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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8772671 No.8772671 [Reply] [Original]

>Take out a loan and max out credit cards to buy XMR
>Declare bankruptcy
>Free money

>> No.8772689

you found the sole reason for cracking privacy coins on the state level. congratulations.

>> No.8772710
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You're probably on a watch list now good job

>> No.8772723

Once you start spending the money they’ll ask where you got it from

>> No.8772744

just say it fell off the back of a truck

>> No.8772745

unless the seller doesnt know who you are

>> No.8772750

would be great if you had an exit plan, like going to a diff country, having someone you can trust who can cash out your xmr, also youre going to be pretty much a neet if you want to hide or some shit.

>> No.8772755

Say you sucked some rich dude's dick and he paid you a shit load of money in monero.

>> No.8772766

>do OP's plan except the declaring bankruptcy part
>fly to the Philippines
>go to someone you know ask him to split the XMR 30/70 or some shit
>neet it up till god knows when trading shitcoins and cashing out on localbitcoins or on exchanges that doesn't need your ID

>> No.8772779

Why not just skip the crypto part and just max out your credit card in cash then bring it to the philippines?

>> No.8772794

don't they check for cash at the transport hubs?

>> No.8772799

this. you'd want to avoid any chance of being tracked

>> No.8772803

cant leave the country when bankrupt

>> No.8772816

My brother’s dad did this, fucker took out a bunch of loans, bought laptops/cameras/phones etc on credit and fucked off to Nigeria.

He used my brother’s home address because he was staying there at the time, now my brother has to deal with the bailiffs etc. Absolute psycho.

>> No.8772850

that's why i mentioned that you shouldn't do the declare bankruptcy part. or are you not allowed to leave the country when you got shitloads of debt from the credit card/loans? not familiar

>> No.8772892
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>my brothers Dad
Are you!?!

>> No.8772897

His brothers dad

>> No.8772962
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be reasonable. theres no way the government has that much power.
run along now.

>> No.8773039

You could start a trend. Call it the Bank Fraud Challenge. Get the youth to blindly follow. Tell them it's lit and end the era of fractional reserve banks.

>> No.8773093

Localbitcoins is crap here last time I checked.
Up to 25% premium, very few sellers/buyers, and most require a copy of your ID (not to LBC, but sent actually to THEM) when you go over a certain amount, as if they were banks.

It's useful only up to a certain amount (like below $1000 [50000 pesos] per month).

>> No.8773231


>> No.8773285
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Could easily be his half-brother or stepbrother

>> No.8773328


>> No.8773849
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Banks don't just hand out loans to anyone for anything and cc have cash out limits.

Dollars have rfid strips and are detected at airports. Precious metals are also detected...

>> No.8773875

Where can I find decent news that isn't contr-op?

>> No.8773886

How are you going to convert that Monero to fiat when you need fiat?

>> No.8773904

Have fun getting stabbed for your shitcoins in some third world shithole OP. If you even make it through the airport

>> No.8773991
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There is nothing. Everything you have been taught about history, science and religion is a lie. Just like the Fud and shill posts on /biz, you have to second guess everything.

>> No.8774021


>Destroy your credit for your lifetime for small gains now
>Not realizing when you have good credit, you can borrow insane amounts of money to speculate with & make significantly more simply paying the pittance in interest each month
>Far better to borrow the money, speculate, profit, repay, borrow again, speculate again, etc. Use bankruptcy as an out (if you get reamed and can't pass go)

>> No.8774103

Yes but second guess it with what? Where do I find out this shit?

>> No.8774148
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The creator commanded us to let the land rest every seven years. Goy, your debts are erased every seven years.. rack up those credit card bills because after every seven years your debts are erased (excluding student loans).

>> No.8774214

>erased every seven years


>> No.8774242

you do realize that declaring bankruptcy allows the government to medically inject HIV into your prostate, right?

>> No.8774257
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Just question and think. Why do only paleontologists find bones? Why is the horizon flat and eye level at all altitudes? Who controls the media and the banks? Who are the masons and why do they exist? Are demons real? Why is flouride in the water? What is in vaccines and why are researchers killed? Are atomic bombs real? Why are presidents and astronauts masons? Does space exist? Do satellites exist? Do meteorites exist? Did giants exist? Why do we borrow with intrest from the fed when the treasury can make money? Was the cold war real? Are presidents banker pupets and war population control? Did the nsa create blockchain for or as a countermeasure to bankers? What is the moon and why is it transparent? Why is the military spraying us like bugs? Why do they poison the food when they eat it too. How much baby blood do they have to drink to live beyond 100? Do all humans have souls? Are we all human? Does mt. Meru exist? How old is our plane?

>> No.8774316

Being this fucking delusional.

>> No.8774467


>> No.8774576
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>> No.8774604

Nice larp, but that would be incredibly hard to do. They hire people way, way, way, way smarter than you to figure out all the angles, and CC companies have lawyers on staff who pretty much only go around and represent the company in BK proceedings.

If you had the first clue how a BK happens, you wouldn't be posting idiotic shit like this.

>> No.8774630

Taking cash out of the US is incredibly hard to do, and you have to declare amounts over $10k, and doing so will put the authorities up your ass at the airport, wanting to know where you got it and what you're planning to do with it - which is why they invented travelers checks, international credit cards, and bank transfers. Since 9/11 all countries are watching for movements of large quantities of cash crossing borders, and trying to take more than 10K is just going to result in them taking it and making you prove where you got it. If you're in BK or hae debt collectors after you - hello pound me up the ass prison.

>> No.8774653
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>> No.8774906

>Why do only paleontologists find bones?
They don't other people do too. Arguably, once an ordinary person discovers something of importance, they instantly become a paleontologist. True by construction.
>Why is the horizon flat and eye level at all altitudes?
It's not. If you look at the ocean you can see a slight curvature and with enough altitude you can see even more.
>Who controls the media and the banks?
The wealthy and the elite; they benefit greatly from controlling the dissemination of information and influencing the sentiment of the masses.
>Who are the masons and why do they exist?
Secret organizations have been present throughout history. Their purpose and motivations are, well, secret; I would be a fool to try to ascertain their motives.
>Are demons real?
Probably not, but there is always a possibility. I would encourage you to reflect on the fact that time and time again we have replaced our supernatural explanations of the world with physical explanations, but never have we replaced a physical explanation with a supernatural one.
Why is flouride in the water?
A lot of technologically advanced countries around the world put fluoride in their water because research shows that it positively impacts your dental health. Arguably, it may have had unforeseen consequences.
>What is in vaccines and why are researchers killed?
In short, vaccines contain a very weak form of the virus that causes the symptoms you are trying to prevent so that your body can naturally develop the proper antibodies to fight a "real" infection in the future. Researchers die sometimes because, as safe as you might feel at work, accidents happen.
>Are atomic bombs real?
Yes, much to the dismay of Einstein, since it was his General Theory of Relativity that gave birth to the most destructive weapon mankind has ever created.
>Why are presidents and astronauts masons?
They aren't, for the most part.

>> No.8775006

>>Why do only paleontologists find bones?
>They don't other people do too. Arguably, once an ordinary person discovers something of importance, they instantly become a paleontologist. True by construction.

That normal people find bones is true, that they become paleontologists simply isn't. A lay person won't know how to excavate, stabilize and remove dinosaur bones correctly, or set up a dig site properly to recover as much of the skeleton as possible. It's a science, like anything else, and that's why when something is found, actual paleontologists come along with teams to dig the site. This is important not only for bones, but other fossils, and human remains and structures. They do more than what they show in movies, which is laughably innacurate - they make details notes and records of not only the bones, but the entire site - the geological data especially.
Farmers, for example, dig shit up all the time, especially in Europe, a lot of the more famous ancient Greek and Roman statues were plowed up - but experts dug them up, not the farmers. People in London dig up Roman shit all the time, which is a pain in the ass for the construction site, because they have to stop to let the experts dig it up and study the site.

>> No.8775053

>Does space exist?
Yes, we have successfully created vacuums here on Earth, albeit not as good as outer space.
>Do satellites exist?
They do by construction since, not only do we refer to the free falling structures we launched into space as "satellites", but we use this term to refer to other heavenly bodies as well.
>Do meteorites exist?
Yes, again, by construction.
>Did giants exist?
I would like to say probably not, but until we have fully explored our oceans and the Earth's crust, nobody really knows.
>Why do we borrow with intrest from the fed when the treasury can make money?
Because the treasury can't actually make money; the Federal Reserve is almost the only printing press in existence.
>Was the cold war real?
Yes, it has been well documented.
>Are presidents banker pupets and war population control?
The president may or may not be aware that they are fulfilling the agendas of others, but it is well known that the president is often a scapegoat. For who? I honestly don't know.
>Did the nsa create blockchain for or as a countermeasure to bankers?
Perhaps they did. However, the set of events that were set in motion when Satoshi Nakamoto publicly published the Bitcoin whitepaper will culminate in a global bubble and the fall of the derivatives bubble. However, you could make the argument that they could have introduced this idea to the world in a more controlled manner, perhaps by releasing the blockchain through a patent?
>What is the moon and why is it transparent?
The moon is a natural SATELLITE of the Earth. It is most definitely not transparent.
>Why is the military spraying us like bugs?
I don't know if they are actually doing this or not, but if they were I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
>Why do they poison the food when they eat it too.
I don't know who "they" are, but if someone is poisoning the food, then they probably don't poison their own food.

>> No.8775140

>How much baby blood do they have to drink to live beyond 100?
It is well documented that Homo Sapiens can live to be well over 100 years old. However, there is no evidence to support the belief that baby blood retards the aging process.
>Do all humans have souls?
It depends on how we define the word "souls". Philosophers sometimes argue that consciousness can be interpreted as a kind of "soul". This question has been debated for millennia and we are still very far away from a satisfactory answer.
>Are we all human?
Yes. However, it definitely depends on how you define the word "human".
>Does mt. Meru exist?
Mount Meru is a dormant stratovolcano located 70 kilometres (43 mi) west of Mount Kilimanjaro in the country of Tanzania.
>How old is our plane?
The universe is approximately 13 billion years old.

>> No.8775239
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At last I truly see

>> No.8775246

>get audited
>go to a Federal Pound Me In the Ass Prison

cool breh

>> No.8775374
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Found the mason

>> No.8776334

Im just gonna ask here why is monero price back to the price it was in October wtf?

>> No.8776362


life at easy mode, just do it.

all the larpers are ball-less cunts.

However you need to have over the counter way of cashing out. Because you will have a lean on your accounts.

And bankruptcy takes a bit of time. So you have take a solid loan to make it worth your time.

>> No.8776456

the best way to do this is to get married, transfer your assets to your wife, declare bankruptcy, rotate assets back to you, declare bankruptcy

i know a family that has done this across two generations, they are poor but they have managed to live well for decades using this strategy

and before you say "IRS will get you!!" lol no, it's legal

>> No.8776478

are they "poor" or poor?

>> No.8776903

because the vast majority of people who bought anything after september did so to make USD in a short amount of time -- they had no idea what they're investing in, so as soon as it turns south, the panic sets in.
this triggers more panic selling from would-be hodl'ers as the price dips to their entry point.
basically, the market is sick with normies and has a fever right now.

>> No.8776923

just act disgusted and call them a wagecuck

>> No.8776981

you wont get a loan that is substantial enough to make this worth it
or can you get a 100k student loan in the us that they actually pay out
you could travel the world for 5 years with that

>> No.8777220

yea right
when i ride my bike through the world and buy shit here and there in cash, "they" will ask there i got it from
go suck some ass, statist. cant imagine someone has the balls to fuck with the state, can you?

>> No.8777238

of course you can
use your imagination