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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8744033 No.8744033 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucked up how this board has forgotten the extremely valuable information given to them last year.

Smart contracts are the future there is no question about it, I INSIST you go and learn exactly what a smart contract does to become conscious of them inevitably changing the world.

The problem is, although smart contracts are revolutionary, nobody is going to use them because of faulty, centralized oracles with choking points where the data they extract can be manipulated or weakened.

There is a solution to that problem which we have already found. It is called CHAINLINK, which uses a decentralized, fault tolerant oracle network that EFFECTIVELY aggregates multiple sources.

LINK is the absolute and ONLY solution to this because you have a very obsessed and capable man working on the solution.

You were already warned this was going to be a long term project but due to the obvious rapid decline of the average IQ of the board which probably has something to do with /pol/ deciding to actually do something with their lives, you are managing to lose confidence in the project.

The information has been here all along, I insist you actually learn something about what it is you are investing in before you panic selling just because it hasn't mooned in two fucking weeks.

Don't fucking do what you did with Ethereum again. That had some of the biggest FUD in history but to some, it was obvious what was going to happen.

This is your last chance, once this takes off this board will be swarming with braindead people because they'll think "following 4chan" is all they have to do, and any promising investments that get posted will be buried under utter trash and 404 within minutes.

Don't fuck this up.

>> No.8744113
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How about instead of writing novels on 4Chan you PM Rory to fucking stop feeding Sergey Big Macs and release the fucking mainnet allready ?
It is fucking us all hard in the bottom of our anuses their lack of work.
Go on, PM Rory and let us know.

>> No.8744131

Fuck off I don't get paid until the 13th

>> No.8744229


>> No.8744274

You double digit IQ'd lazy man.. How impatient, lazy and greedy can you be all in one?

The reason others are going to make it is because of people like you who are too lazy to learn what it is you are investing in and expect to be making huge, rapid gains by cutting corners.

If that's how you are, you may as well get the fuck out of here while you can and start watching fucking Jordan Peterson videos and following his advice on getting a job.

Your BIGGEST worry with LINK is a possible 50% climb some times after mainnet which you FOMO in at the end of. That's 50% less LINK, 50% less wealth.

I doubt this is going to do shit this year but you have an absurdly good opportunity to make it after 2020. If you can't see that then I'm sorry I don't know what the fuck to do with you anymore and I don't know what's happened to this bored.

>> No.8744285

>if i put little graphs together it must be true

crypto was a scam bubble time to accept it and move on

>> No.8744547

literally /pol/

>> No.8744607


The tl;dr is that even if we want to be positive and think they're going to take over, this doesn't have to be translated to the value of the tokens.

>> No.8744741

Once there's some sort a quantifiable USD return to holding a token and running a node, for literally any coin, and not just having the value being based 100% on speculation, you'll see volatility decrease. Add in dollar pairs to mitigate this even further and this issue will go away quite quickly.

>> No.8744807

and to add, this article in particular focuses on the volatility involved in smart contracts that settle in ether or other cryptocurrencies, which is obviously a real problem. However Chainlink is focused on contracts that settle in fiat currency, such as ISO 20022 messages that sergey confirmed they are working on. From the smart contract writers end, they'll merely pay a set fee, similar to how oraclize does it, of some cents or dollars for using the chainlink network and then the contract settles in fiat, meaning the volatility of crypto is meaningless because smart contract writers will probably just buy their tokens as necessary and not be focused on holding them.

>> No.8744978

I'm not trying to fud, but is it true what people say about the team? That it's just 2 guys and the main guy doesn't even know how to code?

>> No.8745016

It will find a stable price, but that price may never reach 1 Big Mac per LINK. You can have cents in a dollar and in this has 18 decimals.

>> No.8745033

Lol nice b8

>> No.8745135

right but once there are numbers regarding how many link tokens affect reputation and how many tokens are smart contract writers will typically require to be put forward as collateral for accepting jobs and the value of link tokens with regards to the money you can make holding them is revealed, then you can start valuing the tokens. Those numbers will lead to an individual value of the token because they will be in terms of number of tokens, not just the smart contract writers need to pay 20c to use the network.

>> No.8745147

Yeah, I just looked it up and it's true. Why isn't there more people working on it?

>> No.8745158

>This is your last chance, once this takes off this board will be swarming with braindead people because they'll think "following 4chan" is all they have to do, and any promising investments that get posted will be buried under utter trash and 404 within minutes

This. If LINK succeeds it will kill this board

>> No.8745187

>shit talking /pol/
Fuck you kike

>> No.8745307


>> No.8745455

Too cheap and there's no much point to earning reputation since you can buy it, too expensive and they've basically become centralized. I don't know where it's going.

>> No.8745465


>unironically defending nu/pol/

How's sophomore year of college going

>> No.8745502

>with /pol/ deciding to actually

>> No.8745508

Link being less than $3.99 defeats the purpose of the token as outlined in the whitepaper

>> No.8745514

Jesus. How is it that fpbp is so goddamn consistent.

>> No.8745609
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Well played but I don't know if I can ever ever be in the mood.

>> No.8745737

how long

>> No.8745739

yea and ethereum is centralized because validators will be required to have over 1k ether. Nodes aren't meant for kids, there's a lot of money on the line so contracts will require a rather large amount of capital staked to the contract (which doesn't matter if it's purchased or not since it's literally at stake for the node to be honest), and no that wont "centralize" it. Think bigger, not everyone is poor like you.

>> No.8745763

I’m 34 nigger

>> No.8745877
File: 3 KB, 115x125, choplet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy chainlink sirs good investment sirs

>> No.8746431

But hows sophomore year

>> No.8746578

Very sad that it’s taking you this long to complete year 2 if undergrad Jamal. Maybe we can yiu get you summo aid Kek

>> No.8747531

It’s good I just fucked your mum in the ass without a condom on

>> No.8747575

This Anon is wise.
Two words bros: Sergey’s Vision.

>> No.8747618
File: 109 KB, 769x697, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in uretra complication spotted
u'll get your dick cut off

>> No.8747662

It’s not that you are wrong OP. It’s that you come across like a turbo faggot.