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File: 361 KB, 503x430, crypto normies hodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8794097 No.8794097 [Reply] [Original]

You're not early adopters.

You're late comers to a digital ponzi scheme where people pass digital token around on exchanges and big them up, hoping to get out with at peak of mania and not be left without a chair when the music stops.

>> No.8794122

soyboy halfnigs are honestly the worst abomination that came out of our diverse times

>> No.8794126

seems pretty obvious that we passed

>> No.8794131
File: 13 KB, 560x590, 1513983683969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are those mutts anyway? stop making dumb people famous.

>> No.8794138

And yet they're more of a man than you could ever hope to be lmao

>> No.8794140

people like that will take like what 2 years TOPS to shake out? (likely more like 6 months)

>> No.8794164

they are 100% black

>> No.8794172

their funny fuck you

>> No.8794183

can these niggers even afford a full btc?

>> No.8794191

for your sake i hope you're a butthurt nog, otherwise consider the life trajectory that got you to white knight niggers on the internet

>> No.8794213

so do whatever the ffFFUUUUUUUUUUUCK Yyou wanna do

>> No.8794217

We are still in denial phase.

>> No.8794226

Not even that guy but you're calling random people soyboys, not sure who should talk about life trajectories

>> No.8794326

? i'm commenting on the picture that was posted to open the thread. they're not "random people", they're some e-celebs making faces knowingly associated with low testosterone. do you even look around before you shitpost?
we seriously need to crash bitcoin under 1k to weed out normalfags,

>> No.8794351

Hodgetwins are unironically based so I don't mind them being a little normie

>> No.8794355

>220+ lb

>> No.8794360

>their funny

Obvious underage b&

>> No.8794401

I agree. It would be great if these e celebs instead of pushing fast money and quick riches, pushed the fucking tech to these low iq inbreds

>> No.8794428
File: 1.77 MB, 320x240, 1496589324895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ironing in this post.
It's literally just another
post. Hamfistedly disguised as the opposite.

>> No.8794445

do these "known low T faces" have a name for them? genuinely curious.

>> No.8794464

t. Hodgetwin

>> No.8794534

t. Bogtwin

>> No.8795456

They're already rich.

>> No.8795811
File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i'm holding the most undervalued asset on the market. you know, literally the only privacy coin that criminals, the ones who stand to lose the most (their freedom), are using: MONERO.
hackers don't install verge or dash miners
dealers on the darkweb don't accept verge/dash/et al, either.
where do you think all that dumb-money will end up when they realize their "privacy" coin isn't ever going to be used? yep, right into monero. or back into mommy's purse, but whatever.
my point is, crypto is here to stay because the black market needs it. period.

>> No.8795827

I'm very confident with Monero

Do you think it could possibly break the 1000$ mark in a couple of years?

>> No.8795861

Nobody is an early adopter because adoption means you are actually usually crypto. Nobody is using crypto for shit, except maybe buying drugs, which is incredibly stupid with a permanent record of every transaction. Fucking idiots.

>> No.8795865


definitely, its only getting better and supply drying

>> No.8795876


t. Phone poster

>> No.8795898

Hodgetwins are mixed bro. The blue eyes doesn't set it off?

>> No.8795901

100% correct
On top of that you're playing against the entire world, and some are cheaters

>> No.8795909

Lmao, literally low IQ creaturas

>> No.8795921

Monero will never scale on a large scale. It is following the btc route.

>> No.8796108

retard lmao these guys are probably multimillionaires by now