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8802084 No.8802084 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it still dropping?

>> No.8802165

cause ppl realize that they have been bamboozeled.

Be sure to go to the reddit to upvote the question for the AMA. We might here some good news which will unbamboozle the whole thing.

>> No.8802197


>> No.8802226
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because the token will never go up because of anything but speculation, and even speculation needs some reasons/hopes in order to work

>> No.8802234

because you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.8802314


cause soros didn't pump yet

>> No.8802575
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*shadowforks your token*

>> No.8802588

Because it is trash?

>> No.8802790

Because there is no usecase anymore?

The pledge is too dann high to make any sense and jAssets wont need JNT.

>> No.8802805

because it's a suboptimal solution for what they are looking to accomplish. There serious tradeoffs for both tokenizers and buyers. They just keep making the platform more confusing.

>> No.8803081

The Sheikh will still use his money to buy up our JNT until 250mil though right?

>> No.8803223


>> No.8803232

A decentralised bank that specialises in tokenizing various currencies, assets etc has never been done before.The economics of it are confusing at first because its a complex ecosystem to get up and running.Of course most of the 95iq autists here arnt going to get it.

>> No.8803417

holding 5k, just please hit $500

>> No.8803418

only reason its dropping is because its hard to speculate a project with difficult concepts

if you buy, you hold. buying and selling during a speculative market phase is perhaps t he most brainlet thing anyone can do.

>> No.8803457

Really all anyone need to take from the medium article is this

"Open Pilot Roll-out
What does this mean for partners and entities wishing to tokenize assets?

Jibrel currently has a pipeline of assets in excess of US$ 250 MN. "

They have confirmed that are tokenizing 250mill plus of assets, these are all lined up to be tokenized now.We are currently sitting at 25mill mc.Once everything is tokenized plus speculation and reddit fomoing in once the dao keeps price stable and price rises independant of btc, then it will be leagues higher than now.

>> No.8803501

>It's fairly straight forward guys...
>Initially everything was meant to have dual solvency (backed up offchain in bank/custodian and onchain in DAO)
>Turns out no-one is going to pay $2+ to get $1 onchain (not including DAO-JNT buffer amounts)
>So now:
>jCash - off-chain FIAT backed
>jBonds - on-chain JNT-DAO backed
>jAssets - off-chain/on-chain Asset backed (onchain because asset can be jBTC/jETH no joke its on telegram)
>No dual solvency. Also only jBonds need JNT to securitise it.
>Now during the pilot the DAO didn't stay solvent so there was that whole issue.
>There they are:
>Adding a bigger buffer
>Throwing some fees to sink more JNT in to make sure it has enough to buffer it.
>That's a complete mess and a house of cards at best. One of their other options was to increase the liquidation amount, not sure if that means liquidating larger portions of the assets its supposed to back OR liquidating earlier which puts stuff at risk much earlier both seem like not so great options and it also doesn't make sense with their new single solvency model.
>ie. If you have 100 jUSB owing in the wild. What do you liquidate in the DAO to buy more JNT? If the value of the JNT in DAO drops to 95USD only? Since the DAO holds only JNT for jUSB do you liquidate JNT to buy back JNT?

confirm or deny this pajeets words?

>> No.8803510

>jCash - off-chain FIAT backed
>jBonds - on-chain JNT-DAO backed
>jAssets - off-chain/on-chain Asset backed (onchain because asset can be jBTC/jETH no joke its on telegram)
>No dual solvency. Also only jBonds need JNT to securitise it.

Short sum up, but in the end, right

>> No.8803628

It’s not a bank. They don’t have a license. There are other solutions available that doesn’t have these crazy tradeoffs for participants.

Want to create a jBond to somehow sell at a profit? That’ll cost you the bond amount + a 50% buffer that can be liquidated.

Which leads to another issue. Why would I buy somone else’s jBond for a premium when I can make my own?

>> No.8803659

>constant JNT threads on biz
>constantly dropping price
>volume falling off a cliff

Guys please get the fuck out of JNT before you lose it all.

>> No.8803665

wtf is a jBond anyway, its not like a regular bond where you buy it and get a small return on investment at a set later date is it

>> No.8803685

So what I'm getting is that in a year people will either be posting about how they invested all their money into an arab scam right before the giga-bull run that sent BTC to 200K or they will be posting wojacks about missing the JNT mega-moon to $50.

>> No.8803708

They are saying they are negative interest bonds. So a slightly negative return.

>> No.8803744
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fuck sakes, it just seems like another really good project where the token is useless

>> No.8803947

So what happens now if JNT in DAO is not enough for jBonds outstanding? They obviously can't liquidate JNT to buy more right???

>> No.8803973

If today you heard of a $25mil market cap project with connections to the saudi government and $250mil incoming investments from SEED, that will use its token for proof of solvency for some of that money, you would all be fucking stoked
our expectations were just overblown. but selling at this price is lunacy

>> No.8804119

I get why crypto market doesn't care yet but surely there would be insiders involved in the tokenization or seed..

>> No.8804300

by connection to the Saudi government, you mean this SEED Group sheikh has never been seen on the internet his entire life?

>> No.8804367


>> No.8804449

Cleared up on telegram by talal himself.

"Talal Tabbaa:
To clarify, Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum is an established businessman, and not the 9-year old son of Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed as many assumed"

His pic and bio


Please put this shitty meme to bed.

>> No.8804497

Encouraging people to sell at an all time low before it gets listed on any exchanges with relevant volume or completes any of its major milestones. True intelligent commentary from biz

>> No.8804568
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>> No.8804583

arguably, so is binance

>> No.8804694

>Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum

Proceeds to link to Sheikh Ahmed even the link says Sheikh Ahmed.

Look at your statement from Talal the names are not the same as the guy you linked

>> No.8804722


Trading fees cut by 50% is not a meme.

>> No.8804782 [DELETED] 

>Thinks he is high IQ and gets what Jibrel is doing

>cant read 5 words without his brainlet imploding and mixing it up