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8757850 No.8757850 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women study and work? This is an honest question. If I was a young woman, I would marry as soon as possible. I wouldn't waste my precious hours at a job or degree. Why don't they just marry rich?

>> No.8757873

because they have souls, Anon...

>> No.8757887

The women I know who work are intelligent and driven and have existential needs that can only be met through meaningful work. But they’re not really wagecucking in the shitty sense, they’re educated and have good jobs that they’re doing for reasons beyond money.

I know a dude who’s a millionaire who still works because he’d be bored out of his mind otherwise. I’d imagine some women don’t want to just sit at home doing nothing while their rich husband works.

>> No.8757894

>thinks women have souls
you know women are the niggers of gender right?

>> No.8757911
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A woman who studies and works demonstrates better genetics for putative children than one who doesn't.

You'd know this if you studied. Or worked.

>> No.8757914

>my precious hours

Yea, it’s so important that you have enough time to share gay images on biz and play video games. Precious

>> No.8757930

They've been brainwashed. Feminism did two (2) things:
>halved the wages
>doubled the labour supply

>> No.8757944

She's going to crash into The Wall so hard. I bet she does drugs too.

>> No.8758003

kys if not bait. Theres nothing wrong with women working hard and pursuing professional goals.

I'd be ashamed of my sister if she grows up to be a dumb, lazy person that has no ambition apart from being entirely reliant on some dude.

>> No.8758039

but it’s true, not only have women lowered the value of labour (just simple supply and demand) but also pushed up the prices of homes, now its virtually impossible to get a house on just 1 income...

>> No.8758056

>I’d imagine some women don’t want to just sit at home doing nothing while their rich husband works.
Right. They need attention and sexual validation from other men and women. These are thots. They aren't allowed to leave the house by themselves because they'll cheat on you. The state of western women.

Source: Got cucked

>> No.8758071

so, the muslims and hindus are right?

>> No.8758098

1. Not all women are pretty enough to marry young.

2. Many of those that are cannot because of social constraints.

3. Women want independence. They want to achieve financially same as men. Whether or not you think this is necessary is another matter for discussion.

4. Any woman that marries young requires a chad upon which to bestow her gifts. There aren't many. Less than there was 50 years ago.

5. Most men are unworthy.

>> No.8758118

>Why don't they just marry rich?
take a look at OPs pic again

>> No.8758132

I fucking LOVE girls like this. I live to swipe right on them. No larp.

>> No.8758167

I cucked 2 guys in last 2 years, both their gfs assured me they are single.
Asked them explicitly.
Then it happened 3rd time in a row, "single" girl, only I found out early and went on thot shaming spergout on 2nd date.
Every single time.
Every cucking is a roastie scheme. No man wants to share the hole with another dick, even if he is bull or whatever.

>> No.8758237
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>> No.8758277

Women who routinely say shit like this are jaded from playing around just like you beta people are (the fact you're on an app means you're beta). Or perhaps they are looking for something meaningful and are being openly cautious, but deep down they want a pretty stereotypical life just like the life you seem to idealize. This is more often than not the case.

If you ever landed one you'd realize it. Sucks to represent 'kekistan' like a fucking frogposting virgin right?

>> No.8758301


The young pretty ones are busy giving their arse away for free. When they get older they somehow thing a real man is going to take care of them which simply won't happen because they're all used up.

Filthy fucking sluts.

>> No.8758309

bcoz the state has brainwashed women to work so that it can increase its GDP and can get tax from their income..
An easy 2x from world where men alone work

>> No.8758322
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No they don't, they suck souls out.

>> No.8758464

Women have lower self-esteem and higher empathy. This means their happiness is more reliant on external approval. Besides that, by definition not all women can marry rich. For all we love to have a big circlejerk about how modern society hates males, it's worth remembering the rise of casual sex and decline of universal moral values destroys stability, and women crave stability. Hypersexuality is not a cause but a consequence of abandonment issues, daddy problems, etc., essentially a desperate search for intimacy through what is supposed to be the most intimate act.

>> No.8758484

thanks anon for explaining this in such a coherent fashion. screencaping this.

>> No.8758488


Yeah, that's why 1000iq billonaires like Trump choose intelligent and hard working women, natural selection!

>> No.8758506

There is though. Women used to have the most important job of all, raising the next generation. Now it’s impossible to raise a family on one income and public schools are glorified baby sitting centers. Well you see how great the future generations are being raised.

>> No.8758686

Lots of women bought into the like propaganda of men and women being the same. Marrying for money should be the top priority for a woman.

>> No.8758770
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I'm a girl (girl) from a very traditional/upper class uk family where most people have arranged marriages due to financial/inheritance reasons (it's near impossible meeting other centi-millionaries)

A fancy preferably oxbridge degree is required to get a good partner and prove you're not a new money idiot.

Work is a personal choice, I personally can't be bothered with it but about half my family do it to avoid getting bored

>> No.8758902

they think a high income will make them attractive to chads and they want to be independent to fuck whoever they want.

that women are by nature sluts is something that was known throughout antiquity.

>> No.8758922


>> No.8758978

>Not all women
>Most men

>> No.8759136

The amount of /pol/ retardation in this thread is ridiculous. I don't care if women do this or that, feminazis and shit is discussed in fucking /pol/ not here. Go with your stupid topics back to retardland we are here just to make money.

On a sidenote, in a financial point of view a working woman is a good woman. Who in their right mind would want to maintain a leech that just sits around and waits for your dick? Escorts are way cheaper than that...
If I ever marry, the woman should fucking work for her makeup and dresses, I am not paying for that crap.

>> No.8759268

this honestly makes more sense then just

>> No.8759496

You bored noble faggots will be outvoted by groids and stripped of your belongings by neomarxists,

>> No.8759603
File: 362 KB, 523x592, SmugAnimeGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are supposed to be home-makers not providers and despite what you think a quality home is a ton of work, you just have to see the number of dysfunctiunnal kids from single mothers or divorced parents to realize it.

Women working just subordinated them to their bosses instead of their husbands (now guess which ones gives more a fuck about their well-being and self-actualization), overall feminism is a byproduct of a bunch of bored upper class women who wanted to play the man.

>3. Women want independence. They want to achieve financially same as men. Whether or not you think this is necessary is another matter for discussion.

Bullshit, vast majority of women are just wagies doing it to feed themselves because one income is not enough for the family or even a couple.

I've never met single women who thrived for independence, hell none of them have been single for more than a year and when they were they dated intensively to find a new man.
What they thrived for is society approval (because it's what women chase and why they are far more conformist than men) and it happens that you need to have a corporate career for a woman for that these days.

But beyond that a "career" is a just a cope for 30s and 40s single women who threw away their only chance of fulfillment, meaning and happiness for more shekels and a pat on the head from their bosses.

>> No.8759635


lmao ;)

>> No.8759686

professional women are a joke. nearly all of them suck at what they do. and the ones who are good are broken and bad mates.
total meme that young people believe in

>> No.8759703
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>> No.8759723

Ha, have fun dropping the kids off at daycare to be cared for by idiot strangers all day and then picking them up after work while your wife gets drinks with her boss.

Oh yea and have fun paying about as much as your wife makes for that service.

>> No.8759743

Most rich dudes are like hot women.
Meaning highly flawed and crazy.
Also you should google self actualization.
Every human strives for self actualization which includes living up to their potential.
Lots of people claim that if they were rich they would never work a day ever again but most people who could retire dont because they start to feel shitty.

>> No.8759857

Women do not have empathy. Empathy entails relating to someone after having had gone through a similar situation. US women are protected princesses and only project. They see suffering and are so deeply scared of it they reach out as a means of containing it, thus controlling it.

>> No.8759943

Exactly, women have one job they’re good at-raising their own children. Their communistic mentality ensures all children are cared for equally and their their stunted maturity allows them to easily relate to said children.

>> No.8759975

Your wife should be at home caring for your 7 children.

>letting your wife wear make-up like a whore

>> No.8760052

>7 children
Children are fucking disgusting

>> No.8760058

so they don't have to be slaves to some rich autist? the guys who are rich and have a nice personality are probably either taken or don't feel like commitment. if the girl wastes her youth on him and he never marries then she'll be poor and ugly

>> No.8760064

Hi retard. Reaching one’s genetic potential is all that really matters. Having a wife stay home with your children is the foundation of you and her ultimate success.

>> No.8760081

You criticize woman for not having empathy, but you actually sound like a sociopath just parroting what other people say. It doesn't really makes sense in this context and shows a complete lack of empathy from you.

>> No.8760120
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You bring shame upon your ancestors
You will extinct your bloodline
Meanwhile the dumbest, most inferior people in society breed like rabbits

>> No.8760133

Criticize? No, that be akin to criticizing a deer for having no wings. Simply stating what I believe to be true and the reason it does not wholly compute with you is because you are not walking down a path laid out by natural order, or God’s laws. You have been usurped by domestication of the mind-hence the herd mentality.

>> No.8760168

Im sure you spent your entire neet 13 year old life coming up with that.
You dont have any ethos for me to take you seriously.

>> No.8760210 [DELETED] 

I don't follow the herd, you have 0 ability to read people. What I can read from you is that you have almost no perception of nuance, you're creepy, and it's not surprising that your interactions with women have been unfulfilling.

>> No.8760222

I’m 37 with sole custody of my 3 year daughter who is everything to me. I was abandoned by a spoiled rotten roastie bitch. I’ve spent the last three years studying my ass off to find understanding.

>> No.8760242

>giving a shit about bloodlines in 2018
Welp, i would better save someone from an orphanage and give them proper education and upbringing, without having to deal with screaming potato for the first couple of years

>> No.8760252

Your genes will be wiped out.

Well, good riddance.

>> No.8760255

>thinking a loser who was ditched at 34 matters
I mean you are obviously retarded for getting your wife pregnant when you were 34. You would be 52 when she finally turns 18.
Also someone who is so bitter is the last person to reach any level of understanding.

>> No.8760262

How the fuck did you win a custody battle in modern times as a male? Are you a wizzard?

>> No.8760275

The only thing that matters is bloodline. If it doesn’t, then the entirety of life on earth is doing it wrong according to you.

>> No.8760285

You have no idea how hard I studied case law in my family court district.

>> No.8760303
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because women are stuck in a social net that requires them to be strong and independent, (even though they arnt).
Not working at a job or a degree is admitting defeat.
Which is an additional blow to their already low self esteem.

>> No.8760339

Not bitter, I’m a very happy person. This little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want more kids, but can’t find a good girl. I’d be bitter without my daughter. I live a very healthy life, 52 will be nothing. I very much wish I had a larger family earlier, but I was as brainwashed and distracted as most everyone else in my 20’s.

>> No.8760342

>not simply donating huge amounts of sperm
are you even trying?
Let some other cuck raise the kid, I have better things to do.

>> No.8760358

I think it is most unwise to not develop on a trade, even after the born-with-a-pussy thing.

Even if you marry and become a housewife, it's a bad deal to not having ever studied.

My aunt lives with me and she dropped high school, got married to a rich dude, after divorce she still maintained an upper class lifestyle, and then she decided to invest in some business which failed and she lost all her money.

She has no education and doesn't know how to draw a straight line. All she does is browse instagram all day and feel sorry for herself. Of course, she has """depression""" (read: psychomeds addiction), but then, had she kept at least going through her education she would now know how to do something and wouldn't be in this situation.

So yeah, I think for women education is mandatory, whereas work is optional or a last resource.

However I belive that in a perfect society women would be educated to please men, whereas men would be educated to conquer reality.

>> No.8760366


>> No.8760371

Do you have something to be proud of except muh genes?

>> No.8760386

Nice trips.

Did you find it?

>> No.8760403

This is actually a good idea

Doing both is even better

>> No.8760425

>after divorce she still maintained an upper class lifestyle

women lol

know how to scale it up, but will never scale it down. at least men can plan for the future

>> No.8760479

The “perfect” society is one where resources are scarce-forcing us into our natural roles. After truly devastating natural disasters, wars etc., we see the best rise to the top. It’s always the opposite when society has reached a point of surplus resources because there is a lack of competition-the result of domination from last time scarcity. Without true competition from scarcity of resources we flounder and become “depressed”.

>> No.8760486

She had the means. She owned a house which she rented and had all the money she needed to keep it. Thing is, for some reason she decided to sell the house and invest the money in some restaurant, which was REALLY great but poorly managed, and then the business failed and now she was without money.

Had she not done this she would still have her old upper class lifestyle. But well, for some reason she wanted change. And shit happened, and she was unprepared for shit happening 'cause she's new-age'y and believes in the law of attraction shit and that if you desire things and have faith nothing bad will ever happen.

Ugh. It's despicable.

>> No.8760495


>> No.8760496

Yes, yes I have anon, now all I need is LINK 1000 EOY ;)

>> No.8760531

I don't think scarcity is a must. However, discipline and ascetism to some degree is. Cushiness and overabundance of comfort, in my view, is what renders people depressed. I think we can have an abundance and a psychologically healthy society, but then each individual needs to have enough drive to keep going out of his comfort zone.

I think this is difficult because, well, not everyone is willing to go through a philosopher/saint/ubermensch education.

>> No.8760537

I really cannot think of what there is that is the end result of DNA

>> No.8760551

*Not the end result...

>> No.8760592

Your personal story is your personal failure. Projecting it onto all women only ensures you will never understand what you did wrong. As men, we have more agency than most women will ever do.

>> No.8760631

Preservation of one part of society’s cycle is impossible. America for example is getting close to the end. We will see scarcity again.

>> No.8760646
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>t virgin

>> No.8760667

I’m fully aware of what I did wrong. I chose a women who did not have a strong, traditional minded father, who was too old, who had too many partners, and had embraced feminist culture.

>> No.8760692

I do agree, I did fail in many ways, but I also salvaged the situation as best I could.

>> No.8760693

Perhaps all the women who study and work are lesbians..

>> No.8760696

women want f-ck with she`s boss and have male slave at home
rich man is not enought, but 1 rich man normaly have 50 woman

>> No.8760720

>i'm fully aware of what i did wrong
>still blaming the others
Sorry, but I'm keking too much from your ultra-conservative beliefs

>> No.8760740
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women want f-ck with she`s boss and have male slave at home
rich man is not enought, but 1 rich man normaly have 50 woman

>> No.8760755

“I chose....”
Not blaming others faggot.

>> No.8760769
File: 202 KB, 1200x799, literallypol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people here so sexist despite not possibly having even experienced women that would date them due to YOUR shitty personality and web-based 'autism' that stems from this website and basically ENFORCE everyday in the form of a post?
Pic.related, possibly some of you /pol/tards in real life.
I'm not essentially saying that this site is the worst (compared to all of social media out there) or being an SJW 'roastie' that you people say all the time, but rather just questioning the answers all these people get about women.
If you meet a woman like OP's on social media and then blame them despite you agreeing to go out with a degenerate, attention whore then that's on you, it makes you think that if you weren't on this site 24/7 you would've actually met somebody by now.
But no, here you sit/lay.
Behind a wall of memes.
-t.guy who questions the people of this thread

P.S: I don't visit /biz/ or any board on a common daily basis, but I was just curious on the state of bitcoin ATM since I'm reselling some GPUs I bought for cheap for resell on Ebay. Just a hobby I have due to the state of Bitcoin and gaming, plus it earns a few extra hundred to keep for my savings.

>> No.8760803
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Fuck off then normie
Go back to being a basic boring sportsball loving faggot like everyone else and leave this place

>> No.8760866

>still doesn't understand
Gtfo retard

>> No.8760883

you guys have a really jaded view of grills

I know women who want nothing but just be a stay at home mom, and also women who want to study hard and be a doctor/ radiotherapist. A cousin of mine worked her ass off since primary school and finally graduated with a med degree. She's in a healthy relationship and her parents can take care of her future children if needed.

It doesnt have to be a shitstorm if women wants to work.

>"value of labour gets cut in half since women started working"

how worthless do you have to be, as a man, to actually complain about that?

>> No.8760962

what the fuck dude

don't lose hope man there are hardworking and traditional women out there. Just make sure you're also good/ lucky enough to have the chance to meet them.

>> No.8761006

>the mind of a status-quo imbecile
Your hand-fed opinion has been the most recent and greatest damaging ideology to family integrity ever in history.

>> No.8761074

Eloquently stated, and it showswith statistics of women's happiness steadily declining the last 50 odd years. At some point, this problem needs to be drastically fixed because we're all (both sexes) being negatively affected.

>> No.8761130

>t. actual cuckold

>> No.8761336

Biggest argument you have there, NEET.
Also because people don't go to 4chan 24/7 and live as NEETs, that doesn't make them a normie.
Buzzwords and shitposts are truly the only way you 'people' can talk.

>> No.8761339

keep clinging to the modern pozzed feminazi dream.
all the oldfags here are telling you how it is boy

>> No.8761352

have you even WORKED with women bro
you must be a low achiever

>> No.8761393

So many virgins in this thread.

>> No.8761407

you could have had more children with artificial wombs and a reliable partner with a sexbot.

women are useless.

>> No.8761491

Because they're herd animals and we've had several generations now of brainwashing that they need to waste their prime years doing shit they don't have to while the shit that genuinely makes them happy - being a decent mother and wife - has been portrayed as a hellish and demeaning life.

Feminists created this fantasy world in which historically men going off to work themselves to an early death in coal mines etc were supposedly living glamorous lives while the wives staying home with the kids and doing housework etc were supposedly living some kid of hell.

Why do men study and work? To gain status and finances with which to attract a mate. Why do men then continue to study and work? To keep their mate and provide for any children they have.

Almost nobody gets any job, let alone a ful career, in something they're passionate about and enjoy. A job is just something necessary to survive and it's always been necessary for men, very rarely for women.

By the time reality begins to dawn on them - if it ever does - they're already way past peak fertility, about to hit the wall, deeply in debt having got some pointless 'degree', and well on way to catlady/career cunt futures.

>> No.8761506

why did god make women get wet during rape?
Thots exist to provide men pleasure period

>> No.8761598

oh look another mental issues thread

>> No.8761732

they have good jobs bc shit jobs are for the average man. welcome to teh 21th century.
if you are a woman and not a cave troll you can get a comfy well paying job without any issues and degrees.

if you look good beta hr cucks gonna throw nice jobs at you anytime.
maybe there are more good looking woman than rich man? fucktard. also there are much more woman than rich man ready to get married.

also young women earn more money on average than young men. fact.