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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8739363 No.8739363 [Reply] [Original]

Amber Baldet, a JPMorgan Chase executive who leads the bank’s blockchain team, is leaving the company to join ChainLink as a product lead.

>> No.8739369
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>> No.8739371

Big if true

>> No.8739380


>> No.8739385

yeah chainlink
breaths in...

>> No.8739402
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>> No.8739403

red flag

>> No.8739406

she's good

>> No.8739439
File: 211 KB, 1024x1024, Amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rumour is she's having a steamy affair with Sergey for the past six months.

>> No.8739456


>> No.8739459

Big if huge

>> No.8739491

Pink hair.

>> No.8739499

listening to it and she seems to be an obviously very talented jewess that, as the stereotype indicates, lacks perspective and uses explicitly self-contradictory tricks to push her point across. Relies on her quickness of speaking to make the listener ignore the discrepancy.

>> No.8739500

>Trigger warning
>suicide girl

I'd still put my peepee in her bbbrrapppp. Not sure what she adds to the team if true.

>> No.8739525

JP Morgan Chase "Executive"

>> No.8739527

big mac if true

>> No.8739539

Obvious larping. She’s leaving to do her own thing. No evidence or ties to chain link at all. Linkies being delusional

>> No.8739551
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>Woman in the project with any level of authority beyond coffee getting and general cum dumpster

>> No.8739557

swiftness of mind, corporate/business acumen, she definitely has non trivial technical knowledge, but there's also a non-trivial chance that it is smoke and mirrors. Her twitter banner suggests that, and that her defcon talk wasn't technical. Sarah Silverman did somethign similar, she wasn't a very good comedian that got into positions of those by other means. In Sarahs case it was sleeping around. will look for code of hers, as a lot of indicates she's also very good on that front, even if that won't be really necessary in the end.

>> No.8739561


>> No.8739562

source you fat fuck.

>> No.8739571

tweet it then pump it

>> No.8739602

She was part of JP Morgan's zcash / zksnarks implementation team, if she were to move on to a new project it'd be likely to do something zksnark related.

> tfw REQ

>> No.8739611
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shes pretty fine for a mETH head

>> No.8739614

every report about this says she will do a project of her own.
why the fuck do you guys come here and create threads on idiotic lies.
fuck this shit.

>> No.8739621


It's alright if the woman works on the front end like marketing and nothing to do with code. Would bang without condom

>> No.8739636

adhd? she talks like boxxy

>> No.8739639

She's the architect of Quorum. That's enough technical acumen for her to be considered good.

>> No.8739650

Dream girl right there. Damn.

>> No.8739655

nigga, coders are ants. coders do what they are told to do. coders tend to be retards. who gives a shit if she can code.

>> No.8739689

How the fuck did she con DefCon into allowing her to speak about suicide prevention? She's one crafty Jewess, and now can present herself as a DefCon presenter, without having to do the work/gathering the reputation required.

>> No.8739694
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Have I become a grumpy old dude who's too impatient to sift through the shitposts to find brilliance or has the quality of /biz actually dropped off in recent months?

>> No.8739714

If you try to push a square block through a round hole it won't go through, even if you put a deadline on it.
this kind of thinking also indicates a mentality that is destructive to projects, but beneficial to the person herself. Good for her, but would not invest in anything that she's a part of unless her finances are directly dependent on it, and then incredibly cautiously.
similar line of thinking that Elon Musk does. His business is in shambles, but at least he's having fun, right?

>> No.8739725

>hurr biz is shit
fuck off to plebbit

>> No.8739798

What is the source for this?

>> No.8739822

I hate red lipstick. But the money I would pay for her to suck my cock whilst wearing that redlipstick - how many btc for a girl like this? 2hrs?

>> No.8739933


Based JP morgan recognizes blockchain is a meme and is throwing this dumb roastie in the trash

>> No.8739977

>dumb roastie
of all the things she is, she definitely isn't a dumb roastie. if you don't recognize it, you'd get fucked by her quicker than you thought possible.

>> No.8739999

0.1 chainlink

>> No.8740050

Damn son! Digits say I'ma be swimming in Red-lipsticked Khazar pussy!

>> No.8740096

dem digits

>> No.8740112

>hiring a woman
Literally the biggest red flag ever.

>> No.8740134

Based roastie recognizes JP morgan is a meme and is throwing this in the trash

>> No.8740137

i'll be able to afford 114 years of pleasure services with 50k link at a rate of 0.05 link/h
fuck yeah

>> No.8740155

I'd fuck her

>> No.8740160

Looks like a skank

>> No.8740172

>4chan is worse than it was meme
you're old

>> No.8740194

lots of newly hired teenage pajeets here

>> No.8740283


Hes right. Biz started going to shit when pink wojak was introduced.

>> No.8740590

>he doesnt like pink wojak
fuck off granddad

>> No.8740668

It is though, /b/ can't even raid an online vote anymore

>> No.8740689

Sergey spent the $32MM to nut inside of her everyday. ChadLink.

>> No.8741021

She's literally that gal from Atlas Shrugged, get her in, hnnnnnng

>> No.8741049


>> No.8741243

Women aren't ever funny, you autist.

>> No.8741280

sauce on suicide girl ?

>> No.8741353

>pink hair
>joining LINK
Nice FUD.

>> No.8741456
File: 493 KB, 720x800, 1522504404136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it definitely fucking has. Been here since mid last year (4chan in general for almost a decade) and even I could tell when I first started shit was way better all around. Now if there’s even anything remotely useful or good on the catalog it’s buried deep and the rest is pajeet/newfag circlejerking. In fact I haven’t even seen then word pajeet recently which is telling in itself. In short, everyone can go fuck themselves and buy verge at the top.

>> No.8741519


>> No.8741622


>Own startup

Linkies btfo

>> No.8741945

doesn't mean that she won't provide services for chainlink. her business contacts are valuable in itself