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File: 73 KB, 634x700, 456C033A00000578-4988464-Audition_The_documentary_claims_that_Michael_auditioned_with_big-a-8_1508244172761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8765398 No.8765398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gf is a dancer
>few months ago she says she was in a famous rappers music video
>video comes out recently
>she grinds with black guy in video

wat do? this was like 3 months ago and she didnt tell me what kibd of dancing she did in this video until I had to see it myself

>> No.8765414
File: 990 KB, 480x360, tumblr_ncvt7sELcK1rhaxyho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they dance like this?

>> No.8765416

Break up now, do not settle easy to find girls

>> No.8765435

Link Video

>> No.8765437

Woah... I hate to break it to you but...

>> No.8765459


>> No.8765465

lmao. Nice. You are cucked my man

>> No.8765489


>> No.8765494

ask her for 70% of earned money
become her pimp

>> No.8765501

is it actually cheating? idk

>> No.8765516

Probably a larp. Regardless:

> my girlfriend was sexually promiscuous with a famous, rich (and most likely muscular unless rick ross) guy
> Being surprised at this

Welcome to female biology. I'd dump her and move on though she's demonstrated she ain't a keeper

>> No.8765526


damaged goods, dump


she doesnt respect you anymore nigger

>> No.8765528

Link video so I can pass judgement

>> No.8765530

it was a job though not like she went to a club and did it ...

>> No.8765544

>gf is a dancer

fuckin a dude, you played yourself

>> No.8765554


haha have fun raising a mullato :)

>> No.8765573

Not biz related fuck off to pol or r9k or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.8765575

im not linking to the exact moment but. she isnt in a scene with the white rapper to give a clue


>> No.8765585

Anon here

I filmed a music video with my band, we picked the dancers from a lineup a modeling agency sent us. It was very professional and we honestly were so busy the whole time we barely interacted unless on set. Money is money, and women come and go... But xlm is forever .... better question is are you ok with being with a girl that has to use her body to make a living?

>> No.8765590

What does she work as? If she was hot enough to be in a rap vid, she's hot. If you want to keep fucking her, go ahead I wouldn't throw away consistent good pussy. But as far as marrying this girl... that's up to you. I'd say that just grinding on a guy for her job isn't a huge deal girls like to have fun, but I mean if she's in a position to be working in that kind of stuff then that's a red flag. Honestly you're going to have to assess this yourself but from the limited info I have, I wouldn't break up to keep that pussy, but don't get emotionally attached

>> No.8765618

oh fuck actually I just rewatched and she is in a scene with the white rapper and hes the one grinding her. i guess ill just say who cares its the part where he has long hair at 2:05 shes in it for like 1 second at 2:30.

thought he was black on the first viewing.

>> No.8765640

Pee in her butt. If it doesn't freak her out she is a keeper.

>> No.8765641


Damn those girls are hot. If you gf is actually one of them, get as much use out of that pussy as you can, don't listen to the permavirgins in this thread who have never been in a real relationship. Most relationships, especially when young, don't last, just enjoy her while you have her is all I can say

>> No.8765714
File: 30 KB, 680x544, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money is money, and women come and go... But xlm is forever

>> No.8765738
File: 105 KB, 657x800, 1521742305530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're only looking for a short term relationship, she might be perfect. Appearing in a famous rapper's MV means she must be pretty and has a hot body.

But if you're looking for a serious, long-term relationship (and/or marriage), I'd not recommend you girls like that.

>> No.8765771

Normally I'm just lurking here but seriously anon - you are overreacting. Snap the fuck out of it.

It's nothing, it's not even "grinding" it's just a video. If she's a "dancer" and that makes you jealous you have trust issues.

delet dis tret op.

>> No.8765840
File: 3.51 MB, 432x480, 1515291798204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest she probably fucked one of them and at the very least is communicating with them behind your back, or communicating with one of their producers behind your back. Just keep fucking her until you find a non degenerate to be with. I've dated enough models to know this is ALWAYS the case. When they are truly hot the scumbags or their gay friends find shit like this to do. Also if she has any gay guy friends try to get to stay away from them, gays are degenerates who try to bring their friends down to their level and most of them have aids and do hard drugs.

>> No.8765865


Now you made me watch shitty music videos to get a grip of context but I think the idea of the scene where OP's GF was in - that it was a "hippie party in the 70s". Look at the colour grading, the clothing etc...

OP is a lucky man and needs to stop wining.

>> No.8765880

>wat do?
go back to /pol/

>> No.8765892

The thing with dancers is inevitably they end up chatting with some big dick black man and subsequently find out he can dance and they fall for them. Just saying.

>> No.8765967

>a thread died for this

>> No.8766133
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 1522794085403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not really that, I'll drop a redpill for you and anyone else reading this. Women have about the same iq as niggers, which is incredibly low. Women and niggers are easily persuaded by calls/propaganda to emotion. Thats why 98% of blacks vote democrat, theyre so fucking stupid that any propaganda and celebrity in front of them will instantly sway them. Women see a retarded nigger with bling on that is semi famous who gives them attention and your relationship with them goes out the window because theyre in the moment. Women are fucking retards that do what feels good to them at a certain time. Thats why are white forefathers wanted women in the kitchen because they knew their mental capacity. You have to understand how womens brains work then you can try to persuade them subliminally to keep them out of trouble. This is why them having gay friends is a no go. Its only like 5% of women have a high enough iq to not be persuaded in the moment without you there reminding her. Also you can slowly redpill her on niggers and gooks, basically you start slow and you want her to build disgust with them. You want her to look at niggers and other sub humans as filth, if you can do that you will never have an issue. It sounds harsh but you'll keep her genetic pool from having missing link nose.

>> No.8766223

Just dump her dude, she should consulted you when they asked her to dance sensual for other dudes in a rap video.

How would she react when it was visa versa?

If you approve this your on a slippery slope

>> No.8766248

no of course not it's work. if they went out after then it's cheating.

tell her that makes you uncomfortable but you still love her

>> No.8766278

bro she didn't do shit get over it

>> No.8766320

If she tells you 3 moths later, why not tell earlier? Maybe she cheated and is trying to feel less guilty now by telling that or by anticipating a good reaction from you. Still never marry a "im free and beautiful and invincible" type woman who is a dancer om top of it. Smash and dash

>> No.8766325

>better question is are you ok with being with a girl that has to use her body to make a living?


>> No.8766337

Look, your girlfriend is hot. When you date good looking people, you always have to realize that other good looking people are going to be trying to sleep with them.

In your girl's line of work, you literally get work by being sexual/sleeping around. You should be prepared to end this relationship at any time. That's how I think of things. Never become too attached to someone that's extremely good looking, it won't end well for either of you. Not to say she cheated on you - who knows. Maybe you'll never know.

>> No.8766338
File: 183 KB, 986x1136, 1522566265585-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8766356

Post pics of you two together or you're a larping faggot

>> No.8766366

@ 2:28 there's literally a naked girl shown very briefly. that her?

>> No.8766378
File: 80 KB, 560x533, 20429DE2-B085-4AA4-942B-8C473208B248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu, if you're an insecure cuck you should break up with her so she can find a MAN

on a side note I saw Geazy live this tour and went to the afterparty. God that party was wild. love the dude

>> No.8766384

Dump her and give me her number.

>> No.8766391

yes it is, you fucking cuck

>> No.8766407
File: 54 KB, 561x560, 5jsn3o01l2yz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakup. What will you tell your kids if they end up seeing it, mommy had to rub on a guys dick so she could further her "career" lmao.

>> No.8766411
File: 84 KB, 718x615, 1522835985485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2018, It's ok to be BLACKED my man.

>> No.8766424

That image

>> No.8766435


what is seeing niggers as filth is her taboo and makes her want to fuck them more.

would you kys then?

>> No.8766450

this video is lit actually OP thanks for letting us see your GF's snatch

>> No.8766457

move along nothing to see here. You can only ruin it for yourself at this point

>> No.8766484

no she isnt nude on the video. there are some fast jump cuts tho so Im actually just assuming none of those are her. Shes only shown for 1 second dancing with G eazy his fingers in his hair and grinding.

>> No.8766524

Keep your nonsense to rebbit kiddo

>> No.8766663

Okay no one cares and this has nothing to do with business or finance. THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF GETTING KEKED.

>> No.8766708
File: 26 KB, 640x633, 1515783196275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP feel your pain. recently divorced a stripper after 5 years marriage... I know... I know...
>it was totally worth it though - the nasty fucking things we did... oh boy.

>> No.8766851

you choke during missionary sex and pound her ass doggystyle to remind her whos boss. fucking cucks on this board

>> No.8766929

Break up with her you cuck faggot

>> No.8766961

>giving more pleasure to the coalburner
wow what a great idea

>> No.8766978

Fuck that hoe bro, black dude or not she is a hoe if she s in a rap video. I fucked a couple of "video honeys" from a tech nine video. Respect for the rappers NOOOOOOO respect for the nasty whores that are in the videos. She's just a good booty call bro

>> No.8766981

Ultra kek

>> No.8767422 [DELETED] 
File: 779 KB, 697x697, 2018-04-05 16_52_52-(86) G-Eazy - Sober (Official Video) ft. Charlie Puth - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8767460

>says she was in a rappers music video
>she grinds with black guy
It was a rap video, what were you expecting? The time to get mad was months ago if you were going to, now you're just an idiot if you get mad over it.

>> No.8767494

go ask >>>/pol/. They're the ones with all the hangups about this shit.

>> No.8767543

No faggot, youre projecting what you would do though. You basically just let everyone know youre a soyboy manlet.

>> No.8767549

He was white so it's ok.

>> No.8767703

What things? Be specific, anon. Did you use her butt hole as a pantry, and keep tinned soup up there, before making her poo it out, heat it up and eat it? Did you make her blow her nose into dirty knickers and you eat the snot from the gusset? Did you dip your dick in black paint and make her call you nigger-daddy?

>> No.8767748

>she wasn't with the white rapper
>only artists in this video are G-Eazy and Charlie Puth
What did he mean by this