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File: 231 KB, 2438x926, BPE Index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8748293 No.8748293 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is happening with Ethereum?

>> No.8748312

>muh rippening

>> No.8748321

whats this site

>> No.8748325
File: 363 KB, 2048x1536, ethereum-vitalik-buterin-unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik happenned, that asshole should learn to STFU, he literally is shitting on his own creation, that kind of cuck doesn't deserve ETH.
that cuck couldn't handle the fact that other people could have other uses for his shit coin, and now he is acting like a little kid and spitting on his own tech, fuck that autist

>> No.8748338


No, the question is: What's happening with Ripple?
How can someone with half a brain buy that shit?

>> No.8748341


>> No.8748350

Comp. are selling ETH raised during ICO funding phase to pay devs. mass sell off's influence a downtrend.. Doesn't help that market sentiment is at an all time low, as well, and bitcoin is being a cunt.

Give it a few more months, and check back. ETH should be on its way back up up up.

>> No.8748357

People have realised that Powm.io is the only way to store ethereum that makes money. Say what you want but it's true.

>> No.8748361

What did he say lately besides shitting on Craig Wright?

Other than that he should really grow up and stop twitting uncontrollably, he's on Trump levels lately.

>> No.8748371

lol why did they almost triple the circulating supply of XRP from cmc?

>> No.8748389

ETH is dead.

ICOs are being sued for fraud and there is little reason for any new coin, at all. We all know 99% of ICOs are scams and those scams are already out and functioning, and dying right now.

ETH also has shit code that is prone to hacking and fucking it. It is a meme coin that will die this year. XLM will replace the ICO process, since its network doesnt blow dick and the 0.01% of ERC20 tokens that are not scams, will need a real network to use, like XLM. Therefore, ETH has no purpose.

Screencap this and bail, now.

>> No.8748393

you can't have a higher "bpe" but a lower mcap. it's just mcap divided by a constant retards

>> No.8748397

Hope so, also I cannot believe Tron a literal fucking scam is still in top 20. Have people even read the whitepaper it has copy pasted IPFS bits and from Storj's WPaper.

What. the. actual. fuck?

Can smart institutional investors come in and dump it hard on normies, or are they not even considering this market because of how much of a joke it is?

>> No.8748415

Agreed, I've been saying this for a long time but you guys just don't listen. Get out while you still can

>> No.8748422

>institutional investors
Not until July

>> No.8748433

says who

>> No.8748450

Regulations. They're not going to dump money until then, at least for the US.

>> No.8748455

hes the one responsible for all these dumps, he is responsible for the bear market, he is making people doubt crypto currency in general, by creating bullshit problems.

vitalik is a madman,

>> No.8748465

>CMC Rank
>1, 3, 2, 8, 4

>> No.8748489

institutional money is not going to be coming into crypto. Cryptocurrencies is the land of scams, pajeets, and niggers. Smart money isn't interested in jumping into a volatile shit bubble like crypto and I don't blame them.

>> No.8748515

smart money has already put a small percentage of their portfolio into crypto "just in case" it turns out to be profitable
if you think the millionaire bankers didn't also throw in a couple sheckels onto a popular coin you're naive as fuck

>> No.8748516


>> No.8748536

Don't respond. It's bait.

>> No.8748538

This entire market is just waiting on Plasma/OMG to roll out.

We're all going to bleed out until then.

>> No.8748575


>> No.8748595

It's a bullshit post.

Sili W. Roe

>> No.8748638


Bitcoin Cash is about to eat up ETH's market share with the fork upgrade in a month or so

>> No.8748657

bcash is about to get flushed down the toilet

>> No.8748663

This is astoundingly retarded.

Best wishes,
Sili W. Roe

>> No.8748682

That would make me extremely happy and I'm not even a cashie.

>> No.8748691
File: 302 KB, 2340x1440, 1221154984111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here come the automated bot replies disparaging Bitcoin Cash (the real Bitcoin).

I wonder who is paying for (((this))).

>> No.8748715


>> No.8748717

No bot here. Cashies are simply totally irrelevant.

Sili W. Roe

>> No.8748736

Dont know anything about this chart but these are the only 5 cryptos you should be investing in if you want to still have money in 5 years

>> No.8748764


Because that's the real supply

>> No.8748781

>if the supply triples, the price would stay stable
Why would you think that?

Sili W. Roe

>> No.8748789


>> No.8748810

Welcome to the real world Neo

>> No.8748847

really reassuring to know people like you exist

>> No.8748850

no, 60B of them are in an escrow and not circulating. you may as well say ethereum has infinite supply and btc 21m

>> No.8748897
File: 237 KB, 1839x745, larpersbtffo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this retarded shitposter called it.
larpers btfo

>> No.8748927

Won't switch until there is XLM pairs sorry lad

>> No.8749004

Ah yes the good ole escrow meme, it's the same as your upper limit on your bank retrievals.

Just because they can't spend it all like retards and crash everything doesn't mean the supply magically becomes 30M.

>Unspent amounts will go back in escrow.
Yes I trust them doing that consistently.

>> No.8749040

Isn't now the perfect time to scoop up some ETH for CHEAP

ahead of proof of steak people will be buying ETH like crazy.

>> No.8749115

I was thinking of picking some up this week if it keeps below 400.
But will it hit 250?

>> No.8749144

>Bitcoin Equivalent Price

Is there a more brainlet metric than this? It's like me taking Amazon stock but then superimposing Apple's total shares outstanding as if that means anything. Goddamn I hate when tech geeks try to act like securities analysts

>> No.8749147

everyone knows xrp is a money grab but that's not the point. mcap = price * circulating supply, and circulating supply is supply that is available to the public. same way the market cap of publicly traded companies is calculated using the public float and not the locked-in shares

>> No.8749168

considering that none of these shitcoins will ever surpass bitcoin, yes, i think it's a good metric to give you an upper bound

>> No.8749184

Then just use Market Cap, or if you want to be picky, use Total Supply x Price, or Max Supply x Price if a coin has a cap. "Normalizing" coins outstanding is fucking stupid and makes zero sense in valuing any coin, relative to BTC or not.

>> No.8749190
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, 1514841041757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ripple has great tech behind it and an actual real world use?

>> No.8749218

it's just a different way to look at the same things autismo. nothing serious

>> No.8749246

What should we get into?

>> No.8749251


>different way

No, it's just wrong, retard. Do yourself a favor and read a book sometime.

>> No.8749260

it's not wrong stop being dumb

>> No.8749298

You have no idea what you're talking about, moron. If you can reply in the next 2 minutes with definitions of the following I'll kill myself on stream


>> No.8749301

Bahahahahahahaha they are literally just handing those coins out, they have zero value compared to the energy needed to create the other coins

>> No.8749308

Lol doubt it. Roger and Vitalik are on the same side.

Corecucks are going to be the biggest losers in the upcoming months. Just watch.

Buying a 4chan pass is the telltale giveaway of the paid shill

>> No.8749321

lmao those are all covered one by one in finance 101 from khan academy nice job for finishing the course

>> No.8749340

And you couldn't even name one, with a full minute remaining in spare time. I guess the stars are meant to indicate special needs?

>> No.8749343

It's better than what's happening with BCASH omg...

>> No.8749350

The icos are cashing out to ensure they have enough funds for the years to come

>> No.8749360

The Original Bitcoin, not this core shit will be replacing eth and most all ALT coins will be worthless by end of year, deal with it channies

>> No.8749374

>pls play my game anon!!

>> No.8749381

It's over. The entire market is sinking and it's never coming back.

>> No.8749382
File: 8 KB, 442x500, 1514450923272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8749383

TA suggests buy now

>> No.8749390

Nah, ETH is unstoppable and has its own network effects now. Bitcoin core will be going the way of the DODO however as well as most other altcoins when bitcoin cash rapes the fuck out of bitcoin core

>> No.8749496
File: 29 KB, 645x773, 82E88C7F-6831-4AE2-A6B7-C194003C63E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1TB block size? LOL COREKEKS
>not using 8TB BLOCKS

>lightning network
>lolol who would want to scale without bloating up the main chain?

God damn you bcash fags are so delusional. I think ur just core fudders so you can try and buy at lower levels

>> No.8749726

where is this mall anyway

>> No.8750604

heh do you remember when everyone suggested you keep at least half your money in ETH because it was a safe coin?

glad i didnt fall for that meme

>> No.8750657

You are trying way too hard.

>> No.8750757

>LINK is Blockchain agnostic and could switch to any network if ETH died.
>Sergey is antihype and all about results; no twitter faggot drama
>SWIFT is working with them, Docusign, Salesforce have strong connections

>> No.8750820

Explain why Litecoin is still over $100 and no worth $0 and you'll have your answer.

>> No.8750841

<greentext for faggots
White text or die young

>> No.8750890
File: 464 KB, 900x668, ardr tsunami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth is over, ardr, neo, poly, eng, nem, stepping up.

>> No.8751769
File: 69 KB, 637x960, 27973429_10209005419491804_6016413075989761631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can someone with half a brain buy that shit?
correct, only full brained people buy ripple
the thing is, you think its shit, because someone told you that, you did no research at all
>top 3 since its inception

>> No.8751793

Hey guys I'm new here.

My son told me about this place and said I could learn how to sell bitcoin without buying it.

Can someone tell me how to become a bear?

I'm kind of new to all this stuff.
