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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8798566 No.8798566 [Reply] [Original]

ITT I will explain why crypto is a ponzi and everything is a shitcoin

1) Bitcoin - Too slow. Lightning won't work. Too volatile for a currency. Only a store of value, but doesn't need to be that expensive. Dinosaur that eventually will drop
2) Ethereum - A literal ponzi. Very centralized. Scam ICOs. Shitty dApps can't run on the network (cryptokitties? lmao, we neopets now?) Completely overhyped by the EEA who don't have anybody using solidity. Most dApps are actually a combo of centralized/decentralized, so it is not beneficial to spend extra money on development because MUH decentralized. Any company from the EEA realized this. This is why you haven't seen FUCKIN ANY development in a year.
3) Ripple - Useless for speculators. Most partnerships use Ripple, and those that will use XRP - price won't matter as its just an intermediary for cross border transactions. Could be .10 or $1. It doesn't matter for you.
4) Bcash - Useless BTC fork. No one cares
5) LTC - BTC clone made by a chink scammer who announces he dumps bags. A literal moron who used his Coinbase connection to make himself rich
6) EOS - Not sure yet. Lot of hype, but at the same time, needing 1B+ to create a product and then dumping it on the ETH goyim is laughable. Bitshares and Steem are shit, so presumably this will be too. Will have to see how it is when mainnet launches.
7) ADA - lmao. muh PHDs. No product. Tranny dev? Completely overhyped shitcoin
8) Stellar - Has a shot with IBM parntership and hyperledger. I can see more established companies using a less decentralized blockchain and IBM is reputable. A public blockchain has it's drawbacks. Not sure about that Africa donation thing. I believe IBM said they were using XLM as a placeholder until they have their own coin?? Meh has potential.
9) NEO - Chink vaporware. China will not adopt this. Slow TPS and has a lot of product problems leading to FUD. Only bought to buy NEO ICOs for profiting. $25k for a smartcontract? lmao

>> No.8798587

You couldn't even bother to shitpost bitcash,that's sad.

>> No.8798600
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> 6) EOS - Not sure yet.


>> No.8798604

what do you like?

>> No.8798624

>everything is a shit coin
>lists 9 coins out of thousands

>> No.8798627

10) IOTA - Manchild Co-founder David. Too many backdoor issues. DAG's can't scale. Sorry. False partnership announcement with Microsoft for price manipulation.
11) Monero - Not bad. Another fork? lol. Problem is, Privacy coins won't last and will eventually be shutdown. It took the government years to finally shutdown backpage.
12) Tron - lmao. dev hypes the coin and dumps. Already made millions on that major pump in Q4. normies who don't understand crypto. Usecase is unclear. Shitcoin.
13) Dash - No recent development. Has an early mover advantage. Lmao at Baldwin shilling. Has yet to be adapted in real world. I don't see anything happening in future. Mostly held by oldfags.
14) Tether - Will cause market to implode. Not backed by anything. Very smart in allowing people to evade taxes. until it gets major auditing, it will continue to stay. But if the US catches on and audits, you will see an implosion.
15) NEM - I actually don't know much about this coin. I just know it is controlled mainly in Japan. Surprisingly, a lot of western normies found out about the hack and I believe it left a sour taste in people's mouthes. Either way, shitcoin that no westerners care about
16) BNB - Actually not a bad investment. Binance is doing really good and continues to grow. Not a bad idea to buy a little
17) ETH classic - lmao. Held by morons who believe in the original ETH. DAO hack is over, ETH is king. Just let is go. Anyone holding ETC
is literally a moron
18) Vechain - Sunny is literally a chink scammer. The BMW partnership was retarded. You can become a "partner" by filling out a form on their site. I can dig it up later if you want. That whole presentation if saying, Oh yeah, we are partnered with BMW was complete price manipulation. Vechainers are retards
19) QTUM - I actually don't know much about this one so I can't comment. But, I will go ahead and say since it is a chink coin, chances are, it is a scam as well.

>> No.8798644

69) OP - Massive Faggot

>> No.8798686

Bnb can't even be fudded by brainlet nocoiners

Confirmed biggest gainer 2018

>> No.8798731

20) Verge - Holy shit, Laughably bad. This past week already confirms what we knew.
21) OMG - Had potential until we found out staking terms. Has a strong following literally because of Vitalik ETH association and piggybacking. Only associated because Jun donated to the ETH foundation in 2014. Without ETH, no one would care about OMG. Although they are a payment company based in Thailand , their founders were shillers in the beginning (Justin Sun style). Until Plasma comes out, this coin is literally useless. Even then, staking terms sucks (in b4 people call me a migger even though I'm not you retards)
22) Ontology - I'm not too sure about this, I just know it is mooning because CMC has their marketcap WRONG. Once it is adjusted, you will see a large dump (similar to Vechain did). However, since it is associated with NEO, it is probably chink vaporware as well.
23) Lisk - Old and finally took over a year to release an update. A shittier version of ETH. It's in JS so maybe it is preferable over Solidity, but either way, no one really cares about LISK. It has been around for a while and failed to live up to hype.
24) ICX - Has potential, but gooks don't want it. Gook shitcoin. Team is horrible at communication and continues to delay project. ICO's that were talked about at summit were shit. Tink? Social media but on the blockchain? Lmao no thanks
25) BTG - Useless BTC fork
26) Nano - Although it's block lattice style allows for fast and free transactions, it cannot scale and will suffer network attacks in the future. Has had trouble with literally every exchange. Bomber scammer has a lot of supply who will dump on market periodically. Charlie Lee shilled it but it dumped because Charle is also a shilling scammer
27) Zcash - shitcoin that's been around and no one cares about it
28) Bytom - Shitcoin no one cares about
29) Steem - No one cares and just uses reddit. Any viral crypto articles don't even make that much. The article about the Cartel didn't make shit.

>> No.8798763

these EOS shills are getting fucking desperate

>> No.8798775
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No one gives a fuck stop posting. We know it is a fucking ponzi that was made to strip resources from third world countries made by some fucking government agency.

>> No.8798781

30)Populous - shitcoin no one cares about
31) DGD - Literally only used as a hedge when the market is tanking. Otherwise complete shitcoin
32) Bytecoin - shitcoin no one cares about
33) Bitshares - shitcoin no one cares about. Dan is focused on EOS, might as well drop this
34) Siacoin - Shitcoin. Decentralized data will never work and cannot compete with monsters like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Devs are inactive
35) Bitcoin Diamond - Another shitty bitcoin fork
36) Stratis - Shitcoin no one cares about
37) Waves - Sorry, no one cares about Waves platform
38) Decred - shitcoin no one cares about
39) Rchain - Shitcoin no one cares about

>> No.8798828

Everything else is a complete shitcoin. Here are some honorable mentions:
LRC - Literally a shitcoin. Muh NEO dex. Dev team are absolute noobs
Walton - Literally the shittiest of them all. Salty Walties are just as dumb and deluded as stinky linkies
Ark - Anyone holding this is deluded. No one cares about Ark.
BAT - Shit. Brave browser is shit. Just use chrome. No one cares.
QASH - muh worldbook. No one cares. Quione is a shit exchange.
SUB - muh decentralized internet. shit.
Kyber - Shitcoin. No one cares about their DEX
REQ - REQT. Coinbase Commerce killed this.

>> No.8798858

Shut up faggot. I'll do what I want

>> No.8798867


>> No.8798870

whatever makes you feel better

>> No.8798874
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Post irrelevant bullshit like you are making a big revelation it is just spam

>> No.8798921

The saddest part about this is that many of these projects are shit but not for the reasons you stated

So you basically posted incorrect fud that could lead people with half a brain to believe you're a moron and in turn purchase shitty projects

It appears the real shitcoin is you

>> No.8798938

>coinbase commerce killed REQ
>he doesnt know

>> No.8798941


The thing is, I'm right though. None of these projects have proved that they are leading the change in muh blockchain revolution. Name one thing I said that was wrong?

>> No.8798977
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>> No.8798980

Yea I know op It took me a while to realize it but all these projects sucks

>> No.8798986

Yeah dude we’re super desperate. EOS is going to suck and that’s a FACT

>> No.8799005

It's gonna be ok. We'll make it. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.8799019

our whole universe is a ponzi by function

>> No.8799021
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>> No.8799095

>Bitshares and Steem are shit, so presumably this will be too.
I don't know much about BTS but why is Steem shit?

>> No.8799147

this is quality analysis, thanks for taking the time to share it

>> No.8799151

You don't even need to go into the technical details to explain why crypto is a 'headless ponzi'

>No actual demand
>No value created
>sole owners are people hoping to sell for profit
>As no value is created, profit can only come from a 'bigger fool' further down the line
>Owners continually shilling to attract fools and increase the price of their coins, often without even realizing what they're doing

>> No.8799210

No mention of LINK?

confirmed going to $100

>> No.8799223

>A literal moron who used his Coinbase connection to make himself rich

I mostly agree with you on what you've posted but this sounds like a rather smart move, not something a 'literal moron' would do. Charlie played his cards perfectly.

>> No.8799233

people really do want secure store of value that increases in value and is liquid, thats why they fomod hard on the btc rise. now what digital currency is built to do exactly and only increasee while maintaining 24/7 liquidity? I could tell you but then thered be less for me to buy as i get funds to purchase

>> No.8799302

Fuck you're right.
I mean, it's not shit in terms of a platform. It's just not used. The incentive to use it over Reddit isn't there.
Link isn't even worthy of mention sorry. Stinky linkies are deluded.
Yeah you're right on that. It is actually pretty smart and cunning. So, I guess he won. However, LTC doesn't offer anything different.

btw I am a coiner like all of you. I'm just showing the downsides to a lot of these project so you don't look at everything through rose tinted glasses.

>> No.8799351

Just ignore the retard.

BitShares was the first decentralized exchange in the world. It was great but decentralized exchanges are not very popular at the moment and it didn't have much marketing and funding. It's still working well

Steem was another success, and it currently processes the most transactions per day among all blockchains in the world. It was another "application" blockchain that was successful and groundbreaking.

EOS now is a platform that enables other developers to build similar "application" blockchains. Larimer already has huge experience with this and understand the needs and requirements to make a performant product. People now. Li Xiaolai is a well known huge Bitcoin whale that funded Bitshares and is now an EOS whale. Don't listen to /biz/, they're still holding ETH

>> No.8799353

>Ark - Anyone holding this is deluded
Found the Arkie

>> No.8799413

>11) Monero - Not bad. Another fork? lol. Problem is, Privacy coins won't last and will eventually be shutdown. It took the government years to finally shutdown backpage.
Lmao you can't "shut down" privacy coins retard

>34) Siacoin - Shitcoin. Decentralized data will never work and cannot compete with monsters like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Devs are inactive
Google IS INVESTING in decentralized data storage on the blockchain you absolute retard. And devs are not inactive at all in Siacoin lmfao it's literally one of the few non-scam altcoins in the world along with Moner and Namecoin. No premine, no ICO, no bullshit

It's obvious you take all your opinions from Reddit

>> No.8799435

Actually enjoyed reading your opinions

>> No.8799450

Do eng now...

>> No.8799537

Found the EOS bagholder
Nope. But hey, keep barking for ark, right goy?
Sorry but you're fucking dumb. Governments can benefit from a public immutable blockchain where every transaction is viewable. They can't "shut it down" per se so I'll retract that you're correct, but they can SEVERELY restrict it's usage. Aside from black market/darknet usage, expect it to plummet in a market where everyone just wants to make money.
Also, you must be a Sia bagholder. Google is could be looking at the prospect of it, but it certainly won't involve Sia. Of course decentralized data storage can be useful and more cost effective, so I typed that wrong. I meant, SIA's decentralized data project will never work.

And actually, both biz and reddit are smart and retarded at the same time, but in different ways.

>> No.8799560

Thanks. I actually don't know much about ENG sorry bby :(

>> No.8799616

>privacy coins babble
Yeah I don't care about exchange rate, I was only correcting that they'll never be shut down. Any intelligent person will hold anonymous coins because they're fucking useful and you don't know when you want to make an anonymous payment and there's no other way to accomplish this digitally besides Monero

>Sia bagholder

> Google is could be looking at the prospect of it,
It's not "looking at the prospect of it," I said it's investing. Do you know what that means? It means they invested money in a project you retard. I didn't say it was Sia, and it would take you 10 seconds to find out which project it is. Not mentioning here cause I don't care about shilling it. I defended Siacoin cause it's a fucking solid coin. They're principled and good programmers. That doesn't mean their exchange rate will increase, hence why I hold no Siacoin myself.

>I'll retract that you're correct
> I typed that wrong
So basically you're wrong on all accounts and you can't read yet you start your response with "Sorry but you're fucking dumb. " Lmao get fucked you mediocre piece of shit

>> No.8800114

>It took the government years to finally shutdown backpage.

>feds took down some server so they will be able to take down global anonymous decentralized financial syndicate

lmao the delusion

>> No.8801227
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Tfw you hold the only coin that he didn't criticize....

>> No.8802312

Thanks for your input OP, paid indian shills are out in full force today. This is the type of original analysis I like to see here.
I would like to ask you what you believe should be invested in terms of "regular" stocks. Any thing stand out to you in particular?

Even if you don't feel like answering, thanks.

>> No.8802333
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>> No.8802440

The coins that remained relatively stable in value are the ones no one ever mentioned on /biz/.

>> No.8802570

Agreed th-thanks

Op is still a huge faggot

>> No.8802626

The ponzi / scam is any coin not named bitcoin