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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8770796 No.8770796 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start the thread up bois...

Start with your age, income, amount of link tokens you own, and the price you're willing to sell at.

Age: 25

Income: Personal Trainer


Cash Out Price: ~$100/Link

>> No.8770807

Tokens: 50k
Cash Out Price- 50$

>> No.8770833

Income:Accountant in between Jobs
Tokens: 40k
Cash Out Price- 300$

>> No.8770841

age: 14
tokens: 155k
income: trust fund from dead parents
cash out price: NEVAR

>> No.8770844
File: 50 KB, 628x362, IMG_2329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k link

Cash out: 10% when it hits 10 dlls 50% when it hits 50 dlls. 30% when it gets to 100 and leave the 10% longterm

>> No.8770873
File: 2.41 MB, 3000x2961, 1522112663786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age :24
Income: Only income will be my Skyminer when testnet goes live
Tokens: 10k
Cash out: $100

>> No.8770875

Income: Welder
Tokens: 10k
Cash Out Price- 100$

>> No.8770880

gonna assume you're an entry level banker or else you'd be holding more than 10k

>> No.8770886

Opps age:25

>> No.8770903

I believe this

Anon. Come on.

>> No.8770915

>Income: Welder
How come you don't have a million link?

>> No.8770925 [DELETED] 

Law Enforcement
70k Link

Cash out 20% at 100. That would set me up with mine and my parents’ houses paid off, zero debt, and have a super comfy safety net via liquid cash as well as investments with passive income. Sell the remaining half at 500, hold/stake the rest in nodes for eternity

>> No.8770929

You faggots are all getting datamined.

Stop being retarded, marines.

>> No.8770935

Income: wage cuck student (whew)
Cash Out:$1000

>> No.8770939

Because I have a wife anon, that's why

>> No.8770950

it's public knowledge that /biz/ holds the vast majority of LINKs if you don't include the partners they have

>> No.8770965

fellow Link bro, wasuuudd

>> No.8770971

Age: 32

Income: unemployed maribe engineer


Cash Out Price: ~$1000/Link (i believe link can moon up to $8000)

>> No.8770975

>Datamining 4chan
"Yeah it says here that the average biz user is a 14 year old multimillionaire welder from Pakistan.
With a 10 inch monster dong."

>> No.8770981
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> third year in biznez i live in a very expensive city and spend most of what I earn. No ragrets.

>> No.8771021

Kek you pussy. Lever up on a personal loan up to your 18 bonus.

Age 24
Income banker
Tokens 110k
Cash out 10k at 200 then stake forever

>> No.8771028

age - bronze
occupation - chief of measurement, particle totality
income - see above
link 0

>> No.8771063

age 32
income i fuck mattresses
tokens 19k
cash out after I've fucked every mattress in the western hemisphere

>> No.8771162


kek the absolute state of linkies.... this shitcoin will never be more than $10. Go and screencap this post ill be back in 5 years.

>> No.8771166

220k LINK
progressively from $50, plan to keep a lot to stake

>> No.8771246
File: 71 KB, 642x413, 98CF2C2B-4A78-4578-81FF-6BDA36D34CFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age: 28
>NEET hikki living on welfare in parents basement (never worked a day in my life)
>29000 LINK tokens in total
>24/7 stoned on premium weed

>> No.8771278


Hahahaha what the fuck and still almost 30k link.


>> No.8771343

age: 29
income: office drone
tokens: 1500
cash out price: $1,000 or $0.01, whichever comes first.

>> No.8771435

Age: 21
Income: None atm
Tokens: 30k
Cash out price: $200

>> No.8771646

I'm - 40k student loans so after I 2x that

>> No.8772261

Model: Variable income
sell 10k at 10, then wait till it hits 100