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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 153 KB, 574x410, Capture d’écran 2018-04-06 à 17.42.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8778442 No.8778442 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8778487


>> No.8778529

Sorry, Fool me once shame on you

>> No.8778532

It seems that all the fudders have shut the fuck up, I seriously wonder why, mmmmmh

>> No.8778546

>Given these drivers, we expect JNT-backed jBonds to represent 70-75% of total value on the network. With fiat-backed jCash representing the remaining 25–30%. In addition, we expect jBonds to grow relative to jCash over time, as solvency becomes easier and easier to maintain (i.e. crypto-economy volatility decreases).

Da hell. So 75% of the 250 mil will be at least relfected in mcap.

>> No.8778649

>Speculative Trading Disclaimer
We highly discourage people from speculatively trading JNT for two core reasons:

>Jibrel Network Token economics are designed to provide specific services, by trading JNT, the economics no longer allow for the token to fulfill its objectives and the system has a high risk of becoming unbalanced—A good example of this is how BTC / ETH cannot be used to transfer value effectively, as the prices fluctuate heavily due to trading, and the network is over-congested, negating the key benefits (low-cost / high-speed transfers).
Blockchains, ledgers and token reliant systems are highly experimental at this stage, with constant changes to architecture, use-cases, etc. For this reason, they should not be taken as investment opportunities, financial vehicles or tools.

This has to be a joke. They are saying please do not trade with JNT cause it would fuck up the model. That has to be a joke.

>> No.8778770
File: 46 KB, 722x358, jBonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3.75 million in jBonds for the open pilot in 6-8 weeks. 1.25 million in jCash. At the current price, even 3.75 million can pump the price heavily (look at the order books).

Also, they are running pilots with real estate, which is nice to see.

jBonds acting as quasi-forward contracts is exactly how I imagined it, it really puts all the "regulation" stuff to bed and makes it accessible to anyone.

Essentially, SEED will provide the backing for jBonds, and due to jBonds being regulation free, all of us can buy them. If JNT dips further, there is plenty of the 250 million left to provide further backing and stabilizing in early stages (consider it a manual DAO). If JNT price then goes up again, they can simply make more jBonds accessible with the excess in JNT and thus gradually increase up to the 250 million figure.

jCash really is the smaller player here, and the tests will probably initiate small jGas burns.

All in all, this is a good update. Shows that most of the FUD was well overblown and the 20% drop in ratio was an overreaction. We are now well below ICO price, but the project is in a way better state. Also consider the fact that they presented the system to 110 central bank officials a few days ago.

I'll be holding, maybe you guys will keep fudding and get the price to drop more, but my buy orders will always be waiting.

>> No.8778803


>> No.8778812

Fool me once, shame on you.... fool me twice.... we’ll your not gonna fool me again

You jnt fags are so blind. Go look up the meaning of “sunk cost fallacy”

>> No.8778840

Just a disclaimer anon.

Overall I'm really fucking happy with this update, this is a professional outfit if anyone ever doubted that. 3.75MM in jBonds in the next few weeks, bullish news. Plus the rest of the 250MM.They explained everything fairly well too. I'm still feeling comfy motherfuckers, my only regret was I didn't sell and buy in lower.

>> No.8778845

i have no stake in the success or failure of jiberal, but


>> No.8778877

>Given these drivers, we expect JNT-backed jBonds to represent 70-75% of total value on the network. With fiat-backed jCash representing the remaining 25–30%.

what do they mean by 'we expect'? it doesn't sound like a definitive phrase to me

>> No.8778898

Nope. It’s garbage. Lmao.

>> No.8778899
File: 105 KB, 1276x758, 1_thMTa5IDWOAVxxDzp3Zbkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I seeing this right? For a 10 mil CryDR you need a 6,25 ml buffer (0,50*1,25). That is almost back to the double backed we had before. Not good.

>> No.8778904

I sold and fudded here after the first Medium article. Brainlets followed my dump to 54k gwei. There was a solid 2 hours of nothing after the first article, then I dumped a huge chunk. Bought it all back at 45k gwei. Tricking 4chan plebs is so comfy.

>> No.8778917

Nothing changed really. Still solid, more solid than 99% of projects in Crypto today. Will dump soon because people are A) Idiots B)Idiots
See you EOY, hopefully this goes below ten cents i want to buy a bunch

>> No.8778949

SEED is going to be tokenizing in that ratio, see below.

This is the old model. They are being transparent. But your fudding is on point, you are picking the stuff that will make brainlets worry. Kudos.

>> No.8778962

What's wrong about that?

>> No.8778975

You jnt will be so rich when the first national bank of Ethiopia sign up and dump all $13.567usd they have on the chain

>> No.8779003

They said $250m would be split into jCash, jBonds and jAssets. The open pilot now only has jCash and jBonds. I don't think we can expect 70% of the 250m to go into jBonds..

>> No.8779061

Well, I expect jAssets to take an even smaller part than jCash. Right now jBonds are 75%. 70% could easily happen, and if not, I'm happy with 60%.

>> No.8779103

>Mechanisms behind jCash and Proof of Solvency are straightforward—contact the team for a walkthrough


>> No.8779124

That is, no meming, one of the worst things they could have said.
But I doubt brainlet nucoiners will realise this, so it wont affect the price

>> No.8779134
File: 2.77 MB, 512x512, 1522607505016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYO- Wait what ?

Just contact us lmao

>> No.8779155

True.. either way, we can expect a hell of a lot of the 250m to be reflected in the market cap as jAssets also use JNT.

>> No.8779198
File: 153 KB, 973x1071, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is the new model for jbonds

>> No.8779236

>The buffer reserves allowed the system to maintain solvency, even under extreme conditions.
>During the final 3 days of the period, the system became insolvent
Uh ok

>> No.8779258

medium will publish literally anything. the most wacked out conspiracy theories get traction just because people think its some credible news source

>> No.8779275

Medium is just a blogging platform just like youtube is a video streaming platform. It's not a news outlet.

>> No.8779276

/comfy/ as fuck
Are you retarded? It's an official post by the team, you braindead moron.

>> No.8779308
File: 267 KB, 388x602, 1522592811032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good thing it was only on a month... We are so fucked. It's a sinking ship in the middle of the Pacific and they are trying to repair it with wood planks.

>> No.8779330
File: 34 KB, 637x921, 1522554985232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't go lower right ? RIGHT ?

>> No.8779364

Imo it'll stop dumping now. Right now all nucoiners want to hear is positive noises, which is what this is.

>> No.8779415

bought back in, might as well ride this out and see where it goes now.

I lost quite a bit of value in satoshis and fiat compared to when I originally bought in at around 50/60 cents and 5-6k sats though.

>> No.8779433

It's gonna keep dumping as long as btc keeps dumping.

>> No.8779448

Just like I thought, promises that 1 day they will tokenize this or that

THIS SHIT I INSOLVENT, jibrel may even be a successful business 1 day tokenizing offchain backed assets but JNT market cap won't even budge from any of that.
And in before you get all angry at me, we will see who is right, let me know when they have to accumulate more jNT for backing. never gonna happen

>> No.8779457

10c coming soon!!! Hahahahahaha

>> No.8779497

Well yeah but in sats

>> No.8779504
File: 128 KB, 949x621, 1516170674689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over
JNT is kill
I can't BELIEVE I let you niggas talk me into this one
I can only hope this thing hits 30 cents again so I can sell and my loss won't be too great

>> No.8779518

noice just bought 2k more

>> No.8779619

>literally bullish as fuck news
>/biz/lets continue the FUD campaign
thanks for the screencaps faggots

>> No.8779708

No time to read the whole article.

Just tell me...is it bullish?

>> No.8779721

70-75% will likely go to jbonds (aka pumping jnt mcap) acc to the article.

>> No.8779723

This update is bullish as fuck.You need to be a brainlet not to see that.

>> No.8779730

>crypto literally announces it's a PoS
>it's bullish!

>> No.8779751

So i need to FUD harder than i did the whole time? Jesus...i need a fucking break

>> No.8779754

no sir, exit scam announced

>> No.8780266
File: 217 KB, 628x422, 1514770879489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good scamel coin, pls buy sir

>> No.8780782


>> No.8781507

I already see from this thread that I'm gonna have to read this myself.