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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8794136 No.8794136 [Reply] [Original]

Should I sell

>> No.8794178

It's near the bottom op just hodl

>> No.8794756

> selling

>> No.8795382

b-but you said that at $12 too :(

>> No.8795438

Normie hype is over it's irrelevant now

>> No.8795458

this is gonna be a top 5 coin in a year desu
everything is getting rekt now

You know how eth was the coin everyone knew a year ago and it mooned
that's nano now. Everyone knows of nano and what it does. I have no idea why the mcap is as low given this fact. But it has mooned before and will again eventually.

>> No.8795477

Wondering if you're the same guy that posted the same everyday about ICX.

>> No.8795506

Thanks for reminding me to buy back the 500 Nano I sold at 12k

>> No.8795550
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>> No.8795586

B-but Ethereum blew up because businesses can build on top of it. Nano is a shitcoin that can only be used as digital money that no one will ever use

>> No.8795591

>Everyone knows of nano and what it does.
Yes, everyone knows it does literally NOTHING except hype up soyboys and redditards.

>comparing useless trash like XRB to ETH which introduced and easy way to tokenize up ICOs and run smart contracts
The age of shit bitcoin clones is over. It's time for actually useful things like ETH, LINK, QSP, REQ to take over.

>> No.8795611

damn.. I forgot that i even had this coin
got in when it was $24.
i mean its a really good coin so... why is it not op 10?

>> No.8795615

I'm waiting for btc to drop to 1900 to buy. Once it goes below 2000. I will buy hard. I have like 2300$ usd to spend

>> No.8795619
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Businesses certainly wouldn't build models on an electronic version of money that is free, instant, decentralized, and eco-friendly.

Especially not the ones denied by banks and paypal.


>> No.8795800

Correct. Money being free to transact, instant and eco friendly are not adequate value propositions for businesses to start accepting them. You'll see boutique shops and some businesses start accepting for the sake of experimentation, but it cannot catch on until a complete supply chain is accepting the currency. So crypto as currency is a concept dead in the water. Smart contracts are literally the only hope crypto has to achieve sustained adoption. Ergo nano is dog shit

>> No.8795845

Yeah, you should of sold at 25

>> No.8795852

Nano is based on communist ideals of altruism and I don't think that is viable on a large scale. The whole idea of Nano (to my understanding) is that people will choose to run nodes for no direct economic compensation, because they'll be indirectly compensated by the benefits of using Nano. I just don't think this is viable on a large scale. There will be a lot of free loaders, and I don't think the amount of people running nodes will be able to secure the network against someone who sees financial incentive to crush it.

>> No.8796049

Altruism isn't a Communist ideal you fucking brainlet. If anything altruism is a capitalist ideal as it posits that people will freely choose to help their communities, where as communism posits that people must be coerced with threats of violence.

As far as nano goes, its irrelevant. Instant and feeless will be the new paradigm soon enough with the likes of eos and others just around the corner, and being a single purpose coin with its own isolated ecosystem will put it in a losing position.

>> No.8796126

this is literally how bittorrent works and it works well

with that said... this coin will likely have a pump again... some day...

>> No.8796199

>As far as nano goes, its irrelevant. Instant and feeless will be the new paradigm soon enough
This. It's a dinosaur coin like Bitcoin but without the billions of dollars in fiat put in over the years to keep supporting it.

Why would anyone choose to keep using it when something comes out which is faster, more secure, and has more features? Not even the third world shitholers who spent time on the faucet will continue to hold this shitcoin.

>> No.8796246

bittorrent wouldn't have futures where people can make money from crashing it

>> No.8796255

you underestimate the lengths that neckbearded NEET redditors will go to

>> No.8796540

Sell Moran

>> No.8796682


If Bitcoin recovers here you'll hate yourself if you sell because Nano will pump way more than BTC. Don't be a little bitch, only sell if you have no other choice i.e. you need the money.

>> No.8797014

*Breathes in*
>the absolute state of bottom sellers.

>> No.8797044

> frictionless and instant value exchange protocol
> literally the perfect money
> does nothing

>> No.8797077

you must be really stupid to not be accumulating

>> No.8797471

If you're deep red may as well clench tight and pray for the best and hold it.

>> No.8797519

I had a dream last night that I met someone from the future, and they told me nano was the best coin to invest in right now. I woke up thinking it was weird, because I'm not particularly bullish on nano.

>> No.8797556

imagine if you went to sleep and woke up as a kid
would you think was all a dream or real?