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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 315 KB, 578x590, powh3dafraidofpowm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8754468 No.8754468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whether you're invested in one of these pyramids or not, there's no doubt about it: PoWH 3D is the Bitcoin of pyramids.

/biz/ talks a lot about when ETH will flip BTC. However, The Pyramid Flippening might end up happening sooner than that. PoWM is catching up incredibly fast. PoWM has accumulated as much ETH in less than 48 hours than what PoWH 3D took TWO WEEKS to accomplish. It is already receiving a flood of memes, YT videos, advertising, etc. Those in the PoWH 3D are scared now that people are dumping their pyramid for PoWM. There is an internal competition going on to see if PoWM can topple PoWH 3D. I'm not saying that PoWM is going to 18k. If anything, PoWH 3D will drop significantly, then PoWM will surpass it.

I'm not going to convince you to invest in this pyramid. You have to come to your own personal conclusion. Whether you are invested or sitting on the sidelines watching the chaos, when you wake up one day, go to /biz/, and see that PoWM has flipped PoWH 3D, what will your reaction be?

>> No.8754488

All in since 200, already x3 in a day fuck the bear market

>> No.8754891


>> No.8754894

Nice dub dubs. Powm is the truth. 20% divs are spectacular. POWH only has 10%. Powm has doubled in 5 hours with over 1700 eth in it. You decide.

>> No.8754904

All in since 200, already x3 in a day fuck the bear market same here incredible fuck that coincapmarket

>> No.8754910
File: 223 KB, 916x916, FD1DA5B8-4F02-4DC2-907C-5E87B9F9F172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s mooning so hard that the devs are giving away 3 eth for a competition. Nuts

>> No.8754919
File: 45 KB, 724x315, PoWM to the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8754923

Can you explain the details? That's a lot of money to just give away like that.

>> No.8754928

i got in powh at 2k eth and it still took me like 2 weeks to 2x

i did a 2x on powm within 24 hours

dont fall for the shitty clones with no volume. these contracts run entirely on volume/fomo. if you were around for the last clone wars you would know they're all destined to die


>> No.8754940
File: 403 KB, 2480x1736, powm_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8754952

most referrals in like 3 days wins the pot. the pot keeps going up at the divs discretion.

>> No.8754966

Shiiet, 3 eth for winning reff contest

''Due to how insanely well we're doing I've decided to add 2 ETH to the pot for the contest. Total prize is now 3 ETH for whoever gets the most masternode refs! See the pinned message in #general for specific details.''

>> No.8754970

The amount of money coming in, 3 eth is nothing.

We are argueing that it should be 10 eth!

>> No.8755001

Powc only has 11 Eth in contract now. Nodes are super cheap.


>> No.8755002
File: 6 KB, 218x231, 1517692339953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiot do you know how bad a 20% div is?

Yeah why don't we have 90% divs?

>> No.8755019

not even a ponzi scam
literal right out scam

powm.io is where its at boi!

>> No.8755032

did you see what happened when that one ponzi had 5% divs?

thats why you have 20

>> No.8755036

Please explain how it’s an outright scam. Powm had 30 eth premise, this had less than 1 eth premine

>> No.8755041

To break even in powm you need it to get to 17200.
To 2x you'll need it to go all the way to 172000.
>but muh divvvies
if you put 1 eth in powh you will get 0.04 with divs when you break even, for powm it will be 0.08. Divs are irrelevant at this point.
Anyone putting money into powm over powh at this point is clinically retarded.

>> No.8755052

Your math is terribly wrong. You need 4200 to break even not 10k brainlet

>> No.8755069

When 1 guys makes 5 ponzi sites in less then 24 hours and pulls out of each one... *facepalm*

>> No.8755088

4200 was at 420 my dude that is where your guys did the math and realised for pyramid to 2x it needs to get 10x their current eth in. But please do enjoy getting cucked by early guys.

>> No.8755096

You can find their discord on Powm.io they’re good about answering questions

>> No.8755098

>20% divs

You and any person who would defend a 20% div are mentally deficient. Enjoy getting dumped on the devs who prebought before they released the contract.

Oh wait didn't they do that already with PowL?

>> No.8755114

Invite to discord?

>> No.8755136

yo this is so early get in now http://powc.surge.sh/?masternode=0x238361f646681118c3DC9dF3197fD82D3324856e

>> No.8755141

You aren’t serious are you? Kek.
Don’t be a laggard. Powh3d is ran by fuckin nazis who will ban you for breathing to loud. Smart money is going into powm.io as you can see it’s almost at 2000 eth in 30 hours. This is just the beginning

>> No.8755143

Nope, you don’t need to 10x to double the value brainlet. Idk where you are getting your math from. Either way, powc.surge.sh is the best one to buy into atm

>> No.8755157

Why don’t you stop flinging baseless fud and do some researxh. You’ll see that the token spread is fairly spread out unlike POWH. You obviously don’t know the origins of powm. Sorry anon.

>> No.8755178

Powc is a dead contract with a crap team. Powm is the only team that can knock down POWH. And they are doing just that.

>> No.8755203

> Powh3d is ran by fuckin nazis
Thats why i love it and that is why you should go the fuck back to гeddit friendo.

>> No.8755217

ok kids, see this reply here?

this is why we are puting money in PROF OF WEAK MATH!!

Because people cant do simple math

>> No.8755227

OLDFAG HERE. Almost 1800 eth! Fuck yeah

>> No.8755236
File: 169 KB, 254x265, 3BE469AA-9C65-4378-801E-E5324FF14B96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck about knocking off p3d? It’s about making money. And it’s way easier to make money off an 11 eth contract than a 2000.


>> No.8755240

Quite fitting desu.

>> No.8755256

Because pyramids make money off of volume, and all the volume is going to PoWM right now due to the competition to flip PoWH 3D. Will Powc surge? Maybe, AFTER PoWM has flipped PoWH 3D.

Right now, all the smart money is going to PoWM.

>> No.8755259
File: 367 KB, 810x774, Goldenjeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> POWM HAS 1,600 ETH in the contract in 28 HOURS



>> No.8755303

PoWM just lowered its masternode requirement from 100 tokens to 25 tokens because PoWM is worth so much now.

>> No.8755315

> Because pyramids make money off of volume
lmao retard, it doesn't matter if your volume is 1k a day when you're on floor right next to floor that will need 2 mills eth to 2x

>> No.8755324

why do all of these stupid fucking pyramids just sit at "connecting with metamask" and do nothing else. I can't use them

>> No.8755336

something wrong with your MM

>> No.8755339
File: 5 KB, 522x154, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"under 100 eth pow33" fucking idiots this is still under 15

>> No.8755345

I don't know what that means to be honest

>> No.8755346
File: 119 KB, 1242x1461, E046DE07-EF39-4193-ACF8-FA512EBB2E9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That happens to me sometimes with metamask. Just gotta restart your computer


>> No.8755352

dox the scam artists who are ruining crypto and fucking shoot them in the face with a 12 guage. no more god damned pow. find the devs and kill them all

>> No.8755418

What does a masternode do?

>> No.8755429

Actually, if you connect to a test network and then to the main eth network again, you can make it work.

>> No.8755434

>You obviously don’t know the origins of powm

I do. It's called PoWH lol.

>> No.8755445

When you buy tokens, a certain percentage goes to the hodlers as divs:

PoWL: 5%
PoWH 3D: 10%
PoWM: 20%
PoW33: 33%
PoWC: ???
PoWD: ???

When you have a masternode, a certain percent of THAT percent goes DIRECTLY to you instead of spread out.

>> No.8755467

Isn't profiting from a ponzi/pyramid illegal?

>> No.8755497

So I get more than 20% if I have a masternode? Not following your >When you have a masternode, a certain percent of THAT percent goes DIRECTLY to you instead of spread out.

>> No.8755504

Powc has 33% divs,
Pohd has 25%


>> No.8755532

It’s not actually a ponzi or pyramid. New investors aren’t giving money directly to first investors. It’s just like any other coin where value increases with more buyers than sellers, only difference is that you buy and sell for a % difference


>> No.8755585

Say you get 25 tokens. You then post your masternode link someone. Someone uses your masternode link and puts in 1 ETH. That someone gets 0.8 ETH in tokens, and the 0.2 ETH is spread out to other users. Now, say that the masternode gives you 20%.

That means when that someone used 1 ETH to invest, you will receive 0.02 ETH from it.

It's a small amount, but if lots of people are using your masternode link, it can add up pretty quickly.

>> No.8755618
File: 57 KB, 1056x696, 97C4D007-5789-4F66-AF7A-0C2C0E31EF49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dudes are throwing their brains away along with their eth. Anything more than 20% is not sustainable.

>> No.8755636
File: 204 KB, 1600x1150, 43617E2F-9E7A-4601-91D4-5261D48A1195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! Let me guess, you’re one of the retards who think POWH was the first pyramid.

>> No.8755659

Powh33 is the future
Powm already mooned

>> No.8755673

I see, thanks for the explanation anon!

>> No.8755680

this, powh33 hasn't mooned yet and if you want to get in on a pyramid this is the one to use.

>> No.8755713


It's funny actually. The first PoWH was actually quite successful and a bunch of other clones copied it for their own PnDs. Then that exploit happened and cleaned out all the ETH in every single clone including the original.

Then PoWH comes out with P3D which fixed that exploit and oh look now there's PoWL, PoWM and all the other shit that copypasted this new smart contract and simply changed the div %. Only difference is PoWL devs are literal brainlets and accidentally set a 5% div.

>> No.8755772

Lmao retard its exactly a ponzi in the case of 33, later laggards give all their money to people early on. Powh is a pyramid and they are not denying it. It has a pyramid as a logo god damn it. You all faggots promoting your ponzis as a legit investing platform gonna all go to jail.

>> No.8755781
File: 38 KB, 410x90, 1776ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now over 1800 ETH

It just keeps on going

>> No.8755790

>over 1800
man your ponzi does prove its name to be true lmao

>> No.8755803

>newfag doesn't know about OG and shadowfork

>> No.8755847

Now at 1852 ETH


>> No.8755869

Cuckgratulations to retards, now you need 18520 eth to break even in this.

>> No.8755935

You fudders of POWH are absolutely ridiculous. First of all, POWH is gaining on average 10% every single fucking day.

Second of all, big youtubers (think 100k+ subs) are already making videos about POWH. And you think, because your shitty copy and paste pyramid has 10% more dividends, that it is going to overtake POWH which has already accumulated massive advertising? You know these guys are buying a fucking booth for the next alt coin/ethereum conference right?

Good luck with your shitty pyramid gains, meanwhile, POWH gaining on average 2k+ eth per day. If you guys fall for the alt pyramid then you're a fucking retard.

>> No.8755974

Its not even that, if this trash goes to 2500 it will be officially above powhs target to break even lmao and none of them realise this.

>> No.8755997
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, divs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, 30 hours later, and i'm solidly on my way to 3Xing my money. I 2Xed like 10 hours ago.

This shit is crazy!!! O_O O_O

>> No.8756003

Absolutely horrible FUD. You realize the YTers will instantly turn once the PoWM devs PM them what's going on, right?

>> No.8756019

Do you hold a 1850 bag my dude?

>> No.8756032


>> No.8756050

To the dumb cunt that keeps posting you need it to go 10x in order to double your money, do your math again brainlet, you are woefully wrong.

Also powc for the win


>> No.8756075

>powh needs 5x
Absolute state of powm retards.

>> No.8756076

Proof of Weak MATH is much more better with its 20%, I made $1k in less than 24 hours just investing 2 eth very early on. This is crazy!! crazy good hahaha!

>> No.8756113

So according to p3d retards, you're a fool if you get into a ponzi with 20% divs thats mooning at 1800 ETH. The SMART play is to get into a stagnant one at 18K ETH with 10% divs. Wut?

>> No.8756210

If you want to make profit quick, join PoWMath, its the hottest thing right now on crypto!

>> No.8756255

>it got X ETH in Y hours
>10X ETH in 2Y hours
>this exponentially trend can only continue

This is the same logic other pyramid schemes use to trick people into thinking they will have 12 people working below them to siphon commission, except if you do the math you end up with the entire world's population as distributors in like, 3 iterations

people who got in ground floor might make money, but its still a pyramid scheme. this might be an interesting test though for smartcontracts. could the SEC command the project dismantled? is it even possible with smartcontracts? im not deeply familiar with how it works, please help a brainlet out

>> No.8756273







>> No.8756289
File: 87 KB, 1200x630, powgandhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gains 2k a day
>has a solid plan for future
>has an ad base
PoWM shills starting to realise their 20% divs aint going anywhere so they attack PoWH now. Gee i wonder whats the next step of your master plan.
once its on blockchain its there, unless vitalik forks whole eth

>> No.8756292

No such thing as a “Powm retard”. That’s how I know you don’t know what you’re talking about. Already 1800 eth in this bitch. Powm.io is the superior coin. Check back tomorrow, we’ll be at 2500 eth.

>> No.8756296
File: 1.49 MB, 1656x902, einstein_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8756312
File: 65 KB, 670x800, 2D0272B7-4FB2-4023-B0B3-9FB7671DADFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao do you just realize what you said. Holy fuck, are you there anon?

>> No.8756322

Anyone putting money into powm above 400 is a retard. its literally a retard cut off.
And before you say something about early birds, i bought in at 50 and dumped your trash for another clone at 450 in which i already 5xed. But keep telling you're an early bird kek.

>> No.8756330

PoWH 3D just DDoS'D PoWM's website, and now it's down, just like dappradar.


>> No.8756358

yeah...powh3d is starting to bleed out...I'm pulling mine from there shortly.

>> No.8756359

back up site: http://powm.io/coins.php

>> No.8756367

Woah anon, you also don’t know what you’re talking about. Little do you know how this really works. If you had of stayed in, rather than being a pussy and selling, youd have a lot more. GGWP you fucking larp.

Lmao POWH is so fucking scared. Wouldn’t you be too? Powm has 20% divs rather than 10% in POWH. Also Powm team is better and will surpass POWH. I’m screen shotting this right now so I can show you later when it does. Let’s go!

>> No.8756369

When do you get dividends? And how to masternode?

>> No.8756387

> Little do you know how this really works
No i know exactly how this works, if I stayed in i wouldn't even make 30% let alone 2x. Newsflash, you need 2 mils of eth to 4x now in powm. And I already did that. Keep believeing though.

>> No.8756404

Can't even into math

>> No.8756410

Did they just exit scam?

>> No.8756448

your pyramid is called proof of weak math for a reason

>> No.8756456



>> No.8756459

PoWH 3D is raping PoWM's server hard, so the website owner is fixing the DNS to mitigate the attack.

>> No.8756468

fuck POHD, they have been DDOS'ing POWM to drive and steal competition. that's why POWM went down, but it is back now

>> No.8756708

Sell now, get into this clone and maybe, just maybe you will make your eth back(don't count on it you're already fucked lmao)

>> No.8756745

Fucking pajeet

>> No.8756761

At least i'm telling the truth, you will lose money nomatter what you going to put them into, unless its powh or epx.

>> No.8756869


P3D cucks are gona get hurt if they don't get out soon. POWM ceiling is 18. Currently 1800. GET THE FUCK ON THIS TRAIN

>> No.8756884

Hold on, are you telling me ceiling is below price you break even? Solid investement!

>> No.8756899

POWM isn't down, it's up and almost at 1900+

getting comfy

>> No.8756931

4 eth in 2 hours, solid sustainable growth! 5k in 3 days!

>> No.8757016

Must suck to have no creativity or original thought.

>> No.8757081

(copy pasted from p3d server) They are blatantly slandering powm because they are threatened. Bullish signal.
P3D_Bot (design dev, meme-lead) - Yesterday at 5:16 PM
@everyone i'm very saddened to announce that in my research to determine the user behind the "clones" we uncovered the web pages they are hosting as a front end are nearly identical to web pages previously used by a scammer known as "Divine" who famously encouraged hundreds of users to follow him into a clone project before dumping out from under them and taking hundreds of eth / leaving them in an ethless pyramid.

Seeing as the moderator and organizer of the last few clones we have seen is a single user. "Norsefire" a member of the smart contract community that many used to hold with respect.

And seeing as he has already dumped most of the clones he created yesterday to the scamming of hundreds of unsuspecting users . We are saddened to admit that this user, who arrived shortly after divines dump, is either the scammer under a new psudomym, or working closely with the scammer themselves.

Sadly, with this former phoenix to the community showing that he was nothing but ashes all along. We must warn you that he is the primary holder of the "math" clone and we would strongly encourage alerting communities to this exit scam in progress before its too late.

Sorry guys, we used to like him too.

>> No.8757094

If you invest now, you will need it to go to 19000 to break even
If you invest at 3k you will need it to go to 30k to break even
If you invest at 5k you will need it to go to 50k to break even
Do you see the pattern friendo?

>> No.8757109
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I'll just keep my ETH and keep stay leveraged as fuck. These dApps will slowly push up the ETH price over time as they get more popular. May not pay off as hard as getting in early in a ponzi, but then again I don't stand at the chance of having my deposits flagged for having been part of a ponzi. No matter how you spin it, these dApps are straight up illegal. And governments like to hammer anything that looks like a nail. Regardless of their inability to take them down, some heads will roll because of these smart contracts in the end.

>> No.8757116

that p3d copy pasta is the funniest shit ive read all day and ive had a pretty good fucking day

>> No.8757121


>> No.8757198


newest one gg noobs

>> No.8757243
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Proof of Japanese though.


>> No.8757370


Can you just fuck off and stick to PoWH? K thx faggot.

>> No.8757427
File: 211 KB, 659x609, comment_TvcRyojBtW522RXZcD0wGWYJP8Kdy4Qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you ponzi shit birds are now fighting each other using the same tactics you use to shill with. It's fucking hilariously dumb.

>> No.8757763


PoWM about to surpass CryptoKitties.

That would be absolutely insane.