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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1014 KB, 3468x2412, Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8777072 No.8777072 [Reply] [Original]

(((They))) are coming.


>> No.8777188


>> No.8777214

When you run an exchange, you always win, you feed on fees and couldn't care less about the price as long as there is volume

>> No.8777224

A guy who made his fortune shorting artificially propped up currencies is getting into crypto.


>> No.8777226

on the plus side, these fuckers are DEFINITELY going to like the money-hiding ability of crypto, so some of them are bound to have huge marketcaps that are hard to imagine.

We need more scumbag billionaires to protect monero from getting banned

>> No.8777244

You guys know how comes after the jews right?
>non-reddit normies
That's right.

>> No.8777257
File: 63 KB, 1024x676, Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx OP was just about to make this thread..
how fucked are we now lads?

>> No.8777263

bear market extended until 2021

>> No.8777267

Nice just bought 6 million

>> No.8777268

it explains india banning bitcoin.

>> No.8777289

This. Get fucking ready, we are early adopters

>> No.8777292
File: 434 KB, 1920x950, finito el binito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the filthiest whale of all
let's hope crypto is wild enough to ruin him

>> No.8777295

Finally institutional money

>> No.8777321

Boom or Bust

>> No.8777337

nature will handle that fren. tiny particles are ripping through his flesh as I type

>> No.8777349

lol, this. the only hope is if it's his way to short everything else.

>> No.8777356

we're either all going to eat shit long into the foreseeable future
or we ride the new wave of money getting late into the game

>> No.8777435

If he were here to short crypto why didn't he do it back in January when he first called it a bubble.
He'll manipulate the markets no doubt but it sounds to me like he's gonna start accumulating.

>> No.8777595


Yeah, exchanges NEVER trade themselves. Keep thinking that goy.

>> No.8777601

Reminder Soros was linked to the ChainLink Crypto Fund in January

>> No.8777616
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Proof. Pls

>> No.8777629

Kek you believe this?

>> No.8777634

Prepare for the final rekt, he will short btc to death making bank

>> No.8777677

DYOR from here

>> No.8777680

Considering how few Billions are in the industry right now, he’s better off investing now and 5xing when it goes past a T.

>> No.8777727
File: 150 KB, 1280x1046, 806120087_52932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's plainly obvious. LINK was destined to reach unprecedented heights. (((They))) want to get their hands on it asap, there's currently a war going on in the deep state over it. You ready for the true flippening?

>> No.8777729

The things are 2:
They will gain complete control over bitcoin
They will kill bitcoin
No other way around

>> No.8777739
File: 742 KB, 675x720, lol99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its now or never Linkies

>> No.8777749

Then let them fucking kill grandpa.
It's already manipulated and useless.

>> No.8777766

FUCK. He's going to short us into the ground with unlimited money

He's not a crypto bull

>> No.8777770

i before e accept after c DO NOT CLICK THE LINK

>> No.8777771

>he's gonna start accumulating
He already finished accumulating. Who do you think has been suppressing the prices?

He was against BTC back in January before the crash, and now suddenly he's declaring he will start trading crypto. Get ready for a mega bullrun followed by a giant short.

Don't be greedy. Play your cards right.

>> No.8777774

When news like this drop, you can expect that he is already in the game.

>> No.8777778

Then let them fucking kill grandpa.
It's already manipulated and useless.
Keep in your head that BTC will never ever be more than a tool to escape inflation and money on strict countries and maybe perhaps a store of value. So in short, useless.
Place a realistic goal and achieve it, with jews on the train the pumps are going to be shit, so expect alts to florish.

>> No.8777784

Yeah if they kill It i'm good, shit have taken a bad turn

>> No.8777793

This guy gets it.

They won't say a word before they finish filling up their bags.

>> No.8777800

Link 1k eoy

>> No.8777807


fuck the elite got me again im such a brainlet

>> No.8777811

so close

>> No.8777826

Who is to say that he didn't?

Just because he has now released a statement, and the media is now reporting that he's getting into crypto doesn't mean that he hasn't already had a hand in it for months or years now. Realistically, it would have served him well to trade in the shadows, and he had a hand in the 2017 pump and the 2018 crash, he could have made yet another fortune. The real question that everyone should be asking is "why is he now announcing to the world that he is going to be trading crypto?"

>> No.8777842

Probably the mother fucker that I saw loading 50BTC blocks randomly over the last week

>> No.8777855

50 btc? Kek he can market buy the whole crypto market

>> No.8777860

Yeah, my bad, you guys are 100% right, Feb till now has been the time to accumulate. Now that he's declared it publicly it's clear he's got some skin in the game.

>> No.8777871

isnt that good news? you cant short the bottom

>> No.8777893

Not at one time. Do you even know how slow accumulation works?

>> No.8777925

do you really think soros is about the slow accumulation meme? Soros will probably buy millions of btc otc and short it

>> No.8777948

or to pump it one last time and dump it all for dollars, thats the money

>> No.8777968

>millions otc
Remember a tweet about huge otc btc demand?

>> No.8777971

i like palyndromes

>> No.8777983

ok kiddo. I'm glad someone on this board knows everything

>> No.8777993

Yeah he won't buy on an exchange for sure kek

>> No.8778002

He's going to let it get pumped up, then he's going to dump it all at once.

He doesn't care if he wipes out an entire population, even an entire country if he can make a profit.

>> No.8778043

if we'll start to see a media shift in favor of bitcoin then we'll know what to do this time

>> No.8778054

This must be the big money coming in that Teeka punjabi warned us about.

>> No.8778073

So it's either going to go up or down huh?

Thanks for the hot tip.

>> No.8778078


>> No.8778080

(((THEY))) are going to rig the game more in their favor. They will do this to crypto, they are not your friend. It's over.

>> No.8778103

These guys do otc trading. They dont trade on exchanges lol.

>> No.8778115


>> No.8778118

They will still manipulate the price you brainlet

>> No.8778208

The fight /pol has been pretending to fight has finally come to us.
Hold your positions marines, it has been an honor to hold, fight and die by your sides.

>> No.8778285

Jews infect everything. /biz/ /pol/ alliance when??

>> No.8778301

He did, are you really going to believe what the (((media))) tell you? The guy was involved in the manipulation big time.

>> No.8778335

They got you, your father, grandfather and his grand father. This world and everything in it is run by the elites, nature is the only escape.

>> No.8778377
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>> No.8778500


institutional money monkey paw

>> No.8778512

> When I see a bubble forming, I rush in to buy, adding fuel to the fire.

- George Soros

>> No.8778713
File: 6 KB, 170x186, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some say.... that soros is none other than satoshi nakamoto

>> No.8778714

Good job Sherlock, why the fuck you think its called LINK.

>> No.8778811
File: 5 KB, 305x165, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think he will pump the most Jewish Crypto of them all: Ripple XRP?

>> No.8778823

so I guess the people saying institutional money was going to come in were right

>> No.8778872

this sounds right to me. The last bubble was not big enough for him to short with billions. He will make a new bubble to get everyone in the game, starting now. Just remember guys, don't get deluded, the price will be artificially inflated then these fucks will short the life out of bitcoin. We must take profits on the way up and sell the top

>> No.8779038

Um no sweetie

>> No.8779079

Katy Perry is an earlier adopter than George fucking Soros? I don't think so. Soros openly signalling to other kikes now that he considers this the bottom and to get ready for a bull run

>> No.8779121

do you really think it's that surprising Katy Perry got into some kind of crypto?
her personal persona's probably a helluva lot different than her private one
she might be on /biz/, who knows

>> No.8779143

hi katherine

>> No.8779172

I have insider info I can't really disclose not to endanger myself, but I will tell you this biz - if you play your cards right, you will be able to turn as little as $10k into a million by the end of year. Just don't go full retard.

>> No.8779177

Oh boy, /pol/tards are gonna scream about this for weeks yet still hodl because they don't believe their own shit. But hey, subversive stormthreads are always great.

>> No.8779209

he bought in already. this makes sense

>> No.8779222

what should we be holding? top 3?

>> No.8779301

no hold bottom 3

>> No.8779332

trips for top three

>> No.8779347

this is the key, figure out if he is long or short. I think he is accumulating. Market cap is tiny compared to other assets, much lower and the flame will be snuffed out for a long while.

Round 2 bull market is coming sooner than we think

>> No.8779353

thats been true the last 2 years too

>> No.8779406

<3 love katy

>> No.8779409


This can't wait for this old fart to die

>> No.8779451

>don't go full retard
Do you know what board you're on?

>> No.8779511

you don't "announce" you're going to start trading in a market and then start from scratch.

chances are the bloke's been in it since january and this is announcement is to kill it off entirely.

>> No.8780427


>> No.8780434
File: 104 KB, 951x972, 1517032876750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin releases in 2009
>year 2018
>news of one guy thinking about investing
>"we're still early adopters"
>pic related

>> No.8780447
File: 87 KB, 971x565, 1514892155400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have insider info I can't really disclose not to endanger myself

>> No.8781236

Tell him Bitconnect is oversold!

>> No.8781276

>They will kill bitcoin
Good, it's too centralized and too outdated. Let the kike get all the BTC and we move to a better crypto. He'll follow us, pamp that one too and we'll move to another.
In the end we'll have him chasing dragons and making a decent buck on it.

>> No.8781316

Exchanges have been charged hundred of millions of dollars for stop hunting their own clients. Want to know how these exchanges can trigger so many people stops by a few pennies before the price changes directions?

When I learned that these banks stop hunted their own clients I no longer use stops in crypto. I have my shorts out there with no stop and I trip them manually and I have had way less mistakes and way more profit that way.

>> No.8781608

>I have insider info I can't really disclose not to endanger myself
then just shut the fuck up

>> No.8782112

Yu-Gi-Oh is the future

>> No.8782278

pls bankrupt bitmex sir

>> No.8782396

9 years worth of drug-purchase / usage from the darkweb do this

>> No.8782419
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>bankrupting a JPMorgan exchange

>> No.8782969

>he thinks BTC at $6k is the bottom
He could short it all the way to 100$.

>> No.8783103
File: 86 KB, 760x456, Stop-Soros-billboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
