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8758200 No.8758200 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens, ITT I want to discuss serious ideas for business ideas for specific target of people. I have access to a housing estate which is about 200 houses strong.
>houses are being finished this year
>target will higher middle class families of man+woman+kids,usually working man, neet wife
>estate is located around 10min drive from big shop, Walmart like, 15 min drive from center of small town around 20000 people
>I can open literally anything and there will be no competition for those 200 houses (deal with developer)
>I can literally get contacts / setup direct meeting to every family that is waiting for this house. Which means I can sell them directly anything

Looking for serious discussion about ideas, or Your experience in trade,businness or anything related to this situation.
Best ideas will be donated by Paypal, couple of bucks for frens.

>> No.8758260
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Also there is only one road that leads to the estate in and out. Businness could be started on the estate, where I can setup my own place or out of the estate

>> No.8758288

Are there niggers or pajeets in the estate? If not perhaps a security service to keep them out? paypal pls

>> No.8758294

White country. Zero foreigners. Try better, and You will receive. Also security will be handled by a big company.

>> No.8758302


A fast food would be the best thing you can open there. Gonna be full every fucking day and you will make a lot of $$$ and open a gas station too, just in front of the fast food.

>> No.8758320

You could sell them insanely overpriced healthy meals. People love that shit. Or a high end fine dining restaurant?

>> No.8758332

I reckon a cafe (maybe with a drive thru, people come in the morning for their daily coffee as they comute to work,
and if youre open at night time they take their family there for dinner.
If you dont know anything about hospitality then dont get involved

>> No.8758340
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Put a toll gate at the front
Toll: one bj from each qtpi in any vehicle

>> No.8758347

Gas station would take YEARS to setup. Fast food or even restaurant is too risky, this could be very much a healthy community in their 30s and late 20s. There's a lot of places in the town, which also delivers around town. McDonalds and Gas station is around this big shop that I've specified.

Healthy catering service are working in big towns, and also I don't have any experience in food industry so it's a roll of a dice with big investment.

Cafe sounds nice, also I was thinking about hiring 2 pedagogs freshly out of training and start a small kindergarten for the estate only. Place when You can leave a kid for a day, how lucrative is this idea ?

>> No.8758364

i hate other peoples kids so i disapprove of this idea.
+ kids have to grow up and goto school at some stage and down the line the family will get older and may stay there.
It wouldent be a continuous source of revenue that a cafe can provide

>> No.8758384

It takes less than few months to set up a gas station here in italy.

If those ides are not that good then what about a
little mall or a casino

>> No.8758405

Same here, I wouldn't be around those kids in any point, but couple of years would be profitable.
Neet wifes would leave kids, and go to town or my cafe around the corner to chit chat and do shit.
Gas station is around 10 mins away, which is on the road that they all will have to cross, coming back to estate or leaving. No chance of mall or casino. It has to be a small business, because there will be other opening up aswell

>> No.8758407


A professional, high-end cleaning service (srs). If you're branding and marketing are on-point, you could do it yourself, or pay some pajeet to do it for you.

For a brick and mortar store, a cafe is the best idea. Although I'm not entirely sure how easy it is to run without any experience (assuming you have none).

Make sure you keep a highly active online presence.

>> No.8758430

Then what about a gym?

>> No.8758431

How about a Starbucks? people love their overpriced coffee

>> No.8758448

KEK Read fucks, only 200 houses.

If you want to live of it you should sell something that they regularly need. I would think of a really small pizza joint, lawn mowing business, window washer.

>> No.8758451

I worked in hospo for about 12 years and i only worked for 1 place where the owners were new as fuck to hospo has no idea what they were doing, they were bleeding cash and struggling to pay shit that in the end they became completely stressed out and i could stand beind around them.
If you have no experience in hospo then cough up some extra money and get a business planner to help you.
if you wanna know what they were doing wrong let me know

>> No.8758477
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In my country, woman are still woman. That means they clean their houses. Also many of them will be neets so they have a lot of time to do so. Cafe is not that big of a problem, especially small one with not a lot of investment, You can always rebrand and sell equipment.
Gym in town, with prices and equipment that You can't compete with.
Cafe is on the radar, sitting in top 3 ideas for now which is :
1. Cafe
2. Small kindergarten
3. Small beauty salon for women

Small pizza could be good, but those other 2 could be handled by poor people around town with already estabilished slave mentality. I need something with class.
I'm listening if You care to elaborate more.

>> No.8758483
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Most of them probably haven't bought any chainlink yet

>> No.8758494

What country anon??

>> No.8758520

Small white country in central europe. Why You need specifics for?

>> No.8758525

A bed and breakfast? These fucks probably have friends right? Goes to figure they'd visit sometimes

>> No.8758575
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Small town of 20K is 10 min drive away, they can stay there in good places for cheap prices.
I want to here more ideas about selling those people shit on regular basis, or selling people that are moving in the essentials for a house.

Remember guys, I can contact them directly before they are even on the spot. What are some best shilling products that could be sold door to door style. Things that other neighbours will be envy about, and they will ask for it aswell.

Let's get into their minds

>> No.8758577

The most basic things i saw from where i was
they only had 1 barrister person on in the morning during their peak hours, they had people wanting breakfast before work coffee before work and just 1 waitress to do all that was fucking insane and made the business look bad because it was slow.
They used all the expensive products and meat cuts trying to be fancy when all people wanted was something simple, so know your client. They bled so much cash i couldent fucking believe it, throwing shit away constantly the menu had no synergy, i can elaborate on that.
This place was in australia and over there the wages you pay staff on saturday sunday are alot higher than you would pay them for working weekdays, but they had the head chef who was on a salary, and they always gave him sunday off. Which is fucking mental because with him off on sundays you have to pay almost 2x as much for someone else to be there to cover his day off.
Always have a manager you can trust to make sure shit gets done in your absence and not some young adult manager who will fuck around on their phone all day chatting with staff.
Dont buy expensive plates or glassware and shit cause they always break.
But realistically theres more to it than this but there were the main things that i noticed, i worked for them 6 years ago, they went broke now and had to sell their house. And the people who bought their business are also going downhill

>> No.8758635

>running cafe with 1 person in the mornings
>designed to fail

good stuff anon. If this will be a cafe I would run things by myself, I will do a budget version first, place when You can go a buy a moderate price but good quality stuff. I would get sweets from local bakery on top of it, to not fuck around with chefs at first.

About basics of the bussiness, I'm not some roastie neet wife that is looking to kill time. I have couple of years of experience in sales, I know fundamentals of running small businesses aswell. This is just an opportunity to combine those things and run shit on my own

>> No.8758731

Do not run a cafe by yourself. You will be busier than expected. I don't want to wait 15 minutes for a frappafuckingchino or whatever.

>> No.8758750

By running I meant managing. Only chicks will be allowed to serve there, and those I can obtain from the small city for cheap.

>> No.8758783

IT services for the entire housing complex. Computer/mobiles/any electronic device.

>> No.8758794

oh, and FUCK hospo unless you like losing money.

Lol pizza place, cafe... how cucked is biz to think this is a good idea? Yeah go on, sell coffee out of your little cuck shed.

>> No.8758807

Gym for normies/housewives, include massage parlor etc. Works out great if there is a community in the neighbourhood. Housewives all join for yoga on sunday morning, etc

>> No.8758838

Explain Your monthly revenue from that and why it has to be located on the spot, instead of town nearby.

Also cafe is realistic to pull off. Weekends would be profitable 100% because it's good area to take a walk with kids etc, grab a coffee on the go and walk around.

Gym was dismissed above>>8758477

>> No.8758850

are you delusional? based on how you described your project, the houses will be full of poor people.
put in a 711 type place and call it a day

>> No.8758861

Why would being located directly closer to your client base be better than locating further away in a town, which has higher leases. Hmm... I'm not sure.

>> No.8758867

I'm a physiotherapist at a small franchise gym, they compete with all the budget gyms in the region. People still come while the price is over twice as high.
>old people can chit chat at the bar
>regulars attending classes together
>general sense of community
things like that are worth money, especially in a higher income area/area with less students around

>> No.8758896

Nigga those houses are not for poor people.
Why would You being located to 200 families only, when there's no fkin way to get any customers from outside on such a universal brand like IT service is? I could start this thing in the town directly, and propose door to door service for that estate with discounts, and still cash people from town on daily basis...

Good input, but gym is out of the picture. Maybe I will use that info in the future.

>> No.8758916
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I will be a doublepostfag, but I will highlight this again :

Remember guys, I can contact them directly before they are even on the spot. What are some best shilling products that could be sold door to door style. Things that other neighbours will be envy about, and they will ask for it aswell.

I was thinking about high end vacuums and garden equipment.

>> No.8758918

Cafe is definitely a good option as other people said, a lot of house wives will get bored during the day and will want to meet up with their friends. Obviously provide some outdoor eating areas and some decent food, don't provide cheap, shit food. Another option is maybe a convenience store and just have some pajeet working there. Alternatively you could have a tennis court built(depends on how much capital you are willing to fork out) and just have people book it out, pretty much runs itself.

>> No.8758921

If you want class;
>Golf Course
>Country club
>Yacht club
>Movie theater????
>Clubhouse, just put the salon, cafe all under one roof and whatever else you can think off.

>> No.8758941

What country do you live in could consider a pub. I don't know how much a liquor licence is where you live.

>> No.8758953

i favor a pub aswell, cheaper, easier to manage and more casual aswell.

>> No.8758960

Retro Soft-serve ice cream parlour
With Milkshakes, fries and ice cream floats.

Other than that, you can open a restaurant like >>8758302 suggests

>> No.8759061

80 or 90 % of new restaurants close in first 12 months. Tennis courts are too big of a capital.
Cafe is the safest here.
>golf - not in my country
>country club- look up
>yacht club- no water around, big capital
>movie theater- too small of community
>clubhouse- too big of investment and higher risk

Licence is pain in the ass, and takes a lot of time here. Also it's higher risk than for example a cafe.

Healthy lifestyle is sexy here. Your idea sounds like diabetees. Also restaurants are the fucking gamble.

>> No.8759080

People are suckers for health Yogurt bullshit
If the neighbourhood is full of younglings, then opening up a daycare ain't that bad.

>> No.8759161

We can serve healthy yogurt and some fresh juices in the cafe, but focusing only on some american-style fast food joint is not good idea here.

Daycare also can open after testing people demand for it. I would have to do local vision, or just ask door to door for it, and maybe get signatures before even starting a spot, but it's on my mind aswell.

>> No.8759208

Is that indoors only?
Also not the best idea to hire chicks only if your main guests will be neet wifes. Women in their 30s dont like younger women with their vags still intact.

Also if you wanna giveaway some welcome gifts, just put some flyer with 50g of the coffe you gonna sell.

From what i read about yout requitements nothing will beat a cafe regarding risk, work / reward.

>> No.8759229

Also im a pedagog, socialworker.
If youre from a white country where “women are still women“ idk how much of a chance you have with some children day care. In germany that would boom tho.

Inform yourself about requirementd. You cant just put up a kindergarden sign...


>> No.8759235

hobby clubs for children. martial arts, gym

>> No.8759249

make forum, news site for this commune

>> No.8759285

Local would be easy to set and on the spot.
Even a foodtruck cafe would work there in my opinion.
What You have on mind about outdoor thing ?

Yeah I need to hire pedagogs and get some things done with the country, but it's easier than some gas stations mentioned itt.

About chicks only, I can serve women myself when I will be around, and I'm under 30.

Only 200 families, hard sell to invent something that a lot of kids will attend on regular.
Website is done by developer and I think they have some community meetings setup or done already.

>> No.8759299

Then a gym

>> No.8759419

Dismissed way above>>8758477

So anons, no idea what to sell those normies with good margin before or after they move in ?

>> No.8759446

What country. What budget?
You can start so many services for cheap. But if its a country where woman are doing all the housework dont work etc then it becomes a lot harder. A daycare would fail hard here, in countries like you describe sending your child to daycare might be frowned upon, bad parents etc etc.

Is there maybe a popular local product? You could make a little store and make it look authentic. Bond with your customers and they will come back talk about it with neighbors etc.
But knowing the country is crucial honestly.

>> No.8759466

The things you wanna giveaway should be linked to the shop. Its stupid to sell em stuff. You wanna be their longterm friend not some salesman.

I just want to know if you have some.outdoor space since some projects rely on that. Even if you wanna open up some daycare thing.

>> No.8759503

Budget can be adjusted. If the idea is superb, I can get more finances, but I won't start some gold/tennis club there to get justed.

Daycare is not frown upon, it's a common practice and lucrative business in my country.

Country is Poland, central Europe.

There are couple of local products, but I'm not from this area. I live in capitol of the country, completely different enviroment and 2million city.

I'm thinking about selling 90% of the community some essential shit, then setup the local business in the same time to just squeeze them. Land can be bought cheap there, if I want to rely on outdoors. Daycare need some playground for the summer, but we are looking at Q4 2018 with the investment, which will be winter time here, and it's cold af.

>> No.8759711
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bumping this question again

>> No.8759728

Everytime im rolling a new id, dunno why.
Was thinking youre from poland. Jak tam.
Nice youve got the new polish middleclass with some money on their hands. Just look what worked in countries like ger / swe / nl /and copy it really. Cafe with wooden interior, minimalistic, fair trade coffee, overpriced “healthy“ sandwiches, some drinks for open sale and couscous salads in plastic cups lol.

I can tell you that the current genearation is not the easiest to deal with when dealing with kids. Save you some nerves and go for the cafe, mate. Trzym sie, zycze szczescia.

>> No.8759750

Dzieki anonie

>> No.8759751

i hear weed laws are being relaxed in europe why not start a hydroponics business and sell it?

>> No.8759758

Not in our country sadly.

>> No.8759762

Also why no bar mleczny.
Dont be a jew, poles smell jews from miles away, even the younger ones.

You could make it some modern version. Its about longevity, dont try to sell em shit beforehand.

>> No.8759883
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I would rather start cafe with additions in future like :
>fresh local stuff from bakery, bread, sweets etc
>lunches when demanded
>fresh and healthy juices, jogurts etc.
>add alcohol after couple of months if things will be running smoothly
>karaoke on weekends etc

It all depends on how lucrative it will be in first months, and how well this thing will merge with community.

And about sellling shit before hand, it will be dealt with developer so it will an option for trusted service in addition to their plan, which is including full house interior design etc.

I was thinking about selling customized arbours, pic related. Buying wood from a contact of mine, customize it with customer, and it will be already done, when they are moving in.

>> No.8759980

Ok, thats a different dimension selling custom arbours. Give some additional infos like available space in qm. Do you guys have indoor placy zabaw with trampolines, boulderwalls and shit? In germany these thing work very well and mostly have some cafes integrated.

>> No.8759993

karaoke only works in asian based communities :/

>> No.8760043

Jak z Polski jestes to po co piszesz angielsko-polskim? Nie ma nic zaplanowanego od osiedla, to są domy jednorodzinne z ogrodami.
Karaoke works when there's alcohol involved. And we love alcohol and party here :)

>> No.8760096

Because my polish is rusty and im more confident in emglish.

Indoor playground might be something you could look into. Requires a higher initial investment but in hamburg some unemployed women opened one up and theyre set up for life now. Google “indoorspielplatz rabbatz“. Doesnt have to be as big and obv could be some variation of it.

>> No.8760115

Also ive been singing karaoke in your hometown when i visited for a psychedlic festival few years ago. Close to a train station underground iirc. Was funtimes

>> No.8760191

Hmm that looks like a big complex in a city for kids. But it somehow combines Cafe and Daycare together. Maybe that could be the idea with just smaller scale. I wouldn't invest for rope trails and bigger equipment for small community, but maybe locate it closer to a city, and market this thing for people in town aswell for some weekend fun with kids. Good input.
The biggest "if" here is that the town near this estate is small town with not that high of earnings,and I didn't do market research about weekend activities for families near town so I'm just speaking off my ass now.

Karaoke is fun, especially with alcohol in the mix.

>> No.8760354

Yup, these things are mostly located in suburbs for obv reasons like rent. Often times it wouldnt be just families but also schools. You could also offer to rent the place in weekends for parties etc.

The rabbatz owners also opened up a dark light minigolf place with a pizza place and bar inside which is very popular but

>> No.8760517

Yeah. I don't think that's my interest atm. Thanks for input overall, I don't know which posts are totally You since many ID's, but overall good talk. Czesc, anonie :)

Okay I'm going offline, so thanks all anons for contribution, sadly we didn't get anything visionary. Have a nice day.
