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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8793815 No.8793815 [Reply] [Original]

>he is still investing into american index's
>he is not realizing this "country" is getting fatter and dumber/darker every day, thus driving intellect levels and innovations to the ground. No civilization is immortal.
hard to believe, but as a /pol/tard it but i'm going to invest into izraelian/Iranian/russian index's. Any other conservative country recommendation ?
this is not a /pol/thread, business folks stay polite.

>> No.8793830

what the actual fuck is the point unless you have opinions and strategies on all of the currency situations and bond markets in all of those places as well

>> No.8793843

Why mention that you’re degenerate scum if you don’t want your thread to turn to shit?

>> No.8793857

She's cute, where can I book her?

>> No.8793866
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>degenerate scum.
why though ?
i'm asking for recommendation.

>> No.8793879
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It saddens me to know that there's a 90% chance this qt will be corrupted into a degenerate skank in a couple of years

>> No.8793907
File: 106 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180407-165048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never marry a 18yo church cute after university and having her as your wife while you work on wall street.

>> No.8793932

Dumbest thing I read all day. Do you actually believe (((they))) would ever let something like that happen? Let's not forget why the Irak war started: because the slight possibility of the dollar going to shit, and with it the confidence in the US economy scared the living fuck out of every high government official and businessman. Even with a dollar collapse/retarded population the US will still continue to grow, albeit not as fast as before, with he help of migrants or just wealthy businessmen who decide to pick up the crumbles after they fall in order to make more money than they've ever dreamed of. However, a bit of diversification in other STABLE countries isn't such a bad idea, given how many other regions on the Globe show much larger possible returns, precisely because they're economies are smaller.

>> No.8793937


Dude, the west is turning into a shithole because of stalinist russia.

Just google György Lukács and after reading about him and the Frankfurt School read about Alexandr Dugin and the his 4th political theory and you will understand what is behind Putin`s false conservatism.

News flash - he is nothing but a stinking commie.

What true conservatism? Read Hans Herman-Hoppe, Scruton, Olavo de Carvalho...

>> No.8793952

This. If you think Russia is not 1000000x more instable and cronier than the US, you've got some serious issues.

>> No.8794000

ppl need to understand that there are no more safe havens.. the whole world is going in the shitter.

As my grandpa says, "In times like these, some people cry and some people sell tissues".

Gold, guns, arable land and crypto is what you should be looking into.

>> No.8794040
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unnironically India in 20/30 years.
>bunkers and gold fags actually think they will not be the first getting btfo by tyrone.

>> No.8794075

The current and future success of America isn't coming from Americans themselves. The innovation that is happening in America is coming mostly from "genius visa" holders. Most PhD students in America are now born outside of the states.

Almost all smart people in the world are fleeing to Europe and America. That is why, even though most people in the West are getting dumber and fatter, these countries have still been innovating in the last 20 years.And yes, also a lot of your smart Jews, Iranians and Russians are leaving for the West.

If the flow of brains is going to be somewhere else in the future, then the next place would be somewhere in East Asia. This would still need some decades to start occurring.

>> No.8794086

Only if they stop with the protective measures, cronyism, tariffs and taxes. These are the main problems currently holding less developed nations back.

>> No.8794155

I dont believe in bunkers - I believe in distance. I own a homestead in South Dakota. Tyrone needs to find me first and not die from exposure in the process.

>> No.8794179

Aren't most nations indeces highly correlated with the Dow and S&P 500?

I like the idea of investing in some other better place with fewer degenerates but the investment doesn't exist unless you have specific stock picks for us or some pos crypto to sell. You're from /pol/ so probably no on both accounts. Kys

>> No.8794187

The US got to be where it is thanks to the Federal Reserve Pump and Jews , Americans are stupid so its inevitable it will crush. Hace fun blaming the pajeets and other stuff, the truth is your coutnry is shit and its doomed and ppl make fun of you all. NOW GET ANGRY BITCHES.

>> No.8794219

Idk what’s with boomers being fat as fuck but millennial will save America. If you’re a millennial and you’re fat or out of shape you’re gonna work at Mc Donald’s your entire life. Gtfo fat fucking boomers it’s 2018 if you’re not 8% bf and benching twice your body weight fucking off yourself and save the country some shame

>> No.8794234

Anon gets it.
The most obvious truth we don't say is that 99.99...% of the population is useless.
What they do and how they live is irrelevant as long as they don't storm the streets and attempt to overthrow the government.
With generous salaries and strong startup culture, America does an excellent job attracting high performance smart people. This isn't going to change anytime soon.

>> No.8794443

Exactly, most of the population is useless. We only need to watch where the brightest minds are going and that place will then magically create innovation.
If we'd ask random young people around the world where they'd want to go to live if they were very smart/capable/driven and had access to every country, I bet most of them would choose somewhere in Europe or the USA. No way they'd choose Israel/Iran/Russia first. Once a major cultural shift happens in this regard, only then things will change. I have started to notice some people choosing major East Asian cities already, but if this trend holds up and amplifies is yet to be seen.

>> No.8794491

You can thank Mr. Noseberg at Interscope records and Mr. Goldstein from Disney channel and MTV for that.

>> No.8794533

>Jewish nepotism in the west is the same thing as nationalism in Russia
>high IQ shitskins who are admitted by Jews to Harvard are equivalent to the white people they systematically reject
>muh America stays vibrant from the based Pajeets
This whole thread is cancer

>> No.8794586

Back to /pol/, you utter retard. If you actually believe in "muh systemic rasism", you're way beyond salvation.

>> No.8794644

>America is getting fatter and dumber
>I know what to do
>Let's invest in RUSSIA

>> No.8794704

it's not as if we don't have smart people in america without immigrants though. there is unironically systemic discrimination against whites (especially outside of coastal areas) and asian-Americans by Jews who control admissions committees.

>> No.8794889

Do you think Jews naturally comprise 30% of Ivy league schools?

Why are only white institutions subject to global competition?

>> No.8795408
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Delusional mutt.
The American Empire is close to its death, the prosperity of the US was built on the back of the WASP middle class and western european immigrants, if you think shitskins voting for more and more socialist policies will be anything but a poison you are totally out of your depth.

It was already the beginning of the end when you dropped the gold standard but now that chinese are fucking with the petro-dollar it's just a matter of years before the whole thing experiences a severe recession.

Now it wouldn't be so bad if you were a homogeneous population able stick together in hardship but you are a multicultural-multiracial hellhole and in consequence the moment think go to shit the ethnical tension will just go x100 with everyone pointing fingers at others, it's already the case with totally unhinged MSM.
The best case scenario at this rate for the US is to experience balkanization otherwise it will be a Brazil 2.0.

>> No.8795413

1. Yes, they fucking do.
2. Are you that braindead?

>> No.8795592

There still is one hope: Switzerland. Direct democracy, non-EU member, non-NATO member, neuter state, white Caucasian people. I hope one day to emigrate there.

>> No.8795666

Actually the vast majority of Americans ar e extremely retarded. That's why they major in liberal arts while poo and chink immigrants go automatically for STEM.

Basically 1% of any population is reasonably intelligent. There are over a billion chinks and poos so naturally there are going to be more total intelligent people coming as immigrants than intelligent white people

>> No.8795687
File: 484 KB, 892x372, Miraflores_Skyline_(Lima,_Peru).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peru is a good bet imho

Country themed investing criteria:

-High economic freedom index ranking
-Country stock market valuations very cheap
-Warm weather, safe haven for incoming grand solar minimum
-Neutral stance in Western Eastern Geopolitics
-Relatively High IQ pop

>> No.8795690
File: 257 KB, 800x1199, CyFyMRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize you can't be on your guard 24/7 and if they come to get you they will probably have rpg and will ruin your house with cars at 20+ ? you do realize its called a trib ? hope you're good at shooting because they will probably snipe you from 1000 feet. fag

>> No.8795706

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.8795714

>a severe recession
The only thing that currently shows signs of it is the deficit. Also, the one happening in the near future (probably less than 10 years) won't be at all as bad as people think.

>the gold standard
Too bad you fell for the meme.

>socialist policies
This might be the only real problem you mentioned. However, with more entrepreneurs than ever (most of them not shitskins), it would be very hard for those policies to go that far as to cause massive bankruptcies and extremely slow economic growth.

Also, I'm whiter than most nordic eurocucks.

>> No.8795740

I want to buy her

>> No.8795753

south korea

>> No.8796004

Swissanon here. Switzerland is doing better than other Western European countries but that’s like being the smartest kid with downsyndrome.
>20% of the population are foreigners
>gun rights slowly eroding
>declining birth rates
>influx of degenerate culture from the (((US)))
Also fuck off, we’re full

>> No.8796097
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this, tbq fuckin h.