out there.
It shouldn't be an option to insure or not, should include 3rd party on reg. why not?

>> No.8806008

How come not 3rd party insurance on rego. Especially for deros on pension.

>> No.8806024

You are setting yourself to a fraud and it really sounds like one, you might as well claim and then give them money or something.

>> No.8806047

Fucking pajeets poo on street all the time will they ever learn it......
disgusting faggots

>> No.8806106

Hey aussiebro,

I had the same thing happened to me with my motorcycle, guy and his wife trashed it while it was parked. One guy was perfectly honest, had an honest face and pleaded me not to call police and tell insurance that I didn't see who did it, because he was uninsured and it was obvious it would ruin him.

I had a huge moral dilemma and I like to think that I'm compassionate, at least more than the autistic robot men that frequent 4chan, and I took pity.

Fast forward 1 year the insurance company found out about the fraud through a neighbour's security camera and I was charged 14,000€. I was 22 at the time, it ruined me financially and privately and because of that hit I took, I still haven't finished my 5 year Bachelor's degree at age 26 and struggling to get my life together. All because I took pity to a stranger.

Don't do it please.

>> No.8806225

I used to wonder how shit people had no regard for their fellow neighbour but it obvious most don't give a shit for anyone but themselves. It was not always the case you know. Society progressed but not now, it is fucked.

>> No.8806241

Fuck those faggots they shouldnt be driving if they are fucking uninsured. Ruin them. Im so tired of poor fucking peasants ruining goddamn everything.

>> No.8806252

What you didn't think to look at neighbours CCTV but insurance did a year later, piss off.
Bet your an insurance broker kys

>> No.8806271

Blame the gov, make it mandatory on ergo each year. Why not btfo

>> No.8806273

They made themselves poor you fucking imbecile. You know what, do what you want. Go throw your life on the line for some serbian whore and her burned out old fart husband. Dumbass.

>> No.8806289

Nah I wouldn't either but if I thought they could afford my excess, then I would.
Why I'd 3rd party not mandatory? Derrrr
It'd be m

>> No.8806378

>I used to wonder how shit people had no regard for their fellow neighbour but it obvious most don't give a shit for anyone but themselves.

This is a very similar line of rhetoric that my alcoholic uncle uses to emotionally blackmail the rest of the family to support his addiction.

>this is the last time I swear
>I just need money for food
>I just need to stay over for a few nights then I'm gone

and as soon as you tell him to fuck off he starts making these dramatic moral declarations about how he cares about you and how you've changed and you're being cold

If you need an alternative moral argument - how about the fact that the Serbian cunt is knowingly behaving irresponsibly and then burdening someone else with responsibility for his actions and opening them up to the possible consequences. How is that ok?

>> No.8806449


next to federal banks, insurances are the largest scam on earth

>> No.8806460

you should not say your car was parked. That can be disproved by even the most inexperienced vehicle appraiser. Even if you say that, you are still going to be paying your collision deductible. So, if I was going to lie to an insurance company which is a terrible idea, in the situation you presented - the lie would be that the other driver "yelled at you", and maybe "made you uncomfortable" and he took off, and you were so frustrated you forgot his license plate number. You can maybe add you tried to flag down the parking lot security to help you but they had their hands full, or something.
That being said, the other dude DAMAGED YOUR PROPERTY. I think you are being far to sympathetic here. You should have taken pictures at the scene to prove he was there, with damage on his car that caused the damage to you car, taken his info and just give it to your insurance company. Not sure why you are risking you ass for this other dude
t. former auto claims bro

>> No.8806717

You jerk. Don't change asshole

>> No.8806753

I would have call the police, never trust those kind of people

>> No.8806823

Why don't you bend over and I'll change your asshole?

Bear in mind that something similar to that greentext has been happening on average about 3 times a year for the last decade. When we offer to help him get treatment he insists he is not an alcoholic.

I am too familiar with the mindset of narcissistic people using emotional blackmail to fall for this shit. They will say anything to get what they want from you so they can avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

>> No.8806856

Or just drive the dented ass car and save the money.

>> No.8806867

Anyway I'm off to bed.
Not everyone wants help I agree my dad sounds like your uncle but that him and you are you. If he lies, look through it and act accordingly but not all anons are alike.
Gotta go so won't reply. Got 900 sheep to scan tomorrow. Kys btw

>> No.8807116

You fell for the insurance scam. Well done normie.

>> No.8807751

>pay excess and premiums if I lie to insurer
you'll underestimate the amount by a large factor, and on top of that they won't deliver.
lying to your insurance company is probably pretty dumb because you'll actually have to lie to a claims adjuster in person. I guess it depends on your skill level.

>> No.8807770
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maybe you go outside too often