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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 297x170, electroneum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8787587 No.8787587 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ I was doing some reading and found this Electroneum thing. Apparently they got a patent on something.
What do you think?

>> No.8787607

Total shitcoin, stay away!

>> No.8787622

yeah a patent on being a shitcoin

>> No.8787630

Granted, not all patents are "The Next Great Thing", but... wouldn't that indicate that Electroneum is at least making tangible in-roads to be something substantive?

>> No.8787682
File: 20 KB, 410x224, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting mixed messages here.

I would think a patent would be an indication of something.

I just found it today.


>> No.8787728

Don't get me wrong. I see the autism on this board pegged at 11, but... to blindly invest in things that produce absolutely nothing seems the height of stupidity. Going back through news items, etc, it would seem that Electroneum is being somewhat successful at delivering on their promises.

>> No.8787745
File: 116 KB, 1494x437, inversebart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to find something other than that fucking piece of shit ChainLink and Stellar.

Only thing I have that has done worth a fuck is Verge.

>> No.8787789
File: 454 KB, 411x263, zJQ68[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT! I know... I'll sink my SSI into RIPPLE!!1!

>> No.8787793

i was able to mine 5 shitcoin ETN in one week on my phone with their official app/wallet. What is even the point?

>> No.8787808

Sir, with all due respect, the Motorola RAZR is a fine phone, but... aren't you due for an upgrade?

>> No.8787823

So you made 10 cents in one week? Wow, don't spend it all in one place.

>> No.8787865
File: 231 KB, 1067x1757, TheNextBitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it tonight and it's been going on my phone for like 3 hours and I already have 7 ETN.
What piece of shit do you have?

>> No.8787899

14 cents for 3 hours, wow man, at the end of the week you might have a whole 2 dollars!

>> No.8787963

Apparently you got a patent on being a fucking shill

>> No.8788073

Bro you want my pennies from my ashtray in my car? Post your address and I'll send you my scraps since you need them and save your battery.

>> No.8788111

etn mobile mining ain't real mining, it's a fake nigger app that poses as a miner , you ain't using cpu or battery. Why do they do this? you tell me I have no fuckin idea.

>> No.8788210

its because it gives poor people free crypto! it gets them started in the crypto space. electroneums main audience are poor countries, the 2.5 billion people that dont have banks but a lot of them have phones to get this new personal banking option. They are partnering up with mobile phone providers to push it to their customers. at the moment its around 150 million customers but they are no where near stopping with these partnerships. its only been 4 months and they have 11 phone companies.

>> No.8788237

its going to be the number 1 crypto, i dont give a shit what anyone non educated person says about etn, it will be number 1.

>> No.8788252

>emulate phone on pc
>run miner
free shitcoins?

>> No.8788409

LOL this could work, have like hundreds of phone emulators going at the same time on one pc, profit.

>> No.8788550

give some reasons at least

>> No.8788561

They have a patent pending, which only means they've submitted it.

"If I hit up Beyonce on Twitter, does that mean we're dating?"

Same concept.

>> No.8788604

I heard that ETN will take shitopia to court because their wallet broke and the coins are unrecoverable

>> No.8788803
File: 53 KB, 720x398, 1522684132443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptocurrency suing cryptoexchange
so decentralized such wow

>> No.8789189

false information.

>> No.8789276

because of their mobile miner they can get people into crypto without the risk money being involved, this gets a lot of people into crypto.
The mobile miner gives free money to people in poorer countries that dont have banks, giving them a way to pay for their phone bills which they already have 11 partnerships with phone companies allowing their customers to do this.
Electroneum said with new partnerships coming up, it will bring it to over 500 million customers that electoneum will be advertised to, atm its around 150m confirmed.
their main target audience is the 2.5 billion people without banks which a lot of them have smart phones.
their patent that they just released, if it goes through will allow them to have the rights to the technology that allows instant transaction times on all cryptos and also subscription payments.

>> No.8789296

Can someone tell me why retards love this coin so much? It's shilled hard by pajeets and crypto brainlets.

>> No.8789306

Meh, it's got a lot of interesting things on their roadmap. Too bad so many people obsessed over the retarded mobile miner.

>> No.8789310

this is why i laugh at people that call it a shitcoin because they obviously havnt done any real research on this coin thats been on the market for 4 months and already has 11 partnerships and over 500k app downloads plus over 1 million wallets created so far.
the price means fuck all at the moment, its being manipulated hard.

>> No.8789335

this is why

>> No.8789352
File: 68 KB, 907x605, patentsiinventedthosenigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did some reading, i literally like, just the read the title
>it's a thing i think
>it has a patent thing
well, that's 90% more research than most of biz does so congratulations I guess.

>> No.8790088

It's a meme, just like "webscale" tech.

Focusing so heavily on mass adoption (aka high performance + mobile app) right out of the gate is interesting and it could be good in the future. As long as their team doesn't die it's probably a good long-term hold. I've been debating mining it instead of XMR for a bit to get a thousand or two of them.

>> No.8790276

>hitting up a negress

>> No.8790314

I’m mining ETN using the CPUs of my GPU ETH mining rigs. I devote one thread per CPU to ETN. Currently mining about 300 ETN a month on 9 CPUs

>> No.8790449



How many Captchas did you do to register your account and sign in? I only had to do 30 different captchas

>> No.8790472

Im seriously pissed off right now because I remembered how ETN's website and app bombard the fuck out of you with Captchas. One for each fucking page. It was Captcha hell and I pity anyone else who had to go through all that to literally mine pennies.

>> No.8790631

>tfw probably own enough GPUS to 51% attack ETN but I don’t because i’m A nice guy