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8740810 No.8740810 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8740967

He's not wrong though.

>> No.8740969

Fuck that's cringe. My reaction was like the guy to the left.

For those interested in body language: look at the left guys feet. We circle our feet like that to increase blood flow. It's a fight or flight reaction. When a negative emotion spawns, we may want to escape it. Thus warming up our feet.

>> No.8740981

What a psychopath. He'll literally say anything to manipulate others

>> No.8740989

He’s right though

>> No.8741005

he's right
are you against economic freedom?

>> No.8741008


Stylometry I believe this is pretty much the same guy

>> No.8741013

They're black so they don't matter.

>> No.8741082

>hurr 2 people agree they must be samefagging
Fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.8741118

people who accuse others of samefagging are usually the biggest samefags. exactly like pedophiles.

therefore i believe this is you also

>> No.8741143

Oh wow look I got a new id but I'm not the same person, I just agree with him hurr

>> No.8741154


I recommend tho to read up on stylometry for your next attempt. It's never a 100% but gives you ods

>> No.8741172
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Casually getting BTFO

>> No.8741183

If this fag is so concerned about "empowering the less fortunate" and "helping others to succeed" why won’t he send 10 ETH to me like right fucking now?

>> No.8741200

Did you send him 1 eth yet anon?

>> No.8741207
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>> No.8741212


be quiet samefag

>> No.8741236

But does he want to fuck his mother?

>> No.8741242

nigger babies

>> No.8741244


>> No.8741267



>> No.8741268

Both sides suck. If it were a choice, BTC should stay core. Fuck Roger and that fraud Wright, both opportunists.

Fuck LN too since it contrary to Satoshi's vision, it's centralized as fuck.
But if I had to choose between BCH and Lightning Network, I would choose the latter.

>> No.8741283
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He's not wrong though
Dying babies would force a negative reaction in every non-/pol/-tard
Especially truths
You probably didn't even know this word 2 months ago
back to /pol/
Casually being called names by friendless nobodies on twitter, while he's actually being listened to by hundreds of thousands of people, and triggering corekeks left and right
You probably didn't even know this word 2 months ago
Because you're a worthless neet who's been given enough chances already and failed at everything, niggers from Africa are actually better genetic material for our future as a society
millennial cuck detected

>> No.8741315

Hi Roger

>> No.8741344
File: 25 KB, 400x517, 1517734127239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even bazinga pajeets had some actual arguments in favour of their shitcoin.
Corekeks can only call everyone "Roger", can't wait for normies to realize that BTC is a ponzi, I don't even care if it's BCH that takes its place as #1

>> No.8741419

>actual arguments
>Everyone I can't manipulate by tugging on heart strings is a /pol/tard
>You probably didn't even know this word 2 months ago
>People calling me names on Twitter are friendless nobodies, I'm talking to thousands of people (I'm a self made millionaire tier)
>This guy who disagrees with me is a worthless neet
>millennial cuck detected
Again; Hi, Roger.

>> No.8741435

I take back the one about the worthless neet, you may have been right on that one

>> No.8741446


>> No.8741472

t. cuck

>> No.8741478

Why aren't the babies using Bitcoin Cash then?

>> No.8741480

So when are people going to realize this guy is a raging psychopath?

>> No.8741511

If you don't have enough monies for how many babies you're making I hope they all die eaten by wolves.

>> No.8741566
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The only economic driver of BTC-s price is the greater fool theory. Wouldn't be the case if it was a currency
0 arguments again
0 arguments again
Corekeks are in full desperation mode, we can't even discuss the merits of other coins without them chiming in and spreading FUD. There's been 0 threads on this board about actual exciting BTC developments, because there haven't been any. Not the case with BCH and alts.

>> No.8741580

Hahahaha corecucks obsessed with roger and bch. So much insecurity. Gonna get BTFO soon!!!! Teeheehee

>> No.8741599

>he thinks somebody is actually going to use a Bitcoin fork as a currency
The absolute state of BCH shills

>> No.8741610

Thanks for posting Roger he’s one of the best spokesperson in the scene and knows so much about bitcoin

>> No.8741623
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>Hur dur I called him a corekek I certainly won that argument
Not trying to argue for BTC, trying to prove that you're the one with no arguments

>> No.8741638

I recommend you to watch the whole debate.
I think Roger made some really good arguments, Samson seemed to be very nervous and weak.

Samson is a joke
>I'm not speaking for Blockstream
>blockstream logo on his shirt

>> No.8741661

>soulless chink on the left obviously doesn't care about human life
>red blooded american on the right enjoys the idea of human prosperity

>> No.8741667
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that BCH is not being used as a currency even today
The absolute state of corekeks
Where are all the threads about positive BTC developments? Why are all corekek posts on this board FUD about projects that are actually improving? Literally all of your posts are attacks on people related to BCH, which is fallacy from the start, but those attacks are also lies. You're being pathetic.

>> No.8741687

if this guy really believed the shit he spews from his mouth he would not be ripping off the Bitcoin name.

he wouldn't try to use bitcoin as anything... if he truly believed his own vomit, he would have nothing to do with bitcoin. He would call his pile of shit scam coin vercoin or some other shitcoin name.

>> No.8741691

>I think Roger made some really good arguments
You say that, but then what about this "babies are dying" psychopathy?

Ted Bundy also made some "really good arguments" in his prison interviews, but then he was a necrophiliac serial killer.

>> No.8741718
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>a negative opinion on babies dying means that he's a psychopath

>> No.8741727

>high IQ Asian couldn’t help but cringe at mutt’s insincere virtue signaling about muh freedumbs and poor shitskins who wouldn’t benefit from capitalism even if their own government deregulated everything

>> No.8741755

Mate why do you think its centralised?
Be honest now, are you just scared because a 5 minute animated youtube video told you the routing problem was unsolvable?

>> No.8741762
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>wouldn't benefit from capitalism

>> No.8741817


>> No.8741824

Who the fuck is this faggot and what is he talking about?

>> No.8741867

How can you be so retarded. The mem pool is consistently and pathetically low. The liquidity on every exchange is so tiny that exchanges are starting to drop btrash as well, which is saying something when 90% of the shitcoins will outsurvive it.

It just proves what everyone already knew about bitcoin. NO ONE is desperate to buy their coffee with it, and security has always been the focus. Lightning will make your shitcoin obsolete anyway. Gtfo

>> No.8741870

He's upset people don't like his project as much as he wants, so he accuses his detractors of being baby killers.

>> No.8741896
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>2 coffee shops will take down the most secure currency in the world

>> No.8741971

Here i made a thread just for you. Now u dont have to deal with us cashies and can talk in peace about your lightning network >>8741807

>> No.8742012
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>Lightning will make your shitcoin obsolete anyway. Gtfo
Heard in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Still as untrue as ever.
>The mem pool is consistently and pathetically low
The mempool in BTC is low because there's half the transactions in BTC now as there were in December. For the first time in history, the transaction volume is constantly decreasing with that rate.
The mempool in BCH is low because we're starting to get merchants aboard from 0. But there's steady progress, and unlike BTC, where we're seeing half the transactions as compared to December, transaction counts are rising in BCH.
>The liquidity on every exchange is so tiny that exchanges are starting to drop btrash as well
It's #4 in market cap and always within the #10 in liquidity, even in its worst days. So you're lying.
Also exchanges are not dropping Bitcoin cash, they're dropping BCH-X pairs, where X is a currency outside of the top 200. Makes perfect sense, they're dropping BTC as well by your logic.
>NO ONE is desperate to buy their coffee with it,
no-one is DESPERATE to do so, but many people do, because it helps spread the word and increase adoption, which is the only way crypto will succeed.
>and security has always been the focus
If security has been the focus then you admit that core have failed miserably. There's been 0 Bitcoin cash lost due to insecurity, and segwit coins are already being lost on Lightning.
>Lightning will make your shitcoin obsolete anyway. Gtfo
Heard in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Still as untrue as ever.

>> No.8742017

I don't have a dog in this fight.

I think BCH is indeed closer to how Satoshi described it and developed it than BTC with lightning and whatnot.
(although I do remember Satoshi or Finney pretty much describing an off-chain system like Lightning for Bitcoin, so I'm not too sure)

Roger is simply a nutcase.

>> No.8742042

He's quite passionate and a little bit cringy if you aren't used to it, but the argumentation makes sense. Children are dying from hunger and sickness in third world countries, that often have very little economic freedom, see for example North Korea.
I like his debating style
>very passionate
>addresses the emotions of his listeners
>high energy

>> No.8742077

Apart from LN theyre not so different now.
Just gotta ask yourself which has the more talented people.

>LN in 2014
Uh what

>> No.8742176

Appealing to dead children to try and win an argument is so manipulative and outrageous that it's borderline disturbing.
The man is obviously a narcissist of the highest degree.

>> No.8742180

There's other differences too - the improved DAA on BCH, the lack of RBF, meaning that it's now useable. LN is a non-factor, as if it's perfected to a point where people are not losing their money in it, it can be implemented on BCH.
My bad, they started in 2015. Still it's been a while, I've been in bitcoin since the Cyprus crysis and I was a redditfag on /r/bitcoin for way too long during that period.

>> No.8742200
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>is so manipulative and outrageous that it's borderline disturbing
It would be if he was lying. But he's not lying, economic freedom saves lives, and he saw Bitcoin as a tool to bring economic freedom. You'd be emotional too if you had this perfect vision taken away from you by a bunch of crooks

>> No.8742214

The whitepaper was released in 2016.
Can you get anything right?

>> No.8742221

You're an idiot.

>> No.8742225

>durr muh economic freedums will solve economic problems
do people REALLY believe this bullshit? where/how do people get their brains washed like this?

>> No.8742259
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>I have no arguments - the post

>> No.8742269

Lightning labs was formed in 2015, why does the whitepaper date matter? Besides, before lightning, all the spam was about sidechains, which is just as dumb and dates back probably to 2014.
Typical corekek argument.
From all the empirical evidence throughout the entire history of the planet, commie brainlet.

>> No.8742285
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>we need to steal money from people who live on less than a dollar a day, that will actually give them more money

>> No.8742291


You're god damn right I'm not going to argue with people who say things like "Blockstream is stopping Roger Ver from saving babies".

>> No.8742292

feel free to move to cuba or Venezuela it's great

what's your favorite communist slaughter?

>> No.8742328
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>I'm not going to argue with people who post facts

>> No.8742338
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My IQ literally dropped to 156 after reading this garbage.
Point me to where I said that and I'll send you 1 BTC you corekek brainlet

>> No.8742348
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>Blockstream is stopping Roger Ver from saving babies!

>> No.8742357

Where are you getting the 2015 date from?
It matters because you were implying LN is 4 years old (youre retreating now), when in fact the testnet has only been out for 2 MONTHS.
4 years and 2 months. Big difference.

>> No.8742367

That's what you're saying when you claim Roger is correct about the "babies are dying" bit.

You're just not very bright, are you?

>> No.8742476

The first iteration of the LN whitepaper is from 2015, that part I'm certain about.
Still not sure why you're focusing on the exact year as if it matters. It's been in the works for quite some time.
Definitely brighter and richer than you. Here's my last attempt you imbecile: Blockstream is stopping bitcoin from providing economic freedom to developing countries, and economic freedom is historically shown to lower infant mortality. Roger is not particularly relevant in this process.

>> No.8742486
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>people don't die when they can't use money

>> No.8742510

Oh, and you said it here among others: >>8742200

>economic freedom saves lives (of babies, see OP)
>Roger Ver wants to bring economic freedom to the world, meaning he wants to save lives
>crooks (Blockstream) thwart this vision
Thus, your position is: "Blockstream is stopping Roger Ver from saving babies".


>> No.8742531

HE'S RIGHT you fuckers, thank god we have someone that cares about issues that matter in this space full of greddy get-rich-quick parasites.

>> No.8742535

>From all the empirical evidence throughout the entire history of the planet, commie brainlet.
the evidence shows that government policies leading to private development in specific areas of the economy are what solves economic problems. look at the US, for example: the govt has been investing in high tech development through overt and covert actions for many decades, which is why you have the most technologically advanced companies there. the only "economic freedom" there is is for you to buy shit you may or may not need.

uhm, cuba has been in an economic blockade for many decades, and yet they still managed to survive and develop some social/economic areas. sure, they are poor as fuck, but look at what happens when professionals leave cuba to work in the US...
venezuela is a whole different case, and if you think "economic freedom" is the only problem with that govt, you are truly retarded. hint: most LATAM countries live off the export of raw materials, and their prices affect their status greatly, no matter the political side of the government

>> No.8742616

oh, and btw: you can't deny that btc/shitcoins is a purely speculative market. people don't buy and have never bought btc for its value, but simply because of the potential gains.
and what's preventing those poor kids from dying is the same kind of greed that makes people invest in btc/shitcoins. no matter if jesus christ or some random retard says otherwise.

>> No.8742622
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>I know! I'll make it sound like it's only Rogers plan to have economic freedom! That way I can attack his original point that economic freedom saves lives!

>> No.8742697

>Roger is not particularly relevant in this process.
You literally said Roger's vision was to use Bitcoin as a tool to bring economic freedom.
Here: >>8742200

You also said he wasn't lying when he said babies are dying because his project was being slandered.

Time for your meds.

>> No.8742716
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>Roger used Bitcoin to bring economic freedom, not Bitcoin itself

>> No.8742746
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>People having their money from them stolen is good for them, even though I don't want my money stolen

>> No.8742749

Anon, the LN opts for a more centralized model because of payment hubs. It's against Satoshi's vision! But well his vision was made in 2008 so I somewhat agree that it is kinda outdated.

>> No.8742761

Roger is probably the only one saying babies are dying because his plan for "economic freedom" is being bad-mouthed.

>> No.8742773 [DELETED] 


>> No.8742790

>investments in research and development
>money stolen
lolbertarian logic. there is a reason people laugh at your retardation

>> No.8742808

>purely speculative market
But it's important what you're speculating on.
You're speculating on someone being dumb enough to pay more than you did
You're speculating on future adoption. There's a reason why the US insists on the USD being used for petrol purchases. Having a good volume for your currency actually produces a safe price bottom, and with bitcoin's (now bitcoin cash's) ability to transact with lower fees, merchants could potentially give discounts when you purchase with bitcoin -> in an arrangement that's mutually beneficial for both the merchant and bitcoin adoption.
The $100 price in 2013 was justified if you believed that there's a 0.01% chance that BTC will be used on amazon/ or at least a good number of other online merchants (which would bring its price to $1MM in the future).
The $18k price in December was retards believing that someone would be dumb enough to buy their shitcoins for $25k and above.

>> No.8742817

Why is bch in top 10? Fucking kek, most retarded community in crypto. Leaders are literal scam artists

>> No.8742833

The whitepaper was published in 2016 you fucking retard how can you make such a simple mistake just google it lmao

>> No.8742842
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>It's not theft if it goes to something ME likes
You have contradictory mindsets. If theft is good for people, or "taxation", you should want to be stolen from.

>> No.8742856

Lmao. The muh centralised fud.
Well the market is coming for your bcash. Fud cant save you now.

>> No.8742888
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>The whitepaper was published in 2016 you fucking retard how can you make such a simple mistake just google it lmao
Google last cached it in 2016 when it was last updated, therefore it was also published in 2015
I swear corekeks are the dumbest bunch

>> No.8742913

therefore it was also published in 2016*

>> No.8742967

BCash must on the way out the door with all this shilling.

BCash BCash BCash

>> No.8742971

you normalist moralist /cuck.
back to /reddit fag.

>> No.8742982
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>> No.8742990

corekek arguments
corekek arguments

>> No.8742998

The point is if you cant even download the paper and look at the date written clearly on the top (2016) then you are not intellectually equipped to be talking about routing problems and such

>> No.8743005

>>It's not theft if it goes to something ME likes
you mean something useful to me, and to the general public, and to the nation...
>You have contradictory mindsets
ok, retard.

>> No.8743042

It makes no difference whether its useful or not. You are the retard who needs to learn the English language.

>I want to be taxed except I don't like my money being taken except I want to be taxed except...

>> No.8743044
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>"I feel so safe holding bcash"
>spends all day shilling bags on forums

>> No.8743050

>What is shilling
>what is advertising