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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, 3DC6527B-6985-4614-AD07-EF04EAC0BEC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8801325 No.8801325 [Reply] [Original]

Jail Anon reporting in. FUN broke my heart, bros. I wanted to hodl throug the speculation leading up to ICE conference, but the big correction happened like three days before. My average buy in price was around ten cents and I finally sold my bags at 6 cents. Glad I did now that it is down to 3. My poorfolio is now all LINK, unironically. It is clear that the shitcoin speculation phase is over. It’s all about what tokens/coins will play a role in the new economy when the rest of the world realizes blockchain’s disruptive potential. Waiting for the next harsh correction to buy more at 25 cents. I want at least 8k. Next court date is in May. They may after that, I will be laying the foundation of my new home because of LINK. Good luck, bros.

>> No.8801337

good luck mate

>> No.8801341

Post info so we can put money on your books

>> No.8801354

You mean inmate?

>> No.8801368
File: 70 KB, 270x270, 4EC74B99-EE81-4F05-9F03-F1E255D701BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison people can use phones?

>> No.8801374

Will anyone in there sell you LINK for boipussy?

>> No.8801380
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>> No.8801386

Kek nice

I’m free. I was only in jail for a day, then bonded out. They forgot to take my phone away after I got my roommate’s cell number from it to make my phone call, so I shitposted all night.

>> No.8801394

What did you do?

>> No.8801396
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, 6F91CD02-53CE-429A-B005-EEB0C9B6995D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this meme so much. Here is the original for posterity’s sake.

>> No.8801403

Heh I was in that thread.

Literal /biz/ history.

OP you're such a fucking idiot.

>> No.8801423

>tfw I missed an all-nighter shitposting session from someone in jail
What have I done with my life

>> No.8801429

Devil’s lettuce. They gave me a DUI and possession.
You don’t have to tell me bro. Nice reddit spacing by the way. Please go back at your earliest convenience.

>> No.8801441

Jesus fuck did you get caught smoking a j again you retard?

>> No.8801453

Disregard that. Also move to a decriminalized state you fucking dingus.

>> No.8801474

are you a negro?
how much link do you hold?

>> No.8801486
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I know, I know. I work with music so I live in the Nashville area. They are real ball busters about it my county.

>> No.8801512

Hey Prisonbro we are gonna make it, no doubt about that.

>> No.8801530

Hi Martin shkreli

>> No.8801534
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>prisonbro is also Linkmarine


>> No.8801556

I only hold just under 2000 LINK. I am shouldered with tax debt that has kept me from buying more, but I am going to be spending around 800 dollars when I buy. Hopefully later this month. Being all in on FUN was obviously regrettable. I just wanted to sell the god damn news, but then everything tanked. FUN harder than most. I was late to crypto. I wish I was on this board all of last year instead of fucking around on /pol/.

>> No.8801570


Pretty sure I've been here longer than you. I hope the judge throws the book at you to compensate for his personal inadequacy. Retard.

>> No.8801582

$800 should buy you around 2500-3000 link when Btc goes to 4k

>> No.8801598

Kek. Thankfully I am Jailbro and not PrisonBro. If I had to go marinate in a tank of nogs, i would lose my mind. And I wish I was Pharma bro. Fuck people with aids. I mean, don’t literally fuck them. You’ll die.

>> No.8801600

His hope and optimism, gone.

>> No.8801620
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 1CBADC8F-0B00-4F75-8462-0B7251177853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in good fun, bro. He probably will though.

>> No.8801636

Shkreli fucked people with AIDS and didn't die.

>> No.8801656

I once heard a story from my police brother in law about a guy who got arrested for dui and when he was in the tank, some nog told him to stab someone or he would be raped.
Obviously he refused to stab someone so the nog actually raped his ass. The part that my brother in law found the funniest was that the nog had aids so now the dui guy is on some drug routine and waiting to find out whether he will have aids or not.

So yeah, don't get arrested if you are white.

>> No.8801661

Ah I remember now
Hope you're fine

>> No.8801662

Jailbro gotta gtfo and set a deecent example for the kids.

>> No.8801729

Jesus Christ. I’ll keep that in mind. Lol

>> No.8801826

Yeah, cops have a weird sense of humor. I was horrified while he couldn't tell the story without laughing.

>> No.8801859

My older brother is a sheriff’s deputy back home, so I am familiar.