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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8749430 No.8749430 [Reply] [Original]

ok, all you programmers out there, based on the state of chainlink's github, can any of you give a ball park figure as to how long it will take to release mainnet?

i keep hearing that it'll be either q2 or q3, but i have no idea how accurate an estimate like this is


>> No.8749445

Very far... Looks like a bunch of basic stuff put in place before getting into the kitty griddy. Not to mention the testing involved. And few other things. Maybe in a few years?

>> No.8749447

i'm a dev, I think we are very very close, i'd say 5-10 more sprints maybe. a sprint can last 2 weeks.

so between 10 and 20 weeks that's like june - august ish

>> No.8749455
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Just so you know. McSergey is a dude that like to have his work talk and be ahead of schedule. Mainnet will probably be released when nobody is expecting it.

>> No.8749463

They do weekly sprints according to their tracker.

>> No.8749465



>> No.8749479

indeed but I saw some weeks with 0 story points, wich make me think its 2 weeks sprints I dunno

>> No.8749529
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guys i just cheked their pivotal, very few story points left, and hovering over api v1 estimate is 8th april PÏC RELATED

>> No.8749546

here is adress of pivotal i'm not shitting you guys


>> No.8749557

Seems like it should be more consistent with the 0 story point weeks for it to be 2 week sprints. Pivotal sounds like a shit tracker if it can't be configured to just be a 2 week sprint.

>> No.8749566


ok so pretty solid q3 release, maybe q4 if things get hairy. thanks!

>> No.8749599
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api v1 is for 8th april
external adapters is estimated for 22 april
the cli iss for april 15

im not shitting forget my estimation for june, this is by end of april

>> No.8749614

please see this
i'm not shitting you guys my estimates are off, they are fucking ahead of schedule, next week they finish they API-v1 guys

>> No.8749627


you're sure this date would correspond to mainnet? it isn't just a date that estimates when everything they currently have outlined will be completed?

>> No.8749635

no but they will finish everything by the end of april? so I guess they ARE ahead of schedule...
rory said it...so this looks more like a may release rather than june

>> No.8749638

any devs familiar with the project that know where I can see how the link token itself is handled / awarded / spent / burned / whatever?
Is it in the smart contracts repo somewhere? I can look myself just lazy

>> No.8749655

Yes but they'll just add more jobs, that's just the current estimation

I think they'll be done by the end of June

>> No.8749684

They could add more tasks on later though

>> No.8749700

Plus development generally takes longer than you'd think. They'll probably come across something they weren't expecting / underestimating the time for certain tasks

>> No.8749707

looks like remaining scope shown in pivotal is just some polish on what's already in the chainlink repo. I guess if they are doing some commercial implementations that would be a combo of custom smartcontracts and maybe some offchain execution stuff, which is maybe in a private repo?

also, there's some project called shadowfork that looks almost done:

>> No.8749757
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hmm yeah probably, at first i was thinking maybe june (august is really a worst case scenarion) , but it says they have 2 more stories on ice for api v1. the points shown in the current backlog posted is very low, they can do up to 12 stories per sprint.

but if that's truly what's left i'd say 2 sprints MAX before mainnet.

but if they will add new stories, then I dunno, but on their pivotal there isnt much left.

judging by their pivotal only i'd say 2 sprints is enough? that's like in 2-3 weeks

>> No.8749816

Who cares? Releasing main net won’t affect the price at all. It may get a small pump, but that’s about it. This market is dead.

>> No.8749831

>t. non-programming FUDer

>> No.8749838

Nah, I can't wait to stake muh links

>> No.8749853

>Signal group shill
>Price pumps
>Anons start posting random pages from gitub
Looks like its profit taking season.
Wonder if we'll get some dickhead larper telling us to FOMO IN QUICKLY MAINNET IN TWO WEEKS

>> No.8749877

I think other peopel would agree with me :
VERY OPTIMISTIC : mainnet by end of may
OPTIMISTIC : mainnet by mid to end june
OKAYISH : mainnet by mid - end july
PESSIMISTIC : mainnet by mid - end august

>> No.8749895

if we go after august, i'd say they have probably went through some srious unexpected things, but this doesn't roll with what rory is saying about the advancement of the project, they are clearly saying they are ahead of schedule

>> No.8749901

I just don’t get the excitement. Mainnet’s release will be so anticlimactic...it’s not like millions of people are dying to use it. It’ll take years before anything significant starts happening as far as use cases.

>> No.8749922

you are underestimating chainlink.
alot of projects will start officially endorsing chainlink once it finally hits mainnet.
and there are alot of projects delayed because of chainlink right now.

so it will be massively used when it hits mainnet

>> No.8749934

This is the exact kind of project that would really benifit from a long public beta.
I dont see any advantage to a big hype "launch".

>> No.8749955

For example...?

>> No.8749988

Correct. Massive projects like REQ just DYING for LINK to be ready.

This will be huge.

>> No.8750016

the launch won't be hyped, except by the revealing of all the big names using the network.

>> No.8750037

REQ is hardly a “massive” project...

>> No.8750065
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req is only one of the few announced projects.
if you have followed chainlinks story u'll know the names that are waiting for chainlink I don't have to shill them now.

but rory was very clear about the quality of the release.

>> No.8750080

who is pwc? what makes you think req is not a massive project ?

>> No.8750108

Any examples of established companies waiting for mainnet? I don’t consider Request Network, an obscure payment request platform to be significant. Coinbase would be significant or anything outside of the BS cryptocurrency space.

>> No.8750121

ok i'm tired of this : capgemini, salesforce, docusign, request network, the chamber of digital commece, swift, accenture

>> No.8750159

Accenture ?

First I've heard of it and I'm a LINK addict.

>> No.8750162

Because it has zero customers, no actual product, and I don’t think it really meets any unmet need by any current companies or individuals. Maybe it COULD become big...but now it is an unexecuted startup. Just because biz shills something doesn’t make it “massive” in the real world. Citigroup is massive.

>> No.8750166

I thought the accenture one was a larp

>> No.8750173

Why wouldnt "big names" do the much more sensible thing of waiting to get involved until there is a mature test ecosystem?

Oh my god stop with req you delusional shills its a literally who. If req is the big partner expect major dumping

>> No.8750181

ok let me ask you this, capgemini writes a huge report on chainlink almost sucking sergeys dick off.
and accenture would just sit there and watch?

>> No.8750198

I share the same sentiment as you. Really don’t understand the excitement over mainnet. It isn’t going to be some amazing watershed moment. It’ll literally be just biz telling people to buy and MAY pump like...15% for 3 days and then return to baseline

>> No.8750200


In addition to your accurate list:

That insurance company, AXA is a probable candidate.
Zepplin.Os has already been confirmed. (multiple billions worth usd currently goes through smartcontracts built on their platform, don't know if you consider this small time or not)

That tokenized sports cards project (another obscure nobody like REQ).

>> No.8750229


1. The current code is still nowhere near mainnet release
2. The team is obviously still not super comfortable with Golang
3. Golang is an incredibly verbose language, everything takes forever (error handling everywhere, no generics support, no function overloading)
4. They have tests for the most trivial things (comprehensive testing doubles the time to code)
5. They're very careful and want to make the code robust (so lots of reviewing and testing ahead still)

BTW, I own LINK and believe in the project. Just stop being so fucking impatient.

>> No.8750235

None of these are CONFIRMED and certainly none of these multibillion dollar companies are waiting impatiently for ChainLink mainnet so they can launch massive projects.

>> No.8750238

let alone all the projects that oraclize sucked in, that will see a valid alternative to oraclize.
and any new project based on gambling, online casinos, betting on sports, even ICOs could be handled using chainlink.

the applications are huge. mainnet will be the spark

>> No.8750260


Worst case scenario:

No partners are announced, but the main-net launch is successful technologically and is a strong demonstration of the platform's viability.

Probable scenario: Main-net launches and some decent partnerships(clients/network users) are announced as being fully official and moving forward (REQ, ZEP, etc.)

Best Case Scenario:
The main-net launches without a hitch and is accompanied by numerous partnerships with real-world companies (SWIFT, AXA, Docusign, Facebook) as being both users of the network and nodes for their early forays into utilizing smartcontracts to settle digital agreements via API calls.

>> No.8750268

>tfw quadrillion-dollar derivatives market
$100,000 EOD

>> No.8750275

I hold Link too...just don’t expect anything significant until 2020

>> No.8750276

what is NDA? you think they'd sit with sergey for the laugh of it? you think they are playing? you think tom gonser has time to play games?
did you read the capgemini report?
zepplin os is confirmed.
swift they won thePoC you know how much it costs you make a poc work? do you even know what a poc is?

>> No.8750312
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2020 is mainstream adoption, but by end of 2018 we will have major players announcing partnerships with chainlink.

this is all working on speculation, you don"'t have to have a finished product for the singularity, just an announcement can be enough to spark a huge price pump.

the mainnet is going to be huge, the few months following it will be epic for link holders

>> No.8750365

LMAO a PoC is a proof of concept ie a thing that works sort of.
Its not a nobel prize.

If the discord pageets get leaks in advance theyll be able to pump it 2x or 3x before launch.
Hopefully sergey is able to do a surprise launch while everyone is busy pooing in the street.

>> No.8750401

what the fuck are you talking about? this isnt a poc with your local pajeet selling tech.
we are talking about a PoC with swift, the company responsible for moving money between banks.
you think anybody can get access to that?
it's ON their site, they didn't put swift there for no reason dumdum.

swift is a major player, and that's why teh chamber of digital commerce was sitting next to sergey at the sxsw, because they were put into contact by swift.

you think it's all play? they are playing games to fool people? are you dum srsly?

>> No.8750417


>the ball is about to roll off the table and nothing is preventing this from happening BUT IT HASN'T HAPPENED YET SO DON'T IMPLY THAT IT WILL

he's just speculating wildly about the future, anon. pay no heed

>> No.8750438

Why did they choose to switch to GO? What can it do that the other language they were programming in (Python? I forgot), can't do, that is necessary for link to work?

>> No.8750467
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>> No.8750503

A POC still doesn’t really mean that much. Especially for right now. It’s JUST AS LIKELY that they go “cool concept, we’ll keep in touch” and nothing happens for 5, 10 years or never.

You’re getting way too into a bunch of tenuous, speculative situations.

>> No.8750554

Even to say “fan of” is speculative. The reality is “has spoken with/of”

And “has spoken with/of” means absolutely nothing and to bank on the fact that these are sure things is a major stretch.

>> No.8750560

no, first of, a POC is paid, it's not free, it costs millions of $.
second usually it ends up with a prototype and ends up with a real product in the end.

sergey is not a larper, when he says he is working with swift. HE IS working with swift, you need to also learn to trust the people you invest in. why would we put thousands of dollars in a project if we don't trust the CEO? what kind of pajeet mentality you guys have?
i'm not trading, I am invested in chainlink, I give them my money so they can deliver.

>> No.8750570

and that's why its an amazing investment.

>> No.8750578

You are going to be disappointed anon. Mainnet will not be any sort of singularity.

>> No.8750587


this. sick and tired of incredulous midwits larping as rational skeptics

>> No.8750590


>> No.8750599
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because it's a great team, with trustable people who are actually collaborating with big players. and the team is doing a really great job, just check their github. amazing.

>> No.8750629

you have your beliefs I have mine, I know the singularity is not far away

>> No.8750632

I never said I don’t trust them. I don’t understand why people conflate being realistic with being pessimistic. All I said is that mainnet’s release will not be monumental, nor are there any confirmed partnerships. Trust me, SWIFT, docusign, etc aren’t sitting around like “damn it ChainLink, we have all of these complete projects, we just need mainnet to launch them and start a decentralized revolution!”

Some interesting companies have expressed some interest. THAT’S IT right now. We are a LONG TIME away from ChainLink being used in large applications and having real value.

I am a realistic investor and I don’t mind waiting several years. But I’m not gonna act like a dumby thinking this is primed to blow soon.

>> No.8750656

My friend, you didnt invest in anything.
You gave them free money and are now crossing your fingers that they do you a favor.
Legally speaking, you are holding magic beans.

>> No.8750664

I think it WILL blow soon. but i'm in for the long run.
but depends what blow emans we didn't give any fiat estimates.

but knowing how crypto works, antshares boomed to 124$ in the span of a few months. Chainlink can do more.

>> No.8750668

so much this

>> No.8750691

This isn’t 100% true, but it has some truth. There is no guarantee that ChainLink will use Link tokens.

>> No.8750717

it will, it was confirmed by sergey, the pajeet guy actually asked the question to sergey he confirmed. stop larping srsly

>> No.8750724

You can start earning more link
Thats what im excited about
The low price is great that means the roi will be exponentially bigger

>> No.8750734

it was during the super conf the video is on youtube my god.and just check the white paper it says link will be the center of this whole shinanigans

>> No.8750768

He said “as of now we are going by what is in the white paper.”

If I recall correctly. This CAN change. Doesn’t mean it will, but it can if necessary.

>> No.8750778

This bullshit is shot down in flames every thread. Please kys for not doing your homework and lurk more.

Absolutely Disgusting

>> No.8750792

lol, just wait until this time next year then we'll see who was right
the autistic nitpick
or the one who can make sense of incomplete information
just use your intuition, all the signs are there

>> No.8750798

Not worried about Link tokens not being used. I’m just keeping a realistic perspective as to the long term nature of the investment.

>> No.8750815

I was at the super conference.

>> No.8750825

Nah it will use the tokens, not least because sergey understands that you need a native asset for a crypto network to function.
But you have zero of the rights that protect a normal investor.

>> No.8750848

Are these things worthwhile going to?

Also please don't kys

>> No.8750873

Ropsten will most assuredly be released before the end of the month.

Mainnet is unknown because I think they will wait until they at least have a basic shell command that will instantiate everything and look for an Ethereum client. Safe bet is June for mainnet.

>> No.8750880

try to buy 200k+ links without market buying and get back to me how hard it is. I had to do it a week or two ago and it was frustrating. This is without any news of any sort, now imagine how little LINKs will be on the market when partnerships are announced.

>> No.8750881
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We’re gonna fuckin make it bro

>> No.8750887

what you think?

>> No.8750911

Fucking this, this is what people don't seem to understand.

>> No.8750923

no point in going to small ones like bitcoin super conference but bigger ones like SXSW are worth. Normally i only go if company pays for it

>> No.8750936

They definitely have some value from a networking perspective if you can filter through the hordes of faggots these things attract nowadays...but it seems like more and more, much of the actual content is leaking online through cell phone videos and such. The super conference, being in Miami drew WAY too many faggots trying to show off money, especially since many people had been cashing out large amounts from a falling market.

>> No.8750999

I have no doubt, i'm DCAing the shit out of link

>> No.8751057

who cares when mainnet is. i'm happy to wait aslong as it takes to become a millionaire, this project is so good.

>> No.8751062

Anyone willing to give me some resources to really start digging on LINK? I've done minor research on it, but would like some more shit to read through. Think Im gonna dump all my JNT and go all in on LINK

>> No.8751063

Its super low volume. Not a positive or a negative and nothing to read into.

>> No.8751071

what made you change your mind?

>> No.8751090

i find it weird that without any documentation you want to change from jnt to chainlink. i suggest if you're not too techy to simply check sergey presentation on youtubbe at super conference, and listen to the audio of the SXSW panel with tom gonser and president of chamber of digital commerce, they explain what are smart contracts and their implication. you want links or you canfind them yourself? it's all on reddit / Chainlink

>> No.8751123

Here you go, a bunch of info some anon posted a few days ago. Also check out their subr*ddit, there is good info there and vornth is always around to answer technical questions. >>8521990

>> No.8751164
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>dump JNT for LINK
About the best decision you will ever make

>> No.8751212

token economics of JNT are on shaky ground, the team is starting to concern me a lot. I was one of the original shills of JNT, so it pains me to say. From what I've read of LINK it seems to be a much bigger deal than I initially thought, that's why I want to dig before dumping my JNT and going all in. Am a poorfag, so I would only be able to pick up around 3,000. Will likely be grabbing more throughout the summer when I start my summer job again.

>> No.8751229

I truly believe in link, in my eyes, you are making the best decision. but you have to make it yourself.

i am convinced link will do an antshare this year.

>> No.8751250

take this with a grain of salt. this is MY OWN PERSONAL beliefs.

>> No.8751252

Super conference was in Texas you larping fucking idiot

>> No.8751269

i think he was larping from the beggining.

>> No.8751281

>i am convinced link will do an antshare this year.
If bitcoin starts trending upwards again, yes
if not, it might be frustrating

>> No.8751282


>b-b-but poc isnt a big deal! anyone can just make one. doesnt mean nothin

No surprises here, you can probably guess where I am heading. In my opinion, proof-of-concept is materially more important than the product for any startups desiring to raise venture capital down the road. As without it, there will be no capital to save your business from running over the cliff. Look at CraigsList and Wikipedia as examples: they aren't very pretty sites, but they were functional enough to attract a huge user base.

>> No.8751308

its a stealth project that most people dont have the IQ to understand. but ive been here since the ICO. I know this is one of the more robust and profound projects in the blockchain space right now. it has the potential to assist many enterprises and cut costs.

>> No.8751316

You are the venture capital. That phase is done.

>> No.8751320

Are you talking about JNT or LINK?

>> No.8751330
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AB was not larping, he just knew

>> No.8751335


>> No.8751374

I think it will happen 2019 or 2020...BTC is getting murdered right now, I think BTC will bleed to 2k this year.

>> No.8751397

no, no matter what teh price of BTC is, chainlink price won't be tied to it.

once we moon, we moon no matter what the price of BTC will be at the time

>> No.8751450

Binance suppose to get alt/fiat pairs soon no?

>> No.8751463
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absolute brain dead

>> No.8751466

people dont buy because of github commits. hhow many coinbbass users bought bitcoin cause they love the github? they buy it because its rare and valuable and goes up in value

>> No.8751486

BTC getting murdered also causes alts to dip though, I think this whole year will be a bear market.

>> No.8751494
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>> No.8751504

I chuckled slightly

>> No.8751506

This is not necessarily a good thing...many alts will go to their true value if this happens, many projects are overvalued right now.

>> No.8751508


>> No.8751524

brainlet nonprogrammer here.
People have mentioned a possible "private repository" outside of the main github
How likely is it that chainlink are developing parts of the project in a private repository? Are there any obvious mossing pieces that might be being built this way?

>> No.8751538

its a meme.

>> No.8751589

its on slack, yes and its only accessible on invites...

>> No.8751638

So how is that not a good thing? Shit alts need to die, how the hell do you think truly good projects will shine in the end?

>> No.8751651

There's a confirmed third programmer who is as-of-yet unnamed, and hasn't been making any additions in the tracker. Add that to Rory's comments about specialists being hired for specific tasks, and it comes out to a strong possibility.

Also, given that the consensus and validation code is arguably the most important and we have yet to see any of it, I'd argue that it almost has to be in private repo.

>> No.8751688

There is a chance of a private repo yes, it’s not unheard of or uncommon

>> No.8751690

i agree, theres no fucking way they haven't started the validation code when they are preparing for fucking ropsten.

>> No.8751750

Shit alts may die but you can kiss your 100x moonshots goodbye.

>> No.8751962


>> No.8752379

yup, I’m expecting the fully-formed contracts to drop then, unsure if they will open the contract repo at that time though.

>> No.8752739

Ripple, as in the product using the tokens, is barely being used outside of testing and PoCs but look where it is. No shit there will be much testing before chainlink is put into production but to say nothing can happen to the price until it's put into real production on a wide scale is just dumb. Anyone who uses this as talking point is a nob.

>> No.8753281
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>> No.8753294

the absolute STATE of chainlink's github

>> No.8753411

Ok fuck it, this one freaked me out so I bought 2k more

>> No.8753503


>> No.8753511

holy shit im crying

>> No.8753700
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I'm happy. What's your stack at now?

>> No.8753730

7k linklet
I think that's it for me unless we get a deeeep dip.
Saving up for when BTC crashes into the dirt

>> No.8753768

Highly doubt anyone here took a look at the codebase, and at the end of the day it depends on who’s working on the project, and more importantly how many.

Your best bet is looking at similar projects and seeing how long it took to build it, and do some arithmetic depending on the amount of people working on it vs this main net crap.

There’s really no telling in software development unless management created an internal deadline.

Soon* means we don’t know in software dev

>> No.8753788

Good idea. I'm trying to do the same but idk, the order book is so thin I doubt I'll be able to get as much as I'm aiming for.

>> No.8753902

Even the brainlets here are looking at the codebase. In my case I see there is documentation being done and assume that's a sign of strong progress. Could be way off of course.

What ya aiming for? Sell side is pretty pathetic alright

>> No.8753954

At current price aim is 90k, 100 is ideal. Sell orders are shit but I've been watching for a few days, enough people dump 10k plus at a time that I'm sure it can be done. Just going to take some patience.

>> No.8754048

Big bet to put on a philosophy major working out of a Thai nail salon!

>> No.8754069

does anyone remember what the specific update was with "prepare for mainnet"?

>> No.8754118

Big bet indeed, but they're moving up slowly but surely. If this isn't it, I'm not interested in crypto lol. I guess you're joking too, but you know they're now in the SF financial district right? Their building rents to CNN among others

>> No.8754288

I'll probably end up with nearer 10k unless sergey exit scams us lol

>> No.8754428

AB knew it all along. Called April/May

>> No.8754432

Not a bad idea lol. You know I've considered it before, but don't you think this would be a strange way to operate if it were a scam? Wouldn't you want to hype it up as much as possible to suck in the most money? We're getting the exact opposite here.

>> No.8754511
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Sergey makes my dreams come true

>> No.8754522


>can you estimate the release of a software product based on commits/day

the ABSolute STATE of biz

>> No.8754767

"it's a meme" isn't funny