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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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873703 No.873703 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you actually ENJOY your job? i.e. which of you aren't wagecucks?

remember that the only difference between a wagecuck and a free spirit is that a free spirit legitimately enjoys getting up in the morning to go to work

>> No.873713

I think I only get up and go to work every morning so that I can look forward to my first drink after work.

>functioning alcoholic

>> No.874045
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My work is nice :^ )

Only problem is waking up with a neg/neut feedback.

>> No.874051


>> No.874053
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she likes her job

recycling, helping the world become a better place :^ )

>> No.874058
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>be 28
>do accounting for a living
>fucking hate it

>the end

Honestly, it is terrible. I wish I could go back and pick something different. Staring at spreadsheets allllllll fucking day is a miserable existence. Im looking to get out.

My drinking has gone through the roof since I started doing accounting. Pick something less soul sucking.

>> No.874065

Can't you write a macro that does your job for you?

>> No.874067
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> mfw I'm living the NEET life until the academic year starts

>> No.874075

I'm starting my accounting major within 3 weeks. Why is it bad and what else should I pick? Please help.

>> No.874080

I love my job, but mostly because I'm already rich and don't really work that much.

>> No.874084

I like my job. Great bunch of people. I'm well respected. Job itself is fairly challenging but department is poorly managed and have to deal with some shit.

Only real downside is the three hours a day traveling to and from work. That's why I turned down the extension to my contract.

Mfw I already have a new contract that will likely run for the next two years and I know most of the people I will be working with. That, and the day rate is 40% higher, my travel will drop to under an hit a day, and I can work from home 2 days a week.

No wagecuck here. Self employed master race.

>> No.874090

I wouldn't say it's bad, but don't go in thinking you'll get any satisfaction from it.

>> No.874097

Sounds like you should just smoke some weed buddy.

>> No.874116

How? Family business?

>> No.874124

Yes. My father's private foundation, mostly real estate.

>> No.874159

In accounting
>Visual basic

Seems logical... not an account, so I really have no say, but can you answer this please.

>> No.875977

im jelly

my father owns a business too but i actually need to be present to run it, it's not a business that can just run it self

>> No.875979

how do you make eBay a job? is it really hard? are there better forums for learning about it? is ebay outdated? I feel like 2015 is late to get in on the eBay game

>> No.875992
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I came in 2014, so I was pretty late myself.

It's not hard, lol just have to gamble a little but have enough common sense to know what you're doing.

I've gotten to the point that if someone copied my entire store, I'd still make more sales than them. Even at that, if I wanted to I could have their acc shut down. You learn as you go, just know that there's others like you that will upset you're doing better than them :^ )

>> No.875994

I think it _is_ a bit late. I sold on eBay back when it was new. Took a break when they started foisting Paypal on everybody for everything. Tried to get back into it a few years ago. It's way more difficult to sell anything now. I really don't advise it without a solid backup plan.

>> No.876037

Just got out of the marines and started working at KPMG
>Sitting at a desk is literal heaven and I can go home to my gf and a bed every night
>Never been happier with such a comfy, boring existence

I have co workers who complain all the time about being tired and doing long hours but they have never really dealt with a life that has truly sucked. So for guys like you who complain, shut the fuck up and realize that it only seems like it sucks because you dont know how your life could suck more.

>> No.876056

Not me my job sucks cock and I'm pretty sure I might be getting fired tomorrow for calling in Friday kek

>> No.876116


I wouldn't even have the capital to start a store on ebay until 2017, so I think I'll just move on to something else.

56k in a month is really impressive tho my man, congratulations. How much are you making in profit?

>> No.876123

Doing equity research in an interesting subsector of an otherwise boring field. 12 hour workdays but pay is good and i spend my time studying new businesses and how they compete, then talking about them with their managers, ceos, and investors. Also lots of excel but downtime between earnings seasons to do my own research.

No chance of upward mobility because my analyst has been here 6 years and probably will be here for another 20+ but i can always change companies.

>> No.876129


Work for Deloitte. Shit pay & long hours. No satisfaction. Job only starts paying well if you can stick it out to manager or above - be prepared to trade your time for money.

>> No.876131

I wake up at ten or so, clean up, and head to classes for a few hours. Then I do some programming work on campus for a few hours. This is something I enjoy doing.

Then I go home, work in my garden, and play games, read, or study topics that interest me until around 3 in the morning.

Once I've graduated I'll probably pursue a phd, but trade in the part-time programming job and garden for a full fledged income producing permaculture farm.

I'm moderately happy with my daily life, and my prospects look good.

>> No.876135

I'm indifferent, the good outweigh the bad. It's a 5 minute bike ride which is great, there are opportunities to move horizontally or vertically so there is a variety of roles that i could look it if i choose. The bad is really only the wage and it can get a bit boring.

>> No.876281

>move horizontally

what do you mean? like a different department or branch of the company?

>> No.876284

I don't enjoy my job so to speak, but I enjoy the work life balance. I work 12-14 hour shifts but get 4 days off a week. And I make enough money to do what I enjoy, such as owning a boat to go fishing, season tickets to the Saints, video games, eating out like the fat bastard I am, etc.

>> No.876287


I got "promoted" from Shift Supervisor to Manager. Job duties hardly changed, but I went from hourly to Salary with a 25% increase in pay. Only thing new I've taken on is training new employees and staying a little later to close the office.

>> No.876295


You don't need python. VBA, SQL, and maybe some autohotkey.

>> No.876298


If you don't know Python, then good luck getting a career in Finance 20 years from now. With big data analytic becoming the norm, you need to learn a programming language, and Python is most in demand right now because it's a great language for big data and it's easy to learn.

>> No.876317

i like to go to work so i can get away from the wife

>> No.876356


Wageslave here: I like my job, I can find something to do all day, or I can basically dick around and barely do anything. We an unsupervized, so it's all about freedom under responsibility.
My collegues are cool, always up for a good chat, my boss is pretty good and actually listens to suggestions.
The salary is very good, I earn the same or more than a nurse (which is paid good in my country)
I have a variety of tasks to do on a given day, so I never really get bored.

Are there drawbacks?`Hell yes. Do I have lazy collegues? Hell yes. Are there days when I hate being there? Hell yes.

But 9/10 days I go home feeling satisfied that the day has gone as I would like it to, and then I have money enough to basically do whatever I want barring buying a yacht. Several of my collegues have fishing boats though, but you can get them rather cheaply

>> No.876358


>> No.876361
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Woah I wish, I actually made only 9k.

My limit for monthly sales is 80k.

I'm netting only around 2k a month, I haven't really looked into the total. I just know I have money to spend whenever.


>> No.876376

I work in my stepdad's company, i'm a sysadmin, usually i just sit in my office playing video games or watching movies, occasionally check up on the servers, if something goes wrong fix it, only thing i dislike is idiot users and emergencies. The pay is good, and i have plenty of time to do my hobbies and better myself outside of my job.

>> No.876379

I love my job. Phd in laser physics reporting in

>currently working in the medical field
>can work in spacecraft propulsion if I want to
>can work in nuclear energy if I want to
>can work in electronics if I want to
>can work in communications if I want to

so many interesting options, so little time...

>> No.876673

>You're not allowed to dislike something because it could be worse

>> No.876692

Lmao what a hardass

>> No.876727

I work 8hrs a day, 6-7 days a week at a drive through at a fast food place, and 3 8hr shifts per week at an electronics store.

Everyone I post here, I loose valuable sleep time. I fell into the taking loans for college scam and had to drop out, so I need to work like this for a year until the military takes me in to pay for my education.

I tucking hate the hours, but the people I work with are laid back and are genuinely have fun. Its only temporary so I don't get too upset about it.