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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 907x585, chainlinkfollows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8763911 No.8763911 [Reply] [Original]

So are we not even going to talk about these 5 new accounts that @chainlink is following on Twitter?

>> No.8764024

I think I know why they're following 2 random women and 1 random guy.

Perhaps someone new was given access to the chainlnk account and accidentally followed these people who they know personally. Thinking they were still signed in on their own account?

>> No.8764093



>> No.8764193

See if they follow them in a week. social media growth bots follow random (or heuristically selected) people, wait a little, then unfollow them later. That's because people follow back and don't check if the follows are still mutual later.

>> No.8764273

You seriously think Sergey would stoop so low as to use a social media growth bot?

>> No.8764507

The concept of Jumpstart is the perfect use case for CL. https://www.jumpstartrecovery.com/

$1000 eoy

>> No.8764596

Well it's a company account, so yeah, I think he would and should. It's dirt cheap.

However, I just checked the account - I didn't know it only follows 9 accounts. So it's probably not a bot.

>> No.8765123

Any way to get a timestamp on follows? Did they start following jumpstart before or after the larper brought it up?

>> No.8765227

LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAY you fucking stupid piece of shit. lying on the internet isn't larping.

>> No.8765583

They’re new follows anon.

>> No.8765601


>> No.8765625


I don't even care desu.

We already know LINK will make us rich.

I just took out a massive loan to buy LINK. I can afford to pay the minimum monthly payments for the next 6 month anyway so I figured why the fuck not

>> No.8765633

Those are what Sergey's couchsurfing girls from this week.
He's a real man, with real man appetite.

>> No.8765661

we aready knew this, sergey is a visionary, he wants to bring peace to the world, have a world economy, that's why i invest in chainlink I love the guy and why he is doing it, if you're not happy feel freee to sell

>> No.8765662
File: 109 KB, 769x697, 1522863420266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sutter Law and Jumpstart seems to be interested.

Who is Jay Borders?

>> No.8765978

Probably related to Adrienne borders


>> No.8766235
File: 382 KB, 875x1010, 3BB31E6A-698B-47ED-A5D3-0F1DFB32A0F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow ok guys I think this is significant. Like, more than what was said here >>8764024 I don’t think it’s someone who has just automatically followed the “people you may know” option Twitter gives you when you first sign up.

Both Adrienne Borders and Jay Borders follow Christopher Borders: they’re probably all related. Christopher Borders also follows Lowell J Borders (@JayBorders1040), probably another account of Jay Borders.

But get this. Christopher Borders follows:

Kate Stillwell @stillwellkate, CEO of Jumpstart, and she follows him back
Sergey Nazarov
Joyce Nortley (followed by chainlink)
Sutter Law (followed by chainlink)

So these are clearly NOT just random follows but are meaningful in some way. I don’t understand what it means but my first guess is that it’s something to do with the law firm, Christopher Borders (who is a lawyer, but not for the firm chainlink follows) and the earthquake insurance. Like the legal side, perhaps they’ve all been in talks with chainlink. This would explain the Christopher Borders connection BUT it doesn’t explain why chainlink follows two of his relatives and this black girl?

Come on autistics, we can figure it out.

>> No.8766260

Already reving up my autism to maximum levels.

>> No.8766274

Sutter Law also follows Christopher Borders back.
So does Joyce Nortley.

>> No.8766357
File: 44 KB, 1215x630, Down the rabbit hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Jay Borders account is fucking weird, only Link follows it. And it only follows sports teams and presidents, weird account.

it also follows Chris Borders as >>8766235
pointed out

>> No.8766396

They must have followed him based on a search for him via email or something? Why would they follow such a dead account

>> No.8766402
File: 75 KB, 1920x886, a6d6eb10-a139-459f-a23b-249cd2f7c0de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap son, so Chris Borders is part of borderslawgroup.com, which is a law firm that specializes in startup businnes law, focused on San Francisco mainly.

Check out their testimonial page.

>> No.8766449

They also deal in data management and privacy, security compliance, technology protection & development, which is basically intellectual property.

My guess is Link is securing their technology so people can't just clone it later.

>> No.8766452
File: 69 KB, 800x640, f2a7e373ee6c227a5fd80246e6adc0b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone have the quote about how LINK will be used for Earth quake insurance? That blew my mind..

>> No.8766466
File: 15 KB, 400x299, Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn so Segey used their law services?

>> No.8766467

They gave him a girl avatar. Hahaha.

>> No.8766498

The social justice warriors are to counter /biz/ culture. Sergey is one of us, he wouldn't be able to say that negroes are equal to medias. Adrienne tho...

>> No.8766529
File: 1.99 MB, 2100x1500, 817ADBEF-E8A3-4069-9236-94694BC985BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to ignore Link threads because I don’t want to get my hopes up with all the Link tokens I own, but this kind of shit makes it impossible.

>> No.8766536

Well, not Sergey, but Chainlink. But yeah, I get your point that it's less interesting than it really is.

>> No.8766557

>US department of Defense

>> No.8766567

Actually I think that's quite interesting

>> No.8766581

This is unrelated to this thread but I just found something that backs up something I was looking into a few weeks ago.
This is the thread I started when I started thinking that Urbit wants to use chainlink:
Some anons were really excited about this because apparently the Urbit creator is some sort of Trump advisor or right wing blogger of some sorts.

Now I just found Sergey’s Urbit meetup profile. Last active 3 months ago.

So yah pretty likely they are involved.

>> No.8766589

Riddle Anon mentioned "military connections were revealed" some time ago. Perhaps that's related

>> No.8766645

His last name is BorderS, not Border. Wrong guy.

>> No.8766685

Ok so the latest testimonial is a guy named S. Gautam. This is the most relevant LinkedIn profiler for S. Gautam who works as a senior data scientist for pub matic which is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, so it makes sense it’s him. He previously worked in machine learning, as well as for credit suisse.

The company deals with providing Omni-channel revenue automation technology. I’m on my phone so let’s see who can tie what together. I’m not looking for any direct connections with chainlink here, but the clientele of the law group could be grouped together somehow.

Help me fellow autismos

>> No.8766699


The profile mentioned https://www.linkedin.com/in/gautam-soneja-6675b056

>> No.8766717
File: 226 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8766728

Stutter Law, which also deals with tech companies for intellectual property laws, has Chris Borders as it's latest follow. So it's pretty safe to assume that Stutter Law and Borderslawgroup.com are working together.

Also, that jay borders account is Christophers (he has like 3 knockoff accounts), his full name is Christopher Jay Borders. https://www.martindale.com/san-francisco/california/christopher-jay-borders-267429-a

My autism is really sharp today.

>> No.8766750


>> No.8766814

Feels good knowing that anime will literally make me rich
>be eleven years old on polykarbon bbs
>ask about someone's super kawaii avatar
>it is from 4chan lol
>have now been on 4chan for 16 years
>leading a pretty normal life the entire time
>buy eth because of biz hype
>make 1000% gains on alts
>go 100% into chainlink

>> No.8766868

It's sergeys attorneys and friends who will assist in the exit scam.

>> No.8766927

They’re either prepping for the worst or the best.

>> No.8766933


>> No.8766941

Christopher Borders follows Joyce Nortey (and she follows him back), so that's how they connect to each other.

So Joyce is a public health advocate, apparently, and a biotech professional. I have no idea how she fits into chainlink, but it seems like a possible partnership? Since it most likely involved Chris's firm.

>> No.8767047

Same for Adrienne Borders, she just follows Chris. She is a teacher and a wedding coordinator, have no idea if this means anything to Link, she is not even from the technology area. She just lives in San Francisco.

So yeah, anyone got any guesses about the two random girls?

>> No.8767129
File: 72 KB, 712x512, MosleyWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social justice educator

Just sold my whole stack, fuck this gay ass coin

>> No.8767179
File: 34 KB, 637x921, 1522962577649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does it mean?

W-will i have enough to drop on a downpayment in the next few months?

>> No.8767205

Patient data availability ties directly into insurance applications for example. Could be a million uses though. I'm not involved in hospital administration, but I'd imagine there are a bunch of processes that can be improved or automated via smart contract.

>> No.8767208

As for the health advocate, it's possible she's related to a hospital system in the area. Back at SXSW, the anon that got in to the panel mentioned that there was talk of smart contract use in healthcare. He mentioned a system in particular that is HUGE in the bay area, Kaiser Permanente. 1000% speculation, but maybe she's related to them somehow. Just trying to think of a possible lead...

>> No.8767283
File: 131 KB, 714x552, sergbuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same brotha. sold all my eth and put it into chainlink. this is my golden ticket.

>> No.8767309
File: 25 KB, 380x250, tumblr_nmqozwR0N81titub2o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see the FUD is starting up again, lol guys

You're going to be rich from chainlink


>> No.8767327

She seems more like she is from the clinical research area, doesn't even look like she works for anyone big, she is still finishing her masters from University of San Francisco.

Her linkedin says she works for Nektar Therapeutics, which is a research based biopharmaceutical company.

Still no idea how it relates to link, but it seems cool.

>> No.8767343

she's just a thot our lord and savior sergey got in bed with dont worry

>> No.8767455

brainlet going all in
>high risk high reward
There are at least 10 other solid coins that can make it
>not splitting it up into at least 3-4 coins
That way if LINK isn't the one, you have a chance with one of the others. Doesn't matter if 3 out of your 4 coins are garbage, if 1 goes parabolic it's GG. You are rich

>> No.8767492

Thanks pal.. worry about your own beliefs and ill worry about mine

>> No.8767505

>social justice educator
Anybody else getting a little worried here? I could forgive Sergey saying that a percentage of Chainlink proceeds is donated to refugee relief funds in Europe, because he could at least have tax write offs. But having someone whose entire job is to be a "social justice educator" on the team? This is going too far.

>> No.8767516

did I also say anywhere I went all in? I literally said i sold all my eth.

>> No.8767519

what are the 10 coins faggot?

>> No.8767558

ok pal
Enjoy being a very high risk gambler

>> No.8767563

Wtf she’s not on the team you absolute retard.

>> No.8767569

secret :^)
You've seen them shilled on Biz at some point

>> No.8767614


>> No.8767921

Bumping for someones fresh autism to kick this thing back again.

>> No.8768350


>> No.8768567

Best box in the business.

>> No.8768714

San fran, sergey is san fran, i think he gave her the big mac sauce

>> No.8768747
File: 613 KB, 1125x2436, 6ACE0EA0-8B0F-4605-A199-CBAD21F9988F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris is the jumpstart attorney

>> No.8768765

OK makes sense.
What's up with the black chick?

>> No.8768819
File: 928 KB, 3000x2961, BE98E63C-B4BC-4262-B431-B5C4FFD3DD49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that makes sense. Think about it, the panel at SXSW involved discussion about law and smart contracts. It makes sense that lawyers would be deeply involved in the writing of smart contracts including the systems surrounding them so there can be a legal framework. So it makes perfect sense the LINK boys would have multiple connections to many lawyers, especially Chris, when it is obvious that JumpStart will be using LINK as their smart oracle for the USGS earthquake data.
So basically LINK can facilitate a revolution in the insurance industry as a whole, and that’s just one use case for it.

>> No.8768833

>3-4 other solid coins

>> No.8768883

Fascinating. What about the practice of law itself?

>As far as accuracy goes, the study showed that humans can (for the most part) keep up with AI in reviewing contracts. The same couldn’t be said when it came to speed, however.
>On average, the lawyers took 92 minutes to finish reviewing the contracts. The longest time taken by an individual lawyer was 156 minutes and the shortest 51 minutes.
>LawGeex’s AI, on the other hand, only needed 26 seconds.

>> No.8768888

Hmmm interesting

>> No.8768907

Forgot my link, pardon

Another article:

>“What machines give you is the option to get access to more and more data faster and cheaper — that’s the real core of it,” explains David Holme, chief executive officer and founder of Exigent Group Limited, a global provider of legal process outsourcing services that leverage machine learning technology for discovery and contract processing. “It’s like a searchlight that can look into the corners of the organization. Machine learning and better information will allow experts to make better judgments. And experts must be humble enough to realize that this is a tool that they can use rather than being threatened by it.”

>> No.8768920

So that Jumpstart is gonna use link is pretty much confirmed. Their website looks slick too, seems like an amazing startup.

I can't even believe that I may actually have a lot of money in 2-3 years.

>> No.8768947

Sergey probably recommended this Borders fellow to Jumpstart personally, based on his testimonial.

>> No.8768954

this is deep level meme magic reference.
What was the date of the "Trump will win 2016" 7777777 get?

>> No.8768975

One tweet
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8768982

Yup. Definitely 3 or 4 good coins there anon
(not 5)

>> No.8769056
File: 14 KB, 1322x131, qK2tBmj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 19. Pretty close, really...

>> No.8769073

offsubject but I just got my chainlink node to run on ropsten. I am using this branch


>> No.8769103
File: 574 KB, 634x517, linkwolf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8769107

That's pretty fucking cool, man.

Ropsten is fucking close.

>> No.8769144

Holy shit LINK is so trippy

>> No.8769259

When ropsten is live, does it mean we can start satking links in nodes? I thought that was just with the mainnet.

>> No.8769270

am I the only one notice this is fake i mean theres no dot after the N

>> No.8769276

Go check their testimonial page yourself, retard.

>> No.8769299


>> No.8769338


>> No.8769347


>> No.8769367

Are there any known links between Smartcontract.com and UC Berkeley?

>> No.8769449

>There is a line between insurance and gambling. In the spectrum of insurance coverages, policies of indemnity are in the middle of the spectrum. As you move towards the gambling line you find parametric products. They are not promises of indemnity (make the insured whole) but they promise a set amount of liquidated damages if the insured suffers loss upon the happening of an event. The potential product in this article does not require loss. This is gambling.
One of the comments. All the comments are SALTY as FUCK. I had no idea that insurers could get so salty about this lol

>> No.8769508

>Under what appears to be a parametric product, which does not indemnify the pure loss but makes a payment upon the occurrence of a triggering event, policyholders pay a monthly amount and are promised they will get paid a set amount automatically if there is an earthquake in their area, even if they do not suffer damage.

Muh oracles.

>> No.8769552

Healthcare is a huge smart contract application that no one tends to bring up here. Look into the 21st Century Cures Act:


>> No.8769609

Right? Fucking oracles. I don’t get the hype. Automated payments and processes with no chance for downtime and it’s all tamper proof? Pfft who gives a shit im buying more XVG

>> No.8769612

I've met a bunch of insurance brokers over the years and they are the most boring fucking type of cuck. It is insufferable to be around them as they have such a strong opposition to anything that strays away from low risk. So fucking boring.

>> No.8769719


The Visa and DocuSign connected car is interesting... who was on that panel with Sergey again?

>> No.8769929

bump. cuck

>> No.8770021


>> No.8770062

What type of api can be provided for a construction use case? I understand the smart contract aspect but how do you verify the work is completed

>> No.8770130

Inspectors, I assume you could use multiple. Let’s say the job gets posted, we use 10 inspectors, they all submit their results anon (hopefully) consensus determines % of completed work.

This is a guess. But basically anything. Obviously you can have corrupt inspectors. But right now construction is bs. Ever drive down the highway and the road is torn apart, and it’s been like that forever, and expenses are all shady? Anyone that lives in Toronto can see the gardener is torn up for 10 years, how much time / money has been wasted because the company is milking it?

>> No.8770179

I’m from Toronto. Can confirm. The Gardener is fucked

>> No.8770374

Fucking heeeeeuuuuuuge

>> No.8770400

>Oct 2015

>> No.8770449

Smartcontract has been around longer tho.

>> No.8770455

you realize smart contract has been making oracles and working with large clients for years. Chainlink is their decentralized oracle network product which they will push to their customers.

Many customers will elect to be nodes providing their own data.

>> No.8770510

>working with large clients for years

They used to only deal with bitcoin. Hyperledger and Ethereum are recent innovations

>> No.8770542

Yo Adrienne. Let me tap that. I have 100k chainlink and will chain you to the bed babycakes.