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File: 154 KB, 500x268, Blockchain-Image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8749438 No.8749438 [Reply] [Original]

Name a grander meme and a more worthless hyped thing in the history of humanity

>people in tech know what i mean

>> No.8749448


>> No.8749451

I miss when BTC was used as an actual currency and not like trading stocks.

>> No.8749481

>I miss when BTC was used as an actual currency and not like trading stocks.
so never?
never heard about BTC being used for anything besides drugs and CP

>> No.8749484

Nah everyone's eyes glaze over when blockchain is mentioned. Its like Jesus 2.0

>> No.8749495

>people in tech

The thing with people in tech is that they rely on making money because people are dumb. They think they should be in charge just because they’re “people in tech”. Cryptocurrency is not about sucking the dicks of people in tech. It’s about what the tech can DO for the common man.

(The only people in this space who get their dicks sucked are the people who represent the ideology well, ver Vitalik etc.)

You’re a cuckold op and you always will be. Enjoy staying poor and being all confused about stuff. Also fucking stop posting and kill yourself

>> No.8749502

>Name a grander meme and a more worthless hyped thing in the history of humanity

>> No.8749505

But i am old money

>> No.8749508

that pizza shop
probably other shit that nobody knew about

>> No.8749510

It was, just a few years ago newfag.

>> No.8749513

>It was, just a few years ago newfag.
sure lmao

>> No.8749525



>> No.8749528

Yeah, I miss when BTC was a currency for illicit shit, not this gentrified 'legitimate' business

>> No.8749548

Rural retard detected.

It was all over the place just a few years ago. I accepted bitcoin in my own business. Loads of places accepted bitcoin. I bet you live in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere

>> No.8749571

Internet of Things. There, now delete this thread.

>> No.8749577

I know that in the dotcom bubble, pretty much any company was looking to add .com to the end of their companys name in hopes of magically causing their stock value to rise exponentially. Blcokchain is just the new .com

>> No.8749604


>> No.8749615

>It was all over the place just a few years ago. I accepted bitcoin in my own business. Loads of places accepted bitcoin. I bet you live in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere
holy fuck you are larping so hard
was your "business" selling LSD on Silk Road?

>> No.8749688

Isnt everyone sick of blockchain already? It has as much cache as fidget spjnners now. OG techies are already shitting on the blockchain meme in public. Expect a corporate rebrand to "DLT" until everyone gets wise to the idea that BTC is the only good coin

>> No.8750000
File: 248 KB, 900x516, 1519401584106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000x this.

Blockchain isn't the revolution, it's the means to the cash revolution. Blockchain can only work within a financial incentive system.

Make bitcoin great again.

>> No.8750217
File: 582 KB, 1282x822, 1520554930476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas 'em brother.

>> No.8750222
File: 23 KB, 345x336, 1522335488825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better bring out the paddles anon
he's flatliner

>> No.8750292

>shitting on the blockchain meme in public

Thats equivalent to holocaust denial in public

>> No.8750294

It was just a normal small business. It’s not like it’s hard to accept crypto you dumbass you get a wallet and put a thing on your website saying you accept crypto. It’s that easy.

>> No.8750306

>just a normal small business

Sure thing

>> No.8750330

Why is it so hard to believe? Accepting crypto is easier for a business than getting a card machine. Plus it improves your SEO by a large amount cus of those crypto keywords

>> No.8750332

If the current future of Blockchain is anything like the future of the internet in the mid 90's, that's pretty bullish.

I'll try
Artificial Intelligence: fancy name for linear algebra methods that have been around forever. actual use cases still fairly limited.
Big data: Companies dealing with TB and PB of datas have been around forever. I worked for one (marketing research) in the 90's. I don't get the hype.
3D printing: I remember when this was the next revolution. Still haven't seen a single viable use case.
Virtual Reality: Good for porn I guess, but the rest ?
Social Media: IRC, Usenet and Email are good enough. People had better, more meaningful conversation and met more people from more diverse backgrounds back then. Twitter is probably the most useless of all.

>> No.8750343

Ok cut the crap. What was it? Weed seeds? Lsd? Coke?

>> No.8750347
File: 341 KB, 800x450, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750359

3d was a huge meme. It did so much damage

>> No.8750400
File: 22 KB, 326x326, wat_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked fren

>> No.8750439

i love seeing bitjews vs jewcoin fight for market dominance, but both dont know that the solution is in alt coins, its over, yield the dominance peacefully to alt coins, witch are the future

>> No.8750442

The gods are on our side

>> No.8751129


IoT is a bigger meme.
>muh toaster will talk to my hair dryer one day
In all seriousness though if you think blockchain has anything to do with tech you're retarded, it's literally 1990s tier technology. The impressive part is the game theory.

>> No.8751680
File: 40 KB, 560x560, 1512903198710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
