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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8746468 No.8746468 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8746538

reminder a long list of famous investors tried to warn you bitcorn was for retards but they were old and out of touch

>> No.8746598

The old codger is probably in short.

>> No.8746603
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>> No.8746671

I’m going on a drug and alcohol fueled trip throughout Europe for a month. By the time I return I hope things will be back to normal. If not I’ll spend another 2 btc and stay for the summer

>> No.8746696

Mcafee is that you?

>> No.8746748

You’ll know my name within 3 years I’m sure of it

>> No.8746775

Drugs are never an improvement anon.

>> No.8746800

>btc 2009 under $0.3
>btc 2017 $20k
>bad investment
are you retarded?

>> No.8746885

No of course not, but they enhance the thrill and kill time quite efficiently

>> No.8746954

*kill brain cells

You are already a decaying machine don't accelerate the process.

>> No.8747087

more like holding down... with a rope around my neck

>> No.8747106

>bubbles up to $20K from a few dimes.
>implying it's not a bad investment

>> No.8747118

lol all that money and this nigger is always sipping coke, the nasty fucker

>> No.8747172

bought more shitcoins today

time to make another deposit so I can buy more shitcoins next week

volume is so low today I can't make any gains

I need to do some scrapping and roll some coins so I don't fuck myself

I'm being productive today and it's time to get back up out this chair

gotta get my office organized and do some yardwork too

make the most of the bear market, bros, if you don't have the balls to short at least take this time to get your homework caught up, get verified on that site you've been putting off, clean your desk up, sell some belongings that you haven't touched in a year, vacuum your car and sweep the sidewalk

>> No.8747204

Why are you such a weird fuck? Jesus Christ off yourself.

>> No.8747219

low volume makes me sulky

>> No.8747223

I’ll stop when I hit 30 or find a woman worth impregnating. Which ever happens first. Then its time to build my Empire.

>> No.8747251

>I want to build an empire, but first let me have a kid.
You poor, dumb motherfucker.

>> No.8747302

I just wanna say fuck the poorfags who blamed this drop on Easter or taxes. Nobody was taking money out for either of those things this is all thanks to futures

>> No.8747312

Well duh I have to pass it on to someone retard

>> No.8747346

Not sure if serious but not many meth addicts come out the other end with empires.

"Are you still to learn that the end and perfection of our victories is to avoid the vices and infirmities of those whom we subdue?" -Alexander the Great

>> No.8747372

Unlike you I can afford to fuck off on a degenerate hedonistic journey during a bear market while you will be sitting here glued to the screen crying out to the Bogs to save you

>> No.8747397

>assumes I do meth
>quotes alexander the degenerate in trying to lecture me on how to live a better life
If I were not Alexander I would be Diogenes

>> No.8747442

It is a good quote. Go be a degenerate fuck it is not my problem.

>> No.8747460
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let's just keep following the same paradigm forever and completely ignore disruptive technologies

>> No.8747459

Hey guys I'm new here.

My son told me about this place and said I could learn how to sell bitcoin without buying it.

Can someone tell me how to become a bear?

I'm kind of new to all this stuff.


>> No.8747468
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Das rite

>> No.8747469

>I can afford to fuck off on a degenerate journey
Doesn't fucking off on a degenerate journey seem counterproductive to accumulating money and "building muh empire?"

>> No.8747495

No. I can multitask.

>> No.8747536

Just, please don't reproduce.

>> No.8747550

I’ll keep you in mind when I creampie some czech whores

>> No.8747584

>degenerate journey
>productively multitask
Pick one.

>> No.8747597

that sounds a little homo, bro

>> No.8747631

I’m sorry that you lack the capacity to do both
For you

>> No.8747665

Pessimistic me:

Lost out on 190k on my ATH

Optimistic me:

Still up 60k from my initial investment.

> Things could be worse

>> No.8747816
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degenerate: having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline
>showing evidence of decline
You're just a brainlet