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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8789787 No.8789787 [Reply] [Original]

why do people sometimes post Link fud when in reality there's no competition for a decentralized oracle?

>> No.8789833
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Pics like this make me pray for the sun to devour the earth.

>> No.8789837

>there’s no competition for this thing that no one really wants or needs

>> No.8789863


>> No.8789885

the yet that was worth millions

>> No.8789909

Fpbp, checked, and this

>> No.8789976
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>> No.8790035


>> No.8790989

Palo ducking Alto I see u bish
The guy who rides that thing is the smelliest mofo of the town

>> No.8791901

i have 3k link that i have been holding since ico.

i only bought this token because of /biz but i doubt it will ever be worth anything substantial. So i wanted to have enough just so i can be part of the fun if it ever does anything

>> No.8791908

80% holders and memesters larping for "lol"s.
20% actual retards who think it's a scam/overrated.

>> No.8792177
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The rider of that contraption subscribes to the 'Look at Me' Weekly. I hope that helmet is made with cheap plastic and crumples like paper during a the inevitable ass whipping.

>> No.8792260
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Hello newguy still didnt realize that:
>chainlink is a meme is the meme
>chainlink holders are the ones FUDing it
>sergay is an autist dedicated to his creation
>sergay will never communicate
>ropsten is coming in the next 2 weeks
>mainnet is to be released in june -august time period
>chainlink is blockchain agnostic
>chainlink token is not an ERC20 token bute something more

>> No.8792299

it says in the whitepaper that's it's erc20

>> No.8792305

Intel SGX is a central point of attack. LINK ISN’T DECENTRALIZED.

Critical exploits have already been found in Intel SGX: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_Guard_Extensions

What the FUCK do you think would happen if banks and fortune 500s employed LINK? Spoiler: hackers would undoubtedly exploit the LINK network, intercept and alter data, profit and/or destroy.

They haven’t “solved the oracle problem” they’ve probably just created new problems.

/biz/ holds and shills LINK to feel like elite hackers, but you guys are actually fucking retarded. Wasn’t their whitepaper plagiarized too?

Stay poor if you hodl this long term. It’s a piece of garbage with an ERC20 token associated with Ethereum which can’t scale to meet enterprise needs and maybe never will.

Linkies are *actually* retarded. Your bags are Pajeet-tier and going nowhere. No important project will ever use LINK because it’s WAY too easy to program *MORE SECURE* internal oracles / oracle nodes.

Oracles are not difficult to program like blockchains. You’ve all been sold techie buzz words and think you’re smart/hackers/etc.

Unfortunately, you gentlemen are shilled bag holding retards trying to swim in waters you don’t understand.

Sell now because LINK isn’t secure, nor will it be adopted by actually important projects.

>> No.8792352
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>someone took all the time to type that

>> No.8792361

The funniest thing about Chainlink is that most of the holders haven't even read the whitepaper, and everyone knows this, so it's super easy for whales to just say
>this white paper is incredible! you're missing out if you don't buy this
>DYOR tee-hee
Yeah, well I did read the whole thing, and if you actually put the time in to read the damn thing, you'll realize that the what they're trying to do is impossible, and they know it.
Basically it boils down to this two man team came up with a philosophical question, attempted to answer it with a fancy white paper, and are selling it to the unwashed masses to make a profit.
>two people
>1 philosophy major
Get the point?

>> No.8792394

trash pasta get some new content u gay queer

>> No.8792448

Lol at your life

>> No.8792480

>being this retarded

you are the one that didnt read it, or if you did, your brainlet mind couldnt understand it.

but thanks for the FUD anyways

>> No.8792581

Chainlink is network that reads JSON files and sends the data to smart contracts. (That's called an "oracle".)
Useful, but not a good investment since the idea can easily be copied and 66% of the tokens available are not in circulation.

Also, although they claim that it solves the "oracle problem" (The oracle problem being that oracles are centralized, not decentralized.), it doesn't, since the data being fed through the ChainLink network still comes from a centralized API feeding data to ChainLink through a JSON file.

For some reason link holders think this gives it a future valuation of at least $100,000,000,000, which is absolutely delusional.

>> No.8792595

This fud won't work anymore, all the decemberfags have left now.

>> No.8792636

JNT wants it.

>> No.8792845

even if the project would work, why the fuck would a token be worth more than a us dollar.

>> No.8792873


>> No.8792939

augur is a market prediction tool, or in other words. Its a betting platform, its nothing serious that can be used as an oracle. The data can be used by people who want to study it though and there will be plenty of them but to say Augur is an oracle solution is fucking dumb.

>> No.8792958

For stinky reactions. It's not always about fudding for accumulation, the stinkies are just nuts and overreact to it.

>> No.8792975

Ropsten is out

>> No.8793825
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>> No.8793851
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>somebody rode an unusual bike to the apple store so I talk to the imaginary man and ask him for the entire planet being enveloped by the sun

>> No.8793865
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>> No.8793878

Mobius. sorry linklets, mobi will ruin you

>> No.8793889

capped and kekked. See you in a year, if you haven't kys'd by then.

>> No.8793912

let me introduce you to this crazy little thing called 'networks'. you should read about them. they're pretty neat.

>> No.8793983

the chainlink github contains some useful code that could save a week or 2 of development time when hooking up centralized data sources to a smart contract. That is likely to get some use, but won't boost the value of link token or the network.
Everything related to decentralized oracles could be really valuable at some point but isn't currently out in the open to evaluate. hopefully its being done in private.
I think Chainlink is more of a consulting company in the end, that consults with serious players who are building smart contracts and has rolled some of their own tools to bring along.
If they manage to leverage that to make the link token part of the standards adopted by heavyweight users of smart contract they will have pulled off the heist of the century

>> No.8794034

I'm still here I switched my bags into low marketcap, low price gems

I think crypto will be so huge there will be no choice but to regulate it

>> No.8794039

>pulled off the heist of the century
Buy some Litecoin

>> No.8794049

this kys edgelord