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8768440 No.8768440 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8768516


>> No.8768547


Good all those wall Str fags will FOMO into crypto anyday now.

>> No.8768553
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>> No.8768589
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barted again

>> No.8768755

>1 nanosecond chart
zoom out nigger

>> No.8768790

>institutional money is coming

>> No.8768799
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>300 points

>> No.8768817

>You didn't short the stock market

Trump pretty much told us he was going to crash it. He gave your dumbass a chance.

>> No.8768821

fuck off to /pol

>> No.8768824

with no surivors?

>> No.8768880
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>trump is crashing the stock mar-

>> No.8768882

The survivors will be the ones that listened to him

>> No.8768899

Trump election == btc futures announcement

>> No.8768909
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evolve or die

>> No.8768933

this unfortunately. the world is in for a wild ride now that bart has found the dow jones

>> No.8768957

looks like an exit pump desu

>> No.8769017
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Adjusted for inflation stocks did NOTHING from 1999-2013, we are only 5 years into a bull market

>> No.8769036

yeah he is, notice how the markets took a fucking dive when he decided to pursue these trade tariffs? that's on him. if you want to credit trump for the upward swing of the stock market, then you should fucking love obama for pulling you out of the 2008 crisis and more then doubling the markets value during his tenure.

>> No.8769044

Hank Paulson did that

>> No.8769053

It's a long night until the markets open, that chart could change significantly in that time. I expect blood, but that's just initial reaction.

>> No.8769061
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>implying I dont want to crash the markets

>> No.8769069

why'd she fuck her face up with the plastic surgery shit she would have been cute

>> No.8769082

fuck off, no president has the ability to shape the stock markets long term growth. the market reacts as the sum total of the peoples confidence. presidents have however made comments that can affect the markets in the short term by introducing uncertainty into world, namely tariffs or expansion of certain programs.

>> No.8769083

dont bother trying to reason with them

>obama elected

>trump elected
>S-stupid liberals....respect your president....
>just g-give him a shot......
>d-d-dont you want to see him do well?

>> No.8769112
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>no president has the ability to shape the stock markets long term growth

But according to you Obama can double the stock market and Trump can crash it

>> No.8769128
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>20 something poor as fuck russian
>implying she has money for plastic surgery
also it doesnt look that bad

>> No.8769138


t. reddit NeverTrumper

Obama and Trump both don't have the ability to seriously affect macro market movement other than through drastic action (like a war)

>> No.8769152
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Had to blame one president because their policies could last decades. We are still paying for shit Reagan did 30 years ago.

>> No.8769153

Deal with it bitch, we are on the volatility market, more money is being made in this week than has been made in the entire Obama administration probably. Trump is a Golden God and he brings us GOLD.

>> No.8769178

i used that as an example you fucking retard. im not crediting obama for the markets valuation from 2008-2016. fucking reading please?

>> No.8769197

Put away your microscope.

>> No.8769268
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lmao all I do is point out that the stock market is up massively since trump is elected then you start having a hissy fit about Obama and shit stay butthurt m8

>> No.8769280

Presidents can shape policy and drive lawmaking with their party that can and does have a direct effect on the stock market. To claim otherwise is idiotic and naive. Most of the market is driven by sentiment and psychology (and bots), but looking at laws like Glass-Steagal and others makes your stance completely fucking void of anything resembling reality. Repealing two provisions of that act by Bill Clinton signing it into law, led to the financial crisis of 2008.
Right now, I'm pretty convinced that Trump has no regard to the effect of the spat with China has on Wall Street, because it needs to be done, and the market will recover. Everything for the last decade has been all about "How will this effect the market?" and has led to bad decision making and catering too much to stocks, and not real economic growth. Trump's policies have directly gone towards growing the actual economy, and what his end game is with China is beneficial to the country and the economy, and the stock market will have to deal with it. The economy is not the stock market. Yes, I want my investments to grow, but I don't want to just rely on them alone, I want to have a country where jobs exist, and where we're growing, not stagnating. GDP up is always better than DJIA up.
I know you December children won't be able to grasp that, because you only understand "GREEN CANDLE GUD" and don't understand what's really going on.

>> No.8769313

Paints a worse picture, nice.

>> No.8769319

You cant be this retarted nigger
Stock bull market was:
1. Literally the only thing that can happen after a crash, markets work in cycles
2. Pumped to ridiculous hights due to the fed literally printing shit tons of money and handing it out for free
3. Geven a final parabolic pump with Trumps bullish policies on deregulation and lowering taxes

Crashes happen every 6-8 years and this bubble was already postponed by the feds retarded money printing. Crash was going to happen anyhow. Trump just blew in the last puff of air and provided the needle to pop the bubble with his tarrifs (Obama installed more tarrifs than trump is proposing btw, media just didnt care because he’s a nigger)

Also despite the massive artificial bull market That Obama got handed to him by the fed, he managed to not get a single year of higher than 3% gdp growth, a presedential record.

>> No.8769326

and i only reminded you as a matter of fact that presidents do not exert direct long term control over the markets. the markets are the sum total of consumer confidence. if you insist on being retarded that trump is somehow responsible for the upswing in the market since his election, then the same logic must apply that obama is responsible for doubling the markets value during his tenure.

but that idea itself is re-fucking-tarded. it's demonstrably true that presidents can have a effect on the markets short term confidence and certainty. like introducing tariffs, which trump has done. while we can't blame trump for long term movements of the market, we can certainty blame him for the short term movements and the introduction of uncertainty.

stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.8769376

Point out where I said that Trump is responsible for the bull market, all I did was point out that he was elected, and the stock market continued to go up I never said HE was the one responsible for it, maybe YOU are the one who needs to learn how to read, the fact that you get so butthurt over something like this means you are too emotional and should NOT be investing

>> No.8769389


>>You cant be this retarted nigger
>> Geven a final parabolic pump
>> Pumped to ridiculous hights

finish school Tyrone.

>> No.8769408


Why are you so desperate to credit Trump with the stock market run? Can you even identify anything Trump personally did that contributed to the stock market? Even the Tax bill was a republican bill. Also, you're points are hilariously hypocritical:

>Literally the only thing that can happen after a crash, markets work in cycles
Look at stocks during Bush, 4 years of falling prices, never recovered much beyond.

>Pumped to ridiculous hights due to the fed literally printing shit tons of money and handing it out for free
This more accurately describes Trump, cutting taxes, spending more, specifically saying he supports a weak dollar.

>> No.8769423


let's not be obtuse. you know what you implied with the words and attached image. if we're going to play coy with our words what's the point of having this discussion? context is important and relevant to what you implied and posted. why do i have to explain this to you?

>> No.8769442

lmao talking to me about being coy with words while simultaneously arguing that trump is crashing the stock market and presidents have no effect on the stock market

>> No.8769482

did you not read the part where i said presidents can have short term effects on the market? like introducing legislation that can reduce or increase market uncertainty?

>> No.8769506

Minor fluctuations and volatility are normal and not a "crash", you've yet to show anybody how Trump is "crashing" the stock market

>> No.8769563

i never once even used the word 'crash'. this isn't a 'crash', this is a drop in market confidence. the drop in confidence is attributable to the fact that he's introducing market uncertainty. this isn't minor fluctuations and volatility that we don't know the exact cause of. but you can literally time his announcements and see it's effects on the futures index.

he is creating market uncertainty by launching escalating counter tariffs on the worlds 2nd largest economy. the potential to disrupt global trade is there, both countries account for almost 40% of the worlds trade.

>> No.8769615
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>me: trump is not crashing the stock market
>you: yes he is
>me: he's not
>you: huur obama, presidents don't effect markets, but they also do short term, lower market confidence, ect...

Just a bunch of noise and rambling, there is still no evidence trump is causing any sort of "crash", stocks have risen so fast they would correct regardless of trump and his trade war

>> No.8769683

you truly are, an idiot. how many times do i need to repeat the words here?

you seriously believe that trumps announcements of 100billion in extra tariffs on China have no effect on the market? the dow just closed 200 points up today. markets closed. trump announces extra tariffs, the dow jones future index is down 400 fucking points now. the market is going to be a bloodbath tomorrow.

>> No.8769705


you're a dumb faggot they opened 550 down yesterday and the market ended 300 up. seriously kid? go eat some cheerios

>> No.8769717


LOOK AT THE FUTURES INDEX you fucking retard, the dow is closed now, the futures is down 400 in after hours. guess what trump said after the markets were closed today? 100billion in more tariffs.

>> No.8769732


confirmed for retard. not worth the effort. enjoy your night

>> No.8769748

trump won
get over it

>> No.8769756
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Trump promised a trade war with China when he was campaigning for president and markets are up a whopping 50% since then, nobody gives a fuck about a trade war, free trade didn't even exist in the 1980's and the stock market went up 1000%

Keep staying emotional over some minor noise so people like me can buy stocks on sale

>> No.8769760

>>President Trump said Thursday he has instructed U.S. Trade Representatives to potentially slap $100 billion in additional tariffs on China. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures tanked more than 400 points as of 7:35 p.m. on the news.

>> No.8769779

okay bro, keep the blinders on.

i am over it, i divested when the aluminium tariffs were announced and i'll wait until this trade war uncertainty blows over.

>> No.8769790
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>a, emotional retard focusing on short term market noise is accusing people of wearing blinders

holy hell

>> No.8769848

You dumb fuck . We dident need China for everything like we do now . America has minimal manufacturing capability now . This is going to leaf to a huge fucking recession you brainlet

>> No.8769911

not a emotional decision, a rational one. i expected China to retaliate the same way i expected trump to enact tariffs. I rationalized that there would be a series of escalating tariffs that would create market uncertainty leading to a drop in the markets. and guess what? i'm right and I've saved myself from some losses.

>> No.8770974

My president, Xi Jinping, is cucking this dotard so hard. Keep it up Xi

>> No.8770997

You mean your emporer? Enjoy your new black mirror society.