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8767316 No.8767316 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't invest in LINK. I joined a cult.

>> No.8768088

yah pretty much. I've learned that the answer to "where in the github project is the code that processes the LINK token in any way" is just insults. never seen any answer to that. At least JNT people have the sense to be concerned when it looks like the token isn't required.

>> No.8768122
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Hi fren

>> No.8768161

It really is a world of difference. I will say that while I fud a lot in JNT threads they aren't deluded and their devs are active and responsive.

Link holders are in drowning in the middle of the ocean convinced that Sergey will save them while he sits in a Yacht hundreds of miles away. JNT holders are standing on the edge of a cliff Talal if everything is going to be alright and he kindly assures them it will be as Yazan is pushing random people off the cliff while other just say fuck it and bolt.

It's a refreshing difference.

>> No.8768162
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>> No.8768172


>> No.8768215

The reason people keep calling you a faggot and
a retard when you post this retarded FUD is that you're a retard and an autistic loser. They explain the token function in the whitepaper and the mainnet isn't finished therefore doesn't have full functionality. Absolute retard. I really hope you kill yourself. Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die

>> No.8768232
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I prefer “family”.

>> No.8768282
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>> No.8768288

holy shit this guy could make a career out of fudding link with this same fucking topic. go outside for once. also dyor retard

>> No.8768289

The fact that you think that devs will suddenly decide to fuck everyone over and say "we won't use the token that we did an ICO for lololol" really shows some low IQ thinking.

>> No.8768351

FUck u faggot. I bet you voted for $hillary. LONK $1000 EOY

>> No.8768384
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Before this tired fud shits up yet another thread

>> No.8768388

Read the whitepaper. Querying nodes for data from an API is done through the on-chain ChainLink ethereum smart contract. Therefore, the code for paying for API calls and getting paid for API calls in LINK isn't even available yet because it isn't part of the code for running an off-chain node. Literally neck yourself if you cannot understand this

>> No.8768405

strange how its in the whitepaper but not in the code... you'd think its so central and important they would implement it at some point

>> No.8768415

See post above you

>> No.8768426

Have you really been posting this exact same fud in every thread for 3 whole days.
I'm not one to say rent free.
rent free.

>> No.8768427

why isn't it in the sample oracle contracts either

>> No.8768457

So just like ark

>> No.8768489
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Where the fuck is the mainnet I just want to stake my stinkies in linkpool and forget about crypto for 5 years.

>> No.8768526


Fuck you, lazy faggot

>> No.8768540


>not killing 2 birds with one stone by investing in LINK

>> No.8768725

yes i've reviewed that. and I agree, someone could choose to implement their oracle to use the token. but do you agree that it's possible to implement an oracle without the token and still use it in a chainlinked smart contract?
also i bought 10k link so far.

>> No.8768784

>but do you agree that it's possible to implement an oracle without the token and still use it in a chainlinked smart contract?
Stop posting. Please.
No link is required for a node, but you won't be able to do any jobs that require LINK tokens as collateral.

>> No.8768804

Sell them immediately you non-believer

>> No.8768808


>> No.8768906

Hello brother linkie. I love you. we all love you. We all love sergey. There is hope in link.

>> No.8768921


>> No.8769072

Sounds so convoluted and ridiculous. I can't believe anyone would pay real money for that vaporware token. Holy shit, link bag holders are almost as delusional as the Vergens

>> No.8769099

It's OK that it's too complicated for you. There are other tokens that are easier to understand you might enjoy. :)

>> No.8769131


>> No.8769139

10/10 bait

>> No.8769244

Nootropic was a lot better than you even with him using month old fud

>> No.8769877
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check'd. kek is truly with us marines

>> No.8769895
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>> No.8770932

Even if a smart contract pays for ChainLink service in ETH or some other token, the ChainLink smart contract will still pay node operators in LINK and will still require node operators to offer LINK as collateral.

>> No.8770976

That's how ChainLink is blockchain agnostic while still requiring an ERC20 token like LINK. You can pay for ChainLink as a service with any crypto asset, while node operators are still dealing in LINK.

>> No.8771118

cool, thanks for taking the time. sounds plausible.